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Scumbags strike again![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Scumbags strike again Today peaceful protesters injured a garda while trying to cause damage to a plane. This gives a new meaning to the word peaceful. Last week people here were saying criminal damage was ok because nobody was hurt. What have they got to say this week? The sooner they arrest the rest of the criminals down at Shannon the better. Are the protesters in Shannon the same incident peaceful protesters that caused the May Day Riot? If will funny to read all the excuses that will be posted here about what happened today. Because the protesters at Shannon, rts and the rest are never wrong. And I am sure there will be lots of people saying it’s the governments fault LETS HOPE THEY LOCK THESE SCUMBAGS UP
Are the protesters in Shannon the same incident peaceful protesters that caused the May Day Riot? If will funny to read all the excuses that will be posted here about what happened today. Because the protesters at Shannon, rts and the rest are never wrong. And I am sure there will be lots of people saying it’s the governments fault LETS HOPE THEY LOCK THESE SCUMBAGS UP |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14I don't suppose you have any evidence that a Garda was injured?
Mind you, I do agree that the government should be locked up, but I don't think you should refer to its members as scumbags: that's not very polite.
Get OUT OF SHANNON YOU pillocks, take your drums and flames throwers and join the circus on the limerick road. It will be a great life under canvas. You will be able to live with the lions.
I hope you get left the bill from the US dept of Defense for the damage.
I suppose the holiday to florida is out now that you are criminals - how does it feel in the old cell - some one staring at your ass!
In Jail no one can hear you scream.............
Have you considered this version of the facts and the fact that the protesters have not been charged with assault
Have you considered this version of the facts and the fact that the protesters have not been charged with assault
It would appear that you can't even get a simple fact straight, that would explain why you support the illegal presence of US military aircraft here.
If you'd even the mental capacity of a doormouse you'd know that it has been clarified that the Catholic Worker peace activists didn't touch _anyone_ and had to reassure and sooth the unfortunate Garda that freaked out when he realised that they'd managed to sneak in and damage the plane.
The poor bugger was upset because he was worried that he was going to get penalised for having failed to see them sneak in. My sympathies to him and I hope he doesn't get into trouble. However the Gardai and the Army can be no match for the jedi skills of the peace activists.
Now Luke, you deranged, inaccurate, morally-corrupt fool, go and do some reading and self-reflection.
Ronald and Luke's informed criticism and articulate debating style has changed my view on things. Their brave stand for truth in the face of the lies and slurs cast upon them is something I find inspiring and truly, we are better, not just as political activists, but as human beings, for having these points made to us.
Before Ronald and Luke told it like it is, I thought, oh how I laugh now, that murdering innocent people to obtain a supply of oil was wrong. Ronald and Luke, in a few short words, most of them 'scumbag', showed me the error of my ways. How we all laughed at my foolishness in the aftermath.
I understand now that the war on Iraq will, in fact, be bloodless, and result in the liberation of a people long oppressed by a tyrant. Any oil America gets out of it will be freely given by the Iraqi people in gratitude.
I have a renewed faith in the Irish media's reporting, referred to by Luke and Ronald. Despite the Gardai saying at one point that no Garda was in hospital and the fact that the people involved are ideologically pacifists I now accept without question the fact that these five people, so-called Catholic Workers, brutally beat a Garda to death, leaving behind several suffering, though photogenic orphan children and a grief-stricken, though attractive, wife.
Go war.
Don't worry about the Garda, he's fine.
My emotional friend,
these "scumbags" are you so eloquently put it are well intentioned Catholics and that is apparent fron the name they used when arrested and as broadcast on the media. Are you being sectarian then? Or just ignorant?
Conor Cregan was speaking with Ciaron O'Reilly in Shannon Garda Station at around 10.30 today
Ciaron confirmed to Conor that thy had indeed met met a Guard who, rather than being overpowered, had had a kind of
stress/panic reaction to their presence and had become upset....
Full report at:
It always amazing how these pro-war and pro-murder people never address the main issue as to what
any of these protests are about. They strip it of all context. They also tend to be 'law and order'
fanatics which shows up in their authoritarian streak. Their general argument is you must obey the
law. The law is everything. Their desire is always to repress. Never ask questions, just obey the
law. This is exactly the kind of mass behaviour that allowed fascism to arise.
People often wonder how fascism arises, and all those history programs about the WW II seem to pose
that question. Well the answer can be found in the type of right wing authoritarian reaction that we
see to today's direct action at Shannon against the War.
That's the only way that it makes sense. I think we may be a little hard on him, I think he's actually parodying himself.
All of you say that you want the U.S.A out of Shannon, Well the plane that you distroyed for the second time was going to leave today. I think that you like the U.S there why else would you distroy a plane that was about to leave. I also think you like all your tax money going to pay for American aircraft. You ARE paying for it,or did that slip by you unnoticed? Good luck FOOLs
That's all right: we're all scruffy layabouts who don't pay tax anyway.
Don't waste time on trolls
"the plane that you distroyed for the second time was going to leave today"
Yep it was going South-East to help in the build up for the coming murderous war. You see when the protestors say "US warplanes out of Shannon", they don't mean "after refuelling and with a cargo of war materials." Even the 'Fools' who you seem to be addressing should be able to figure that out.
Bush doesn't even care about Americans, let alone Iraqis. This statement may shock the pro-war brigade but here's the proof: Last year the Indonesian army murdered two American school teachers in West Papua, in a crude attempt to discredit the Papuan guerrillas fighting for independence. So how does the American govt. react the the killing of Americans? by giving more money and training to the people who murder Americans! The Friday before last the US Senate voted against a motion to restrict military funding for the Indonesian army, despite the fact that the families of the victims asked them to vote for the restrictions. The entire basis of the current drive to war is that Bush wants to get rid of Saddam because he poses a threat to Americans, but Bush doesn't give a f*ck about Americans, other than the ones who fund his election campaigns. There are lots of other exanmples of Americans being murdered by foreign govts. and the US leaders (and media) covering them up. Eg, the 4 American nuns raped and murdered by the army in El Salvador in 1982, another nun, Dianna Ortiz who was gang raped by the Guatemalan army, had cigarette butts put out on her body and then was thrown into a pit full of dead bodies and rats, Charle Horman, a journalist murdered by Pinochets army with the help of the CIA in 1973, the list goes on.