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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10The all elusive al-ciaeda network recruiting in Ireland. Yes very believable. What next unclesama bin liner lives in crossmaglen? Maybe the USA would like to start bombing Ireland, in order to flush out the all elusive al-ciaeda network.
We have even seen efforts to plant propaganda stories here on Indymedia, so why would we believe something in that rag.
the name on my Irish passport since 1995
is an anagram for
In 1995 the Jordanian Secret Service let it be known that Osama Yussef Bin Laden a Yemeni citizen with estimated wealth of 300,000,000$ was setting up a global terrorist network to declare "jihad" against the Great Satan [US/K].
I use internet cafés.
so do one billion "servers" a figure that since 2002 April has been known to be greater.
I understand arabic.
so do over two billion people.
I phoned protesters at the Arms Sale Sept 11 London.
I was though celebrating National Day in Catalonia.
I have visited a mosque.
They have most intersting symbolism.
I am anti-Bush.
The 1st the 2nd the 3rd I shall be consistent.
I made an artwork with collage photographs of a Palestinian child with sling firing a "little green Monopoly" house at the Manhatten Subway map in April 2000.
This was merely a psychic exercise it won no awards.
and my photo is in an "xfiles" section.
have I got my own Garda filebox yet?
or do I have to be more weird?
If you are weird as well, if you find it all just a little bit too ridiculous, if it really never tickled your credulity or gullibility, if you look at the Moon and really wonder what it is, if you got the meaning of "terror"
then you know this is poo.
The Garda must be pitied as most journalists as well that they must work so close to such contaminating poo all the time.
it rubs off you know.
Nemesis. Cassandra. and the father of lies.
why wouldnt they come to ireland for recruits? They are a well connected international organisation and were not a high security nation, makes sense. i dont doubt the problems faced by the presence of Al-q network. As has been pointed out two years ago not many people even heard of them even though they were present in so many countries - would you have pointed them out as a security risk.
i rate the Al-q network in the same bucket as the US admin. all war is terrorism.
that I should withdraw the above joke.
I ought make it quite clear that no-on e I know is recruiting in Ireland.
If you see happy partying people celebrating a day of anti-car anti-capitalist anti-war anti-globalist anti-authoritarian anti-speculation anti-hunger anti-control anti-patriarchy anti-Bush any day in Ireland
...they probably doing it off their own bat. the Gardaí don't have to worry about me.
...and they already have a box on me, which brings me to the question I've wanted to ask for years,...."can I have my coat back? the one you ·clever intelligent Gardaí· illegally took as evidence in 1994?".
or do I have to sue you for it?
I had always thought to not only sue you for it, but exact a most bizarre retribution on the nasty shower of bullying mediocre tactless dirty shits that many of you are, but you are quite a way down the list.
slowly slowly and all that.
anyway the coat was a good one.
and you deprived me of it without reason or right.
reds under the beds. Or the all elusive al-ciaeda network, infiltrating villages and towns in Ireland, bleaching their skin and disposing of those pesky turbans, coming to a village near you!!!!
Al-Qaeda is recruiting in Ireland
by Finbarr Sun, Mar 16 2003, 9:22am
What to do about Al-Qaeda in Ireland? The Sunday Independent has this on the front page.
GARDAI believe that al-Qaeda is attempting to recruit young Muslims in Ireland. Gardai have seized videos showing speeches by Osama bin Laden and horrific scenes of extreme Islamists carrying out massacres in Algeria.
They believe these have been used to try and recruit young Muslims here.
Identical videos were seized last year in Britain and are now part of a case against two Algerians accused of membership of al-Qaeda and promoting terrorism.
While there is no immediate Islamist terrorist threat here, gardai have been in close contact with US and British security agencies over the activities of a number of al-Qaeda figures here.
As the American and British war on Iraq looms, it has also been learned that links have emerged between suspected al-Qaeda figures here and the planned terrorist attacks in Britain involving the toxin, Ricin. One of the suspected Algerian al-Qaeda members arrested during the Ricin scare is believed to have links to the al-Qaeda cell which has been operating out of Dublin. Senior security sources have indicated that al-Qaeda's presence here has doubled in the past year with the arrival of up to 15 men. The group has also spread out of Dublin and suspects are now located in the West and South West. Despite official denials, there is increasing evidence that Ireland has been and continues to be used as an important organising centre for al-Qaeda. It is believed it may have placed key figures here while contemplating attacks on British or US targets.
It is also suspected that one of the men charged in connection with the poison plot in Britain after the discovery of Ricin in London in January may have lived here under a different name in the past two years.
This week, the Government will order heightened security precautions to deal with increased anti-war protests and possible al-Qaeda terrorist attacks in Britain to coincide with the expected invasion of Iraq later this week.
The Taoiseach was briefed at the White House and is understood to have been made aware that war in Iraq is imminent. Mr Ahern returned from Washington on Friday evening and preparations are being made for other ministers to return from St Patrick's Day celebrations around the world. The Minister for Defence, Mr Smith, is expected back early this week from his visit to Savannah, Georgia in the US but the Minister for Justice, Mr McDowell, who is in China is unlikely to return before the end of the week. Last week's Cabinet meeting was briefed by the anti-terrorism task force set up by the Minister for Defence.
Anti-war groups here are urging people to stage nationwide protests in a campaign called 'Stop the World to Stop the War'.
Irish peace groups will call on supporters to join a 10-minute solidarity stoppage at midday on Day X - the day the war breaks out - and will urge people to walk out of work, school, college, their house, or stop their car and wear a white armband.
Advice from senior gardai and Defence Forces is that no direct acts of terrorism are expected here but there is concern about the activities of an al-Qaeda cell that is active in Ireland.
Security sources are expressing concern about calls for action being made by al-Qaeda leaders, spread on the Internet in recent weeks. Sources here say suspected al-Qaeda members in Ireland have been unusually active in recent weeks and have been monitored using Internet cafes. The last time this level of activity was found was before the September 11 attacks.
On his return, the defence minister is expected to convene a meeting of the Emergency Planning Task Force involving the Defence Forces, gardai and departments of health and environment.
The Sunday Independent has also learned that the director of an al-Qaeda front company in Dublin has been linked to the only person convicted of plotting the September 11 attacks. Call logs obtained by this newspaper show that convicted student Mounir El Motassadeq contacted Dr Safar al Hawali, a former director of Mercy International Relief Agency in Dublin, nine months before the September 11 attacks.
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If the Gardai say so it must be true?
by James McKenna Sun, Mar 16 2003, 9:45am
Front page of the Sunday Indo , eh?
The Gardai say so?
The FBI told the Gardai?
It must be true so...... or just another crock of Sunday Indo S*~t!
The truth is that the Irish Government by deploying our soldiers to serve under US Central Command in Afghanistan and by allowing the US war effort access to the Gulf through Shannon had made Ireland a target.
It was the massive numbers of Irish people of all parties and classes who came out on the streets against the use of Shannon and the proposed war that guarnteed the safety of Ireland. In fact the people of the Western World , including the US where a criminal media campaign of lies has been perpetrated against them, have show in massive numbers they are not with the gang of Crusading thugs who are trying to run the world. Now if only our governments were so wise.
Don't let these liars make you afraid of your Muslim neighbours.
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by Shane Sun, Mar 16 2003, 11:03am
Drawing the oh so clear link between anti-war protestors annd terrorists. Well done to na Gardai!
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It sez in the indo????
by Ronan Sun, Mar 16 2003, 11:48am
The "Indo", eh.
The paper of William Martin Murphy, who started the 1913 lockout.
The paper that, despite it's name, has always opposed, mocked and consistently tried to undermine Irish independence.
The paper that supported the Blueshirts, the Irish section of the Fascist movement of the thirties.
The paper that, throughout it's history, always stood on the side of reaction against the interests of the working class, and against all that is decent in this country.
Do I believe what's in the "Indo"?
Would you?
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just in case its overlooked
by ipsiphi Sun, Mar 16 2003, 12:01pm
the name on my Irish passport since 1995
is an anagram for
I use internet cafés.
I understand arabic.
I phoned protesters at the Arms Sale Sept 11 London.
I have visited a mosque.
I am anti-Bush.
I made an artwork with collage photographs of a Palestinian child with sling firing a "little green Monopoly" house at the Manhatten Subway map in April 2000.
and my photo is in an "xfiles" section.
have I got my own Garda filebox yet?
or do I have to be more weird?
related link:
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Surely the dispossessed and disgruntled have a right to enjoy the fruits of globalization too and extend the range of their operations across national boundaries .... aren't they only following the good example set by the multinationals .....
Anyway it is only to be expected that they are using Ireland as a recruiting ground ....
Shure didn't the British Army do the same for many a year ... and who ever had a bad word to say about them and they bringing law and order to fuzzy-wuzzies all aroung the globe ... even if their market share has dropped badly in recent times .....
All praise to Sir Anthony and his hacks for spreading the word .....
Come laddies come
Hear the cannons roar
Take the mullahs shilling
And ye'er off to war .....
Shure if I was ten years younger I'd probably sign up myself ......
And what type of videos do you think the US army shows its soldiers. Now here's Iraq all birds, trees and a couple of happy people. I don't think so! Al-q in Ireland? So what! There are bigger problems. Al-q is only small in comparison with the cause. Who set them up and provided them with their initial training? Do we want to see more organisation such as these being created? I suggest no. As the world shifts into the unipolar military dominance of the US we cannot allow them to become the world's police force. They can only ever use this power to further their own interests, and those are usually only in the short term. Do we want to see another Al-q. Didn't think so!