Free Inigo Makazaga from Belmarsh Gaol
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Wednesday February 12, 2003 14:40
by Hebe - Irish Republican Socialist Party
irsp at netwizards dot net
392 Falls Road Belfast BT12 6DH

Free the Six Breton Political Prisoners
The Irish Republican Socialist Party has spoken out regarding the case of Iņigo Makazaga, an activist within the Basque student movement and a member of the Basque republican party, Herri Batasuna. Inigo was falsely charged in February 1996 with sabotage as part of the Spanish governments ongoing attack on Basque activists. ************************************************* The Irish Republican Socialist Party joined with organisations around the world in demanding the release of six Breton political prisoners arrested and charged without proof of membership to the ARB (Breton Republican Army). Some of them have been held since September 1999.
11 February 2003
Irish Republican Socialist Party
IRSP: Free Inigo Makazaga from Belmarsh Gaol
The Irish Republican Socialist Party has spoken out regarding the
case of Iņigo Makazaga, an activist within the Basque student movement
and a member of the Basque republican party. Herri Batasuna, who
served on Herri Batasuna's local committee in his Vitroria-Gasteiz
community, was falsely charged in February 1996 with sabotage
offenses as part of the Spanish governments ongoing attack on
Basque activists. He was arrested and jailed, during which time
he was subjected to physical abuse and torture. To escape further
threat to his freedom and physical well being, Makazaga left the
Basque lands and sought refuge in Britain under an assumed
identity. He was arrested in Dover in April of 2001 on an
extradition warrant from Spain, which claimed he was a
member of the ETA.
Peadar Baile of the IRSP's International Department said:
"Iņigo Makazaga has been incarcerated for ten months now, and
yet no charges have been filed against him yet. The man is being
held in isolation, which is inhuman treatment in itself.
"If he is extradited to Spain, he is likely to face more torture and
there is not the slightest hope of his gaining justice from the Spanish
state, which has answered the legitimate demand of the Basque
people for their national liberation over the years with nothing but
more repression and violence.
"The Spanish state responded to the ETA's unilateral cease-fire of
more than a year with stepped up arrests, the banning of legal Basque
political organisation, pursuit of Basque political refugees in France,
and all manner of other repressive measures. To extradite a Basque
political activist to Spain, given their recent record, would be itself
a criminal act.
"The IRSP well understands how imperialist states use extradition
warrants as a means of silencing the voices of their political opponents
in an attempt to control international access to the truth. We have had
our own members subjected to these same tactics. Accordingly, we
cannot do otherwise than join in demanding the release of Iņigo
While endorsing the planned demonstration in support of Makazaga
outside Belmarsh on Saturday, February 22nd, the IRSP spokesperson
"The only thing Iņigo Makazaga is guilty of is loving his nation and his
people and speaking out for their liberation. The IRSP call upon all
socialists and republicans residing in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, or
England who are able, to join the demonstration demanding the
release of Iņigo. Moreover, the IRSP reiterate our solidarity with
the Basque working people struggling for their own national liberation
and the liberation of themselves as a class."
11 February 2003
Irish Republican Socialist Party
IRSP: Free the Six Breton Political Prisoners
The Irish Republican Socialist Party joined with organisations around the
world in demanding the release of six Breton political prisoners arrested
and charged without proof of membership to the ARB (Breton Republican
Army). Some of those arrested have been held since September 1999. The six
prisoners include Gérard Bernard, Jerome Bouthier, Kristian Georgeault,
Pascal Laizé, Stéphane Philippe, and Gaël Roblin, most are members of
EMGANN, the Breton republican socialist party.
A spokesperson for the International Department of the IRSP said:
"The Irish Republican Socialist Party has no reservation in demanding the
release of the six Breton activists presently being held on baseless
charges of membership in the ARB. The Breton people have the right to
national liberation and have too long suffered severe repression from the
French state.
"We believe that the present Breton political prisoners were arrested in an
attempt to intimidate and undermine the growing movement for national
liberation Brittany. These six individuals were not arrested for any
specific violation of French law, rather they were arrested for their
political views and activism. They're release is essential, if justice is
to have meaning again in France."
In conclusion, the IRSP spokesperson added:
"Pending their freedom, which should be speedily forthcoming, the IRSP
endorse the demands put forward by their supporters in Brittany:
"To be held together in one single jail, closer to home in Britanny;
"The right to hold meetings;
"The right to engage in activities specific to their political work;
"The right to communication without restriction;
"The right to information and communication in their language, the Breton
language; and
"Better and more appropriate accommodation for the families visiting the
prisoners in jail."
392 Falls Road
Belfast BT12 6DH
[email protected]
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Jump To Comment: 1All democrats and all republicans should support the Celtic resistance to the Anglo-American empire and its various collaborators.