Full text of Brian Cowen Statement on Shannon Airport situation
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Monday January 13, 2003 22:22 by Blisset
Press Section Monday, January 13, 2003 Statement by Minister Cowen on US Overflights and Landings at Shannon Airport
Statement by Minister Cowen on US Overflights and Landings at Shannon Airport
The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Brian Cowen T.D., today sought to clarify the position regarding the use of Shannon airport for the transit of military aircraft and personnel. The Minister recalled the fact that he has previously replied to numerous Parliamentary questions and issued many public and media statements on the matter.
He said that:
“it is simply not the case that the US is using Shannon to transit large quantities of arms to the Gulf.
Shannon is one of a number of European airports used for many years as a transit by US aircraft, mainly for the transit of military personnel to a wide range of destinations.
It appears that Shannon is chosen by the US because it offers quick turn-around with efficient and friendly service.
Shannon is used by both military aircraft and by civilian aircraft carrying military personnel. Foreign military aircraft require the permission of the Minister for Foreign Affairs to overfly or land in the State [Air Navigation (Foreign Military Aircraft Order) 1952]. Civilian aircraft do not require special permission to land in the State but must seek the permission of the Minister for Transport to carry munitions of war [Air Navigation (Carriage of Munitions of War, Weapons and Dangerous Goods) Order, 1973].
A significant proportion of US military aircraft landing at Shannon are VIP transports and refuelling planes. The remainder are cargo planes, none of which in the recent past were declared as carrying munitions.
In the whole of last year, the Department of Transport received only one request for the landing at Shannon of a civilian aircraft carrying munitions.
It has been indicated to us that troops travelling on civilian aircraft are sometimes accompanied by their personal weapons which are carried in the hold of the aircraft. However, they do not carry ammunition and they do not bring their weapons into the airport buildings. My officials have been in touch with the US authorities to ensure that civilian carriers are reminded of their obligation to seek permission for the transit of weapons and ammunition through Irish airports.
The US is a friendly country and we do not seek to board US military aircraft or aircraft carrying US personnel in order to verify their declared cargo.”
As regards the wearing of uniforms, the Minister confirmed that US troops have been permitted to wear uniforms in the transit area of Irish airports, but that further permission must be sought for them to wear uniforms outside these areas [Defence Act 1954, Section 317].
He emphasised that the Government has, at present, no intention of altering the existing regulations regarding overflight and landing arrangements.
Turning to the wider question of the situation regarding Iraq, the Minister stressed that war was not inevitable and that every effort must be made to avoid it. “Security Council Resolution 1441 represents a road map to a peaceful settlement. Only if Iraq fails to meet its obligation to divest itself of any nuclear, biological and chemical weapons capability will the Council, in the words of UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, have to face its responsibilities”. The Minister also pointed out that all prior experience confirms that only the credible threat of force is likely to persuade the regime to meet its disarmament obligations.
The Minister was strongly critical of those who have sought to undermine the authority of the legitimacy of the UN's action in relation to Iraq. He said: “all who believe in an international order based on principles of justice and law have to stand up for the authority of the Security Council and for compliance with the decisions it takes, including the resolutions it adopts, on behalf of the UN members. Those who complain that the Security Council is not always consistent in its response to various threats to international peace and security should not themselves seek to pick and chose when they are prepared to back the action taken by the Council. It is the policy of this Government to support the Security Council in all its decisions.”
Minister Cowen confirmed that, in the event of the Security Council deciding to sanction military action against the Iraqi regime, or indeed in the event of any military action being taken by any country or group of countries, the Government will review the existing situation in relation to overflights and landings and will bring the matter before the Dáil.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5"it is simply not the case that the US is using Shannon to transit large quantities of arms to the Gulf."
We deduce, therefore, that the US is using Shannon to "transit" small quantities of arms to the Gulf.
"The US is a friendly country and we do not seek to board US military aircraft or aircraft carrying US personnel in order to verify their declared cargo."
I am a friendly citizen, but that wouldn't stop the Customs from verifying my assertions about what I might carry into the country.
It would be interesting to know what a "civilian aircraft" is.
In effect, Mr Cowen has admitted that arms are being "transited" through Shannon and that the law has not been enforced. He could have read that here some time ago ....
minister is bull****ing through his teeth. anti-war activists at Shannon have SEEN war planes landing at Shannon with arms. he totally avoided answering the question regarding the erosion of Ireland's sovereignty, the Constitution etc. when are they gonna have a full Dail debate about the activities at Shannon? All the opposition parties are calling for it...
Brian Cowen statement is just pure spin. It does not in any way hide the fact
that allowing US troops and warplanes to pass through Shannon is a breach of our
The fact is because of all the investment by US multinationals in this country, they
will never admit the obvious fact that this action makes a mockery of our neutrality.
The real message is the US is so big and powerful and the rest of us are small and weak
and so because we are scared shitless, we will turn a blind eye.
"The Minister also pointed out that all prior experience confirms that only the credible threat of force is likely to persuade the regime to meet its disarmament obligations."
It is illegal under international law to use the threat of force to get a sovereign nation to do another's bidding.
"All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations." - UN Charter, Chapter I, Article 2.4
Minister, what do you consider large quantities of weapons?
Every soldier through carrying the personal M16, lets just say since last wednesday about a 800 (round it down) troops a day, I make that 4000 M16's plus whatever sidearms the troops have. That is a LARGE quantity of weapons in my book!
The uniformed soldiers are leaving the airport! Last Friday night I witnessed about 150 of fully uniformed soldiers returning to the airport at 11.20pm and with an airport police escort enter the airport departure lounge by a side entrance without any checks.