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National Demonstration - This Saturday 3pm Dublin![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Phone and email everybody- all out mobilisation for tomorrow ANTI WAR NEWS - Thursday 25th April NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION - THIS SATURDAY - DUBLIN CITY CENTRE AT 3pm - FOR INFO CONTACT 087 7955013 Last November politicians claimed that the fall of Kabul marked the end of the war in Afghanistan and the first victory in the wider ‘war on terror’. Nearly 5 months later do we live in a safer and more just world?
Meanwhile, over 4,000 children continue to die every month because of the sanctions imposed against the people of Iraq - and still Bush and Blair want to bomb Iraqi civilians. If anything, the world is a much more unstable place than on September 10th.
Practically, this means Telephoning friends/workmates/flatmates/family and bringing them along on Saturda Bring a banner from your local organisation, trade union or students’ union Bring banners/flags/placards and music Last minute leafleting at train stations and outside shopping centres (contact 087 7955013 if available for leafleting) Get on the radio - call into local chatshows and explain why you’re coming on the anti-war demo and why you are outraged that US warplanes are landing in Shannon Make this an election issue - the election is on May 17th and the same politicians who signed a blank cheque for George Bush will soon be calling to your door. Don’t let them off easily. Come to the anti-war social on Saturday evening (7pm starts with screening of the Battle of Algiers - then continues to late with music - cost €5 or donation - venue: Sean O’Casey’s, Marlborough St., off Abbey St., Dublin.
Assemble 3pm at Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Square, Dublin For directions/info/press contact 087 7955013.
DERRY: leaves promptly at 10am from Foyle St at the entrance to the bus station. Tickets £10 (waged) and £5 (conc.). To book contact 07771 781958. GALWAY: leaves from Eyre Square at 10am on Sat 27th - contact 086 8473529 CORK: contact 086 3125465 OTHER EVENTS
Final preparations for Saturdays demo are being made in Spacecraft this Friday from 6.30 onwards. The puppets and props are pretty close to being finished but we still urgently need wooden poles or thin strips of wood, also paint and glue of any sort are always handy. Also on Friday night we need to decide roughly who's going to be what so that we know how many of whichever whatevers we have to bring to wherever, if you catch my drift. For more information contact Joe on 087 9032281. SWP Public Meeting THE DRIVE TO WAR - THE OTHER FACE OF GLOBALISATION Richardsons, Eyre Square, Galway, Friday 26th at 6.30pm Speaker: Eamonn McCann, prominant political commentator, author, HOT PRESS journalist, and a leading activist in the civil rights movement in Derry. Admission free - all welcome. For info contact Dette McLoughlin at 091 - 590452