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Thoughts on 'the war'![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() better out than in.......... Grim times indeed. The papers and TV are full of bad news, suffering and reports of poverty, war, terrorism and pollution. It would make you want to tune out or get out (of your head). Still, I have tried these options and they don’t work. - Ignorance ain’t bliss. Some thoughts on ‘the war’….. Grim times indeed. The papers and TV are full of bad news, suffering and reports of poverty, war, terrorism and pollution. It would make you want to tune out or get out (of your head). Still, I have tried these options and they don’t work. THE PROPOSED WAR IS NOT INEVITABLE. We have been ‘mind managed’ into accepting that things have to be the way they are. They do not. They never have to be. Wars are created by people. They can be ended by people. THE PROPOSED WAR IS BASED ON LIES. The 5 permanent (most powerful) members of the UN Security Council are the world’s biggest suppliers of weapons and they have armed the world’s armies and dictators (including Saddam and Bin Laden) in full knowledge of their intentions. In fact 25% of the U.S economy is military related and 10% of the British. Ireland, in spite of our so called neutrality, is heading that way. The world’s economy is based on non-renewable energy sources such as oil. Oil is energy and energy = industry, transport and wealth. America’s furious economy demands cheap oil and now. Supplies are running out and Iraq has the 2nd highest reserves in the world. Of course Saddam must go but let’s not fool ourselves into thinking that they care about Saddam. There are much worse dictators in the world but the difference is they don’t have oil. Why the need for oil economies when there is ample free wind, wave, hemp and solar power opportunities. Why? Because the oil men of Esso and co. are in charge of the Whitehouse and her poodles. So all this war for oil and there’s no real need for oil at all. YOU CAN’T BOMB YOUR WAY TO PEACE. War just creates more war and more terrorism. As the saying goes ‘an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind’. Surely the Irish understand this given our history? 50% or Iraqis are under 18 and blitzing their country and adding fuel to the fire of the suffering Palestinians will surely breed horrific ‘pay backs’ for America and her loyal supporters. Ireland included. Bush promises an ‘endless war’ and has over 30 countries in sight – can he possibly be a man of peace? THE UN IS THE ONLY WAY TO GO. The United Nations is weak, corrupt, under resourced and constantly undermined by those who owe it millions, particularly the USA. However, the United Nations is the only body that represents the spirit of peace and cooperation the world so badly needs. If it is further undermined it will be destroyed, international law will be wrecked and the world will enter a period of unstability unlike any ever seen. So as one of my friends put it ‘let’s not believe peace can’t work until we devote the same amount of time, money and energy to achieving it as we do to achieving war’. DEMOCRACY IS UNDER THREAT. George Bush and his entire administration are representatives of big business, particularly the oil, motor, pharmaceutical, finance and arms industries. They bought the election and swindled their way to power. Al Gore got more votes but Florida election was rigged by George’s brother Jeb who is the governor Right now, of the top 100 economies in the world, 52 are big corporations. Corporations and the private sector are taking over every area of public life (incl. entertainment, water, waste, transport, health, education). What’s wrong with that you might think? Well, unlike governments, corporations are unelected and their sole objective is profit. Usually profit comes way before people and the environment. Despite the rhetoric, the free market does not regulate itself. When an unelected body (such as the WTO) seeks to take control of the world then we have a dictatorship or neo-facism.
I have lots of American friends and they agree with me. Mary Harney is a liar to suggest I am anti-American because of my views. I am certainly Anti the sort of America George Bush represents. That is an America that is the world’s biggest exporter of weapons of mass destruction. That is the America that won’t sign the Kyoto protocol to save the planet from being murdered by pollution. That is the America who won’t sign the Anti-landmines treaty or the convention on the rights of the child. That is the America who funds the Israeli apartheid of the Palestinian people. That is the America of racism, despicable poverty and simultaneous gross wealth. Of course America has many great ideals and let’s cherish them and promote them. Let’s remember our family and friends there. Let’s stop the present Christian fundamentalist, corrupt and greedy corporate government that George Bush represents. At least let’s try and stop our own government following their every move. The American empire may represent a better way for some but it remains an empire and empires by their very nature are destructive, dangerous and unnecessary. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LET’S GET OUR PRIORITIES RIGHT. Over one third of the world’s people are hungry and fighting for daily survival. Over one third of the world’s people are overfed, fat and lazy. There is something terribly wrong with this. We live in the top one third and we are directly benefiting (through our luxuries and products) from their misery. At the same time scientists predict the future of mankind is at risk. Over half the world’s living species, from rainforests to reindeer, are in danger of extinction within the next 100 years. Our water is polluted and our air poisonous. Grim reading indeed. But you don’t need to be an expert economist or a political strategist to understand that a better world, a more peaceful world, will come only if we get our priorities straight. Big fancy houses, foreign holidays, nicer clothes, bigger cars, spikes, government jets, men in space, weapons in space, Hollywood millionaires, football heroes, soap star lives – they all mean nothing when the result of their existence and desire comes from the suffering and loss of the truly needy – that is the majority of the world’s people (so called ‘3rd world’) and their natural environment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT IS PEACE? Peace has been given such a bad name by those who claim to represent it but let’s not forget what it is. It is feeling safe, secure, well fed, warm, happy and loved. It is knowing that you can live your life to its full potential without interference. It is about living your dreams. Peace isn’t a fantasy – it is a real possibility. There is so much food, water, land and natural wealth in the world to ensure everyone has everything they need. All we need to do is to return to our natural values of sharing, loving, and giving. Let us start right now, right here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOBODY WILL SAVE YOU. One survivor of Hitler’s death camps once said ‘1st they came for the Jews and I said nothing. Then they came for the trade unionists and I said nothing. Next they came for the gypsies and I said nothing. Then they came for me and there was nobody left to stop them’. Perhaps now is the time for us all to speak out. Why allow the media and the apathy of those around you prevent you from taking action. Why should we sit here quietly when our houses are on fire? All change starts with one person, one little idea and one little action. That’s how movements grow and how things change. It was ordinary decent people that ended slavery, that got us the right to vote, that got women equal rights to men, that won us the 40 hour working week and the concept of weekends off, sick pay and even holidays. It was ordinary people that ended apartheid in South Africa and terror in East Timor. I know what I have to do. It’s up to you to do what you can do. But whatever it is – Let’s wake up the world together and let’s get to it quickly. Afterall, we have nothing to lose but our ignorance and fear. |
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Jump To Comment: 1=>(In fact 25% of the U.S economy is military related and 10% of the British)
Where are your facts ? I'm actually sick of reading (leftist) style propaganda percentages (statistics show that 70% of statistics are made up on the spot). Change the pace and show your sources please. I don't dispute them. I just like to see more constructive attacks.
--The l337 journalist