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Consumed by doubt and guilt.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Tony Blair looks like a man in the last stages of cancer. During his speech to inform his unwilling helpers that he had committed their sons, daughters, brothers and children into Iraq to fight and possibly die for Corporate America and the resulting scraps for poor old England, he looked like a man that is on his last legs. What has happened to Mr. Blair? Where is the boyish energy and quick, dare I say sincere smile, that endeared him to so many people in his early days before this devil's pact he has made with Bush and administration? Tony Blair looks like a man in the last stages of cancer. During his speech to inform his unwilling helpers that he had committed their sons, daughters, brothers and children into Iraq to fight and possibly die for Corporate America and the resulting scraps for poor old England, he looked like a man that is on his last legs. What has happened to Mr. Blair? Where is the boyish energy and quick, dare I say sincere smile, that endeared him to so many people in his early days before this devil's pact he has made with Bush and administration? Blair knows he is in a bind. His people are not fooled by the moronic pseudo-christian ranting of Bush, the arrogance of Rumsfeld and the Israeli cabal whispering poison in the little emperor's ear in the White House, any more than the French or Germans or indeed school children around the world. Blair last night tried to look the world in the eye and in his most honest school boy tones promise (scouts honour) that nobody except the Iraqi people would benefit from their oil. In all seeming sincerity he declared that the UN would set up a trust fund to guarantee it. This is all days after his cowpoke buddy from some hick hole in Texas reduced the UN to rubble and by default the idea at least of trying to establish a world consensus in human political relationships. Ask yourself if Blair can be so naïve as to really believe that, considering the reality in all other lands where the American military machine has been parked for decades “protecting its interests”. Name one country, Tony where the oil or any other resource has benefitted “the people” of that country? By “people” I take it Mr Blair is referring to “all the people” and not just the “people” who happen to be friends of the American people who invited the war machine in.! Blair was seduced by Bush, God knows how considering the triple digit difference in their Iqs, and I have no doubt that he (or more likely his conservative successor) will eventually be betrayed by Bush in the same way all countries that have implicitly given in to the will of this military juggernaut . A random look at the history of the Twentieth century will show even the most gung ho Sam's clubbers amongst you that American foreign policy and military intervention sought to accomplish one thing since that country first became the predominant military power and that is the extension and protection of its vital interests. They make no bones about it. That is the rallying cry to launch the terror of the empire on all and sundry that dare oppose the schemes of Washington. The school children around the world protesting this militarism know exactly what that means. It is no different from what they live on a daily basis in their own schoolyards. The bully swaggers around and treats any act of insubordination as grounds for a punch in the mouth or worse. The bully sells drugs and steals, America sells weapons and murders all who oppose its will. The sooner Mr. Blair either collapses from his chronic guilt or brings his island back into the fold of less naïve European countries the better not just for Europe but indeed the whole world. The Cold War is still over, now we are into the Coke McDonald Douglas War. Show corporate America what you think of them and boycott everything they stand for, it might even help your figure! |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4Poor Tony will have to emigrate to the US ....
They just can't get enough of his Pseudo-Churchillian posturing ...,0,7115860.column
National Review draws Blair in a Churchillian pose, complete with cigar and "V for Victory" gesture. Sen. John Warner (R-Va.) says, "He's approaching the stature of Churchill the Second." But the most breathtaking exercise in neo-Churchillism appeared as an editorial in Monday's Wall Street Journal. Winston S. Churchill, grandson of the original, declared that Blair was "absolutely right" in his decision to stand with President George W. Bush.
But the point of the article wasn't just to praise Blair. Its real purpose was to praise colonialism - a colonialism that will bring Brits, as well as Americans, back to a land of previous debacles.
The headline of the piece was "My Grandfather Invented Iraq." The author explains, "In 1921, as British colonial secretary, Churchill was responsible for creating Jordan and Iraq." And that's true enough.
Churchill, always an advocate of new military technology - he helped invent the battle tank during World War I - was an enthusiast for using another modern invention, air power, to suppress the insurgents. Not long thereafter, one Royal Air Force commander reported, "The Arab and Kurd now know what real bombing means in casualties and damage. Within 45 minutes, a full-size village can be practically wiped out and a third of its inhabitants killed or injured."
Yet Churchill had still more ideas. If aerial explosives were a good idea, wouldn't aerial gassing be even better? As he put it, "I do not understand this squeamishness about the use of gas. I am strongly in favor of using poison gas against uncivilized tribes." Churchill was overruled on this matter, and the British managed to win, temporarily, using only conventional weapons. Yet within a decade, the British had withdrawn from Iraq.
Sir Whinge, I appreciate your comments and thank you for that information. I think you should develop that and post it as a TOPIC. That is so typical of the whole damn system.
T Dillon