Peace Activist Calls For Expulsion Of Israeli Embassy
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Tuesday March 18, 2003 09:45
by James McKenna

A 23 year old US woman was killed by a bulldozer while trying to protect a >Palestinian home from vengeful destruction by the Israeli army .
Rachel Corey from Washington sat wearing a yellow flourescent jacket in front of a Palestinian home in Rafah, Gaza,
shouting " STOP! STOP!", when the army bulldozer kept advancing. The tank driver did not stop until he had completely buried her , then he reversed back over her body.
Irish Nurse and Peace Activist Mary Kelly said there was outrage in the
International Solidarity Movement, ISM, for whom Rachel had been working in
occupied Palestine as a volunteer.
Ms Kelly who risked her life last May 2002, to take food and medicine into
Palestinians under seige in the Church of Nativity Bethlehem said;
" I hope this activists tragic death will shock people into focussing on the
fact that Palestinian women and children are killed every day, and the world
turns a blind eye. 40,000 Palestinians have been wounded in the past 2
years, 2,500 have been murdered by IDF operations in occupied Palestine".
Ms Kelly ( 50 ) who was deported by the Israelis for her efforts to report
to the outside world on the situation in Bethlehem also commented" With the
war on Iraq so imminent, there is a great need to do something tangible to
protect the Palestinian people. Israel is preparing for a mass expulsion of
the Palestinans, which will be done under cover while the world is so
preoccupied with the war crisis. In the sanitised language of the media, it
will be called "transfer", and will be done with full co- operation from the
US adminiatration."
" The behaviour of the Irish Government is disgraceful" she said.
"After photographs were released about US testing of the new Massive
Ordinance Air Bomb, or Mother Of All Bombs, MOAB, the 21,000 pound new
improved daisy cutter bomb, mothers in maternity hospitals in Iraq opted to
have their babies by caesarian section as they did'nt want to give birth
during the bombing"
"I appeal to Irish mothers to speak out and campaign in the strongest way
re our Governments continued support to the US in this war on innocent Iraqi
women and children.
I appeal to Irish people to protest in the most
vociferous manner at the continued existence of the Israeli Embassy here in Ireland,
with full special protection form the Garda Siochana. Israel is in breach
of at least 64 UN resolutions, and I don't hear any of the Goverment
speaking about that".
Mary Kelly is due in Ennis court again this week awaiting a date for trial after an alleged incident at Shannon airport regarding an attack on a US warplane.
For further info. contact Mary Kelly at 087 9638398, 086 1527923.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Yet America would have us believe that there is no contradiction, no double standard involved in its support and tolerance for this barbaric aggressor Israel. America by arming and funding this cabal of “religious” thugs in Tel Aviv is in the main responsible for the absolute disasterous state of affairs that now rages in the Middle East. It is a tragedy of global proportions that a relatively pluralist, secular and democratic society like the US has been hijacked by an enemy from within, an enemy that owes its allegiance not to the United States per se but to Zionist Israel. Washington by its unbridled and myopic support of this rogue nation has now become hated and held in suspicion by freedom and peace loving nations throughout the world, testified to by the millions who marched for peace in recent worldwide demonstrations against US militarism. Where did America go wrong and how did it lose its sense of fair play and who pulled this Trojan Horse of vipers into the heart of what was once a leading example of western democracy?
Who indeed. One does not have to look far, the likes of John Podhoretz for example writing his Israeli propaganda in that beacon of Zionism the New York Post, ( 01/29/03 ), about the victory of Sharon's rag bag regime in the recent Israeli election. "Israel has been forced by historical circumstances to lead the way for America, especially when it comes to militant Islamic terror and the kinds of hard choices a democracy has to make in combatting it." Thus murder and terror, the weapons of choice of the IOF and the Mossad can also be employed by our more squeamish American cousins. The Machiavelli pipsqueak state now ordains its paymaster to use the same diabolic methods that Israel has always employed. The Israeli imprimatur has been bestowed upon Uncle Sam as if he needed it.You certainly have to admire the chutpah of these people!
After all it seems to be acceptable in Palestine to bulldoze the home of anybody who is even associated with someone who doesn't agree with you. It's not even a requirement that they actually attack you, the mere suspicion is enough.
Any woe betide he/she who attempts to defend their property or that of others. They're likely to be buried alive for their trouble! Democracy rules in Israel .... not!
Perhaps it's time for the Israeli appologists for this horror be told to leave and not come back until they have put their house in order, ie reconstructed it!
Above comment by T Dillon indefensible & anti-semitic.
Unhelpful in bringing atrocities of Israeli regime in Palestine to light.
Insulting to the intelligence of anti-war activists.
Probably copied and pasted.
Makes certain unassailable points; Israel is agressor etc.
However, "Trojan Horse of vipers"-style rubbish is quasi-racist and idiotic.
We will be holding as circle of silence in memory of Rachel Corrie and the victims she was defending outside the G.P.O. 4.30 p.m. Tues afternoon (today) as part of a daily anti-war vigil . More info 087 918 4552
T. Dillon is correct to ask where America has gone wrong. 46% of Americans now belive Iraq was behind the attacks on the World Trade and Pentagon ! Do you need any more proof that the media and Government has deliberately and consistently lied to them. "Nest of vipers" doesn't sound too, "anti-semitic na, na, ne, na, na ".
Don't be rediculous Silo, to call the Israeli army or Government who murder unarmed Peace Activists in this fashion, "barbaric aggressors" is not "na, na, na, anti-semitic, na, na " ! It is the truth.
How can we tolerate an Embassy in our country operated by these war criminals? Yes, I mean Israel: but I think there is a good case for also picketing the US Embassy with a view to closing it if their intention, as Mr Bush has indicated , is to act as a global imperialist aggressor.
This thread is anti-Semitic and should be deleted.
... you are offensive and should be deleted. :0)
You've got to be pretty slow to be outrun by a lumbering bulldozer. Message to peace activists - join a gym and get fit before racing bulldozers.