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UCD PRO LIBERATION SOCIETY![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() To this end we are pleased to announce the formation of the UCD Pro Liberation Society “The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of great moral crisis.” Dante Alighieri. To this end we are pleased to announce the formation of the UCD Pro Liberation Society; the Society is made up of a broad spectrum of students in UCD who wish to see the Liberation of Iraqi people and the defeat of those who would wish to destroy our way of life. The three aims of the Society are as follows: 1. To support the Liberation of the Iraqi people from the evil régime of Saddam Hussein. 2. To counter the lies and anti-American propaganda of the Socialist Left. 3. To support the War against Terror and defend our way of life. Our first direct action has been to poster the UCD campus with 800 Pro – Liberation leaflets; this action will be followed up on a daily basis with further Pro-Liberation activities. The silent majority will no longer stay silent – we call on every student in Ireland to join us. Is mise le meas,
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28sorry mate(s),
I'm afraid it is so - If you've got a minute drop by UCD it's worth a look!
A press statement just went out to 34 news organisations - we've over 140 members in UCD alone and sister organisations will be springing up in UL, UCG and UCC next week.
Like I said we feel we have to take a stand on this important issue - I hope you will respect our right to free assoiation and speech.
i do respect where you are and coming from and your right to freedom of speech but this really is not the site to be posting on, almost everyone who reads this site are against war and as such i feel you will only be stirring up shit here, btw your link sends me to an ad site of some sort.
true - however it's still the best site to get niticed by the cia / sbranch types - proper url is
how many of your members are american/british?
we've never asked - but I'd guess we are 90% Irish - I don't know if there are any British or US guys, but if you're a Student and believe what we do then you are welcome to join us.... many hands make light work!
Interesting that you think all those who attend anti-war marches are neutral. I amn't. Once the invasion started I had no choice but to support the victims, the Iraqi people, and their right to self-defence. I supported the right of the Kuwaitis to defend themselves against Iraqi aggression and I support the Iraqis against Anglosphere aggression.
Does the UCD "Liberation" society support the liberation of Iraq from Anglosphere occupation? Or is it simply a case of "support the post-war US stooge regime"?
i cnat wait to see these pro liberation types.
part of me thinks its some right wing lemon hack having a bitter go, part of me loves the thought of this soc.a great addition to the spectrum of views in ucd - that most open minded of colleges!
remember, we do have a "yes to life soc" here, among other fantastic societies, the cande,lawsoc, a philsoc run by fianna fail hacks,
Max,will there be an earlsfot tce branch? i need to know how i can do my bit to defend our way of life out here in the terrace?
is this ross higgins again?
how are you countering the lies and pro-war
propaganda at
you say you support the War against Terror and defend our way of life.
I suppose people like you do need a hot war for the short term and a new cold war to bolster the economy in the long term.
good luck with your virtual enemies.
check out
For a bloody long time.
great stuff lads! The Military Industrial complex is on the defensive - and rightly so. Perhaps the pro-lib society will be just as hillarious as the 'Celebrate Capitalism' jokers who organised the wonderful failure that was 'the walk for capitalism' - check it out at
Liberation for the public from incompetent bungling maniacs like Bush/Blair, who failed to bother taking the expert advice of Americas military commanders such as General Tommy Frank who had the foresight to warn against a RUSH TO WAR. Bush/Blair stupidly ignored their expert advice, and now they have another vietnam on their hands. Nixon went down for that, someone will have to carry the can for iraq 2. I wonder which of these no brain raving warmongers will take responsiblity for the carnage and horror inflicted on our brave brit soldiers, and innocent iraqi civillians, Bush, Rumsfled or Blair?.
I thought it was a joke at first.
I wrote them an e-mail. I hope they take it into account. Should have written more really. It will be interesting to see how they go. Strange that the first anyone heard of them was today and they claim to have 140 members in UCD. But anyways, they have every right to be there if they have people to represent.
I just finished an email to an American who thought that this was was in revenge for sept. 11th as well, just explaining the difference between Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Husein. Bizzare that people dont know simple stuff like that. Any American Lady interveiwed on TV dismissed it as, "ah but they're all one and the same". ??????
'The enemy' I guess, like in Orwells 1984, it doesn't matter who it is. just someone out there.
the "UCD Pro-Liberation Society" is not allowed put posters up on UCD Campuses.
This group is not
1. A recognised society
2. It's not the Students' Union
3. It is not a part of any Faculty or Depatment of the College
Therefore no-one can be touched for ripping down their posters.
Strange that a group that has never publicly done anything could have 140 members.
Me thinks that some rightwingers in the UCD students union have too much time on their hands.
Of course those rules are there, OK, but why do you want to go vigilante and enforce the college rules on their behalf? Are you uncomfortable with free speech? Just because the posters aren't legally allowed to be there doesn't mean that you are obliged to play boy fascist for the day.
maybe if max is so interested in liberation he could broaden his horizons. The palestinians are a people desperately in need of liberation,the kurds need liberation not only from Saddam but from america's best customer of arms - Turkey
Hello Everyone,
Day one went very well, unfortunatly most of our posters were ripped down by our closet fascist friends in the Socialist Party who have a major beef with anyone who doesn't agree with them.
Still we got a great responce from the students and we're planning more action for later in the week.
Thanks to everyone who made the effort to email us - with out you it wouldn't be worth it!
Max Dempsey
Can i just ask, for how long?
Our way of life is what will ultimatly kill us. And aren't you really defending our right to live in a bitterly unequal world where 90% of the wealth is in the hands of 10% of the population? Don't these people have the right to our way of life too? If you answer yes to that and you continue to defend our way of live then you are utterly naive that our planet is capable of supporting that, if you answer no to that then you are a selfish, racist, biggoted individual and
you take your accident of birth for granted
Come now. Can Max not have the sort of liberation that US/UK forces have given to those 500 or so Iraqis that have recently been 'liberated'? Why Max could even do it himself
Baseball, cricket, hockey, hurley....they all have some form of stick. Use your imagination. Yes this is a threat. No I'm not a fascist. Yes I am part of the red terror...
at last one that admits he doesn't give a fuck about the Iraqis - he just hates Bush!
John Harvey (I have evidence that it is him and a KBC member that's behind 'PLSoc') is really bitter about losing the SU election isn't he! What a pathetic bastard, the SP fought a clean campaing against Harvey, and this is the best he can come out with!
He also has the cheek to call SP members 'fascists'. This is coming from a member of FG. During the election campaign Harvey displayed a great ignorance of the politics of the SP, but now he has hit an all time low in ignorance. John Harvey, what have your party (FG) done against Fascism? In fact your roots are in the Blueshirts! The SP and their comrades internationally have been to the forefront of Anti-Fascist Activity. In Belgium, Sweden, Greece, Britain, France we have played a leading role in the fight against fascism. What have your party done?
DAY 1 UCD Pro-Liberation Society - A great success!
by Max Dempsey Mon, Mar 31 2003, 6:02pm
We will not be intimidated by fascist thugs
Hello Everyone,
Day one went very well, unfortunatly most of our posters were ripped down by our 'closet' fascist friends in the Socialist Party who have a major beef with anyone who doesn't agree with them.
Still we got a great responce from the students and we're planning more action for later in the week, we were particularly encouraged by the strong response from students in TCD and UCG.
Thanks to everyone who made the effort to email us - with out you it wouldn't be worth it!
Max Dempsey
related link:
add your comments
What is it you are proliberating?
by Intransigent Mon, Mar 31 2003, 6:40pm
Oh Sorry
by Intransigent Mon, Mar 31 2003, 6:43pm
Went back and found it on another thread. I would gladly help the SP to tear down your posters. You one sick sick bastard one sandwich short of a picnic basket.
And to add to Iosaf's earlier, Are You Taking The Piss?
by Intransigent Mon, Mar 31 2003, 6:43pm
Re: previous post
by Precision Man Mon, Mar 31 2003, 7:46pm
What are you on about, ye egit?
Intransigent is not a fascist, he's one of us
April eh?
by Dermot L - n/a Mon, Mar 31 2003, 7:50pm
I thought April Fool's Day didn't start til tomorrow.
Perhaps Pro-Liberation Soc, who no doubt support the liberation of the Kurds in Turkey and other countries, the Palestinians in the occupied territories and other repressed/opressed peoples around the world, would take to the floor in a debate on the war on the Iraqi people against those who oppose them in UCD?
I'd say those of you who don't go to UCD must be bored to tears by the various activities all over Belfield in recent months!
My previous post
by Precision Man Mon, Mar 31 2003, 8:11pm
was in response to Bernard
cop on, max
by donagh Mon, Mar 31 2003, 8:35pm
max, i feel you have quite a poor grasp of history, economics, the way the world works, etc. if you think the U.S. government is in the business of 'liberating' peoples such as the iraqis. time for you to wise up.
by donagh Mon, Mar 31 2003, 8:41pm
oh yeah, and as everywhere else, most people here in galway see the war for what it is, i.e. an oil grab, and are AGAINST IT. the only people i know in N.U.I.G. who are pro-war are the same right-wing, s.u.-clinging, debating society fuckwits, as are the scourge of every college in the country.
by Bernard Mon, Mar 31 2003, 9:03pm
Noone showed up. He got pulled. i got pulled.
Best of luck to the pro-lib group. I'm sick of hearing from Saddam apologists.
3 of them
by Precision Man Mon, Mar 31 2003, 9:21pm
That makes three fascist scum then, Dempsey, "Noone", and Bernard.
Gawd, they're all coming out of the woodwork tonight (Noone's earlier holocause denial stuff was pulled fairly promptly, full marks to indymedia)
PRO liberation of Ireland and the UK from Bush/blair bollix
by Andre Mon, Mar 31 2003, 9:22pm
Go back to the mainstream media, and keep feeding people propaganda bullshit there. Your Bush/blair propaganda bollix doesn't wash here. This site is for people who want liberation from Bush/blair brainwashing, youse PRO bush/blair areslikas have got the rest of the mainstream media to peddle your grimy whitewash of War to.
Hi i'm a fascist thug and i luv proliberation
by pym unfortunate Mon, Mar 31 2003, 9:31pm
Hi pro liberation is a great idea, as a fascist thug I've always wanted to see our aryan golden boys stormtrooping into Iraqi wogland, to kill aload of old towel heads. Great stuff, more please. I think it would be a good move for us, pro liberation leader max, is if you could arrange for us, to actually go to Iraq ourselves, to see this beautiful glorious war first hand. Please put my request before the Pro liberation guys and gals. Why should we sit on the sidelines moaning about anti war losers, we should put our money where our mouths are and actually go to Iraq. I think its a brilliant idea this war in Iraq, and it's good that we can send scummy working class losers oops i meant our brave soldiers out to Iraq, to fight for us their social betters. I would like to go to Iraq and I'm sure many other pro liberation guys would too, to have a go at teaching these towel heads some manners.
Comment reposted as article
by I hate spam - I hate spammers Mon, Mar 31 2003, 9:38pm
See Delete! Delete!
I know who it is
by Oisin Kelly - SP Mon, Mar 31 2003, 10:15pm
I know who is behind the posters, I do have evidence. The current Chair of SU Council, Fine Gael member, and loser of the Education Officer election is an active member of "Pro Liberation Society". A member of the KBC is also involved.
To be honest John, I find this type of activity by you pathetic. During the election I was always civil to you and I fought the election on my policies. If you think that I'm getting worked up by it, just think again. Do you really think I give a shite if you waste your money and time on this rubbish, when exams are around the corner.
Harvey, how low can you go?
by SU Hack Mon, Mar 31 2003, 11:13pm
John Harvey you are one serious bitter twisted and pathetic figure.
Pissed off that the SP beat you in the election for education office and fucked up your career in Fine Gael you try to annoy them with sad 'pro war' posters.
Get a life.
John Harvey is not involved - yet
by Max Mon, Mar 31 2003, 11:16pm
F.Y.I. Harvey is not involved - though he is welcome to join!
Oisin Kelly, you have no idea who you are dealing with - however we know all about you and your little friends!
so bitter
by Chinko Mon, Mar 31 2003, 11:37pm
you sy guys have been smokin too much blow, you have a serious problem with anyone that doesn't agree with you don't you see the ironey in this?????????
You Don't Give Freedom Of Speech To Those Whose Wish Is To Ultimatley Suppress It
by Intransigent Mon, Mar 31 2003, 11:44pm
Not the SY but the prolib lot. They are obviously mad! And as for blow, how cool you must be for bringing it up just randomly. Do you do that a lot. Grow up!
so you can't out think me...
by max Mon, Mar 31 2003, 11:57pm
I guess thats to be expected - most of your brain has rotted away from all the heroine you smoke, all you are left to do is to attack me!
this is...
by lodi dodi Tue, Apr 1 2003, 1:14am
this is all you are doing mr. dempsey you are just stirring shit up and trying to rub anti war people the wrong way grow up for fucks sake and post on the right wing alternative to indymedia if there is such a thing......
Hey Max...
by MG Tue, Apr 1 2003, 8:46am
How do you smoke a heroine?
Where are the photographs of your huge crowd?
by Paul O'Donnell Tue, Apr 1 2003, 8:57am
Throughout Indymedia there are many, many photos of anti-war demos around Ireland - around the world. Max claims they have huge support in UCD, then lets see the proof, otherwise his claims are no better than the propaganda coming from both sides in a certain war...
well done oisin
by pat c Tue, Apr 1 2003, 9:07am
credit, where credit is due.
John Harvey- you gobshite
by Tory Hater Tue, Apr 1 2003, 10:05am
I can understand how this can be started as a joke. One night in the Student Bar Harvey and his FF mates plot to really wind up the lefties.
The problem is that it has backfired on John Harvey. We can see that is him doing it- there are witnesses. He just comes across as even more pathetic than he already is. And when it comes down to it the left in UCD are not too pised off with it at all. In fact it gives us a great opportunity to write on the posters with the arguments against the war!
John Harvey- you dont know fuck all about Socialism. You displayed this during the election, and you display it again. Why dont you just go to the Library and study for you exams- I hope you do pass and get out of UCD asap.
this is proberbally ross higgins on th bitter wind up
by conor mc gowan - ucdsa Tue, Apr 1 2003, 10:11am
ignore him
pass your exams
the union is ours next year
hacks out!
a tip- spam them
by UCD student Tue, Apr 1 2003, 10:16am
it's obviously a wind up by some rightwingers who want to have a laugh. Dont send them any emails, just sign them up for spam!
Conor, the union is not left wing next year. From what I can see it's actually right-wing. The right have a majority on the Executive. And they will probably take a majority on the Council. At most next year the UCDSU will be sitting on the fence on issues (esp as Paul Dillon is President)
Someone started pro liberation as a way of annoying the left and laughing at the bitching that would ressult.This attack on Paul by some sado with no brain shows how it easy it is to do this.At laest have the courage to use your own name in future.
Whoever is behind this 'pro liberation' society is truly a sad individual with too much time on their hands. I don't htink we should be too bothered by them, the really do represent nothing in UCD. I think nearly everyone in UCD is agianst the war.
Conor, sadly the hacks are not out of the union and is not ours for next year. The election of four CFE people onto the exec is a major step forward and does provide great oppurtunities for the coming year but we have to remember the battle to reclaim our union can't be done by electing lefts.
Those on exec that want to implement a programme of kicking out hacks and reclaiming the union will come under internal and external pressures.
There is a right wing exec and will probably be a right wing council. There will also be massive conservative elements and tendencies that exist in the Union bureacracy and college authorities.
What we need to do to minimise such pressures is to build up an activist layer in the union and push these changes, the fact that council and exec are right wing can't be used as an excuse not to implement our programme.
What I find remarkably interesting is how much you "socialists" have your heads up your own ass. Do you actually realise that the majority of the current SU doesn't actually care that there is a "New Union". I hope it works, but if this new union has a similar attitude to the one displayed here, where it degenerates to childish name calling, and claiming "You dont know anything about socialism" well i would think that a bunch of four year old would have more maturity.
This thing about John Harvey being involved in the Pro-Liberation campaign... why do you care? If he is then that is his right, or have you forgotten about the much vaunted concept of "freedom of speech"? Does it not seem a little arrogant on your part to assume that his involvement would simply be to piss you off? Then you tell him to "get a life".
Maybe you should re-assess your priorities and allow others the freedom to express their views as well without ridicule, instead of jumping on a bandwagon and using this as an excuse to give out.