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Direct Action Day? Irish Anti War Movement March? Or just a Big Fucking Mess?![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() As Willie's Doktors line up their frontline troops and look around for their ammo . . . . Suddenly a ‘Direct Action’ day planned for March the 1st at Shannon Airport by a loose network of individuals and groups styling themselves ‘Grassroots Gathering’ has mutated into a National Demonstration planned by the Irish Anti War Movement as the next big day out for the newborn mass movement. One Week in and the newborn mass movement for a peaceful solution to the Iraq situation is under attack, confused and divided about where to go next. Suddenly a ‘Direct Action’ day planned for March the 1st at Shannon Airport by a loose network of individuals and groups styling themselves ‘Grassroots Gathering’ has mutated into a National Demonstration planned by the Irish Anti War Movement as the next big day out for the newborn mass movement. Irish Anti War Movement meetings are taking place hand over fist all over the place and many non-aligned atendees I have spoken to have said those running meetings have had the same thing to say about March 1st. ‘It’s a march. We are going.’ Replies to those confused by having heard something about a direct action day tend to be in the order of - ‘Marching is direct action’. I have heard reports of SWP members running local (outside Dublin) meetings and volunteering to chair groups without ever revealing their party affiliation to those who turn up newly enthused by the events of last Saturday. I have also heard of people in colleges where the IWAM is active being discouraged from speaking about the idea of ‘Direct Action’ and discouraged from talking about Indymedia to their groups. So what is going on inside the IAWM? Does it matter? The affiliated groups of the IAWM met in the week just gone to get their heads together because, let’s face it, this thing has gotten bigger than anything the majority of these groups can handle. They were caught by complete surprise by the level of mobilisation that took place last Saturday. That crowd mobilised itself to a large degree. Rest assured that the Shannon Protest - originally called here on Indymedia for 1st March as far as I can tell - was discussed in detail by the Peace and Neutrality Alliance, The NGO Peace Alliance and the IAWM affiliates. NGOPA and PANA are resolutely opposed to any form of Direct Action. So are the Greens though their representative to the IAWM had previously signed them up to the March 1st ‘Event’. Since the meeting the IAWM has begun promoting March 1st as an event more or less organised by them without having the courtesy to let their supporters know that they are piggybacking on what was to be (and still is to be according to some) a ‘Direct Action’ day. It is a recipe for a big mess. Willie’s doktors must be rubbing their sweaty little paws together looking forward to the seemingly inevitable recriminations that will follow. The Grassroots Gathering thus far seem also in some disarray. They are arguing over exactly what mass non - violent direct action to undertake. They also seem to be finding that people generally (in contrast to those they have expressed support for -Dubsky / Mary Kelly / CW 5) are unwilling to embark on tactics which might be expected to lead to Faslane style mass arrests. There do not appear to be reliable open channels of communication between the two sides of this debacle. I keep hearing there are but see absolutely no evidence of it. It is extremely disappointing that the buildup to March 1st is becoming an occasion for mutual recrimination, division, lack of clarity about what people are being led into, secrecy, and hypocricy. It should be sorted. If it is not sorted by those who are arguing behind closed doors then it should be sorted through other channels. Clearly - in advance. It is reckless to have a huge demonstration at Shannon where the majority of those there have been kept in the dark about the fact that the day was called originally as a ‘direct action’ day. Otherwise the arguments will take place on the evening of March 1st in the full glare of the Irish Media and will become another tool for Willie’s Doktors and their supporters and bootlickers in the ‘free’ press to make sure this newborn which we’ve spent all week talking about is stillborn. Q Do you agree with what they did? INDEPENDENT ( and every other) HEADLINE: PEACE PROTESTERS FIGHT AMONG THEMSELVES BODY OF TEXT: IRA IRA IRA GREENS GREENS COMMIES BLAH BLAH VIOLENT BLAH BLAH HIJACKED BLAH BLAH NAIEVE BLAH BLAH ANTI AMERICAN ANARCHISTS BLAH BLAH Sinn Fein and Labour and the Greens also are in hiding at present on the whole thing because they, more than anyone else involved, are fearful of being associated with any untoward 'direct action' that might lead to a debacle similar to the one Trevor Sargent walked himself into over Mary Kelly. These political groups seem content to follow those pushing the whole issue of Shannon Airport and the Irish Government's stance on a war on Iraq onto the agenda (through many Non-Violent Direct Action style tactics and actions) in the hope of hedging their bets and associating themselves (at a safe distance) with what MAY be a successful campaign. So how about some clarity. Will Sinn Fein, Labour, Greens, NGO Peace Alliance, IAWM, PANA continue campaigning against war and the use of Shannon by the US Military in the event of a war with UN backing? Will the same groups condemn or support an open accountable direct action at Shannon on March 1st? Will they be straight with their supporters about the fact that they under the IAWM Umberlla are 'piggybacking' on (if you're not given to suspicion), or oughtright 'hijacking' (if you are) an event that was called and planned by others and that this leaves open the possibility of a very public division among those caring for the newborn we all seem to be so proud of? And while I'm at it - will the Grassroots Gathering be making it clear to everyone (including their many supporters and wellwishers)what they're planning? |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34As Dan Berrigan put it, Mary Kelly's symbolic destruction of the US war machine was an act 'of justice and compassion.' She exposed the liars in the Irish Govt. and their sinister collaboration with the violent Bush/Blair imperialists. But for Mary the extent of this collaboration and its denial of Irish neutrality would not have been so fully exposed.
The banning of Devlin-McAliskey from the US means that the US national security state apparatus takes Irish resistance to Empire seriously. The cooperation of the Irish Govt. with the warmongers is now known. Irish protestors cannot stop the impending massacre of Iraqis, but they can prevent the Irish Govt. from aiding that war effort. Mary Kelly has shown the way.
Starting with...
by Slarti Sun, Feb 23 2003, 12:11pm
Details of what action is planned for March first will be published soon (within the next couple of days). Plans are also in hand to get a leaflet to everyone on every bus going to Shannon explaining what we want to do and why and to announce it at the start.
Preparation and planning is happening all around the country. I know there's a meeting in Dublin on Wednesday evening to prepare for saturday, including a short NVDA workshop. Maybe details of other meetings around ther country could be posted here?
More details of Dublin meeting and tickets available from 087 7501473
Re: dissaray within the GG network: i don't think theres been any argument about what constitutes direct action, there has however been discussion about what type of direct action is most suitable for shannon. In my opinion thats a reflection of our democratic organising style rather than a weakness. As for our plans: following on from meetings around the country regional delegates are meeting in galway today to sort that out. As a previous posting stated we'll publicise these decisions asap.
As regards communication between the GG and the IAWM we've been in touch with both the steering committee and constitutant groups / individuals both before and after we called March 1st. It was called as a direct action and we invited other groups to co- sponsor (for want of a better phrase) the event. Obviously we were happy when the IAWM started to publicise the day, though now it seems that they're pretending that we don't exist. We've got good relations with some components of the IAWM but attempts at dialouge with the organisation have largely been rebuffed.
The last i heard Checkov (our Dublin delegate) had sent them a letter or email, we're still awaiting a reply but it seems they've already given it to the Sunday Business Post. According to todays edition PANA are refusing to go down because 'there is talk of what they call direct action'. Richard Boyd Barrett then says that the Grassroots Gathering has been 'refused permission to hold a co-demonstration' with the IAWM because of the planned direct action. Wow, refused permission to attend our own demo...
Obviously we want as many people as possible to go to shannon, as as many of those as possible to try to take direct action against the landing of US military planes there. Not everybody s going to want to participate in that which is fine, we all have our own ideas about what is and isn't mora or effective. Nevertheless the more people that turn up the more sucessful things will be. We'd like a certain level of cordination, if only to ensure that people attending are fully aware of what is being planned.
for information on the Grassroots gathering check out (The fourth grassrootsgathering (gg4) will be taking place in Limerickfrom the 15th to 17th March 2003.)
Anyone who wants to learn more about the Grassroots Network Against War can look at
Eamonn Crudden wrote "Will Sinn Fein, Labour, Greens, NGO Peace Alliance, IAWM, PANA continue campaigning against war and the use of Shannon by the US Military in the event of a war with UN backing?" Well we can't speak for the other groups on an individual basis, but the Irish Anti War Movement as a collective body opposes a war against Iraq under ANY circumstances with or without a UN resolution. A lot of us are very cynical about the UN anyway, but thats a story for a different day. I hope that clarifies our position about the UN Eamonn.
Isn't it great that the newborn baby's left wing relatives are communicating with each other through the national (business) press. Isn't that just as oirish as can be. Off to ring RBB about the 'permission' thing.
It would be nice to hear a Shannon Peace Camp opinion on the whole thing or have they been dropped like hotcakes too by those that lined up to press the flesh and hog a foto-opportunity when the going was good.
Eamonn as far as we know the Shannon Peace Camp departed because some of the Peace Camp people didn't want to be associated with the direct actions that took place in Shannon. So it was a decision taken by the Peace Camp people themselves to disband.
I agree that what needs to be done now is that everyone has a clear idea about what is going to happen on Saturday before we all go down there.
I know from our experience in the North Kildare IAWM group, that we had a meeting last Thursday and the issue of ‘direct action’ was discussed.
Rather than people being fearful about it, most said that even if they did not want to be involved in the direct action themselves, they still wanted to go down to Shannon to protest.
Finally the point about certain people setting up IAWM branches without making their political affiliations clear. I know in our area the branch was launched at a public meeting in the Glenroyal in January which was attended by 80 people.
The meeting was organised principally by SWP activists in the area, but we now have a large number of contacts with people from various political groups and non-aligned. I don’t think it really matters who establishes the branches or groups, I think the important things is that somebody is organising it.
Already we have over 600 signatories to an antiwar petition which was taken over the weekend in Maynooth and Leixlip. We are meeting again this Thursday at 8.30 in Maynooth Parish Hall. All Welcome.
Who is the person going under the name "Irish Anti War Movement"? Unless the steering committee is huddled around a computer you would wonder how much this person is representing the organisation. Care to say who you are and in what capacity you are speaking?
This is interesting in the context of this Debate:
I think the point is why would the IAWM organise a demo and make it appear separate from the one that GG have been advertising for the last week or more?
It would have been great to see the turnout for a day of direct action.
But now we wont. It will be another march with chants and megaphones and 'stewards' and paper-selling instead of a free and open day of direct action.
Have they done this just so they can pass of GG and co. as a mad finge element?
If they dont want to be associated with GG or with real direct action, why have their own march on the same day??
As far as i am aware March 1st was called as a day of action by the Grass Roots Antiwar Network. The Irish Anti War Movement at a meeting in dublin last week said they would moblise on that day. Now i have been in contact with people from the Grassroots and it seems we are in situation much like dec 8th. I would like to think we have moved on from that.
Is it not obvious from last weeks demo in Dublin that when we stand together we speak to this arrogant government in the Dail and they listen. Last weeks demo was called globally and although there was several groups in the background no one group can claim it as their own success. The campain has been running now on many different levels now for some time but never has it been more important that we unite in solidarity. It seems to me that most of the papers are spinning this in favour of the government.
On the night of the Late Late Show i talked to one of the steering commitee of the IAWM. I was told that they would be in favour of a mass direct action much the same as people are calling for on March 1st.
We have had the peace camp. We have had the mass rally in the capital and at Shannon Airport. Now it's time for the mass civil disobedience. We stand together and we are strong. Only in communication do we stay strong. WE made a withdrawal from the airport so the media circus not tear us apart and damage the campaign.We have all the same goal to end war and to stop needless human suffering.
Shannon Airport is Irelands Direct Link to war. So I am calling all antiwar groups in Ireland to get on board the train on March 1st and make the government listen to what we have been saying - "Stop Refueling the War".
Massive escalation in Airstrikes in Iraq
Military Law being used to force trains through Italy. Seems strikes/industrial action will break out tomorrow.
Disorganization will keep the repressive state forces confused. Lets have a sponteneous coming together. Any direct action will depend on the circumstances of the moment. Do not forget that the armed wing of the Irish Govt. is now employed at Shannon to protect the US war machine. Because Ireland, North and South, is a vassal state of Anglo-America, the armed wing of this state could be used against direct actionists. A hatchet is poor protection against a machinegun.
PANA - Anti-war even with UN Mandate
NGO Alliance Anti War even with UN Mandate
Eoin Dubsky, Mary Kelly and the Five Catholic Workers defined direct action. They made well thought-out plans, they prepared themselves and they acted in a way that was effective, symbolic and wholly admirable. By its very nature a disorganised mob cannot achieve this kind of direct action. Think about what they have done for peace and the personal sacrifices these people have made and don't do anything that would dishonour them on Saturday.
Eamonn is this the article?
Anti-war movement plans mass demonstrations
23/02/03 00:00
By Pat Leahy
Emboldened by the success of last weekend's anti-war de monstrations in Dublin, the broad coalition opposing an attack on the Iraqi regime is looking to the future and planning fresh demonstrations.
full article at
Of course there is such a thing as Mass direct action. Eoin, Mary and the CW5 did not "define" direct action - they practiced a certain type of direct action very successfully. Similarly organising a march wouldn't "define" campaigning -- it's part of it, it can be done successfully and it can have an impact but there's a whole lot more (from letter writing to direct action) which comes under the heading campainging.
That said, to have a successful direct action we do need to know what's happpening in advance so that we can prepare (and so ppeople can think about whether or not to join in) but that doesn't mean we can''t do it. We can.
Eamonn Crudden writes:
>the newborn mass movement for a peaceful
>solution to the Iraq situation is under attack
Describing the movement in that way is part of the problem! There is no 'Iraq situation' that requires a peaceful solution than there was a 'Czech situation' in March of 1938 or a 'Polish situation' in August of 1939 that required a 'peaceful solution'. Rather, there is an aggressive imperialist power that is trying to impose its will: then, Germany; now, the U.S.A..
The movement needs to be an anti-imperialist movement aiming to weaken, by any means possible, the ability of the imperialist power to oppose its will. From the history of the last 30 years, I would expect the Irish, more than most people in Europe or North AMerica, to have some good ideas about how to make imperialism costly to the imperialists.
Yes that is the case, thought it was clear from my original posting anyway.
Cheers for the links.
Dave Lynch.
Dissent over descent on Shannon
By Pat Leahy
One of the three main organisations that organised last weekend's peace march in Dublin has refused to take part in a demonstration in Shannon next weekend because it fears the march will not be peaceful.
``We only agree to marches when we are assured they will completely peaceful and democratic.
``We have not been given that assurance with regard to Shannon,'' said Roger Cole, chairman of the Peace and Neutrality Alliance (Pana) and one of the principal organisers of last weekend's march.
``Certainly, there is talk of what they call `direct action','' he said.
Direct action has recently been used by peace campaigners as a euphemism for physical attacks on US military aircraft at Shannon, which led to deployment of the army at the airport.
Cole's Pana, along with the NGO Peace Alliance and the Irish Anti-War Movement were the three organisers of last Saturday's march in Dublin.
The Anti-War Movement, led by prominent Socialist Workers Party organiser, Richard Boyd-Barrett, is thought to be the most radical of the three organisations.
However, speaking to The Sunday Business Post this weekend, Boyd-Barrett said: ``Roger is entirely wrong about that; we have given assurances our demonstration will be entirely peaceful.''
However, it is understood that another organisation called Grassroots Gathering, intends to engage in ``direct action'' at Shannon. Boyd-Barrett said the group had been refused permission to hold a co-demonstration with his group, on this basis.
The NGO Peace Alliance played down fears of `direct action' at Shannon, but confirmed it would not be taking part in the demonstration. Instead, a spokesman said, it was organising a candlelit vigil at the Department of Foreign Affairs, in conjunction with Pana.
Security is certain to be tight at Shannon next week. The damage caused to US aircraft last month was a cause of considerable embarrassment to the government. Subse-quently, one US airline carrying troops to the Gulf diverted a number of flights from the route.
Richard Boyd Barrett of the Socialist Workers Party and Irish Anti-War Movement tells us that "the group (Grassroots Gathering) had been refused permission to hold a co-demonstration with his group".
What a wonderful use of the English language.
Was it not the Grassroots Gathering that first announced a protest at Shannon on March 1st?
Did the GG not make clear that it was calling for mass non-violent direct action on March 1st?
Was it not the GG that asked the IAWM if it wanted to co-operate in organising and publicising this?
Was it not the IAWN that refused to co-operate, but then went ahead and called its own protest at the same place, on the same day, and at the same time?
And folk wonder why some activists don't trust the SWP!
Now that there is clearly a mass movement against the war, is it not time to move from just protesting at the war preparations to actually trying to hinder and stop them?
Is it ok to do this in Italy, Belgium, etc. but not in Ireland?
Or do PANA, NGO Peace Alliance and SWP really think that Bertie and friends will "do the right thing" simply because so many of us showed our opposition to war?
If governments automatically fall in with public opinion, why (to give just one example) do we still have such a crap health service?
clar: By its very nature a disorganised mob cannot achieve this kind of direct action. Think about what they have done for peace and the personal sacrifices these people have made and don't do anything that would dishonour them on Saturday.
Well a lot of the greatest advances in human history have been caused by organised mobs - starting with the French revolution.
Open large and public does not imply stoopid and disorganised
slarti: Of course there is such a thing as Mass direct action. Eoin, Mary and the CW5 did not "define" direct action - they practiced a certain type of direct action very successfully.
exactly! and both types are possible and feasable - but we need to get organised and get planning to make the mass one work !
However, it is understood that another organisation called Grassroots Gathering, intends to engage in ``direct action'' at Shannon. Boyd-Barrett said the group had been refused permission to hold a co-demonstration with his group, on this basis.
well Dublin grass roots have been given an under taking by members of the IAWM steering committee who presumed had a mandate to do this that the demo we had organised and called for could go ahead that day (very big of them or what !)
- I wonder has RBB cleared his unilateral media apporach with the steering committee
- we did give a garuntee that we would keep our action well clear from their demo and we will keep OUR word !
(this maybe what he means by "had been refused permission to hold a co-demonstration with his group, on this basis." - wicked spinning of the English language!)
Hi all,
Happily after a lengthy discussion and consultation process a single plan for direct action has been agreed by the Grassroots network against the war. This will be publicised in the very near future. Watch this space and get involved.
Having witnessed the Demo in December, it seems that the GG is not capable of organisating, stewarding any form of mass demonstration. It has not been indicated what form of direct action will take place, a storming of the airfield, occupation of buildings, or some for of sit down/blockade. I presume all of the above, free for all?
Anybody can call a demo, but it's another thing organisating it?
Are the participants going to be informed on what is acceptable re: non-violent direct action? Are participants going to be informed of the legal situation?
Obviously the GG dosn't have a spokesperson per say! There is a lot of questions!
Is the Labour Party capable of organising it's councillors to maintain the whip when it comes to water charges etc.
Pot - kettle - black. Put them together.
Good to know that the GG have finally come up with a plan, also good to know that they will publicise it soon, given there are only 4 full working days left before the event- my question is, HOW are you going to publicise it?- Indymedia is not enough, lots of people who will be at Shannon on Saturday don't even know it exists- giving out leaflets on the buses is not enough because lots of people will come by public bus and in their own cars.
I am based in Clare and I can tell you that most local people know that a march is planned for the 1st, but they don't know about the direct action. There could feasibly be thousands of people present, we need to make sure that everyone has the same information about what is going to happen, including information about aviation law as regards tresspassing on the runway, and what to do if arrested. Has anyone organised legal aid?
I see little point in doing anything more than marching on the 1st if it's not properly planned.
LP has an organisation structure!
It's democratic organisation, not stalinist, there is a set of procedures and rules to deal with members who vote against the charges as you mentioned.
LP members can't hide behind obscurity!
or "How Labour Youth can take non-violent direct action".
See yez all there lads.
A democratic organisation maybe but with a lot of (ex)Stalinists in the leadership positions.
So when are these structure going to kick in and when will Lacey be gone or will the LP be asking for him to speak in their name as they did on the 15th.
I think you'll find that LP members do and will hide behind obscurity, especially those ones who ran the WP in obscurity. I'm sure they haven't gone away.
Having spent the last 2 hours on indymedia catching up on the events leading up to the proposed DA in Shannon I have come away concerned about the upcomming event. The obvious parochaial approach from the various protest movements can only dilute any effect this protest hopes to generate. The IAWM needs to declare if they are anti-war or anti direct action define your target. I had originally heard of this protest on indymedia fron GG and have assumed that they have called for it. I welcome the debate and appluad the forum but as was mentioned, time is running out and this is far to dangorous an action to be disorganised. I certainly see the need for direct action judging from the response from our glorious leaders at FF to the mass demo in Dublin. But people be careful out there ,do not underestimate the brutality of the state forces also has anybody thought to bring a wire snip?
So are you saying that if I don't agree with the direct action I must be pro war? Are you being serious?
Aside from that hope lots of people are in Shannon and everybody does what they want to do, without anyone telling them what they should/should not do.