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news report
Thursday January 16, 2003 17:14
by ipsiphi
mainland europe.

being news of it proceeds.
The Italian anarcho-grouping Disobedienti has issued a statement. It concerns the meaning of Genoa, the right of protest and engagement with those who would seek to govern not just Italians nor Europeans but the global community which is humanity.
From the movement of the disobedient.
We write to you today because we wish you reunited to talk and discuss the changing movement.
We write to you from afar becuase we are not interested in the corruption of politics "for and by government" that makes itself ridiculous in an intrigue of percentages and balances with the sole perspective of the worst degeneration that is the nature of "POWER".
and beacuse we of the movement through it´s changes have learnt that we are not to be auxiliary to politics, nor do we consider it a priority to pronounce political words.
We consider it neccesary to pronounce our movement in autonomy.
{end of quote}
The statement was released in Italy on the 10th day of this month, and has met with general consent amongst fellow groupings from South America to Europe.
you amy read the full version at
in italian.
the language of disobedience.
Some "spin" on this.
We are entering a situation where our movements are globally being accepted as legitmate expressions of a democratic mandate. We have not left the period where we are subject to criminalisation or marginalisation.
We have found new friends who like us are interested in dialogue, but we must reserve the right to choose not be chosen.
We are not the only groupings that have fellow travelled, and we will not now nor in the future be readily absorbed in to the political groupings that failed us in the past.
We chose the direction that we did as autonous individuals because we believed that we had within our ranks the solutions for societies problems.
We have not yet reached the stage where we may put those solutions safely.
We are in a new phase alone.
Today it is reported on
that arrests under new Italian anti-terrorist provisions are continuing.
Vince and Marine have been arrested on the basis of video tape evidence a still photo of the ruffians is on the BCN posting.
Their arrest as we all know is a follow up to the militarised attack on democratic protest and right to political expression which was the Genoa event.
I must write that a young man Carlo Guiliani was killed those days.
I must write that my comrade who saw his death who videotaped his death who has never chosen to riot, that my comrades father was himself a victim of STASI torture for democracy protest.
Throughout Europe we feel that our techniques of protest, propaganda, media, dialogue and activism have been noted.
For they have been succesful.
Their success filled the vacuum left by generations of previous activists who fought their campaigns with rigour and intelligence, but the time that they work or play alone is gone.
Throughout Europe we feel that now that our success has been noted that many of those who seek to fellow travel with us into this next century down the long road to the final end to global imperialism, theft, immorality, and human abuse, will attempt to neutralise our powerbase by copying it.
For their own narrow agenda.
WE are the global movement.
We expected such distortion of our beliefs and techniques from the outset. We expected all that so far we have seen, suffered and received.
We welcome our new found friends, some old and established groupings, we look forward to working and playing together, but never take our contribution for granted.
Do not take us in vain.
Reclaim the Streets!
Reclaim the Genome!
we are the enemies of capital
we are the friends of the global poor.