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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21Unreal, what a provacative way to snipe at anti-war protestors. "Doesn't it also tell us even more about the insidious nastiness of anti-Americanism?"
That's the ring-wing biased media that we have to struggle against. But struggle we will, for we must.
The Limerick Leader was bought over recently enuf by a larger media company. Can't remember exactly who took it over, but I know it was one of the big right-wing biased media corporations.
However, I think we must examine, that this lady probably did write that she feared any infringement on her private life from anti-war protesters etc.
I most certainly believe that like you Raymond, we must remember that when we are being anti-war, or anti-anything, we must remember why we are such and what we are actually pro. i.e. we are anti-war, and as such we are anti-violence and pro peace. Hence we should show anti-violent beahviour and pro peace behaviour in "all" circumstances. I have not been at the Shannon protests so I can't comment there, but I know there have been violent/abusive actions by "anti" protestors on plenty of occasions - e.g. just reading the article on this newswire a while ago about the IMC journalist roaring at Brian Lenihan in UCD, calling him a "fucking liar", and then everyone patting him on the back for his achievements. I think this type of language only serves to debase our movement and is a form of agression, the type of agression which we vehemently say we are against. This is only one example that I just stumbled upon a while ago, I could give many more.
All demonstrations etc. must be kept peacefull, while at the same time being loud and clear and persistent.
Best regards,
Is it not an appalling situation when that very brave lady feels so intimidated by those subversive elements organising those disruptive protests at Shannon Airport, that she felt unable to allow her name to be published by our free press, one of the hallmarks of any democracy. Well done to Mr. Halligan for pointing this out. It is now time for the silent majority to speak out, before the day comes when we are unable to speak at all.
Do subversive elements include elected members of the Green Party, Labour Party, Socialist Party who have attended the protests?
You above sound like a McCarthyite throwback from the 1950s.
The Leinster Leader which seems to be part of the Unison fold upon which Sir Anthony sits on top of.
So the LL is Part of the same stable that brought us the infamous and cynical deliberate lie on 20th July 2001 on front cover of the Irish INDO that the Irish Protesters in Genoa were identifying themselves to each other by carrying around hurleysticks.
Coincidentally on the same day one of The Oily One's (sylvio) papers in Italy had a photo of a baseball bat on the front cover under the headline - 'Deadly Weapons'
I have complained to the Limerick Leader on more than one occasion for inaccurate and imbalanced
pieces, but these frequent accusations of Anti-Americanism by Brendan Halligan are well below the standards of journalism one would expect from someone of his position.
In one piece Mr. Halligan proposed to define the difference between being opposed to US foreign policy and being Anti-American. He then labelled the peace protests as Anti-American without explaining how it fits his definition.
On this pet-subject Mr Halligan continuously writes preposterous articles of a standard fit for the gutter.
This particular piece is ludicrous given the editorial policy of not publishing letters without an address.
Was there any evidence that the writer feared putting her address to the letter rather than just forgetting to include contact details?
Was there any such letter? Was it genuine?
Were is there any evidence of intimidation or rampant anti-americanism in the peace movement?
Where Mr. Halligan? WHERE?
Any decent journalist would POINT it out, rather than simply state it exists.
Is it the US citizens who come to the protests? Are THEY anti-American?
Is it the people criticising the UNELECTED warmonger in the White House? Are they somehow Anti-American to complain that a man who did not receive the most votes in the election is running the country? I thought that might be considered as legitimate democratic (small 'd') criticism rather than anti-american?
Is it Anti-American to suggest that it's wrong for the US military to kill innocent people?
IF it is then there are a whole lot of "Anti-American" Americans making that very suggestion in the United States of America.
Mr. Halligan, take note, the US has a history of having the right to criticise it's leaders for actions that they disagree with. It's how they ended up independent from Britain in the 18th century.
But let's look carefully at what Mr. Halligan said, as well as one comment posted above.
"But she said nothing. To have her letter published she would have had to have her name and address published. She preferred to remain anomymous. She feared to speak.
That might tell us something about her sense of vulnerability. Doesn't it also tell us even more about the insidious nastiness of anti-Americanism?"
-What lady? I see no proof that any lady did write a genuine letter to the Leader or that she expressed the fears which Mr. Halligan attributes to her.
I've seen MUCH better journalism on Indymedia than I've ever seen written by Mr. Halligan. and to "Anonymous" - If there is such a lady, I would like to know on what reasonable grounds she fears infringement on her private life from anti-war protestors?
Or, let's think for a second. WHY would this woman simply write to Brendan Halligan to voice her concerns and not want them printed? Is he some sort of agony aunt? Does he work for the Samaritans?
If she omitted a return address or contact, how can we assume that this was deliberate?
Is Mr. Halligan not simply choosing to interperate this as fear, rather than omission.
How does he know that
I have seen no viscous anti-american letters published in the Leader. I have heard no viscous anti-Americanism in Limerick.
There have been no lynchings, stonings, burning of effigies or violence at these demos.
No one has complained about Continental airlines bringing US civilians, or Delta.
Surely Anti-Americanism is targetted at all americans rather than the military flights which are instruments of US foreign military policy?
Where is this massive tide of local Anti-Americanism that Mr. Halligan alone seems to be aware of?
I suggest that it is nowhere else but in his head.
I would like to see Mr. Halligan come to the next demo, along with some of the other critics like Cllr Scully, Clly Mulcahy etc.
I don't recall ever seeing them at the demos, and I certaily don't recall them staying out to actually see for themselves the type of aircraft using Shannon and the frequency with which they do so.
The silence from Mr Halligan on the deaths of innocent Afghans is very informative.
Perhaps he would think it anti-american to mention it, (more professional people might call it balanced journalism)
I would like to see him attend the High Court for the case of Eoin Dubsky v the State, and others, in which he challenges the legality and constitutionality of these flights and overflights.
The High Court seems to believe that there is at least some validity to Mr Dubsky's submissions.
If they considered them totally groundless then they would not have given him leave for judicial appeal.
But what is the High Court compared to Mr. Brendan Halligan, who has decided that these flights were never a threat to neutrality (even though he should know that then Taoiseach Haughey had to get Dail Assent for the US use of the airport during the Gulf War) yet bertie Ahern has not asked for assent. Mr. Halligan chooses not to mention this very important detail in his articles. But what are mere details to a journalist of his undoubted stature?
Perhaps I am unwise to put my name of this as there is a lot of insidious, nasty, anti-logic, anti-peace, anti-decency knocking about, and I am rather vulnerable. Maybe I should have e-mailed this to an IMC person who could have referred to it vaguely.
But let's not be overly-agressive (that's Brendan's job after all)
It is the season of goodwill so let's be kind.
For all those who wish to show solidarity with Mr. Halligan I propose that we could get him a new saddle for his moral high horse.
He seems to have worn this one out.
over the address thing.
we require a terrestial adress.
nothing sinister in that sort of stuff.
> 997/01/gl970123.htm
sorry about that just got pasted out,anyway
limerick is a theatre of action between
them and us.
shite newspaper anyway.
I agree with the tone of your comment Tim, but one aspect does particularly interest me. Since Bertie Ahern has a majority in the Dail, why does he simply not obtain assent to co-operation with the U.S. “war on terror”, it would unfortunately be only a formality. On the point of the actual “letter”, I wonder if Brendan Halligan be good enough to display said “letter” in order to confirm that it actually exists.
I sent this to Mr. Halligan a short time ago.
his e-mail address is [email protected]
If he replies, I'll let you know.
Mr. Halligan,
I have to take issue with your inaccurate and unbalanced reporting of the peace-protests at Shannon and also your constant use of the phrase "anti-american".
These protests, are PRO-PEACE and ANTI-WAR. I have seen nothing to indicate that they are anti-American in sentiment. In fact at each of the large and peaceful protests I am glad to see several citizens of that large and diverse country.
Your accusations of anti-americanism are completely without foundation.
The protests are simply focussed on the US MILITARY use of Shannon. No one has protested the arrival of US civilians on any flights, nor the use of the airport by genuine US passenger carriers such as Delta or Continental. Surely Anti-American protestors would be protesting ALL Americans? Surely there would have to be regular flag burnings and torching of effigies?
Not only are these things NOT happening, but these protests welcome US citizens,
You describe the protestors as "misguided".
This is not true. If anyone has been misguided then it has been by people like yourself who try to minimise and apologise for the military use of Shannon.
No one has disputed the fact that the US military has used Shannon
you use the world 'traditional' as if to give it legitimacy. It was once traditional to require women to leave their jobs when they got married. Tradition is not a merit, it's mere chronology.
When the US used Shannon as part of the Gulf War in 1991, the Taoiseach Charles Haughey got the assent of the Dail before granting permission.
This is required under article 28.3.1 of the Constitution
"War shall not be declared, and the State shall not participate in any war save with the assent of Dail Eireann"
Since 1991 and until Sept 12 2001, the passage of troops and supplies through Shannon was predominantly related to regular activities at US bases in Europe and to my knowledge, required no Dail Assent as the US was not using Shannon as part of a war at that time.
Since the brutal and indiscriminate bombing campaing in Afghanistan (beginning October 7th 2001) thousands of Afghan civilians have been killed by the US military. estimates of direct casualties are between 3500 and 5000 - more than the horrific atoricities in New York. War is not about competing on numbers of civilian deaths, but surely your paper should have mentioned the great suffering and loss of life in Afghanistan. It's not anti-American to report on the death of innocent people. In fact, it is unbalanced to ignore the casualties on one side of a conflict.
This is a war. When a military spends $1 billion a MONTH blowing up a country which is amongst the poorest in the world, then that's a war.
When B-52s go carpet bombing missions, dropping tonnes of bombs on villages from 10,000 feet, that, Mr. Halligan is a WAR.
It has been called a war by George Bush, and more recently by the US Ambassador to Afghanistan. People are dying. those who escape the bombs find themselves without food, water and shelter.
recently Afghan children froze to death in a refugee camp where the temperature fell below minus 15 Celsius.
Every day more troops, equipment and fighter-bombers go to the war zones of Afghanistan and Iraq. a lot of them use our Airspace and Shannon airport.
According to a Dept of Foreign Affairs letter in response to PQ 148 of November 2001, the aircraft coming through our airspace include ground attack aircraft and fighter bombers.
These have no need to land at Shannon due to the frequent use of mid-air refuelling tankers such as the KC-130 and HC-130 type 'Hercules' which I and others have seen at Shannon.
These aircraft can take off from Shannon, head out over the West coast of Clare and refuel up to 4 fighter-bomber jets in less than 30 minutes by refuelling two jets simoultaneously.
In fact the US military is involved in such a massive mobilisation at this time that these tankers at Shannon are vital to the uninterrupted bombardment of thirld world peasants.
The number of troops coming through Shannon is huge and completely out of proportion with normal activities at the US bases in European NATO countries.
These troops coming through Shannon are not being transferred to Ramstein, Germany or Aviano in Italy, or Feltwell in the UK. Those troops wear green unforms (due to the lack of deserts in Europe).
We have SEEN these troops in desert camouflage. Their numbers are entirely INCONSISTENT with simple movements of troops returning on leave.
To argue that this poses no risk to our neutrality is utterly ridiculous. We are providing a vital cog in the war machine and we have the blood of innocent on our hands if we do nothing to oppose it.
In fact we now know that we are subsidising these military flights to the tune of over ONE MILLION EURO per annum.
To argue that our protests are anti-American is downright insulting, and contrary to the evidence. There are regular large demonstrations all across the USA against the war, including calls from relatives of the 9-11 attacks. Do you consider them to be Anti-American?
Have you forgotten the plea of the brothers of Ruth Clifford McCourt? When the plane carrying Ruth and her 4 year old daughter Juliana hit one of the towers, they were heartbroken. Yet, when they were on TV they said that if the US were to kill a poor 4 year old in revenge it would break their hearts all over again.
Do you consider these people to be Anti-American Mr. Halligan?
Are you somehow of the opinion that opposing the bombing of Afghanistan is somehow a betrayal of the dead of 9-11? I don't think it is a betrayal Mr. Halligan, and I'm sure if you spoke to the McCourts you might learn a thing or two about human compassion and decency.
They're not anti-american, I'm not anti-american and the Shannon protests are not anti-american.
We support Americans. We stand by the American people, who have a right to live in peace, just like everyone else.
We do not support the Bush Administration which is hijacking sympathy for 9-11 as a propoganda cover for it's brutal assault on the people of Afghanistan and Iraq.
And if you think there is no war on Iraq yet, you should have been in Tulla on Dec 18th to hear the testimony of Ms Farah Mokhtareizadeh (an American who visited Iraq twice this year) and Dr. Manor Hassan Rubaie a medical doctor recently returned from Iraq.
You would also have heard testimony that the Airport authorities and the Garda have NO IDEA what these planes are carrying.
If we truly are friends of America, we must help the Bush administration to see the error of its ways, just as millions of US citizens are trying to do.
To say that we might need Shannon to defend Europe from terrorism is fanciful in the extreme. It is more correct to say that Shannon is more likely to attract terrorism, being as it is the weakest link in the US global military transport system. (compare it to security at RAF Felwell, RAF Mildenhall, US AFB Aviano, Italy or any other place where these planes are stopping) Given the attempts to blow up an Arkia airliner in Kenya, do you not see how easy it would be for someone to use a Strella SAM 7 shoulder launched missile at Shannon? These things are readily available if one has connections and a few dollars, such was said by experts on SKY news following the attacks in Kenya.
There are no US Marines protecting Shannon.
There are just the airport police, and large numbers of civilian tourists (acting as human shields without their knowledge).
I have even seen one of the WORLD Airways aircraft painted up in Aer Lingus colours. (photograph available) If this "World-Lingus" plane is mistaken for a genuine Aer Lingus aircraft by some short sighted terrorist then it puts genuine Aer Lingus passengers at unwarranted risk from attack.
I hope such things never come to pass.
I admit they may not appear likely, but neither did 9-11.
I'd rather be called a scaremonger than to be proved right.
But I'm not trying to be a scaremonger. I'm talking about a genuine threat that exists whether you like to acknowledge it or not.
In fact your suggestion that we might need Shannon to protect us from some un-named bogeyman is scaremongering.
I find, Mr. Halligan, that in order to see things from your point of view I would have to make a conscious effort to NOT SEE the reality which confronts me everytime I go to Shannon airport, or read about another village or mosque blown up by the US military.
There is another way that I could see things from your point of view but it would require a flexibility in my spine that is beyond the range of most humans.
Not only do you advocate an ostrich approach to the danger these aircraft pose to life and limb, both here and in the Middle East, but you accuse any critics of being bigots.
Mr. Halligan, you are not fit to write in a paper such as the Limerick Leader. Why don't you see if you could get a job with the "Sun" or the "Star"?
Well done Tim, for sending him that letter and providing us with his e-mail address. Hopefully it might open up his heart & mind a bit.
If anyone is going to mail him, keep it dignified and to the facts. They should be horrendrous enuf to speak for themselves without having to be "flowered" up.
Why don't the busloads of protesters heading to Shannon for the next demo do a short detour to Limerick City Centre and put a picket on the Limerick Leader and its Editor.
My daughter is an American exchange student in Limerick and she says she can't get served in restaurants when they here her accent, and gets harrassed in classes and this happens in other places as well such as Galway. She's too young to even vote in American elections and yet she is fearing or her safety. For weekend excursions she has to stay away from populated places. Only one cafe, with older workers, is nice to her. I just wanted to post that comment. As a mother, I worry for her over in Ireland as an American. We are of the Irish diaspora and thought it would be like going home for her but she says she is fearful to even speak. I would sincerely like to here thoughtful comments.
I doubt very much if Irish people, even in Limerick, are so chauvanistic that they can't distinguish between an American citizen and the actions of the Bush administration. If they are that thick, then I'd
a) maybe not wear that Shock and Awe t-shirt
b) pretend you're canadian
c) dump the Ronaldn Reagan mug
d) get out of there...
I think you're reading too much of the Niall O'Dowd (first cousin of Boy George, btw) pro-war propaganda in the Irish Voice "newspaper" who is constantly bleating on about anti-American sentiment and castigating the Irish people in the Irish Times (in between compaigning for Irish illegals in a most sectarian fashion vis-a-vis other immigrants to the US). I don't know of any American citizens being harrassed in Ireland...
Great excuse for failing exams tho...
What you describe as happening to your daughter is not anti-Americanism, it is called Bullying.
It is disgraceful if your daughter is harassed in class or refused service in any restaurant in this country.
You have asked for thoughtful comments and I will give you more, namely my support. My anti-bullying website is called "Anti-Bullying Ireland"
which you can click on, or Google. There you will find my email address.
Although my site is meant for preventing bullying in schools, I invite you to contact me and let me know also in what restaurants your daughter has been refused service.
I am willing to visit those restaurants with others and with her to observe how she is treated and, if refused service, to demand that she be served. You may even wish to take an action against the owners. I am also willing to visit her school or write to the Principal.
Of course I have also protested against the war and the use of Shannon airport but again, this is not anti-American, much less anti first-generation or second-generation Irish Americans.
At the first Peace Camp at Shannon, Margueretta Darcy held a banner aloft saying "Americans against the War, we Love You." I used the same words for my placard outside the US Embassy in Dublin some weeks later.
Your daughter has nothing to fear from peace protestors. She may well have to fear bullies. Whatever her politics or yours, she should not have to put up with this.
Whatever your politics or hers, my offer stands.
Best wishes
I think your daughter is being a bit paranoid. There are a couple of hundred American exchange students in UL, many of them attend my classes and over the past 3 years I have not seen any case of bullying Americans because of the war in Iraq. On one or two occasions heated discussion have broken out over the war usually provoked by an American criticising Irish anti-war protests.
I don't know if you've ever been to Limerick before yourself, but for many people -- not just Americans -- it can seem like a scary place at times. That's the first thing. Then there's the fact that American power is hated and feared today all over the world as the British Empire was before it. People in pubs or cafes in Limerick probably pick on your daughter because she's an easy target.
They're told every day not to rock the boat too much with protests and the like at Shannon Airport -- in case American businesses pull out of the region. So what to do with that anger and frustration? Pick on the first American who walks in the door! All she has to do to get them off her back is say "I hate Bush too!", and they'll leave her alone. It's like the way people treat Arabs and muslims visavie terrorism.
Thanks for all the responses. Thanks for the Irish humor also! Well, America as an extension of the British Empire: that makes alot of sense. There are 3 colleges in Limerick that my daughter knows of and 2 of the 3 have students that have been really nice. I have to say that at the very least, the way Bush communicates, his affect, is embarrassing to most Americans. The Texas bravado comes across as really cavemanish. The theory over here is that it is all fake for him, which is why it sounds so stupid because he really is a Kennebunkport blue blood who fakes the Texas ways. In terms of the war, I recently wrote all my politicians saying that Bush is an oil whore. We Americans really love freedom and diversity and one thing that is really scaring us is the clash of religions/civilizations. What most patriotic Americans dont yet know is that we are becoming (are) a war driven economy. Especially now that oil is being sold in Euros and dollars and not just dollars any more. War drives our economy. Americans truely dont get that. We hear that we are saving the world or poor people etc. But there is a very new term called "crunchy conservatives" meaning wanting to be pro environment and fiscally/socially conservative at the same time. I think this means that the "war party" (republicans) will very soon embrace ideologies that are more compatable with world peace. I will pass on the buyllying website/offer to my daughter as well as the issue of paranoia--that is, why cant she gracefully just laugh it off and say she hates Bush also. Again, thanks for the postings. She truely does enjoy alot about Ireland and the people there-- and I am sure it will be good for her to see what the world thinks of Americans/Bush etc.
There are plenty of brilliant things about America I love in Ireland:
Starbucks, especially...:)
Stab City = Fab City
Bullying and slagging are one thing. And there is no consitutionally guaranteed right to friendship or admiration. However, refusal to serve your daughter on the grounds that she is american is an offense against Equal Status Acts 2000 to 2004. Irish law classifies Nationality as a facet of Race.
"The Equal Status Acts 2000 to 2004 prohibit discrimination on the following nine grounds:
[ed. removed for clarity... ]
"The race ground: A particular race, skin colour, nationality or ethnic origin;"
Even if your daughter wholeheartedly supports baby-killing Yankee imperialists, she still has an absolute contitutionally guaranteed right to be served a hamburger in Limerick. So she can leave the america jr.rucksack patch and the silly Che Guevara t-shirt at home (the planet of the apes version is sooo much cooler anyway).
"The Acts apply to people who:
Buy and sell a wide variety of goods
Use or provide a wide range of services
Obtain or dispose of accommodation
Attend at or are in charge of educational establishments."
Your daughter has a number of statutory remedies available to her and should contact the Equality Board for futher information if she chooses to persue this line. Details of how to file a claim are available at the URL I've provided.
Separately she can contact a solicitor if she's interested in suing for damages. Most solicitors would gladly handle a strong case as they stand to make a tidy sum, and it could help your daughter raise enough loot to cover her travel and uni fees. Just be careful in making this decision - in Ireland (unlike in the USA) if you are unsuccessful as plaintiff in a law suit you will likely be liable to pay the legal expenses of the accused. A reputable solicitor would be able to advise you as to the strength of your case. The US Embassy can help you find such a reputable solicitor:
By the way, you should carefully consider what a lawsuit of this type would do to your daughter's social life and perhaps even her academic standing. If she had trouble making friends before, well...
"What are the steps for making a Claim?
The Equality Tribunal, District Court and Circuit Court have roles in relation to claims under the Equal Status Acts, 2000 to 2004. All claims (except for claims in relation to discriminating clubs) under the Equal Status Acts 2000 to 2004 are brought to the Equality Tribunal which is the quasi judicial body established to investigate, hear and decide claims under the Equal Status Acts."
"Step 1: Written notification
Anybody wishing to make a claim of discrimination must notify the person against whom the claim is being made, in writing, within two months of the date of the most recent occurrence of the discrimination.
This written notification can be done by acquiring and filling out form ODEI 5 (available from the Equality Tribunal, 3 Clonmel Street, Dublin 2. Telephone: (01) 477 4100 or This notice must identify the nature of the claim and the intent to seek redress. The complainant who wishes to obtain information must do so in the written notification. If this written notification is not sent, a claim cannot be pursued."...
"Step 2: Making a claim
If there is no reply or if the reply is unsatisfactory the complaint should be referred to the Equality Tribunal within six months of the discrimination. This written notification can be done by acquiring and filling out form ODEI 2 (available from the Equality Tribunal, 3 Clonmel Street, Dublin 2. Telephone: (01) 477 4100 or"
Hope this helps and good luck -
Mr. T.