Palestinian Child Abuse
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Friday March 14, 2003 12:18
by Avi H.

Palestinian Children Taught to Hate in Nazi-Style Indoctrination Ceremonies Check out this photo:
For those of you who don't speak Hebrew, here is a translation of the article referred to in the web link:
This is how the graduation ceremony goes at the kindergartens of the "Islamic Charitable Association" in Gaza
By Jackie Hugi
Kindergartens in Gaza teach children Jihad against Israel, justification of the Ramallah lynching [in Oct 2000], admiration of the Hizbullah, and the continuation of the Intifada. The children receive these lessons in Israel-hatred at the independently-run education network of the "Islamic Charitable Association", which is responsible for the education of some 5000 children.
At the graduation ceremony of one of the most recent kindergarten classes, the children burned the Israeli flag and cried: "In the name of the Shahid (martyr) Mohammed al-dura and the Shahida, the infant Iman al-Haju, we promise to continue with the Jihad, the resistance and the Intifada". One of the girls raised her hands high, hands dipped in red paint, in the manner of one of the perpetrators of the Ramallah lynching, whose hands were covered in blood. One boy, dressed as the secretary-general of the Hizballah, Hassan Nasrallah, made a speech in which he said: "The Palestinians will not be alone in their battle against Zionism. Hizbullah is with them, always" - which earned him much applause. Children carried toy rifles, and some had Keffiyehs over their faces.
An internal document of the (Israeli) Government Operations Coordinator in the territories, which came out recently, analyzed the expressions of hostility in the Association's kindergartens. The document determines that the Islamic Association's network of kindergartens serves as a firm base to incite young children against Israel. The document warns that these kindergartens constitute for the Hamas the ideological basis for future suicide bombers.
The Association's website documents the ceremony of the 11th class to graduate these kindergartens. Participating at the ceremony, which took place at the Shati refugee camp on the Gaza coast, were 1650 children and thousands of adults.
The children were dressed in army fatigues. Around the podium where the ceremony took place hung flags of Hizballah and the Islamic Association, pictures of martyred children, and slogan. One of the latter cried: "The blood of the children and the martyred of Palestine will be a curse to haunt to Zionist criminals".
The ceremony started with the reading out loud of passages from the Koran by one of the children. Afterwards, a platoon of five-year-olds staged a military parade, armed with plastic rifles. Two of the children carried a model of the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. One of the marchers stopped and cried, "Do Sharon's tanks, missiles and mortars frighten you?". His friends answered in unison: "No, no". He continued: "The Zionist bombings do not frighten us. Our people will not bend". Later, the children burned the Israeli flag, and one child impersonated Hamas' leader, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.
The Islamic Association of Gaza is the largest charitable organization in the Gaza Strip of the religious stream. It was founded 26 years ago, and at its head is Sheikh Ahmed Bahar, a member of Hamas. It operates tens of kindergartens in Gaza, helps needy families and orphans, and supports poor students and martyrs' children. Additionally, the Association facilitates blood donations, operates a medical clinic for a nominal fee, and also a sports club, best known for its successful volleyball team.
The Association subsists upon donations and the nominal dues of its members.
Last year, their institutions were visited by representatives of a Swedish NGO and of an South African Islamic delegation. Non-profit organizations in Italy and the US donated computers and VCRs.
Sheikh Bahar said at the ceremony that he places the responisbilty on the shoulders of the Palestinian mothers to "Raise the children on the teachings of Islam, love of Jerusalem and Palestine, and love of Jihad and resistance"
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What a waste of time teaching Palestinian children to hate the Israelis.If they just wait the children would learn to hate them themselves.Watching their friends and fathers getting murdered by Israeli's,watching their homes getting bulldozed,living under a Zionazi regime.If they didn't hate them after all that,there'd be something wrong with them.
Yeah maybe the wee five year old WAS dressed up as 'the secretary-general of the Hizballah, Hassan Nasrallah' (costume musta been pretty good) but do ye all remember after sept 11 2001 when CNN et al showed those palestinians cheering and burning flags, well that later turned out to be a fake, stock footage of another time and another place. all of Avi's posts are littered with jewish race supremacy and propagandous (is that a word) justifications for exterminating the palestinians, i dont believe this one is any different. Even if the account is accurate it still does not justify israeli military killings and the relentless displacement of a population into refugee concentration capmps.
WE WATCHED in horror the killing, by the IDF (Israeli army), of a 12-year-old Palestinian boy, Mohammed Jamal Al-Dourra on Saturday, Sept. 30 and his falling lifeless into his wounded father's lap. According to witnesses, the boy's father, Jamal, shouted above the gunfire, "My child is dying", but there was no let-up in the firing. The boy cried in terror while bullets ripped into the breeze block wall beside him and his father waved wildly to attract attention. Then the terrified boy slumped as he was hit. A Palestinian ambulanceman tried to make his way across the road to the pair but was shot dead. It took a further half an hour before another ambulance team could reach them and take them away. The father had four bullet wounds in his right side, from his shoulder to his calf, but survived. Canadian TV felt compelled to warn their viewers of the offensive and disturbing nature of some pictures showing the terrifying killing of this boy. The number of people killed by the Israeli army is rising almost by the hour. Israel uses live ammunition, helicopters, rockets and heavy tanks. Crimes against the Palestinians have been committed by the Israelis for the past 52 years in plain sight of the entire world. --Simon Ibrahim, Edmonton Sun, October 4, 2000 and The Daily Telegraph, Oct. 2, 2000
In one of its most shocking reports on the Israeli-Palestinian war, Amnesty International today condemns both sides in the conflict for their "utter disregard" for the lives of children - 250 of them Palestinian and 72 Israeli - who have been killed over the past year.
In a 29-page report containing some of the most painful evidence amassed on child-killing in the occupied territories and Israel, the organisation blames Israel for "excessive and disproportionate use of lethal force" and "reckless shooting" in residential areas, and Palestinians for "direct and indiscriminate attacks", including suicide bombings.
The solemn list of dead children that Amnesty has collected shows just how ingrained child-killing has become. There is Sami Jazzar, shot in the head by an Israeli soldier on the eve of his 12th birthday in Gaza, 11-year-old Khalil Mughrabi, killed by an Israeli sniper in Gaza - one of his friends survived after being shot in the testicles by a high-velocity round - and 10-year-old Riham al-Ward, killed in her Jenin schoolyard by an Israeli tank shell.
Then there are Raaya and Hemda, aged 14 and two, killed with their parents by a Palestinian suicide bomber in a Jerusalem pizzeria, Shalhevet Pass - just 10 months old - shot by a Palestinian sniper in Hebron, and Avia Malka, killed by Palestinians who fired on and threw grenades at cars in Netanya. She was nine months old.
Joey 6/23/2002 02:26PM PST
Just one more reason why these savages should never be allowed to rule themselves. They have chosen to break away from humanity and civility.
#13 Bigbad 6/23/2002 02:26PM PST
Yesterday, an Israeli friend of mine told me that he was embarrased by how much he hated arabs. The problem is that no arab is ever embarrased by how much he hates Jews.
#14 w. tyroler 6/23/2002 02:27PM PST
E. Nough put it succinctly: the only solution is utter, crushing, mind-numbing defeat. Think that'll be the focus of Bush's Saudi-driven speech delivered this week?
Palestinian Denial of the Holocaust
by Avi H. Fri, Mar 14 2003, 10:45am
Yasser Arafat and the PA have systematically dismissed the horrors of the Holocaust -- in speeches, television appearances, interviews and books
both before and after the Oslo accords were signed.
The PA newspaper, Al-Hayat Al-Jadeedah, featured an article by
author Nabil Salam, declaring:
"Since its establishment, the racist Zionist entity has been
various forms of terrorism on a daily basis which are a repetition of
Nazi terror. This proves the shared roots of Nazi and Zionist thought.
This also explains the cooperation between the Jews and Nazis during
War II, through which was revealed the forged claims of the Zionists
regarding the alleged acts of slaughter perpetrated against the Jews
during the same period." (September 3, 1997)
A PA television moderator declared: "It is well-known that every year
Jews exaggerate what the Nazis did to them. They claim there were 6
million killed, but precise scientific research demonstrates that there
were no more than 400,000." (August 25, 1997)
Hassan al-Agha, a professor at the Islamic University in Gaza City,
declared on PA television in 1997:
"The Jews view it [the Holocaust] as a profitable activity so they
the number of victims all the time. In another ten years, I do not know
what number they will reach... As you know, when it comes to economics
investments, the Jews have been very experienced ever since the days of
The Merchant of Venice."
Seif Ali Al-Jarwan, writing in the Palestinian newspaper Al Hayat
Al-Jadeeda, declared:
"They concocted horrible stories of gas chambers which Hitler, they
claimed, used to burn them alive. The press overflowed with pictures of
Jews being gunned down... or being pushed into gas chambers... The
is that such persecution was a malicious fabrication by the Jews."
2, 1998)
Furthermore, Palestinians have refused to incorporate any aspect of the
Holocaust into their educational curricula, fearing it might strengthen
Zionist claims to Palestine. Hatem Abd Al-Qader, a Hamas leader,
that such instruction would represent "a great danger for the formation
a Palestinian consciousness"; it would directly threaten Palestinian
political dreams and religious aspirations, such as the promise by
that the whole of Palestine was a sacred possession to the Arabs.
(Al-Risala, Apr. 13, 2000)
And finally, The New York Times (April 6, 1989) reports that Fuzi Salim
Ali Madi, one of the leaders of Arafat's elite unit, Fatah Force 17,
selected the moniker "Abu Hitler" and named his two sons "Eichmann" and
related link:
by DannyD - none Fri, Mar 14 2003, 10:54am
address: Cork phone: whatever [email protected]
This is rubbish.Read your comments.The Palestinians are saying that the Jews inflate the numbers,that's all.Get real.Get out of Palestine.
Avi you have now given one of your sources.
by ipsiphi Fri, Mar 14 2003, 12:16pm
Toda! Shalom!
if the reader goes to this link
they will find the second of a seven page report on American Jewish opinion. A survey from 2002.
The reader will find that "Avi H" reflects typical U.S. jewish concerns.
I recommend reading this survey to better understand "Avi H." and others like him.
Who are mainly Democrat Supporters, of whom 80% strongly disaprove of Arafat, and of whom
86% favour increased security arragnements in the USA even though they affect civil liberties. of whom 86% support undercover penetration of whom only 35% support Profiling of people and searching them based on their nationality, race, or religion. And of whom 62% believe US military action against Iraq will increase the threat of terrorist activity against the USA.
and 56% of these people "the peer group of Avi H"
think a war between the United States and Iraq is likely to lead to a larger war between other countries in the Middle East.
and last but certainly not least.
63% of these people have never been to Israel.
have you Avi?
rafat's Prime Minister
by Avi H. Fri, Mar 14 2003, 9:17am
This week, Yasser Arafat appointed Mahmoud Abbas ("Abu Mazen") as prime minister to run ýthe day-to-day affairs of the Palestinians.
On Wednesday, Arafat then met in his Ramallah ýoffice with representatives of Russia, the EU, and the UN, and demanded they put pressure ýon Israel now that he has agreed to share powers with a prime minister. As BBC reports on ýArafat: "The Palestinian leader has thrown his weight behind the reform process." ýý(, and that "Mr Arafat has been told ýthat easing his grip on power is a key condition to restart peace talks." ýý( Actually, since Arafat hand-picked ýAbbas, it does not satisfy the world's demand for the introduction of democratic reforms ýinto the Palestinian system. And since it turns out that Arafat is maintaining control of ýtwo crucial portfolios -- security and peace negotiations -- the Abbas appointment does ýnot satisfy President Bush's demand for "new leadership not compromised by terror." As the ýJerusalem Post writes: "The whole American-European-Israeli idea was to transform Yasser ýArafat into a figurehead and transfer power to a more palatable replacement. That, so far, ýis clearly not what is happening." ý
ý---- Media Spin ---- ý
Let's look at how the media is spinning this one. For starters, The Guardian's Conal ýUrquhart writes: "Mr Abbas has the stature and ability to sign a peace deal ý
independently...",3604,910006,00.html This ýassertion should come as quite a surprise to Arafat, who gave Abbas no such power. And The ýIndependent (UK) trumpets this headline: "Palestinians Vote for Powerful Premier" ýPowerful"?! By contrast, the Chicago Tribune's headline spoke the plain truth: "Arafat ýremains boss in deal to appoint prime minister: PLO chief keeps reins on police, talks for ýpeace"ýý0303100178mar10,1,3749240.story?coll=chi%2Dnewsnationworld%2Dhedý
ý---- Background: Who is Abbas? ---- ý
Mahmoud Abbas holds a Ph.D. in history from Moscow's Oriental College, where his doctoral ýthesis served as a basis for his 1984 book, "The Other Side: the Secret Relationship ýBetween Nazism and Zionism." In this book, Abbas raised doubts that gas chambers were used ýfor extermination of Jews, and suggested that the number of Jews murdered in the Holocaust ýwas "less than a million." Abbas also proposed the sickening, bizarre claim that the ýHolocaust was a joint Zionist-Nazi plot. He wrote: "The Zionist movement led a broad
campaign of incitement against the Jews living under Nazi rule, in order to arouse the ýgovernment's hatred of them, to fuel vengeance against them, and to expand the mass ýextermination."ý
It was this type of talk that led Austrian Freedom Party leader Jorg Haider and French ýpolitician Jean Marie Le Pen to be ostracized by the international community. So how does ýBBC profile Abbas? "A highly intellectual man, Abu Mazen [Abbas] studied law in Egypt ý
Before doing a PhD in Moscow. He is the author of several books." ý BBC offers no details of the appalling ýcontents of Abbas' writings. Meanwhile, much of the media is praising Abbas as a moderate" ýfor having criticized the use of armed attacks against Israelis. The same BBC profile
reports: "Referring to the current intifada, Abu Mazen has called for a halt to armed ýattacks on Israeli targets to avoid giving Israel a pretext to destroy the last vestiges ýof Palestinian autonomy." Note that Abbas does not oppose killing Israeli civilians from a ýmoral standpoint; he just finds it strategically ineffective. Further, in a March 3 ýinterview with the London-based "A-Sharq al-Awsat," Abbas called for the continuation of ýarmed struggle, and seemed only to rule out suicide missions to kill Israelis at random ýinside the Green Line.ý
add your comments
Israel Demands
by Jim Monaghan Fri, Mar 14 2003, 10:02am
Let the Palestinian people choose their own leadership. By the World you mean primarily Israel and the USA. Some democracy where Israel decides who should represent the Palestinians. I have the same opinion of Arafat as Edward Said, but it is not the roght of anyone but the Palestinian nation to decide on their leadership.
The real oppressors are the Israaelis armed and subsidised by the USA
Jim Monaghan
Blah Blah
by CCC Fri, Mar 14 2003, 10:02am
Poor Israel,blah blah,we don't deserve it,blah,blah.Was Arafat not elected Avi?He has the right to appoint who he wants as prime minister,or does he have to appoint one that Israel/America chooses for him?Probably to shut up the whining from the likes of you and Sharon.I hope Saddam has a Scud or two put aside for youse.No less than you deserve.
some context
by silo Fri, Mar 14 2003, 10:08am
Neither or Google have any record of any such book as "The Other Side: the Secret Relationship ýBetween Nazism and Zionism"; can you substantiate this claim in any way?
If you cannot, it calls into question the reliability of your other claims.
The implications of your post about Abbas having no moral qualms about attacks on settlers outside the green line is based on a selective morality; the IDF have no qualms about killing palestinian 'militants' whether inside or outside of the green line.
On balance, I think this is simply pro-Israeli-elites spam, though it does provide context, however farcical, and therefore shouldn't be deleted. However, if it is simply a multi-posting effort, or a re-posting of content available elsewhere, it should then be deleted.
Wiesenthal knows nothing about Abbas???
by kokomero Fri, Mar 14 2003, 11:10am
"Strangely" searches reveal no information on Abu Abbas' or his "PhD thesis" on The Simon Wiesenthal website???? Funny that?
Interestingly from an Israeli website it is clear from the "quotes" from the thesis that the author is in fact quoting other peoples work in his/her thesis as can be seen clearly in the following excerpt .... ????
"Following the war," he writes, "word was spread that six million Jews were amongst the victims and that a war of extermination was aimed primarily at the Jews . . . The truth is that no one can either confirm or deny this figure. In other words, it is possible that the number of Jewish victims reached six million, but at the same time it is possible that the figure is much smaller -- below one million."
Abbas denies that the gas chambers were used to murder Jews, quoting a "scientific study" to that effect by French Holocaust-denier Robert Faurisson.
Abbas' book then asserts: "The historian and author Raoul Hilberg thinks that the figure does not exceed 890,000."
... this quote is a citation Avi, not an opinion, perhaps your knowledge of the english language does not allow you to understand such subtleties?
I suggest you post a link to the said thesis "IF" it exists?
related link:
so Palestinians hate Israel....well this is a shocking development. lets kill them all. Every israeli spends 3 years in the army having their political and ideological outlooks carefully attuned to the genocidal doublethink of this bankrupt state and its military/political elites. That israelis hate and fear Arabs is not just the outcome of this but is its object.
readers should check the link to Norman Finkelstein below, both his folks survived the Warsaw ghetto and the concentration camps and he has written extensively on the subject of the Palestine/Israel conflict. he too has been accused of being a self hating Jew, a holocaust denier, and of course of being anti semitic, a slander which used to mean something but has been so debased and misused by the friends of Israel as to make it practically meaningless, if not a compliment.
Nolympics, your post about this calls the for the genocide of all Israelis. Do you include the 1 million Arab Israelis in this or just the Jewish Israelis? Please clarify.
Actually, it's obvious you just mean the Jewish Israelis as a) the Arab Israelis don't serve in the IDF and b) you talk about Israelis hating Arabs. I think that makes you a Nazi, whatever you may 'officially' call yourself. I think you have also just committed a criminal offence, and the Garda should be informed by those who operate this site.
Kokomero, your post denying the magnitude makes you an apologist for the Nazis if not a Nazi yourself. The primary facts of the holocaust are all well documented, as every sane, educated person knows.
avi, so lascivious a victimologist are you that you read the destruction of the jews as the logic of every criticism. of course were you to slow down a little and read things properly you would see that my little joke refers to the killing of all plestinians because, as your rediculous post informs us, they hate israelis. a joke because that is precisely what the israelis have been doing so there is really no need to recommend this course of action.
youre right that arab israelis arent welcome in the army, if for no other reason than that they would be more difficult to persuade of the supremacy of the jews. but there is a legal limit on the number of reps that arabs can have in the knesset, so effectively as a political agent in israeli politics they are silenced.
so avi, perhaps you can find someone to help you out with your reading before you go online and start accusing people of being nazis. as i said earlier your slanders and character assasinations are debased of meaning. nevertheless, the charge of nazi and promoter of genocide might still get you into serious trouble if anyone were to imagine there was an audience who might take this stuff seriously. you should apologise here on the thread.