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War Propaganda![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This explains RTE's antics, today they are back to their usual disinformation Michel Chossudovsky looks at "the blatant distortion of truth and the systematic manipulation of all sources of information" which is lying the ground for devastating war. Military planners in the Pentagon are acutely aware of the central role of war propaganda. Waged from the Pentagon, the State Department and the CIA, a fear and disinformation campaign (FDC) has been launched. The blatant distortion of the truth and the systematic manipulation of all sources of information is an integral part of war planning. In the wake of 9/11, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld created to the Office of Strategic Influence (OSI), or "Office of Disinformation" as it was labeled by its critics: "The Department of Defense said they needed to do this, and they were going to actually plant stories that were false in foreign countries to -- as an effort to influence public opinion across the world.1 And, all of a sudden, the OSI was formally disbanded following political pressures and "troublesome" media stories that "its purpose was to deliberately lie to advance American interests."2 "Rumsfeld backed off and said this is embarrassing."3 Yet despite this apparent about-turn, the Pentagon’s Orwellian disinformation campaign remains functionally intact: "[T]he secretary of defense is not being particularly candid here. Disinformation in military propaganda is part of war."4 Rumsfeld later confirmed in a press interview that while the OSI no longer exists in name, the "Office’s intended functions are being carried out" 5 (Rumsfeld’s precise words can be consulted at this website A number of government agencies and intelligence units --with links to the Pentagon-- are involved in various components of the propaganda campaign. Realities are turned upside down. Acts of war are heralded as "humanitarian interventions" geared towards "regime change" and "the restoration of democracy". Military occupation and the killing of civilians are presented as "peace-keeping". The derogation of civil liberties --in the context of the so-called "anti-terrorist legislation"-- is portrayed as a means to providing "domestic security" and upholding civil liberties. And underlying these manipulated realties, "Osama bin Laden" and "Weapons of Mass Destruction" statements, which circulate profusely in the news chain, are upheld as the basis for an understanding of World events. In the critical "planning stages" leading up to an invasion of Iraq, the twisting of public opinion at home and around the World, is an integral part of the War agenda, War propaganda is pursued at all stages: before, during the military operation as well as in its cruel aftermath. War propaganda serves to drown the real causes and consequences of war. A few months after the OSI was disbanded amidst controversy (February 2002), The New York Times confirmed that the disinformation campaign was running strong and that the Pentagon was: "…considering issuing a secret directive to American military to conduct covert operations aimed at influencing public opinion and policymakers in friendly and neutral nations …The proposal has ignited a fierce battle throughout the Bush administration over whether the military should carry out secret propaganda missions in friendly nations like Germany… The fight, one Pentagon official said, is over ‘the strategic communications for our nation, the message we want to send for long-term influence, and how we do it….’We have the assets and the capabilities and the training to go into friendly and neutral nations to influence public opinion. We could do it and get away with it. That doesn't mean we should.’6 Fabricating the Truth To sustain the war agenda, these "fabricated realities", funneled on a day to day basis into the news chain must become indelible truths, which form part of a broad political and media consensus. In this regard, the corporate media –although acting independently of the military-intelligence apparatus, is an instrument of this evolving totalitarian system. In close liaison with the Pentagon and the CIA, the State Department has also set up its own "soft-sell" (civilian) propaganda unit, headed by Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Charlotte Beers, a powerful figure in the advertising industry. Working in liaison with the Pentagon, Beers was appointed to head the State Department’s propaganda unit in the immediate wake of 9/11. Her mandate is "to counteract anti-Americanism abroad."7 Her office at the State department is to: "ensure that public diplomacy (engaging, informing, and influencing key international audiences) is practiced in harmony with public affairs (outreach to Americans) and traditional diplomacy to advance U.S. interests and security and to provide the moral basis for U.S. leadership in the world." ( ) The Role of the CIA The most powerful component of the Fear and Disinformation Campaign (FDI) rests with the CIA, which, secretly subsidizes authors, journalists and media critics, through a web of private foundations and CIA sponsored front organizations. The CIA also influences the scope and direction of many Hollywood productions. Since 9/11, one third of Hollywood productions are war movies. "Hollywood stars and scriptwriters are rushing to bolster the new message of patriotism, conferring with the CIA and brainstorming with the military about possible real-life terrorist attacks."8 "The Summer of All Fears" directed by Phil Alden Robinson, which depicts the scenario of a nuclear war, received the endorsement and support of both the Pentagon and the CIA.9 Disinformation is routinely "planted" by CIA operatives in the newsroom of major dailies, magazines and TV channels. Outside public relations firms are often used to create "fake stories" Carefully documented by Chaim Kupferberg in relation to the events of September 11: "A relatively few well-connected correspondents provide the scoops, that get the coverage in the relatively few mainstream news sources, where the parameters of debate are set and the "official reality" is consecrated for the bottom feeders in the news chain."10 Covert disinformation initiatives under CIA auspices are also funneled through various intelligence proxies in other countries. Since 9/11, they have resulted in the day-to-day dissemination of false information concerning alleged "terrorist attacks". In virtually all of the reported cases (Britain, France, Indonesia, India, Philippines, etc.) the « alleged terrorist groups» are said to have «links to Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda», without of course acknowledging the fact (amply documented by intelligence reports and official documents) that Al Qaeda is a creation of CIA. The Doctrine of "Self Defense"............ |
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Jump To Comment: 1The confounding and mysterious lack of any audible criticism of the obvious confining of the debate on the absolutly psychological onsluaght in Iraq is madening. Our "civil liberties" are being sacrificed on the alter of fear, guilt and shame, etc, while we are being distracted with terrorists and Evil Tyrants with menacing looking military hats and the irony is that the distraction du jour of Saddam only distracts us from atrocities being commited in so many lands, atrocities that are enabled by U.S. support--either financial or logistical (if you can call special forces tactics "logical" in any way)--and while the blood of our "civil liberties" (if there ever was such a thing) is being overtly and almost satirically splashed all over the media. The mainstream press is cockier than ever in this new war of ideas. And all they want to talk about is the cold weather and the danger of mad dogs.
These "ideas" that a great number of people are allowing into their minds are dangerously base. These people should be warned that they only have one life to live and the mind, consiousness, or what have you, is the most important aspect of your life. All fixe senses are connected, integrated into a life of wonder and amazement. Yet all any concerned, decent people hear, even from the "left" press (or whatever the new fake ideology) is this continuous innuendo.
Is this just paranoia? Think6 about it. This Iraq turkey is ridiculous. They can't even make war propaganda sophisticated enough to be at all tolerable, much less interesting for its kitsch value. The editors who belong to the free media must be in prison, on death row, or on tour with Aerosmith or something, because they aren't present in any articles I'm reading. Hasn't anybody heard?! Elvis is alive!!
Seriously, are you all too chicken? I have 7 pounds of Miane lobster that says you don't have the courage to even concede there is a deliberate narrowing of the debate. For example, why was it even an issue that Turkey refused to allow U.S. military to use their bases despite that thee U.S. has been doling out vast sums of cash to Turkey for weapons purchases for the purposes of using them for a U.S. led--or whoever--war. Why didn't anyone expose this as a deliberate stalling mechanism of the bank-o-rama think-tank regime.
In the same vein, what is the motivation for Saddam Hussein to even be at all adversarial to a gloabal mafia that groomed him from his early days in the CIA as an assasin of Kareem Abdul Kassem, to his current role as the cult-of-personality-goat-distraction-tool-mustached-tyrant-pretext.
Until we get to the issue that there has been a New World Order for centuries, an order of certain "bloodlines" of all races who hold their position strong inside their fortressed ivory tower, and who cooperate to create illusory divisions of power while they divide and conquer all unaffiliated people (or sheep, dogs, monkeys apes, cattle, sharks, according to Hollywood and Madison Ave), we will never have an enlightening debate.
It is hard to guess what motivates this gang of thugs, but I think I know why they don't want to fight the restless many when they find out the truth: they're too chicken.
If there is anything I can do to add to the stew, to get this show on the road, if you will, please send me an e-mail at the addrss at the top.