Affairs of the Nation - Experimenting with Jim Mansfield.
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Tuesday February 04, 2003 12:31
by Joe - Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty Ireland
brian_cass_dropdead at hotmail dot com
SHAC, P.O. Box 4734, Dublin 1

The Phoenix Magazine article
Animal Rights campaigners in the Uk and here have been making headlines in recent times with high profile successes against the likes of Huntingdon Life Sciences(HLS). Now they are targetting Jim Mansfield.
The Phoenix. (Business magazine/Ireland)31-1-2003.
Affairs of the Nation .
Experimenting with Jim Mansfield.
Animal Rights campaigners in the Uk and here have been making headlines in recent times with high profile successes against the likes of Huntingdon Life Sciences(HLS). Now they are targetting Jim Mansfield.
The HLS campaign(aimed at eliminating the vivisection procedures carried out by the company) has been one of the most successful ever, resulting in a major quoted biotech company being brought to the brink of financial ruin.Among those to react to the pressure group was AIB which has loaned Stg5 million but duly severed all links. More recently, Bank of Scotland closed the companys bank account and when no other bank would step in, the Bank of Englandwas forced to open a special account for the company.
A year ago, HLS was taken off the Nasdaq.
Within the space of 10 years a company worth almost 500million pounds saw its value drop to just 10 million and a number of Irish funds managed by the likes of BCP,Dolmen Butler Briscoe and Davys were among those who disposed of their shareholdings in HLS when 'outed' by the campaign.
Clearly it dosent pay to have any links with these guys but Jim Mansfield has just appeared on the animal libbers radar and the Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty Campaign (SHAC) is currently highlighting an upcoming congress to be held by something called the Institute of Animal Technology (IAT). This organisation is made up of animal technicians (including many vivisectionists) and a key Huntingdon employee,Steve Owen is the current Chairman. Its motto is curando docemus (through learning we care) and the IAT states that it ecognises and supports the benefits of using animals in Research.
Although the IAT usually holds its congress in the UK, this year it has
decided to relocate to what it calls 'the Emerald Isle', City of Dublin. No doubt worried about being targetted by boycotts from do-godders, the IAT has not actually stated where the event will take placeapart from a reference to a superb 4 star hotel and conference centry. However activists from the SHAC Ireland Campaign have discovered that Mansfields City west Hotel will be the venue, from April 9-11th Aprilnext.
As a result SHAC is asking its supporters to lobby Citywest (which it
describes as a 'hotel mad enough to host this disgusting event'. A posse from the UK will travel over to boost the campaign on the ground closer to the event. -if it goes ahead that is. However Jim Mansfield is not the sort to wave the white flag so a good old barney looks to be on the cards.
Citywest Hotel, Conference, Leisure and Golf Resort, Saggart, Co. Dublin. The manager's name is Mr. John Glynm.
Telephone: 00 353 1 401 0500
Facsimile: 00 353 1 458 8756
Email: [email protected] & [email protected]
Organised by Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty Ireland: contact at [email protected] /
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Comments (2 of 2)
Jump To Comment: 1 2Yes phoenix magazine is an excellent source of infomation on issues not available anywhere else covering a wide variety of issues. For example they have been publicising breaches of our neutrality for years now that the mejia wont touch.