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Hacker Army responsible for Saturay's Internet 'Worm'? A warmup for resistance to Iraq Invasion?

category national | miscellaneous | news report author Sunday January 26, 2003 15:28author by Eamonn C. Report this post to the editors



Interesting and scary - has link to slashot discussion of this 'story'

Related Link: http://www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=231141&group=webcast
author by Eamonn C.publication date Sun Jan 26, 2003 18:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Do you hear me, President Bush, Senator Daschle, and Congressman Thune? We control these things, not you. Your systems exist solely because we choose to cooperate.


Related Link: http://www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=221487
author by Phuq Heddpublication date Sun Jan 26, 2003 18:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This may be true (that some hacktivists decided to eff up the net), but here's some problems:
1. What they were screwing up was NOT the US military communications and government communications which run on separate isolated networks (MILNET and GOVNET), but instead the shared, (now commercialised) Internet that is used by indymedia.ie, swp.ie, struggle.ws, infoshop.org and all the other sites that we know and love. If these putative "Chip" and "Nasty" hackers were to bring it all to its knees then how would I get my alternative information? The net is one of the last places that the governments don't have total control and it's in their interest more than ours to either regulate it (through RIPE, DMCA, etc.) or break it.

2. Stuff like this happens regularly. There's no proof that it's connected to the war in any way. It could be just some smart-ass trying out his 1337 5k1ll5. If you look back at the record of worms, viruses etc and can show that this one is unexpected, abnormal, outstanding in some way then there's some justification for claiming that it's linked to the current geopolitical situation.

3. The article has shag all technical detail in it. Either the author doesn't know what s/he is talking about or else "Chip" and "Nasty" don't. Either way it's not very convincing.

4. This all goes to prove again that people shouldn't run Microsoft products. They're generally poorly engineered and vulnerable to exploits. Use Free Software (http://www.debianplanet.org/) (http://www.fsf.org)

author by oh please!publication date Mon Jan 27, 2003 11:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I doubt Bush is giving too much time to worrying about your ability to bring him down Eamonn. And what exactly do you believe you control technically? Some (apolitical most likely) hackers slowing down the web for a few hours isn't anything to do with an anti-war protest unless it's clearly flagged as such. You are jumping into fantasy land a bit too quickly there.

author by iosaf = o as if - 5thpublication date Mon Jan 27, 2003 12:46author email us at our dot netauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

It was well known and announced here several times on indymedia ireland in the last fifteen days. The last reference was made in the following article posted 23/1/03 at 9.32

It has also been deemed to have been succesful on three counts.
The intention was not to disrupt military communication that has been near impossible for technical reasons since Kosovo.
The intention was to co-ordinate a global release of "pandora´s box" by the ·Cassandra project·

Global dispersion was achieved in less than one hour.

Mr Bush doesn´t directly worry about these things.
You shall get your alternative information always, information wants to be free. That information which presently is being processed by the proxy governments of Washington, from Dublin to Athens.

Hackers are dedicated to tracing spin off trade to the War machine.
That includes sextourism and infringements of normal rights to free political association and expression.
The Cassandra project operated on the last week at what was rumoured to be 25% capacity.
It was not an attempt to stop the WAR per-se
rather to prevent something else happening.

It is my pleasure to be a conduit today in telling you that the ·something else· did not happen.

Rather like in this last week you have been told that Al Qaeda did not bio-war your neighbours in London, Paris and Barcelona.
You generally don´t get too excited about "how close you have come to plague", which is why the Secret Services don´t bother justifying thier budgets. No-one really shows any interest in what good things they do. Oh but when they fail. Well that´s newsworthy.

You should of course all use free software.

free software will mean in a better future the sharing of medical knowldedge between Europe and Africa and open access of all educational resources to the third world.

The Cassandra project has again made possible that future.

No-one will build and run code to privatise our internet.

and the tech stuff for nerdies who felt left out.

on internet as tool to influence denfense policy.
electronic civil disobedience.

a get to know your cyberpals.
what you and your children are up against.

and the last is a joint statement from chaos
it´s a wee bit old.
but they´re a bit difficult to assemble and get joint statements from.

information wants to be free.
thank you eamonn ;-) for your patience and assistance.
post script it is worth remembering that you leave traces on your mirror. So don´t visit your mirror first.

@ which tree do we say stop?

Related Link: http://www.ccc.de/CRD/CRD19990107.html
author by script kidpublication date Mon Jan 27, 2003 12:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It's just wishful thinking on your part.

and that business of laying claim to averting Indo-Pakistani nuclear war is just so delusional. Someone was a little too influenced by matthew broderick in 'War Games' I think. Can we return to reality now?

author by iosaf mac diarmada - 5thpublication date Mon Jan 27, 2003 12:57author email us at our dot netauthor address barcelonaauthor phone Report this post to the editors

some say virii.
that´s different.
virus pluralises as viruses.
the word virii is based on a different root and means something to do with penises.

(little clue for the clueless)
we have consistently condemned cyber attacks on national frameworks.
We have consistently defended the right to association and expression.
what else are computers for?

author by iosafpublication date Mon Jan 27, 2003 13:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

what pearls of wisdom you leave.
I have acted as conduit for a message and I am in little doubt as to the veracity of that message.
IF you wish to check the veracity of my previous messages then feel free to do so. They are on an open newswire. how more free can that be?
You are under daily threat of bio/chem/cyber attack.
There are no cyberwarriors lurking in converted garages listening to teckno trance bouncing off of satelites fucking up the world, you´re right script boy, that´s fantasy. And the postings on indymedia central were pitched in fantasy speak, as you probably have noticed many of the cyber crew nurture delusional self perceptions, but not all. Those who noticed what was happening attempted to put "spin". Nothing wrong in that.

But there is more in binary than ever you dreamt of.

Today´s arabic word for the collection the collection began oh when.... yes three days before London was saved from attack? and one week before Catalúnya was saved from attack?
yes today´s word is "aánar".
a poorly transcripted version ="of lights".

Do you have a beard script boy?

author by script kidpublication date Mon Jan 27, 2003 13:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If you think that link (the Richard Stallman one) has anything to do with the posting above, I'm at a loss as to the connection. Something to do with open source software perhaps?

I don't have a beard, I'm not fat, antisocial, or wear OS pun teeshirts. I'm not even a nerd. Your flowerly postings are great entertainment, but sometimes its nice to address the actual issue.

author by Iosafpublication date Mon Jan 27, 2003 15:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I spent a bad weekend ok.
got a headache.
the ducks didn´t even want to be fed.
someone released a worm last week.
I spoke to Stallman in the autonomous univ here in Catalúnya friday before last.
lovely man.
That wasn´t enterntainment it was the truth.
I´ll search out the barcelona.indymedia report on the meeting and the LA Vanguardia report as well and post them later.
Stallman knows he is a symbol of hackery.
and doesn´t object to his name being taken in "vain".

He asked me and everyone to go on plugging the free software agenda.

I asked him for a t-shirt.
I started growing a beard.
it´s a little van eyke thing.
The worm released was a reworking of one released years ago in Indonesia.
The crew capable of doing this sorty of stuff are all listed.
It is known where it came from.
The FBI were accused of "fingering the wrong man" the last time.
There have been lots of worms in the last while.
Some have overspilled from other internet systems.
That is to say they have originated on the other global systems. The slowdown was symptomatic of infection in another system.
Mr Stallman is not responsible for either his beard or sending out the worm.
My weekend though was bad bad and thumping.
MY beard is crap.
We as in GNU heads are against the targeting of states and their IT infrastructures as part of a anti-capitalist agenda.
Because it doesn´t work.
The rest is injokes and silly crypto heads coming down off a long weekend.
And a wee bit of warning to a potential "bad hacker".

So the issues:
1. can hackers stop the warmachine?
yes. they can. within the war-net.
2. can they access that from the internet?
very difficult i would say near impossible to write code now.
However flotsam buried code may be in there.
3. Can hackers affect the War Machine?
yes. without a doubt. USAF and support sections use internet for communication and logistics. Weaponry is controlled by the war-net. Human resources not.
4. can hackers be an effective campaign tool?
5. are known hackers working against the Bush administration?
I can´t tell you that.
6. have known hackers worked against the Bush admin?
7. does it matter what hackers do?
yes. there are many different types.
8. Have the ·authorities· considered a global clapmdown on hackers?
yes. unworkable.
9. Will Mr stallman do t-shirts?
10. Will Torvold recant and ditch the money making thing?
11. IS torvold still a good guy?
yes. he is morally using his cash.
12. Is Stallman as weird as he seems?
yes. possibly weirder.
13. Will Indonesia be the source of a nasty messiah wannabe?
yes. we are very sure about that one.
14. Will the Excell version 3.1 "HAll of the damned" mystery ever be solved?
15. Will free computers and internet help make the world better?
16. Will they make it perfect?
17. will tech heads ever get a memorial or a statue "to the unknown hacker?"
i hope so.
18. what´s the connection between the "little blue books" article and the thread above?
- standard iosaf fun and games.
blue books means the address directory of London between 1880 and 1905.
"Everyone who was anyone" got a listing in blue books, it is also a reference to the irish constitution and a lecture by STallman on how to pronounce Linux 1999. Attended by the "dead cow" crew.
19. Is everything iosaf writes full of crytic messages?
yes. that´s how my insane membrane works.

I like script kid!

author by Eamonn Cpublication date Mon Jan 27, 2003 15:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Not me putting it up to Mr. Bush - I can barely work out how to actually read slashdot - I cut and pasted the quotation from the 'Revenge of the Nerds' Article.

Just thought the articles about worm and anti - war hackers were an interesting piece of dis/information.

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