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South America.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() the WAR is not only against Muslims be they faithful or not. IT is global. Today things are going very oddly for the people of Venezuela. And the AUC rightwing party to the Colombian civil war have anounced a cease fire. maybe first you should read this article: VENEZUELA: THEY ACTIVATED THE COUP D'ETAT? by Alert? Friday December 06, 2002 AT 08:37 p.m. THE ALTAMIRA MASSACRE To HALF AN HOUR OF The ALTAMIRA MASSACRE, The MASS MEDIA NoncEstan INTERESTED IN KNOWLEDGE THAT ARE ASSUMPTIONS RESPONSIBLE THAT ESTAN STOPPED BY The POLICIA FOR CHACAO. BY RADIO And TV, THEY URGE The REVENGE BLAMING the GOVERNMENT. EVERYTHING SEEMS TO INDICATE THAT THIS IN MARCH THE PLAN COUP PARTICIPANT. THIS COULD BE THE LETTER UNDER THE SLEEVE OF THE COUP PARTICIPANTS. MANY PEOPLE ARE WITH ANIMOS EXACERBADOS IN The ZONE OF ALTAMIRA, The INESCRUPULOUS LEADERS TRIED THEM TO TAKE To GREATER ACTIONS. ALL WE MUST BE VERY ALERT. To SEVERAL PEOPLE WHO WERE IN The ZONE THEM KEY The FACIST CROWD. ALL VERY ALERT. WE DO NOT FALL IN PROVOCATIONS. The GREAT MEANS ARE GOING TO CONTINUE ACCUSING The BOLIVARIANOS TO CAUSE MAS DONE OF VIOLENCE. MODUS OPERANDI OF 11-A SEEMS TO BE REPEATING. CIRCULOS BOLIVARIANOS REPUDIAN MASSACRE We, the Bolivariano Circle Truthful Expression U.C.V, REPUDIAMOS PUBLICLY the terrorist actions that have happened in the Altamira Seat of Venezuela. We want to also declare that the Venezuelan Government has never undertaken terrorist actions like those of tonight. As we have denounced previously, the Libreto of the 11 of April of this one year is being repeated. The Deprived Mass media in Venezuela are fomenting hatred towards the government, so and as they did the 11 of April. We requested to ALL the organisms of Human rights that come to Venezuela so that they serve like Public prosecutors of the processes. WE REQUESTED SUPPORT TO THE ENTIRE WORLD
It alerts Red Soon of the terrorist attack, the calls of the dissident military to the rise, the insubordination have begun and, of course, to the Coup d'etat. The mass media have been chained to the speech of the Coup d'etat and it hopes that the coup participants happen to conduct more violent battles. It is the scene that looked for, reason why is not difficult to be conceited that those that generated this attack terrorist, by the other repudiable by the cowardly thing are they themselves. Those that we supported the process we must be alert, because this is the excuse that they looked for, repeating the same strategy of the 11 of April. As it was demonstrated in the inquiries and the report given by the special commission of the National Assembly, the group Coup participant used snipers to generate the chaos, to produce the violent manifestations and to give the Coup d'etat. It is the same scheme. And that is what they try to repeat in this case. In the Seat France de Altamira a terrorist attack with a lamentable balance of several deads and many wounded has been staged. The danger situation, to the 7:50 p.m. does not finish concluding. We demanded that it is investigated and is punished to the guilty and also we demanded that is found out first, because the mass media have transmitted expressions of civil employees of security and commentators accusing immediately to the President of the Republic. Apparently they obtained the deads that they wanted, since immediately they have begun to demand the application of the Inter-American Letter of the O.A.S. While, the military they make calls to the insubordination, to rebel itself against the Government, and follow with the irresponsible accusations. She is suspicious in this lamentable event (that we did not doubt in calling terrorist) the cover which they have the military coup participants at this moment, doing called to the insurrection. to add commentaries EYE PELAO TAKEN CARE OF WITH WHICH THIS HAPPENING NOW IN CARACAS. THE AVERAGE ESTAN TRANSMITTING HISTORIES OF DISASTER IN VENEZUELA WHEN UNEMPLOYMENT IS UNEMPLOYMENT OF MANAGERS NOT OF WORKERS. WHICH IT ENDS TO HAPPEN IN SEAT ALTAMIRA THEY ARE GOING TO THROW The FAULT To The CHAVEZ FOLLOWERS - Lie NO PERSON WHO SUPPORTS To CHAVEZ IS GOING TO FALL IN PROVOCATIONS THEN SO IS IMPORTANT The MAS PROFIT OF THIS REVOLUTION BOLIVARIANA - PEOPLE THIS INFORMED And CONSCIENTIOUS OF ITS RIGHTS And The IMPORTANCE OF FIGHTING BUT OF FIGHTING Peacefully.
Lynching of innocents A salesman terribly was struck. He was attacked by the carmonistas of Altamira, accusing it of chavista.
THE PLAN ACTIVATES AGAIN The plan of the coup participants activates again. For several days they have been becoming these alert. The coup participants spill innocent blood again to justify a new blow against the Venezuelan town. From Venezuela this alert so that arrives to us the entire world stays of awares been on before the great evidences. The opposition Venezuelan coup participant, next to such the military coup participants of the 11 of April has opened again the floodgates. They continue seeding hatred between the Venezuelans. We must be alert before the present situation because the people in charge of these events have commenced new offensive to the disposition of the Venezuelan town to advance of pacific way after the conquest of a participativa and protagónica democracy as she consecrates it Repudiamos the terrorist actions directed by these cipayos sectors given to the transnational capital and we sent our shared in common message a We requested that we do not fall in the trap that today to us these ready facists tend again to sacrifice to the own sectors of the civil society that has supported its unconditional to them.
Aggressions to bolivarianos in San Antonio of the Stops In San Antonio of the Stops the atmosphere extremely is rarefied. Hatred is to skin flower. From residential (whose name I reserve myself) a cotogether near one the old Arturos, the report arrives to us from attempt of aggression in cambote at neighbors Let us make a call to La Paz, but we do not accept upsettings. We do not have anything to fear. to add commentaries We had been warned
Two days later, we informed in the news : " The information more worrisome than has arrived to us is the autoatentado one that would try to be made the opposition soon to blame the bolivariano government. The information supposedly comes from infiltrated bolivariano personnel of intelligence in the seat. According to her, the coup participants would detonate some type of pump and would leave dead and wounded tens of in the place. The objective would be to use the opponents who support as tube meat and as he excuses to create a social underflow that can easily be directed to Miraflores. " The 20 of November, the captain of the Army Sanchez Bolivar , when retiring of the Altamira seat, denounced that " it was deceived when they said to me that [ the military ] would look for a democratic exit and later I understand that the real derived intention of a secret pact between Carlos Ortega and Medina Go'mez who is the one of general unemployment that indifferently of the success she tries to generate disorder, violence and death so that the FAN assumes the political control of the country. " Minutes ago, Carlos Ortega called " to deepen the radicalization ". Far from condoler itself by the victims, all the leaders of the opposition have called openly to the violence, blaming irresponsibly and without the minimum evidence to the bolivariano government of deads of tonight. " Damn assassins ", " we are going them to kill ", " chavistas dogs " and very many other phrases like these have tonight been in mouth of the opponents, who have let themselves take by a careful mediatic campaign that has been months. to add commentaries JOSE VICENTE RANGEL: THE GOVERNMENT CONDEMNS THE VIOLENCE IN ALL HIS FORMS " Integrally we condemned the violence ", ratified Vice-president Ejecutivo, Jose Vicente Rangel, in relation to the happened facts this Friday at night in the France Seat, located in Altamira. Thus it declared it during a press conference made in the seat of the Executive Vice-presidency, showing that " we want that a severe one becomes and strict investigation of the happened thing and in that sense already are cash of the Disip, cash of Judicial the Technical Police, fiscal of the Public Ministry in the place of the events to clarify the facts ". " We do not protect nor protected to anybody ", asserted the civil employee, s It makes it´s money be aranging money transfers from migrant and immigrant workers here in €.U. back home.
Americas Venezuela Braces for More Strikes longlink terrible shite anyway. it is now day 6 of the general strike. I´ve written a lot about how chaotic and vengeful the temporal stream is. the triangle of countries with responsiblity for Oil flow into and out of South America, drug flow out of South America, Tobacco flow out of South America, are one in civil war, the other at the brink of civil war. |