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The SakerA bird's eye view of the vineyard
Public InquiryInterested in maladministration. Estd. 2005
Voltaire NetworkVoltaire, international edition
Sticky Bricky![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() There are more ways to lay a brick build a movement make a point protect a people speak your mind have your say stop a war and build a Mosque. Now for several days sticky bricky has been contemplating the newest proposed mosque in Northern Europe. It´s planning and construction have been known for over a year but only in this last while as the proposed Mosque for Northern Ireland´s muslims become an "issue". Sticky Bricky likes "issues". There are many ways to build a mosque but it must always point it´s worshippers towards Mecca, which is presently in the Royal State of Saudi Arabia. There are many mosques serving english speaking muslims. The majority are in Britain. They are situated in Bradford and London. In London there are many mosques attracting muslims from the whole range of Islamic belief. In North London in the area of Finsbury Park where Arsenal hold their football ground there is a mosque which is well known. In a five hundred metre radius of that mosque are to be found numerous and spacious Irish bars, an excellent bagel shop, a converted cinema which is the headquarters of a evangelical christian church, several west african owned taxi shops, the London Jewish School and lots of squats. In that same five hundred metre radius there have been numerous weapons seized by the Metropolitan Police ranging from knives to automatic firearms consistently over the past ten years. I once stood with a small group of Italians watching a crowd leave Finsbury Park, which is one of London´s most used open air venues. The crowd were leaving a performance held to mark Gay Pride Day 1999. On the steps of that mosque stood its clerics one of whom has been a regular front page tabloid face. For a brief moment I and my Italian friends stood between Sodom and Mecca. I am neither gay nor a muslim. Those who wish worship any God or Rite of their choice are supposedly allowed the freedom to do so without prejudice or organised opposition. Those who have openly admitted their homosexuality have done so often at great emotional cost, so it may frequently be with "autonomy that begins with self". The movement which you are part of, But it is mostly centered in Western Civilised notions of value, morality, and ethics. The Mosque in Finsbury Park will always be raided.
It´s role in providing homes and food to some of the most vulnerable of migrants has never been discussed. Many Irish brickies went to North London in the 1960s. I will as "sticky bricky" continue this little letter soon. admit that you know diddly eye squit shit about Islam. |
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Jump To Comment: 1 21. don´t panic
2. make up the black list.
yes it´s
Ireland has about 3000-5000 regular protesters.
Europe has a mobile horde of about 10,000 very good protesters.
Dublin being the easy enough place to get to will easily attract 10,000-15,000 people.
Any "top notch" hypercapitalist shin-dig will bring about 10,000 people mostly young and intellectual types to your city.
This is very good for your "spin-off" economy.
=Be nice to these people.
Some of these people are considered to be
"very dangerous".
Some of these people are considered to be
"pretty heavyweight".
Some of these people are considered to be
"personae non grata".
Border controls will start about two weeks before the gig.
/No matter we mostly arrive and enter the woodwork long before that.
There will be a long list "the blacklist" distributed between Irish Gardaí and British Custom and Excise to stop some people arriving.
These people are the
You´ll love the "HANDLE WITH CARE" Bunch.
=(You already do)
Now we will worry about how to get into the Irish state.
You ought to worry about the publicity campaigns.
You will need lots.
= Start now. This is ·vital· you must start now.
No city has found itself in the position of saying "pity we prepared that anti-hyper-capitalist campaign and they didn´t show up".
No that doesn´t happen.
Remember the Gardaí will get very freaked.
and very equiped.
So let´s make this clear.
The Gardaí are not the enemy.
The Gardaí are not the enemy.
If Dublin is to play host to a non-elected institution which forms an integral part of the non-democratic world, then democratic protesters will disrupt the workings of that institution.
It really is very simple and very well established.
We will it might be worth considering out-number the Gardaí Siochana.
=So think about being nice to them for a few days.
(they really will be very freaked).
(and their higher ranks have a patchy record)
And get your IT side together.
The mobile emergency response unit deals in megabytes and stuff and is very very good at its job. No one gets away with breaking the rules.
And start making sandwiches we get very hungry.
And you´ll need to figure out somewhere for us to sleep.
We don´t like the capitalist "spin off" effect of booking on masse into the hotels and guesthouses.
Remember this is a global campaign.
This will not be any one party´s gig.
This is global.
it reflects the thoughts of a young peace worker who spent a year in muslim Senegal working as a health aid volunteer.
She is an American Christian.
Read her thoughts they accurately reflect many Americans´ opinion.
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Hey Iosaf,
It's good to hear from you. Wow, that's great about the Mosque. I don't have any information for you as of now, but I'll send some soon.
As for the current prejudice against muslims: It is such a goddamn shame. The people who are prejudiced are ignorant of what Islam actually stands for, and they are basing their ideas only on actions of the extremist terrorist groups who happen to be practicing muslims. But if you really look at Islam, you would know that a "real muslim" would not commit such acts. The people I lived with in Senegal were very embarrassed that the terrorists were associated with Islam. They kept reiterating to me that Islam does not stand for those kind of actions. If I had it my way, I'd want everyone to be able to spend some time in an Islamic country, probably in Africa where it is not so warped and extreme, so that they would actually understand the doctrines, and they would know that most muslims are very peaceful and honorable, and very humble people. It really opened my eyes being there because I knew nothing of Islam except for the sadistic way i! n which they are portrayed in America. And now I know from first hand experience that they are good people, and that Islam is not so very different from Christianity or Judaism. If we all believe in one God, then why do people have to claim that their way of worship is somehow better than another way? The muslims I lived with accepted the fact that I was not muslim, and never tried to push it on me. They were happy when I would pray with them, or celebrate one of their religious holidays, but they never tried to force it, like Christians do. I just think that people need more exposure to the positive aspects of Islam. I think building a Mosque would do that to some extent.
Anyway, I hope that gives you some idea where I stand. If you want to read a good book about women in Islam, please read Nine Parts of Desire. It gives a good account of the history of the prophet Mohamed, and also how Islam is interpretted differently in different countries, and even in different groups in the same country. You will enjoy it.
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