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Saturday January 25, 2003 14:00
by iosaf jedi of the quotations
barcelona codols 23. 08002

The flag of African Country Cote d´Ivoire.
This last week some have turned their thoughts to the possiblity of the € being used as a world currency. Excellent critical writing and thinking has been seen on ireland.indymedia from the greenie feasta people.
However as I pointed out some days ago in a comment the idea of a unitary currency for Africa has long been mooted and applied by France. It is also a key element of neo-fascist policy.
Today A country which shares a flag with Ireland except it "reads" the other way is seeing it´s government speak with the French about peace, investment, human rights and macro-economic theory.
Graham Caswell of the Irish Green Party on the use of $ as an alternative world currency.
my comments are the first two
today by the way
1 Euro = 5,120.00 Afghanistan Afghani
1 Euro = 89.22275 Algerian Dinar
1 Euro = 3.40156 Argentine Peso
1 Euro = 174.097 Kazakhstan Tenge
just for keeping you all up to track with world finance. [If you´re into manipulating Oil/Gas reserves]. I am on written record as saying at the first uncivilizaion conference in Barcelona 2002 that all we need is 2 trillion$ to make the world better.
1$ = 1€ give our take a Kyoto.
{that´s my line and none of you can afford to fight my lawyers so use the jokes but don´t forget who holds the copyrights, trademarks and moral right to be attributed as author}
Now you people probably don´t want to speak in trillions. most don´t.
So lets talk briefly about Western African macro-economic policy.
Then you can dress up the ideas in acceptable words with the gloss of good jokes and use them in local meetings or articles or whatever you are accustomed to do.
The European Union has invested heavily in the North African countries. Most particularly Algeria in an attempt to secure future Oil and Gas supplies.
this is currently seen as "sorted".
The subsaharan african nations fall into three spheres of influence.
Those whose former rulers were French.
Those whose former rulers were British.
And those whose state was donated in the midnineteenth century by US christians.
The French states have almost consistently been tied to the Franc and most recently to the €.
The British states have been instrumental in changing corporate practise. I think the key word for your google goo here is Diamonds.
If you don´t want to google goo then find a member of the Oglivy family and ask them why they chose to take their family business off of public trading.
If you can´t find a member of the Ogilvy family you could always ask me.
Children are used soldiers in all Western African states. You will find regular adverts in your sunday supplements asking you to be angry about this.
Be angry.
These children use the AK47.
This weapon is all over the world.
it is a "brand classic".
Liberia is a mess. We all know that don´t we?
but why is it a mess?
Because European greed made it so.
France is showing signs of guilt.
The French have never been good at guilt.
But it is promising that they are beginning to draw connections between all the nasty points on the map.
here is the polite words of le france:,5987,3212--306826-,00.html,5987,3212--306776-,00.html
and on liberia,5987,3212--306678-,00.html
French thoughst on the risk of their involvment.,5987,3212--306680-,00.html
& I am not going to translate any of it for you.
Ireland now likes to think of itself as a victim of imperialism.
Well it isn´t.
If you do nothing else track Irish invovlement in bilateral EU aid to Western Africa.
If you want to hassle Mr Cowan and pals, then track the friendly visits of the Irish navy to Western African nations.
IF you want to stop children being used as weapons then ask the Irish authorities to stop the largest fishing vessel in the world stealing all the fish off of Africa´s coast for starters.
More things you could consider doing...
Track the Irish Bar.
not the lawyers.
the pub.
Dakar boasts the first subsaharan Irish Pub.
how do you think that got there?
would that be spin-off?
Finally no good jokes today. sorry.
but a thought why do you think Cote d´Ivoire has the same flag as Ireland?
Why do you think a small emerging country of several nations presently one of the poorest on earth a victim of rape, brutality and theft chose the same colours as the Irish for it´s tricolour?
we are the dreamers of dreams.
Ireland is one of the richest nations on earth.
It is not a vicim.
It´s working class people are poor but not in poverty.
It´s society is a rump.
It has made a mockery of all it once could have stood for.
some more currency thoughts for you.
1 Euro = 1.35239 Libyan Dinar
1 Euro = 10.77992 Moroccan Dirham
1 Euro = 65.53315 Pakistan Rupee
1 Euro = 2,090.77 Sierra Leone Leone
1 Euro = 1.07788 Liberian Dollar
oh and the commidities market. not closed globally so you could still score a few ounces.
1 Euro = 0.22806 Silver (oz.)
1 Euro = 0.001669 Platinum (oz.)
oh and if you brush up your macro finance and learn some arabic
1 Euro = 4.06313 Saudi Riyal
that means the Prestige is worth $35000 more per Brent barrel today.
I really should have taken my own advice and bought the salvage.
I am supporting France. They have presented the world with best short term options for the moment.
It is a very difficult choice to make and one I shall not deem to be irreversable, but for the moment Paris and Quai D´Orsay are exercising "prudence".
France as any fan of Fanon Fritz or Franz will know is an imperialist centralised state. It has created monsters and rarely even thought to apologise. However they are presently providing the "tinker with the ecomonomic indicator" people of boring middle class middle brow mediocrity with workable options.
Some day too we shall sort France.
But till the end of this current War we can not.
Now what I and my peers in the 5th may think is probably too gobshitey for a lot of you.
But if tomorrow you seize power from the little rascals you will run out of heroin shipments in two weeks. That would single the end of any glorious revolution.
Do you get the point?
there shall be no review tomorrow.
I´m going to be mixing trance records.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4is based on
casas sin gente
gente sin casas
that means houses without people
people without houses.
not tinkering with a pityful sum of Ireland´s GNP.
it means law reform.
Ireland has several statutes which date from An Gort Mhór. You must remove them.
and if you want to "specualate"
join us in preventative purchase of equatorial zones.
You get a small plot of a few metres that is impossible to resell.
and Most of you can afford that.
{Our Resistance is as Transnational as Capital}
No offence to you personally. You have a lot of interesting stuff to say, but your writing style is very difficult to read or pay attention to. You
where it isnt necessary and the ideas just seem disjointed and random. I like what you have to say but presentation... needs work man. Please dont be pissed off, keep up the contributions! It is just an attempt at constructive criticism.
if you tilt your thoughts at a suchlike angle, slanting so to speak and perhaps bounce them a little
sense then
(or so it seems)
@ time of writing Bush 2
flies over Africa and shall in teh course
officially land and shake hands five times.
Big continent.
Liberia-South Africa-Nigeria.
lots of stuff for Mr Bush 2.