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Call the Doktors . . . Willie's stopped spinning![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() War for Oil Good for Irish Jobs sez Willie O'Dea.. . . . . . I think it is a bit disingenuous to say that Oil has nothing at all to do with it . . . . . I think it is a bit disingenuous to say that Oil has nothing at all to do with it . ...I mean Oil has a lot to do with it . . . oil has quite a lot to with it because as has been said . .by 2025 America will be importing 70% . . . 70% of American imports will consist of Oil . . . now the reality . . this is a vital . . a vital strategic interest and america should'nt be ashamed or afraid . . and the Bush Administration shouldn't be ashamed or afraid to admit that . . .but the mistake I think that a lot of people are making is that when you say that it's all about oil people imag . . conjure up an image of a few cigar chompin texans sitting around in Dallas style ranch houses who support George W. Bush and that they're going to be the only beneficiaries . . . The price of oil . . . and the control of the oil supply has a vital impact on the economies of all the western world . . It has a vital impact on your jobs . . . on my job . . . . . . There are supplementary reasons of course for a military adventure in Iraq . . . QANDA RTE 1 - Mon 27th Jan 03 |
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is the link if anyone wants to see an Irish pol getting really confused and telling the truth.
Tim Hourigan
To: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2003 13:40:46 -0800 (PST)
I tried to send this to you using the contact form on
your website, but it did not appear to work.
Greetings Mr. O'Dea,
can you please tell me how you justify the
government's complicity in the ongoing abuse of
Shannon airport by the US military?
Not only are whole battalions of troops passing
through on a daily basis, but worrying quantities of
military cargo are also being parked at Shannon,
normally very close to aircraft carrying Irish
citizens. This is in contradiction to several domestic
and international laws, as well as fire safety
protocols. It is also something at which I have seen
passengers express great alarm and disgust.
Recently some Ryanair passengers chose to leave the
terminal when informed that a US military aircraft was
parked next to the Ryanair Boeing 737.
Furthermore, we have seen US refuelling tanker
aircraft which are designed to refuel fighter-bomber
jets in mid-air. (e.g. US Marine Corp Kc-130 QB-9792
from 357th refuelling squadron based at Miramar,
California, photographed at Shannon April of last
I believe these tankers are facilitating the transit
of aircraft such as the F-16s and A-10s listed in DFA
memo of Oct 26, 2001, in response to PQ 148 of October
16, 2001.
Can you please tell me your position on article 28.3.1
"War shall not be declared and the state shall not
participate in any war save with the assent of Dail
If you recall, I did ask you that question on April
11th, 2002.
Your reply was not exactly polite.
given that there is a war on in Afghanistan, and that
Mr. Rumsfeld recently said on FOX News that the 1991
war on Iraq never technically ended, I would ask why
you have not called for a Dail Debate on our rather
substantial participation in this war.
What is your position of the Hague convention 1907,
Geneva Convention, Nurmeberg Charter? and their
provisions relating to belligerents using neutral
territory, indiscriminate bombing of civilians and
civilian infrastructure?
Finally, I would ask that you come to speak at the
Shannon Peace Camp as a matter of courtesy.
If your schedule does not allow this, let me know and
I will arrange for a spokesperson (from your
constituency) to visit one of your clinics.
given the urgent nature of these affairs I would
appreciate a speedy response to my query
yours in peace,
Tim Hourigan
Is the moustache real?
up again the minister for homeland security tonite
Only in this country could you have a politician come out with such a blase statement concerning the deaths of over 100,000 people and say its the best thing that happened to the Irish economy since the Euro.
I reckon rather than sending statements from peace-camps to him you'd be better off sending HIS statements to as many hardline Islamic websites you can find, along with his home address and constituency office. Perhaps they will have more success in engaging him in constructive debate than you have had. As he said himself politicians "shouldnt be ashamed or afraid to admit this" so I dont think there'd be any harm.
(while youre at it you could forward his photo-graph to some gay websites. With a moustache like that he could become quite a pin-up. Move over Village people, here comes "Big" Willie O'Dea !!!)
Great idea, send them on. X marks the spot, or should I say a moustache!
WIth regard to Dell and its relocating is a bit like trying to turn the tide.
Why bother, its easier to guide the tide than stop it!
Let Dell go if they must because it is not worth having the fear of the loss always over one.
They are going anyway, but the people remain so a take over or Gove guided Management Buy Out.
This will temper Mr. Dell wish to depart (You may recall Iraq blowing wells on exit in Kuwait)
The powers that be can either set up a business to replace them or iinvite Lenovo or similar manufacturer to replace and I mean replace.
If USA is prepared to invest money into Car Manufacturers, why cannot Biffo and Co, invest money in a MBO and tell Dell to go to get lost!
Lets see some "decent get up and go" time for JP Mc Manus and co to do a real gift to people of Limerick and put Management team in place like Sr. Alan Sugar.
This means that we address our fears, we also create a problem to dell relocating as they will be replaced with competitor. Let the Gov provide orders for the instution for all schools etc as they would do in CHina and whilst we are at it we may as well reburbish machines for re distribution starting with the mess of machines from the e vote. We are paying hundreds of thousands each yar to store them in places leased to store them to the cF Fail cronies. CHeck out who owns the storage facilities and you will find cronies.
Bring Back the Milkmen which would create hundreds of jobs. Bring Back The Tailors The Dressmakers The Barbers Carpenters Butchers
Mechanics Bus Conducters Furniture Manufacturers Etc.
How ? That is what has to be worked out . Just Do It .....