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March 1st - Shannon Citizens Weapons Inspection call!![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Unified protest between all groups! Seeing as how Donald Rumsfeld wont rule out using a nuke on Iraq, and those planes are still refuelling here, lets have a Citizens Weapons Inspection on March 1st (a nuke could be on Irish soil right now!) It will give colour and humour to the proceedings. People from both the 'direct action' side and the 'marching' side (who do not wish to get involved in runway invasions etc) can both participate. CALL OUT FOR A CITIZENS WEAPONS INSPECTION! The design, testing, development and use of weapons of mass destruction is prohibited under international law. No nation should be allowed to hide its weapons programs from full and open inspection by the United Nations. This includes both the United States and Iraq. We, The Republic of Ireland Citizens Weapon Inspection Team, request information concerning USA installations on Republic of Ireland territory regarding weapons of mass destruction and their support systems owned or operated by the United States of America. We have selected Shannon Airport, currently being used by the United States military in direct violation of our constitution, as our first priority based on criteria provided by the Bush administration. According to those criteria, the most dangerous states are those run by leaders who: 1) have massive stockpiles of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons; The current US administration fulfils all these criteria. The RoICWIT is demanding that Shannon Airport and the Irish Government provide us with immediate and unfettered access to sites and all relevant information regarding weapons of mass destruction and their support systems. We expect full support by Shannon Airport staff to aid inspections. Specifically we want information on nuclear, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction in any of the facilities being used by the US military within the boundaries of the Republic of Ireland (including embassies, military bases, communication installations, private US based corporations etc.) as well as information on when and how these weapons have been deployed in the past. Additionally we request information on any facilities under the control (directly or indirectly) of the United States government situated within the legal boundaries of the Republic of Ireland that have potential to aid (logistically, financially etc.) the production of such weapon systems. In the spirit of openness that is currently being urged upon other countries to comply with such demands, we are asking you to fully co-operate and send us the required information regarding weapons of mass destruction. The inspection will take place on Saturday March 1st, 2003 (2pm). The RoICWIT are representatives of the Republic of Ireland citizenry, compelled to seek out possible war crimes and crimes against humanity as defined by international law. Not to do so would constitute complicity in U.S. war crimes. We are going along as the "Republic of Ireland Citizens Weapons Inspection Team", so remember to look suitably sharp, smart or sinister (delete as applicable). Get yourself a cheap paper-based white coverall and hardhat or wear your fanciest business suit , or dress (either white or black) or . Also bring clipboards, banners, whistles, cameras binoculars, sunglasses, megaphones or other props that could be useful for a weapon inspection. There are two ways to get involved in this action: 1. To join the colourful rally at the Airport. People are needed for both parts and everyone will have to make their own choice as to whether they want to help the Weapons Inspection Team.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2Contact the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland (RPII - and ask that they investigate too.
Having signed the additional protocols to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT) in September 1998, Ireland agreed to deligate the RPII to carry out Ireland's obligations under the treaty.
Parliamentary Debates 1999
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty: Motion.
Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Andrews):
"The RPII has responsibility for all aspects of nuclear and radiological safety in Ireland and for implementing Ireland's nuclear safeguards agreement with the IAEA."
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