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The SakerA bird's eye view of the vineyard
Public InquiryInterested in maladministration. Estd. 2005
Voltaire NetworkVoltaire, international edition
Support French Plan for Peace![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Withdraw Invasion Forces and restart Inspections In the face of an assured immense body count on all sides the only sane approach is to back the French position.
Inspections were working and will again if given a chance. The US does not want Iraq to get a clean report card from the UN inspections team because then they would have to end the genocidal sanctions. With the commencement of wholesale indiscriminate bombing and artillery attacks on civilian cities By the US and British a legitimate Intifada will commence which will receive international support. The fact that the first British soldier to be killed in ground combat (as opposed to being shot out of the sky) was killed by a rioting mob , is very significant of the sort of fight the Iraqis intent to wage against Invaders who have already sanctioned over a million of it's people to death. These were the villagers most expected to "welcome" the Crusaders? What to expect from the Northern people or from Ansar Al-Islam and it's many brothers who are making their way there now? Many thousands will die on all sides and the war will flame out of control throughout the region and beyond if we do not stop it soon. We should now be shocked and awed in acceptance or inactivity.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4it would be so naive to support the french state. The french state and the big corporation bosses behind it definitely have another plan in mind. french diplomacy has been successful in trashing Africa after years of french colonialism and dragged most countries in civil wars up to very recently (Ivory Coast, does anyone care?).
Remember that Chirac is very fond of nuclear testing and nuclear power in general in hope to be "self sufficient" although they have to get plutonium from Africa, but I guess the french state still consider western and central africa being french annexes.
Today, the french state and the army prefers to feed wars by selling weapons on any side, and sell technology to developping countries in exchange of better rates for trading. The french state opposed the war between the US and Iraq but is guilty of economical wars around the world. No, you don't die from a bomb in front of cameras, you just get slaughtered in your house by your neighbour and the western world clamed that those people will always be at war because at the end of the day, they are or savages or still living in the middle ages.
France has very good relations with Iraq. Why would they loose their low rates with Iraq in favour of US corporations?
One might also point out that over 6 million muslims live in France and thereby the french state would be reluctant to have a big part of its population plus the trade unions, leftists and anarchists going against them on their ground. Maybe. Also remember that the workers in France are not scared of a general strike.The Chirac government is trying as hard as they can to revive the republican ideas (in the french sense, not the irish one obviously) creating muslim republican commission and more police forces in the streets. Keep the National Front voters happy.
It's not black or white.
The french state is one of the most imperialist state after Britain and the US. It just uses another way to get what they want. And it is not a fair way/deal.
cut the crap on celtic brotherhood because it does not make sense in France beside Brittany. I am the brother of every worker on this planet and none of them deserve to die for the greed of this economy. While we are trying our best to find a way to stop the war in Iraq we shall not forget the rest of the world dying for the global ruling class.
No Borders no state.
This is a single issue - STOP THE WAR!
I do not intend supporting the French Government in any other thing at present.
They are the rallying point for anti war sentiment as they are the strongest Nation standing unreservedly for peace.
I will listen to the Anti-French racism when the US has the guts to tear down the Statue of Liberty and send it back to the country that gavee it to them as a present .
And where did the original Freedom Fighters in America get their ideals and support for their war of Liberation from the British Empire.... France. Again at a time when France was not shining example to the world but had deserving ideas of Freedom and Equality. Something the Little Shrub knows little of.
James, come on. I have never seen liberty, equality nor fraternity for the whole 22 years I spent in France. Nothing to do with the french people that I love, being one of them. I saw 1995 general strike and it was so inspirering for the young lad I was at the time. But I also so the army breaking the door of a church where sans papiers were asking for asylum WITH AN AXE.
This government way of dealing with "terrorism" is the plan Vigipirate: more police in the streets and the army in the metro checking all coloured kids and folks who don't fit. I've seen homeless people being beaten up in the metro by the police simply because they wanted to sleep somewhere warm. There are at least 20 dead homelesses every year in Paris during the winter.
The government also supports Israel.
The french revolution started by a peasant uprising taken over by the bourgeoisie (indeed, a "progressive" element comparing to the monarchists. But it ended up in the first empire and Napoleon as dictator. The 19th century was a succession of repression against the working class and the peasants. They never ever had a taste of the revolution. They got screwed and we are still screwed in France.
You have to be very careful.
Yes, I do believe in european unity against the war. I think we should all go to Greece against the EU summit. I think we should planned more days of action in common and even, why not, a european strike.
Try to see why such a right wing government is against a US attack on Iraq.
I'm against this war and I don't support Saddam but I support the people of Iraq. I support the people of France. I'd rather being shot than supporting France. maybe you will see what the french state is capable of for the next G8 summit in Evian. The best police in the world. The best intellience in the world. The first nuclear power in the world.
And never forget that even if France has such a great history, it also have a grim one called WW1 and collaboration during WW2. Do you remember the killing of peaceful algerian protesters in Paris in the early 60s? they got drown in the river by the police. The head of the police was an ex collaborationist who stayed in power cos De Gaulle needed a strong state to avoid a revolution after the liberation. Chirac is member of de Gaulles party. That's where those people are from.
Yes, the issue of the moment is the war but the war is the result of a whole system that we have to understand in order to fight against it.
If you can read french please check indymedia paris. Get in touch with french unions. get in touch with immigrant organisations. Don't collaborate with the french state.
I don't mean to be passionate about the subject but I got my ass kicked by the french pigs maybe too often.