of that night they start.
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news report
Saturday March 08, 2003 17:04
by ipsiphi

or day
The War will be official. in Iraq. what will you do?
will you viodeotape all the TV footage?
will you start estimating the dead?
will you google for the names of
scimitar, sabre, saxon, spartan [tank]?
will you say "I told you so!"?
will you put a poster on your door?
will you go out on the street?
will you boycott anything?
will you post any letters?
will you sign any petition?
will you wonder how the shields return?
will you wonder how the refugees get out?
will you wonder how the biological divisions of the Bulgarian axis allies sterilise the goo?
will you wonder how the children will eat?
will you wonder will the allied axis forces surgically do what they do and not return in body bags?
will you wonder where your mother was maybe where your grandmother was when they dropped the bomb if they drop the bomb?
will you wonder where the prayers went?
will you wonder when the reprisals will start?
will you wonder will there be a Kurdistan?
will you wonder will Iraqis live there?
will you wonder when the peace will start again?
will you have something planned to do?
will you have planned something to do?
will you know the moment they say that their WAR is legitimate and declared that you have and others will know what you are going to do?
have you done it before?
have we, who now measure our global mandate from February 15th, who left the earlier watershed of Sept 11th behind thought what we will do?
how long will it last?
how long will we have?
- to do what we have planned / what we are planning to do?
How will "WAR declared" differ from Peace?
How will we know the difference?
Everyday food and water and medicines and fuel and information and infrastructure has been built in Iraq.
Everyday the military machine has increased in size, in energy input, in carbohydrate intake.
Where will all that work go?
Are you this time going to allow that "work", the labour of murder, lies, assault, rape, abuse, theft and terror that you know all WAR entails to find its answer that is ·your answer· on the sofa in front of a TV screen?
or at the pub?
or in the letters page of a newspaper?
or in the mouth of someone else tired of speaking and tiring to listen to?
Will you await the condemnation?
Will you read the words of regret?
will you absorb the statisics of "Saddam´s legacy"?
will you watch the Pope huddled in Rome say something about ·pace·?
will you link these things in your mind?
will you count these new deaths this new "scream" with Afghanistan?
or shall it be different?
will it be more of the same?
or will it be different?
you only need a couple of friends to find collective voice.
Peace neccesitates the presence and awareness of others.
have you yet found those other voices?
have you yet put collective mind to task?
have you yet come up with an idea what you, what we are going to do when "·that·" night comes?
or do you think they will not tell us?
would that matter?
Would it matter if Saddam had ceased to exist?
Would it matter if over thirty nuclear devices had already been detonated?
Would it matter if "Iraq" was already carved into little military zones?
Would it matter if the roads were already the long twisted tortured queues that are "refugee exodus pathways" before during and after every War?
Would it matter if it were all just TV.
like the first War.
over before christmas.
like the other War.
like Daddy Bush.
like Reagan.
Like Osama.
Like Pope
Like Mao
Like us
Like ?
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Comments (5 of 5)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5will they come from the north or the south..
scream and shout??
will it be from the east..or here in the beast?
will it be the west..for civil unrest..there is better but is there a best?
all weeks. all stations.all war.but no solutions-analysis,who said what and why do we listen/herd before....
borders bend and fuzz like modulated death and every day thousands die for the want of what we are too full to eat and too comfortably numbed by the helliviz to put in the fridge and save-a little box kept cooooool just for you....
feel lucky?
should you?
with the rage of one that would be burnt,
if you were placed by some cruel hand in another country,
in another skin,
or life.
Placed on the wrong crust of earth over a deposit of decayed life,
as thick and black as the love of rich men,
for power
Before they too are crushed beneath the weight of layers of life and history,
pressing them into something hidden,
Squeezed of life to become merely useful,
to grease the wheels,
slick the cams,
spread new weighty strata of scoria
compressing bird, beast and fish
once their lungs and pores are fouled
crushed into death again.
Plese don't post any more of this shite. If you want to know what a real poem looks like read "Waking Early Sunday Morning" by me.
Don't call this inane drivel poetry.
seven European mainstream media organs have published today with the above formula.
I particularly like the English Independent on Sunday. (hi!).
and I liked the poetical comments. But I´m not sure where poetry begins or ends in the 21st century, we are very "post Adorno post Auschwitz" now, no?
biog and link to the Lowell poem.
Lowell, Robert Traill Spence, Jr. (1917-1977), American poet, noted for his lyric virtuosity, rich language, and social concern. Lowell was born in Boston, Massachusetts, a cousin of the distinguished intellectuals Amy Lowell, Percival Lowell, and Abbott Lowell. The volume Lord Weary's Castle (1946) won the 1947 Pulitzer Prize for poetry and contains his highly acclaimed poem "Colloquy at Black Rock." Life Studies (1959), which received the National Book Award in 1960, revealed Lowell's inner torments and marked him as an influential figure in the emergence of confessional poetry. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize again in 1974 for The Dolphin (1973). Lowell had a remarkable ability to express in his poetry both objective and subjective views of the turmoil of the contemporary world.
Will you be outside RTE after they bomb Al-Jazeera ?
Will you publically burn the lies from the Irish Times ?