Minutes of last IMC Ireland meeting
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Thursday January 16, 2003 12:50
by Aidan - IMC Ireland

These are the minutes of the last IMC Ireland meeting. All future IMC Ireland minutes will publish there minutes on the newswire
Minutes of last IMC meeting.
Process & Procedure.
New Groups.
There is a fundamental lack of structure in the decision making process of IMC Ireland. The result is often important decisions are left hanging for several months. In order to improve the structure of IMC Ireland a number of decisions have been made.
A monthly meeting in Dublin every second Saturday of the month, in the ha’penny bridge Inn. 2pm. This is a public meeting anyone interested in participating are welcome to attend. The meeting will be publicly announced on the newswire.
Out reach. An IMC Volunteer will agree to take charge of answering contact forms and people volunteering. This position will change month by month, with a new person being selected at the monthly meeting.
E-mail lists will be openly archived.
IMC currently owes 180 dollars to Pairs network for web hosting. And must pay a further 130euro for domain name.
It was decided that our domain name hosting is too expensive. Tech will examine alternatives.
Through donations given at the meeting we have 250 euro.
This money will be deposited into a bank account, to be set up during the week. Financial officer was elected..
Working with the editorial group they will look at the current site, and examine potential alternatives to current IMC site.
A new active editorial group will be put together at each meeting. Editorial passwords will be changed at every meeting. The active editorial group should not only concern themselves with hiding articles but also encouraging and promoting original content, by taking posts to the newswire and developing them into features.
The editorial group should draw up a list of preferred features for the site (I.E. search function, audio/video upload etc) and present their requests to the tech group. A posting to the newswire asking users for their wishes for the site.
The features page will be changed once a week on a Thursday.
It’s very obvious that the current IMC Ireland collective is essentially IMC Dublin.
Also over the last few months there is a growing interest from a variety of groups around the country, for their own regional IMC. IMC Cork, Galway and Belfast.
Any move towards decentralisation must come from other regions the current IMC group can only encourage it, it cannot force this to happen.
At the last shannon demo members of IMC Ireland met with individual from cork and galway interested in setting up their own IMCs. It was suggested that the Cork group would arrange a skill sharing weekend in cork at the start of the year. IMC Ireland would attend.
It was agreed at the IMC Ireland meeting that when this event takes place a set of guidelines for the creation of regional IMCs would be drawn up, by everyone. The meeting also agreed to do everything possible to facilitate the creation of regional IMCs.
Decentralisation will most likely consist of a local features page with its own url, eg indymedia. Cork .ie. all sites will share the same newswire.
A proposed date for an AGM type event was suggested for mid march. Instead of a formal meeting structure event it was suggested as a
video showing/discussion/fundraiser party.
Other groups.
It's suggested the idea of a photo group to encourage and train people interested in digital and still photographer. We will set up an e-mail group to facilitate.
It was has agreed to facilitate a video production group. The group will attempt to prodcue videos using the current footage available to us. Again a e-mail group will be set up to facilitate this.
Next meeting.
Will be on saturday the 15th of february in the Ha'penny Inn at the eralier time of 12 mid day
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4Good to see this posted! thanks Aidan and others who put this together.
People who have criticised Indymedia.ie before should see this as an 'open-ness' of the organisation, that Indymedia.ie is asking for involvement and participation (and nationally).
It is also the beginning of a path to decentralisation that people have been asking for.
Personally, I think a major way of doing all of the above is to build media-making groups: PhotoGroup, VideoGroup, etc.
Building inclusive groups based on making media that then input on how the whole Indymedia.ie organisation will operate is how any Indymedia IMC should work.
Stay tuned for details about the Photo and Video groups...
as more people use the newswire, which is teh hope, and more people read the posts, which is the hope, it becomes more difficult to keep track of past articles.
Perhaps a hardcopy/digest mag of main thread could be launched?
IF anyone is up for that on a euro-basis send me a mail.
I believe we all want lots more people involved but with the present system, it means it gets very difficult to manage stories, comments, arguments and developing new campaigns.
As support look at the volume of posts this year.
For people who only go online for an hour a week here it must be impossible to find what they´re after.
A direct action solution would be to march into Dóllier street and confiscate the Irish Times.
oh the spirit of Gagesby!
I´m only two hours away by plane so if you do decide to go into Gagesby pasture give me a call and find some tractors.
:-) getting there.
Is kind of beyond our expertise and funding at the moment my young apprentice.
We are looking at changing the current site, to include functions like, search.
Keep working though
As the discussion/ news threads get up-dated so quickly - could you do Archives on the site by Subject? (eg War in Iraq, Shannon Protest, The North, Bin Charges, Carrickmines, Personal Slander, Looney Tunes.....). I'm not sure how easy it would be to do this type of HTML code.