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Action Alert: Oppose US Military Refueling in Canada![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Canadian island could be next 'Shannon Airport' Greetings and Solidarity from across the ocean, on another island that is opposing the US military. Prince Edward Island is on the East Coast of Canada and on the flight path to overseas from the USA, and a corporation here wants to have the US military stop to refuel, and possibly train. So we're hoping you can help us with: 1) info about why we really don't want the US refueling (or training) here. 2) any messages of warning you wish to send to our local media, etc. Greetings and Solidarity from across the ocean, on another island that is opposing the US military. Prince Edward Island is on the East Coast of Canada and on the flight path to overseas from the USA, and a corporation here wants to have the US military stop to refuel, and possibly train. Their story (though somewhat mixed up) is that it would be just for 'search and rescue' So we're hoping you can help us with: We'd like to cast doubt on their 'it's okay cuz it's just for 'search and rescue' stance Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Aaron Koleszar ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION ALERT: Oppose US Military Training and Refueling in PEI Do you have concerns about plans to bring the US military to train and refuel aircraft on PEI? If you wish to express your concerns, contact information is listed below for the President of the Slemon Park Corporation, the Premier of Prince Edward Island, and some local media. Spread the word. Earth Action ------------------------------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 CHARLOTTETOWN, PEI, Canada - Prince Edward Island environmental group Earth Action is denouncing plans to bring the US military to train and refuel aircraft on PEI. Representatives of the Slemon Park Corporation are in St. Joseph, Missouri this week, for the 22nd annual Air Mobility Tactics Symposium, at Rosecrans Air Force Base and will be attempting to secure a contract for the refueling and maintenance of military aircraft, as well as military training exercises for their crews. Earth Action stands in opposition to this plan, for social and environmental reasons. Sharon Labchuk, Earth Action toxics campaigner, explains "This idea was hatched by a private corporation, with the intent to profit from the business of War. It is unacceptable that the public has not been consulted about this plan which will support both environmental degradation and human suffering." The US military produces a ton of toxic waste per minute, more than the five largest US chemical companies combined. Besides more conventional materials like propellants, oil, solvents, paints, preservatives, and heavy metals, military facilities frequently store deadly chemical and radioactive substances (chemical weapons, bomb components), in secret and rarely subject to environmental oversight). Contaminated sites are spread across the planet, but the US military continues to avoid responsibility (just try an Internet search for "US military" + "toxic waste"). Military activities are responsible for 6-10 percent of global air pollution, according to the Washington, D.C.-based Worldwatch Institute. DU (Depleted Uranium) weapons were used by US forces in the Gulf War, Yugoslavia/Kosovo, Afghanistan and elsewhere. The radioactive uranium oxide dust from these exploding weapons has been inhaled by a large number of soldiers (on both sides), as well as civilians (on "their" side). The radioactive particles contaminate the bombed out cities (and countryside) centuries after the conflict is over. In Iraq, cancer and birth defects have skyrocketed since the Gulf War. If you want to talk about Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs)...the USA is the ONLY government that has used nuclear weapons to target civilians in not one, but TWO large cities. The survivors (in surrounding areas) and their descendants have been left with a toxic radioactive legacy. Furthermore, the US government has recently announced plans to develop first strike "small scale'" nuclear weapons. The US government and CIA have armed and/or trained Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban, Saddam and Iraq, and many other murderous dictators and death squads. They have supported the overthrow of democratically elected governments when it is in their interest. According to UN statistics for 1996-2001, the US is the world's largest weapons manufacturer and exporter, with 45 per cent of the sales. In 2000, the US netted $14 billion (US) in arms sales, double its closest competitors, Britain and Russia. To date the PEI provincial government seems to be avoiding comment. Aaron Koleszar of Earth Action asks "Will our government allow this? Will they say 'our hands are's not our jurisdiction'? How can one, in good conscience, allow this, support this, and profit from this?" Slemon Park Corporation and the US military should give up on this idea before it's even begun. For more information, contact Earth Action: -30- ======================================================= Contact Info for the Premier of PEI, local media, and the President of the Slemon Park Corporation. Pat Binns, Premier of Prince Edward Island ------------------------ Media The Guardian The Journal-Pioneer The Eastern Graphic CBC Radio Island Morning Talkback - 629-6414, 1 (800) 680-1898 ----------------- Ken DesRoches, president Mailing Address Physical Address |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12All I can say is this that the inherant disunity and apathy which is the hallmark of the average Canadian once again is rearing it"s ugly head.The people who purpotrate the quisling attitude against a united front against terrorism should be incarcerated and stripped of their citizenship as they are obviously subersives.We had ways of dealing with them during the 2nd world war and it is time that we reintroduced them again.These people who seem to have a different slant on what terrorism really is are an abomination and should be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law.
From an anti terrorist.
M. Robertson: born again with fascist cravings? Had any good book burnings recently you troglodyte!
You people need to grow up and try to help the others in your country and around the world instead of constantly calling the U.S. badguys to make yourself feel better about being insignificant.
Sadly the Anti-War movement is at it again. They are not a "Peace movement". There is no Peace for Iraq's people while Saddam holds sway.
Anti-War is not Pro-Peace. Countries in the West have lived in relative peace since World War II because they have been able to defend themselves well enough to avert any large scale attacks on our soil.
September 11 came after a decade of defense cuts, and weak reaction to attacks on the World Trade centre in 1993, Khobar towers in Saudi Arabia, the US embasies in Africa, and the USS Cole.
Had the former US president who only has one idea about what a Hummer is, acted appropriatly to these events; September 11s events would probably not have happend.
Canadians seem to think (I am one of them, I hear it daily) that the US will defend us, but at the same time the US should not defend itself. We should not contribute to the mutual defense because we don't like their policies.
Grow up people, as Newfoundlanders have been heard to say "It's time to fish or cut bait."
Face it people. The Day of the Lord is coming, but until that time we have to live in the real world, dirty as it may be. P E Trudeau, wherever he may be now, decided to let Canada be protected by the USA. There is already a close association between the CAF (such as it is) and the Pentagon. PEI can stand a little excitement and certainly could use more cash. This is not weapons testing being proposed, simply overflights. I remember in the 50's in Ajax ON watching military air traffic (ours) fly over several times a day at the height of the cold war. A CF-100 crashed near our town, but that was a small price to pay for freedom (or at least a chance to vote for which 'big brother' you want for the next four years.
Those of you who think canada is in dire need of military assistance due to impending invasion from the northern barabarian tribes watch to much american propaganda(t.v.).The only possible attack on canada is FROM the u.s.of a.They need our water and will come and get it if we dont give it to them eventually,and we will.i have a hard time beleiving how dumb and gullible people are...
We have turned into a weak, cowardly nation that lets others do the heavy lifting. We are a disgrace to ourselves, we are a disgrace to our ancestors. The Jew-hating left wing in this country are an abomination...
Every effort must be made to prevent the war-mongering, hysteria-fuelled American forces from using PEI as a stop-over to murdering civilians overases in Iraq. Pierre Trudeau, contrary to Jean Chrétien, would have made Canada's position clear on the Iraq issue a long time ago. He would have reminded us that Canada is a peace-loving nation, and one that need not cater to our violent neighbours to the south. Face it, folks: Bush wants to bomb Iraq for oil and to establish his New World Order in the Middle East. That's what it's all about. If only the mainstream media did a bit of homework, instead of pandering to the racist, foam-at-the-mouth Bushites.
Who are the real terrorists? Yanks dropping bombs on innocent Iraqis? Or enraged men aiming planes into highrises? Could Bush answer that question? Then again, this is a man who put hundreds of prisoners to death during his tenure as Texas Governor...
haha, very funny J. Smith...
It won't be long till Canada takes over the world. Check out the link :)
I tend to agree with the majority of writers that suggest Canada is riding the coat tails of our American brothers. Cheers to you.
Now, for those peacenik anti-everything types who wouldn't lift a finger to defend democracy, but instead would rather pick up arms to defend baby seals, please feel free to move yourselves to the freedom & peace loving Republic of Iraq.
Canada once stood for freedom and democracy. We believed in a level playing field for all and were fiercely independant of anyone. We have battle honors from all over the world for our beliefs and our fighting capabilities, all for the right reasons. Now, the spineless jellyfish that are stinking up the House of Commons in Ottawa, commanded by the biggest pacifist of them all, Jean Chretien, has spawned a generation of spoiled anti-american wannabe Canadians who don't know what principle is about.
Canada should be there on the front lines with our other English speaking friends, neighbors and Allies. We were one of the first nations to enter into both WWI & WWII, Korea and even had 40,000 private Canadian citizens joing the US forces during the Vietnam era.
The United States is not a perfect nation, but at least they stand up for freedom, democracy and the well being of it's citizens. Ditto for the UK and Australia. Here, we are like so much dust in the wind. Blown every which way because the lib-left has grown into an uncontrollable cancer in our society today.
Even the murders of over 3,000 innocent civilians don't phase these people. They would have you believe that the US are out to kill all the Iraqi's. On the contrary. It is their technology (developed in part by Canadians) implemented into smart weapons that is designed to minimize civillian casualties. As unfortunate as it is, innocents do die.
Why are these people not protesting the Human Rights abuses in China, Iran, Iraq, and countless other countries, instead of standing shoulder to shoulder with our American & English brethern who support and encourage freedom, democracy and human rights?
Spoiled! We have indeed become a nation of wimps and cry babies. We want all of the advantages the US can give us, but we won't support our friends, neighbors and families that need our help in time of crises.
My Canada doesn't include a nation of spoiled pacifists. My Canada includes one that is populated by hardworking, freedom loving democratic peoples who are tolerant of many things, but intollerant when innocents are being unfairly abused by their government. Saddam Hussein and the Terrorists have succeeded to a large part by all this fence sitting and spineless rhetoric.
Let the Americans refuel in PEI and let the Americans go and do their job to the best of their abilities.
If we won't show a spine, I thank God there is a nation on this planet with a spine and conviction!
God Bless America,
God Bless Canada.
Is it my imagination or have we been invaded by cankooks?
Isn't it nice to know Micheal Moore wasn't spot on when he was waxing lyrically about Canada in Bowling for Columbine.
Yes we see a variety of the those american classics only with a maple syrup twist.
"Get to the Republic of Iraq peacenik"
Opposing an injust war which will kill maybe millions doesn't make me a pro Iraq.
I can find it hyprocritical that the US have no problem arming half the world, proping up illegal brutal regiemes such as Indonesia, but then tell us this is a war for freedom and security. Hang on which country in the middle east has nukes? Isreali, and which country has said they're not afraid to use them? Israeli. So lets cut this war on terror crap shall we?
And the murder of 3,000 innocents does phase me. What bothers me more this the deats of 500,000 Iraqis (mostly women and children) dying as a direct result of US sanctions on iraq since the last war. It doesn't phase Madeline Allbright who claimed it was a small price to pay. Remind me, who's the bigger terrorist?
Seriously where the fuck do you guys come from? It's like we walked away from a post for a minute and this this fugal growth of right wing canadians spawned.....
Sing it with me "OH CANADA......."
Funny how these war mongers jump up screaming names at you and spurting cnn type pre-programmed's a shure sign of swallowing it hook line and sinker...Well people if you're so brave join in on the massacre im shure the americans would love to have you.let me tell you one thing...or two.Flying an airplane into a building is a hell of a lot braver then dropping a billion tons of bombs by remote control on babys.hiding behind money and high tech and stuffing you're face full of big macs and coca-cola and sitting in front of the tube while burping out ignorant comments learned off cnn and ronald reagan does not add up to bravery and righteousness.The real reason canadians consevatism in general is that you're all a bunch of wimps.scared of everything.the richest people on earth and scared to lose it.bomb the whole world so life can go on 9-5-pizza on the week-end spit on a lefty or a environmentalist and be content.ya just gotta laugh when right wing greedheads call you a wimp...