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BONO OF U2 ADVERTISES CHENEY'S AFRICAN ENERGY & INVESTMENT SUMMIT![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Bono of U2 seen endorsing US-African Oil Summit organised by Cheney's Halliburton Corporation What is Bono doing supporting Mercenary, Energy & Millitary "investment in Africa"....? Following the Irish Indymedia news that the Cheney/Rumsfeld/Perle investment vehicle Halliburton Brown & Root are building Berties doomed Dublin Port Tunnel and advising Mary Harney's Dept.[inbetween finishing Guantanamo Bay & preparing the Umm Qasr gateway port in Iraq] here's another nugget of negative PR for the Irish nation. Bono of U2, a vocal supporter of the "Corprate Council on Africa" may currently be caught out promoting their shady upcoming Business Summit in the Washington Hilton. On the agenda over then 3-day heavyweight US-African energy & industry event are workshops on Algerias Oil Reserves/Angolan Energy Policy/Chad-Cameroon Pipeline Concerns and How to Deal With African Banks. The US-African "development" council counts Cheney's Brown & Root as one of it's 18 Board Members along with other major US Oil/Gas/Energy superpowers.
So, anybody lucky enough to be in DC for the Council Summit, crash the party and see who sits at Bono's table first - Cheney or Mandela... -JEVC |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Bono represents the "entertainment front" of the comprador/gombeen class whose economic and political policy is to integrate Ireland, North and South, fully into Anglo-American imperialism.
i dunno but sometimes ya gotta talk and engage with yer enemy
Bono is a suburban mediocrity who thinks he has the solution to every social and economic and political problem anywhere on the planet. He is an attention and media glutton. There really is nothing there.
"With the unimaginable levels of economic, cultural and military weight that the United States has, there must come humility and restraint," U2 frontman Bono declared. "I'm all for President Bush trying to scare the sh-- out of Saddam Hussein, but you have to bring along the rest of the world. ... People need to understand what this is about, and I support them all the way to the point where they go to war without the United Nations behind them. That is a mistake, because that looks like the U.S. doesn't need to explain itself, and I think it does."
You think bono's sad? Well his fans are even sadder. Late last year I happened to be on the top floor of Switzer's (great public toilets - pity about the prices of the products), anyway they had an exhibition by a devotee of Bono.
I looked around the exhibition, all the "pictures" were in the same style - they consisted of lines and verses out of various songs that bono had recorded - arranged in such a fashion that I came to the conclusion they could only have been painted by someone who must surely have snorted a liberal dose of a certain white powder.
Not the first time that Bono betrayed Ireland.
Remember Nice II ?
"With a typical blend of arrogance and ignorance, the butcher shrike of the Liffey went on Irish radio and declared that the Irish people had voted the way they did because they were not properly informed on the issues. Ever eager to brag about his access to the corridors of power, he declared that "I go to meetings with politicians in Europe, they always bring it up.....I think to vote No is going to make Ireland look very selfish." He concluded by echoing the official lie that the issue had been only about the enlargement of the EU.
Thus Bono reiterated the dogma, endlessly pounded into Irish heads, that they have been the welfare queens of Europe, fattened on handouts from Brussels, giving little in return and now racing to deny the same largesse to the suffering masses of Ljubliana and Cracow.
This is absolutely not the case. To cite just one example, arduous investigation by Irish marine biologist and entrepreneur John King lays bare the figures on the pillaging of a vital resource. Over the thirty years since Ireland joined Europe, the Irish have received some twenty billion pounds (the currency that was replaced by the Euro at the beginning of this year) from Brussels. Not a small chunk of change. However, in joining, Ireland agreed to give up territorial control of its immensely rich fishing grounds, leaving them open to plunder by other European fishing fleets. In consequence, those fleets, especially the Spaniards, have extracted an average of 14 billion pounds worth of fish every year since 1972. This state of affairs is indeed coming to an end, as Irish waters are now swept clear, with barely a fish left to nurture what was once the Irish fishing industry."
Last week Bono was at it again in Paris, when he was made a Knight of the Legion of Honor (which definitely sounds better than 'MusiCares Person of the Year') for, you guessed it, his 'humanitarian work'. This time Jacques Chirac was the duly appointed flatteree, and Bono did not disappoint. Did he approve of Chirac's stance on Iraq? "How can you not be for peace? I think America has no experience with terrorism or even with war. In Europe, we know a little bit more about these things. We must not make a martyr out of Saddam Hussein He's good at propaganda. Let's not make it easier for him."
The press reports don't say whether he dropped his American drawl in favor of a European accent (Dublin middle-class will do), but his pulling of historical rank in favor of 'old Europe' still left him with Tony Blair to address. Bono did so with his customary tongue-work: "Tony Blair is not going to war for oil," he said. "Tony Blair is to me a great politician. He is sincere in his convictions about Iraq but, in my opinion, he is sincerely wrong."