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iosaf´s weekly round up.
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Sunday December 29, 2002 14:50 by iosaf ipsiphi23 at email dot com barcelona
the Year 2002 or 1423 depending on your sphere of influence. Christmas or Holidays depending on your sphere of influence. Venezueala counted its 23rd day of general strike on Christmas day. On the 23rd of November Israel for the fifteenth time in its history occupied Bethlehem. On the 23rd of December John Bird founder of the Big Issue magazine in the UK (through a right wing thinktank allied to Fine Gael Politea) called for increased use of the Vagrancy laws to prohibit begging. The Vagrancy laws of England date to 1824, and are bolstered by tresspass law in the 1995 Criminal Justice Act. The ten crowns of Christendom made their christmas speeches, only the Kings of Sweden and Norway had anything bright to say, all the others commented on how terrible their years had been. The beaches of Gallizia are dead. Fishing talks hit home in several European states, Ireland, UK, Portugal are foremost in resisting proposed fishing cuts, which are estimated to cuase 7000 anual job losses. The crusades popped up on RTE, nearly a year after Bush 2 first likened his "war on terrorism" to a "crusade" RTE spoke to several people for about half an hour. Americans and Britons were found to be very ingorant of Levant history, and the Israeli occupation of Csijordania, Gaza, and Lebanon. And a religious cult claimed to have cloned a human born on the 26th of December at 23h55 local time. The world is very sad and silly. I have not the strength any more to explain why the genome and how it is used (Nobel prize winners this year bla bla cures for cancer) are the most important scientific and ethical issues of our day. We asked back in 2000 that the Universal Human Rights Charter be amended or expanded to take account of Genomic experimentation. Last night I saw a american movie of the late nineteen forties which dealt with the Communist Party, it was broadcast in subtitled form on Catalan TV in the small hours, I learnt that Communists are terrible and wreck strikes and foment trouble in dockyard disputes. I learnt how these people should be dealt with for how they were, agents of a foreign power intent on spreading misery and ending democracy. I have never been a member of the communist party. I suppose that is damning enough? If you have children, cherish them, cherish the passing of humanity and it´s fraility from generation to generation. As we knew back in 2000 they will ban human cloning, for they fought the NAZIs to a stand, and stopped the Holocaust and all its experimentation, but know too, that just as Europe bears the responsibility for the holocaust and it´s perversion of science, the USA bears the responsibility for the technology developed in Europe between 1922 and 1945. But they have learnt now all they wished to. And somewhere are the words of Nemesis and Cassandra being uttered against what they have done. Happy New Year my cyber pals.
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Jump To Comment: 3 2 1For the second time in Bush's Presidency the outage of Venezuelan Oil becomes a critical factor in GeoPolitical Stability.
But this time Aznar is not president of Spain.
the last time was the weekend of the Vienna OPEC summit, in January 12-14 2003.
THen Saudi Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi sent a "strong message" to world oil markets, where prices had then hit a two-year high, above $33 a barrel, (for U.S. crude).
The previous week it had been only 32$.
I took a passing interest in such things to work out how much the Prestige might have been worth.
"There is a shortage. It is significant," said Naimi then of the Venezuelan outage. "I can assure you that there will be no shortage." He predicted that oil prices "would be lower" after that weekend.
They were not.
That scary "32$" mark has been passed for quite a few weeks now. Against the backdrop of instability which stretches from the European Mediterranean to the Borders of China and India. Both Saudi and Bush seem to have "raked a profit" and "failed stability".
In Ireland, this translates into your ESB bill.
As you find it harder to pay the "bin tax", you also find the ESB goes up. The other utilities will follow, and you might have noticed the other problem with interest rates. Or maybe you haven't.
510 days ago I didn't qoute the French.
I maintained Venezuela was "key".
Even with Aznar as wicked witch of the East, Wookie Bush and the British Hun, couldn't keep the world in order.
510 days ago, there was an Aznar.
there was a prestige which now would be worth a lot more if it docked safely.
there was no war in Iraq.
there were no WMD in Iraql.
and there had been no explosion of Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorism in the World.
All things considerd 510 days ago,
life was sort of "better".
But now there is no Saddam.
This is exactly what in vulgate of the street, blogging chatroom ephemera
We tried to tell you.
510 days ago.
The people at the link are the 5th international of loved up crusty hippy anarkisty trippy muppets.
I´m affiliated to the 5th international of loved up hippy crusty trippy anarkisty muppets.
(we really are quite distinct, we disagree over key elements of material dialectism such as whether a boiled egg should be broken or cut open).
there is a neo-Luddite movement.
and to some the idea of tracking genetic crops and destroying them is Luddite.
I am not now nor have I ever been a member of the Luddite conspiracy.
but neo-luddites are different.
and I have at no stage spoken against scientific research, I have spoken against the "evil marriage of scientific and capitalist speculation".
and I like the uncivilisation conferences.
I recommend them.
if you´re american let me know, and i will be very simple in my next explanation.
are you people Luddites?
what is the problem with technology and civilisation?
why shouldn´t we have genome research?
what is your problem in Barca? too much smoke?
(i am presumeing you are part of that lot.)