Bellum Americana.
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Tuesday January 28, 2003 13:12
by i psi phi = ipsi phi

as Pax americana.
that no state nor nation may raise levy tax or militia without the consent of Washington. That no state nor militia may make war without tthe consent of Washington. That this consent be a priori. Today the de facto President of the United States of America makes the state of the Union address.
Lucus a non lucendo.
George Lucus attack of the clones.
at not shining.
light at not shining.
Ireland and Great Britain union 1801
Scotland and England union 1776
Mozart in Manheim 1777.
Ms. Rice termed the intellect of the legitimate President de facto of the United States of America plays Brahms and Beethovan to relax.
Brahms the late developer.
Beethovan who threw his third symphony to the fire upon learning that Napoleon Bonaparte had declared himself legitamate Emperor of France.
Mozart in Manheim 1777.
Mozart in Paris 1779.
Mozart in Salzburg 1774.
Ms. Rice enters into western cilivisation to relax.
She treats upon the problems both technical and intellectual of over two hundred years.
Mozart in Manheim 1777.
D major.
Mozart in Paris 1779.
The Treaty of Paris 1779.
The United States of America legitamised by diplomatic protocol.
Mozart in Salzburg 1774.
Ms. Rice enters in to Beethovan to relax.
She faces the same problems as thousands before.
Beethovan the enraged idealist who throws the manuscript of his third symphony so presently numbered into the fire.
The dedicatee had declared himself Emperor.
Bonaparte had betrayed the revolution that Beethovan had been inspired by.
The State of the Union.
The Pillars of Domestic and Foreign Policy have not changed since the first Treaty of Paris.
Ms. Rice has an oiltanker named after her.
Mr Rumsfield has a coffee table book after him.
Mr Bush has a father before him a hero of the second world war who survived crashlanding into the Pacific Ocean.
The cost of providing preventative vaccines to the world´s children is equal unto 5% of the cost so far endured by the war to secure Western Civilisation´s future Oil supply.
on the 18th of June 2002
j18 2002 ATTAC number 341
section the second
"le spirale infernale"
International Monetary Fund Anne Krueger,
a soutenu : « Bien que la chute de activité économique a été commune au nord et au sud, les réponses politiques ont été nécessairement différentes. Les Etats-Unis et le Canada ont adopté des politiques monétaires et fiscales de plus en plus expansionnistes pour appuyer une reprise rapide. La majorité des pays d'Amérique Latine et des Caraïbes ont en revanche été contraints d' adopter des politiques d'austérité en raison de la faiblesse de leurs finances publiques ».
1777 Mozart at Mannheim.
The World Economic Forum explains vaccines for the world´s children at:®ion_id=201002
two days or more in the cultural stream.
It has been nine days since the last review.
Vaccines did not at first have patents.
Nor limitations upon their remit.
Le Pasteur. Paris.
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