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How to complain about British Media![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() let your voices be heard loud and clear How to complain about British media plus tons of addresses. Pass this on to grannies, aunties, teachers... X Sigi COMPLAINING ABOUT MEDIA COVERAGE What to look for on TV REGULATORY BODIES THE BBC BROADCASTING STANDARDS Further info about BSC: THE INDEPENDENT TELEVISION COMMISSION The ITC issues licenses that allow commercial television companies to broadcast in and from the UK. Subsequently the ITC has the power to regulate these services by monitoring broadcasters' performance against the requirements of the ITC's published licences and codes and guidelines on programme content. The ITC regularly investigates complaints and publishes its findings. The Code of Practice for ITC members can be viewed in full at: The ITC Website also provides detailed information about how to complain and what the ITC can do in response. These can be found at: The ITC does not license or regulate any BBC services THE RADIO AUTHORITY The Radio Authority licenses and regulates all commercial radio services and is responsible for monitoring the obligations on its licensees required by the Broadcasting Acts 1990 and 1996. It is required to publish codes to which licensees must adhere. Sanctions include broadcast apologies and/or corrections, fines and shortening or revocation of Licenses. Full details of the Radio Authority's codes and guidance can be found at: or alternatively call: 0207 430 2724 The Radio Authority does not license or regulate any BBC Radio BROADCASTERS THE BBC The following is a general guide to the levels at which different complaints should be directed. If the complaint is: A minor irritation: Call the duty log on with your comments 08700 100 222 More serious: Call the duty log on 08700 100 222 leaving your name and number and request a response. A serious breach of standards: Write to Fraser Steel, Head of Programme Complaints, Broadcasting House, London S1AA 1AA CHANNEL 4 PROGRAMMES *REACH 4 FORUM - a message board forum for viewers to share their opinions with others. Tel: 020 7306 8691 *TELEVISION VIEWER ENQUIRIES - open from 9 a.m.-10.30 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m.-9 p.m. weekends/bank holidays. Tel: 0207 306 8333 *WEBSITE FEEDBACK - www.channel4.comment Alternatively you can write to: Channel 4, 124 Horseferry Road, London SW1P 2TX Further info: AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION PROGRAMMES QUESTION TIME To join the audience on Question Time call: 0901 111 4411 To comment on the topics discussed on Question Time contact their website FEEDBACK This is the BBC Network Radio listeners' letters programme. the content of the programme is entirely directed by the letters, emails and faxes it receives from listeners. It goes out on Friday from 1.30 p.m.-2 p.m. and is repeated on Sunday 8.30p.m.-9 p.m. to raise an issues email: [email protected] ANY QUESTIONS? Any Questions is Radio 4's forum for debate between decision-makers from all areas of public life, chaired by Jonathan Dimbleby. It goes out on Friday 8 p.m.-8.45 p.m. and is repeated Saturday 1.15 p.m.- 2. p.m. Email any questions to: [email protected] or tel: 0870 010 0444 ANY ANSWERS A sister programme to Any Questions? Jonathan Dimbleby takes listeners' phone calls, emails and faxes in response to the issues raised in Any Questions? Each Saturday 2 p.m.-2.30 p.m. Email any answers to: [email protected] tel: 0870 010 0444 RADIO 5 LIVE the following programmes all host debates on topical issues: Nicky Campbell 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Tel: 0500 909 693 Fi Glover weekdays 10 p.m.-1 a.m. Tel: 0500 9009 693 Late Night Currie weekends 10 p.m. until 1 a.m. Tel: 0500 909 693 website: HOW TO CONTACT THE MEDIA DAILY NEWSPAPERS Daily Express: Ludgate House, 245 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 9UY tel: 0207 928 8000 fax: 0207 922 7339 email: [email protected] website: Daily Mail: Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT tel: 0207 938 6000 fax: 0207 938 3405 email: [email protected] website: The Mirror: 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5DT tel: 0207 510 3000 fax: 0207 538 6455 email: [email protected] website: Daily Telegraph: 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5DT tel: 0207 538 5000 fax: 0207 538 6455 email: [email protected] website: Financial Times: 1 Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HL tel: 0207 873 3000 fax: 0207 873 3076 email: [email protected] website: The Guardian: 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER tel: 0207 278 2332 fax: 0207 837 2114 email: [email protected] website: The Independent: Independent House, 191 Marsh Wall, London E14 9RS tel: 0207 005 2000 fax: 0207 005 2056 email: [email protected] website: The Scotsman: 108 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AS tel: 0131 620 8620 fax: 0131 620 8616 email: [email protected] website: The Times: 1 Pennington Street, London E98 1TA tel: 0207 782 5000 fax: 0207 782 5046 email: [email protected] website: The Evening Standard: Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5EE tel: 020 7938 6000 fax: 020 7937 2648 email: [email protected] website: The Sun: 1 Virginia Street, Wapping, London E98 1SN tel: 0207 860 1129 email: [email protected] website: SUNDAY NEWSPAPERS Sunday Herald: 200 Renfield Street, Glasgow G2 3PR tel: 0141 302 7800 fax: 0141 302 7863 email: [email protected] website: Independent on Sunday: Independent House, 191 Marsh Wall, London E14 9RS tel: 0207 005 2000 fax: 0207 005 2056 email: [email protected] website: The Mail on Sunday: Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT tel: 0207 938 6000 fax: 0207 937 3214 email: [email protected] website: The Observer: 119 Farrington Road, London EC1R 3ER tel: 0207 278 2332 fax: 0207 713 4250 email: [email protected] website: The Sunday Telegraph: 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5DT tel: 0207 538 5000 fax: 0207 538 7872 email: [email protected] website: Scotland on Sunday: 108 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AS tel: 0131 620 8620 fax: 0131 523 0313 email: [email protected] website: The Sunday Times: 1 Pennington Street, London E98 1ST tel: 0207 782 5000 fax: 0207 782 5454 email: [email protected] website: The Sunday Mirror: 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AP tel: 0207 510 3000 fax: 0207 293 3939 email: [email protected] website: The Sunday People: 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AP tel: 0207 510 3000 fax: 0207 510 3810 email: [email protected] website: The Sunday Express: Ludgate House, 245 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 9UX tel: 0207 928 8000 fax: 0207 620 1654 email: [email protected] website: The News of the World: 1 Virginia Street, London E98 1NW tel: 0207 782 4000 fax: 0207 583 9504 email: [email protected] website: WEEKLIES The Economist: 25 St. James's Street, London SW1A 1HG tel:0207830 7000 fax: 020 7839 2968/9 email: [email protected] website: The Spectator: 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL tel: 020 7405 1706 email: [email protected] website: The New Statesman: 7th Floor, Victoria House, 191 Victoria Street, London SW1 5NE tel: 0207 929 1232 email: [email protected] website: Newsweek: 18 Park Street, London W1Y 4HH tel: 0207 629 8361 fax: 0207 629 0050 email: [email protected] website: TELEVISION AND RADIO CONTACTS BBC TV AND RADIO You can respond to all BBC national and local television and radio programmes, including BBC1 & 2, Radio 1,2,3,4 and Five Live on: 08700 100 222 website: BBC Complaint Unit: c/o Fraser Steel, Broadcasting House, London W1A 1AA tel: 08700 100 222 web address for online comments form: BBC Radio 4: Presenter/Programme, BBC Radio 4, Broadcasting House, London W1A 1AA tel: 08700 100 222 email: [email protected] website: BBC Breakfast News: email: [email protected] Today: Fax: 020 8623 1102 email: [email protected] Newsnight: email: [email protected] Jonathan Dimbleby show: Jonathan Dimbleby, LWT Upper Ground Floor, London SE1 9LT tel: 0207 261 3784 email: [email protected] Question Time: tel: 0901 111 4411 email: [email protected] to join the audience: News House: BBC World Service, Bush House, Strand, London WC2B 4PH , UK tel: 020 7240 3456 email: [email protected] online comments form: World Today: BBC World Service, Bush House, Strand, London WC2B 4PH UK tel: 020 7240 3456 email: [email protected] online comments form: World Update: BBC World Service, Bush House, Strand, London WC2B 4PH UK tel: 0207240 3456 email: [email protected] online comments form: Talking Point: email: [email protected] OTHER RADIO & TV News Direct: website: CHANNEL 4 News: The Editor, Channel 4 News, ITN, 200 Grays Inn Road, London WC1X 8XZ tel: 0207 833 3000 - ask for 'viewer liaison line' email: [email protected] website: Channel 4: 124 Horseferry Road, London SW1 P2TX tel: 0207 306 8333 fax: 0207 3068 347 email: [email protected] website: CNN CNN: CNN House, 19-22 Rathbone Place, London W1P 1DF tel: 0207 637 6738 fax: 0207 637 6738 email: [email protected] website: SKY NEWS Sky News: Grant Way, Isleworth, London TW7 5QD tel: 0207 705 3000 fax: 0207 782 9902 email: [email protected] website: ITN ITN: 200 Grays Inn Road, London WC1X 8XZ tel: 0207 430 4700/0207 833 3000 fax: 0207 430 4016 email: [email protected] website: GMTV: London TV Centre, London SE1 9TT tel: Duty Office phone 0870 243 4333 fax: Duty Office fax 0207 827 7100 email: [email protected] website: LBC LBC: LBC Radio, 200 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X 8XZ tel: 0207 973 11521 Programme Enquiries: Bonnie Oldham 0207 312 8513 email: Editorial: Stuart Thomas - [email protected] Programme Enquiries: Bonnie Oldham - [email protected] Website Enquiries: Alex Wrenn - [email protected] website:
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10I used to have a reasonably substantial list but I've lost it all.
rte 2083111
If you don't live in the UK, they are not interested in your comments, so forget it.
I live in Ireland and I have to put up with people like Morning Ireland's Aine Lawlor, who this morning simpered for ten or fifteen minutes of an "interview" with some Brit officer. It was disgusting. This woman Lawlor is incompetent and appears in awe of anyone with a Brit accent. In Kuwait, fearless reporter Charlie Bird hangs out in some hotel and dutifully reports as fact every piece of psy-ops crap tossed his way by his Brit minders.
A stupid little RTE news spinner asked a british army spokesman on morning Ireland around 8.30 "why the British army had not gone into BASRA before now to help the Iraqi civilians"
Do we need to hear any more from that lying media institution, it was actually just as bad during both Nice referenda.
You'd probably be wasting your time complaining to them, but the e-mail address is:
[email protected]
At times like this I am especially glad I don't pay my tv licence.
I would agree totally with previous posters. This woman Lawler is an idiot--who hired her ? But I was impressed this (Friday) evening by a piece on the 57 live programme in which Dermot Bouchier-Hayes analyzed the lie machine that is the British Army around Basra. Might even be worth going to rte web site to hear if you missed it.
The tone of some of the above comments - particulary Sean Daly - is pretty racist. There are many millions of decent british people opposed to this illegal and digusting war - it is being waged without the consent of the majority and the likes of Mr Daly should not confuse propaganda with the real views of ordinary british people - we ALL need to unite to stop this war , not take sad digs at the 'old enemy'
What's racist about what I said ? And remember, I'm killing nobody, unlike the Brits and their buddies. What kind of an idiot gets more worked up about so-called "racism" than about mass murder, orchestrated by Lord of the Coffins Tony Blair ?
I'm in Britain and I'm happy to forward people's complaints to the relevant authorities. Not that I hold out much hope that complaints will be properly investigated, nor indeed investigated at all.
I currently have six outstanding complaints lodged with the Independent Television Commission, all lodged over the last two months and all relating to blatant political bias in news reporting (on ITN and SKYNEWS).
My MP has urged the ITC to respond but to date, I've had nothing from them.
It has come to the point that I now believe that these so-called broadcasting "regulators" should be held responsible under criminal law..
The Broadcasting Act 1990 (as amended), section 6(1) states, "The [Independent Television] Commission shall do all that they can to secure that every licensed service complies with the following requirements... (b) that any news given (in whatever form) in its programmes is presented with due accuracy and impartiality..and (c) that due impartiality is preserved on the part of the person providing the service as respects matters of political or industrial controversy or relating to current public policy."
From the broadcasts that we have been receiving over the past months, it is clear that the ITC are not "doing all that they can" - they are failing in their statutory duty under section 6 of the 1990 Act.
I believe that the ITC's failure to fulfil their statutory duties is both wilful and moreover, criminal in nature.
The ITC's deliberate dereliction of duty is politically motivated and I suspect that there are now grounds for calling for the ITC's board to be prosecuted for the common law, criminal offence of misconduct in public office - specifically, "nonfeasance" in public office.
The following is an extract from the judgement of much celebrated case on criminal misconduct in public office, heard by the late Lord Widgery:
"A public officer who wilfully and without reasonable excuse or justification neglected to perform any duty he was bound to perform by common law or statute was indictable for the common law offence of misconduct in public office. The element of culpability required was not restricted to corruption or dishonesty, although it had to be such that the conduct impugned was calculated to injure the public interest and called for condemnation and punishment. Whether there was such conduct was a matter for the jury on the evidence."
R v Dytham, [1979] QB 722
I can imagine that the ITC might try and wriggle out of an indictment on the grounds that they are not "public officers" paid by the Crown - the ITC is a statutorily-empowered body but the ITC itself is industry-funded. I don't believe a Court would accept such a contention - the ITC is empowered by statute to perform a public duty - the ITC's boardmembers are indeed "public officers" according to R v Llewellyn-Jones and Lougher [1966] 561 Cr App R. That case again was heard by Widgery.
Theoretically, it is possible to mount private prosecutions for common law offences in the United Kingdom, although, of course, the costs would be prohibitive and the Director of Public Prosecutions has powers to take over (i.e. abandon) such cases whenever he so wishes.
So, in a nutshell, my advise if you contact the ITC, is to refer to them as criminals, guilty of the criminal offence of misconduct in public office, and quote Widgery's celebrated case Regina v Dytham.
Oh, and for what it is worth, the ITC's board as of today is comprised the following criminals:
{Biggam, Whitaker, Balls, Checkland, Donoghue, Thane and Hodgeson}