list of beaches and volunteer organisations and info on Galizia.
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Friday December 06, 2002 20:43
by iosaf=o as if = ipsiphi=23=€ - nunca mais = mai mes = nunca mas = never again
barcelona with memories of the Atlantic beaches of Connaught.

for the current phase of the Galizian eco-disaster.
We are awaiting the declaration of Galizia as a disaster zone. We are awaiting the alocation of saufficient funds to allow proper cleaning of the coastline from Portugal to Cantabria. We are awaiting answer to many questions. We are awaiting some "action".
We are awaiting an inquiry.
We are awaiting some honest information.
(see below)
We are awaiting some co-operation on regional and inter-state level.
We are awaiting some answers.
the telephone number of the co-ordination of Galician beach cleanings is:
.................[oh do remember to add 0034]
900 60 60 22 / 900 444 222
Tel for volunteers for the birdies
: 986733590 Grobe, 986810213 Vigo
NOTE: The slick has now reached Cantabria & Vizcaya. this is a slick with contamination appearing over a thousand kilometre stretch now. equivalent to the entire western coast of Ireland.
Organizations of Ecologists = Federación Ecoloxista Galegaón para a Defensa Ecolóxica de Galiza (ADEGA)mail to:[email protected]
[email protected]
tel [don´t forget the 0034] 981 570099.
they might manage to speak english
but gallician for never again is nunca mais!"WWF/Adena
world wide life folk very upset like the dolphins.
Sociedade Galega de Historia Natural">ADEGA
Federación Ecoloxista Galega">Erva
Coordinators for the zone
Cabo Prior-Ares. Juan Ignacio Díaz da Silva 981352820......add that 0034
A Coruña-Malpica. Amadeo Pombo 696416487
Malpica-Camelle. Manolo Soto T.609229443
Camelle-Muxía. Rafael Lema 654040655 & 981730036
Muxía-Cabo da Nasa. Martiño Nercellas 606754515
Cabo da Nasa-Muros. María García 679828242
Península do Salnés. Óscar Pérez 986 733 295
Sur da Ría de Vigo-Esteiro do Miño. Alberto Gil629649390
Coordinator general of operations: Xosé Luís Castro (FEG) T. 699219280
Protección Civil
España at her finest.
"nunca mais!!!!!"
Dirección general de Protección Civil (Muxia) - T. 981 742 337
Protección Civil - Xunta de Galicia (A Coruña) - T. 981 184 455 - 981 184 456 - 981 546 000
Protección Civil de Naron - T. 981 390 000
Protección Civil de Neda - T. 981 390 016
Protección Civil de Muxia - T. 981 742 497
the council of the "ambient".
mailto:[email protected]
[email protected]
Tel. 085 ........very short probably do´n´t need 0034 there.
Sos Galicia
really is S.O.S. Galicia. the most serious eco-disaster crime so far.
I really hate to say I told you so.
mailto:[email protected]
[email protected]
Centro de Control do Medio Mariño - Conselleria de Pesca..............control centre of marine environment council of fishies.
very fkd now. mailto:[email protected]
[email protected]
Tel. 986512300
Cofradía de BAIONA "La anunciada" 986.356.349 / 986.353.551
Cofradía de A GUARDA "Santa Tecla" 986.610.307 / 986.613.305
Cofradía de VIGO "San Francisco" 986.435.022 / 986.435.682
Cofradía de REDONDELA "San Juan" 986.400.518 / 986.404.380
Cofradía de ARCADE "Virgen del Carmen" 986.700.236
Cofradía de VILABOA "Virgen de la Señora" 986.708.473 / 986.708.552
Cofradía de MOAÑA "San Martín" 986.313.904 / 986.310.309
Cofradía de CANGAS "San José" 986.300.165 / 986.300.173
Cofradía de BUEU "San Martín" 986.320.253 / 986.320.014
Cofradía de MARÍN "Santa María del puerto" 986.881.570 / 986.881.686
Cofradía de LOURIZÁN "San Andrés" 986.880.245
Cofradía de PONTEVEDRA "San Telmo" 986.852.901
Cofradía de RAXÓ "San Gregorio" 986.741.344 / 986.741.034
oh the beautiful beaches no more.
Cofradía de SANXENXO "Santa Rosalía" 986.690.785
Cofradia de PORTONOVO 986.720.802 / 986.723.663
Cofradia de O GROVE "San Martiño" 986.733.590 / 986.732.765
Cofradia de CAMBADOS "San Antonio" 986.542.484 / 986.542.056
Cofradia de ILLA DE AROUSA "San Julián" 986.551.107 / 986.551.084
Cofradia de VILANOVA DE AROUSA "La Pastoriza" 986.554.113 / 986.500.923
Cofradia de VILAXOÁN "Virgen del Rosario" 986.500.924 / 986.5002923
Cofradía de CARRIL 986.501.700 / 986.508.542
Cofradía de RIANXO 981.860.477
Cofradía de CABO DE CRUZ 981.845.199
Cofradía de POBRA DO CARAMIÑAL 981.830.107
Cofradía de PALMEIRA 981.838.172 / 981.838.632
Cofradía de RIBEIRA 981.870.962 / 981.870.028
Cofradía de CARREIRA y AGUIÑO 981.840.151 / 981.840.152
Cofradía de PORTO DO SON "San Telmo" 981.767.321 / 981.854.023
Cofradía de PORTOSÍN "San Andrés" 981.766.650 / 981.766.018
Cofradía de NOIA "San Bartolomé" 981.820.200 / 981.824.878
Cofradía de MUROS 981.826.143
¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿might be an idea to make a list for Ireland´s beaches?????????????
you never know.
Cofradía de LIRA 981.761.252
Cofradía de O PINDO 981.764.815
Cofradía de CORCUBIÓN "Virgen do Carme" 981.746.951
Cofradía de FISTERRA "Nuestra Señora de las Arenas" 981.740.079
Cofradía de MUXÍA "Virgen de la Barca" 981.742.030
Cofradía de CAMARIÑAS 981.737.219
Cofradía de CAMELLE 981.710.106
Cofradía de LAXE 981.728.100 / 981.728.060
Cofradía de CORME "Santo nombre de Jesús" 981.738.043
Cofradía de MALPICA DE BERGANTIÑOS 981.720.011 / 981.720.026
Cofradía de CAION 981.604.005
Cofradía de A CORUÑA 981.297.852
Cofradía de MERA 981.628.065
Cofradía de LORBÉ 981.628.056
Cofradía de SADA 981.623.407 / 981.620.069
Cofradía de MIÑO 981.782.755
Cofradía de PONTEDEUME "Virgen do Carme" 981.430.275
Cofradía de ARES 981.468.017
Cofradía de MUGARDOS "San Telmo" 981.472.227
Cofradía de BARALLOBRE y FENE 981.360.028
Cofradía de FERROL 981.355.599
Cofradía de CEDEIRA 981.480.389 / 981.482.286
Cofradía de CARIÑO "Nuestra Señora del Carmen" 981.405.009
Cofradía de ESPASANTE 981.408.377
Cofradía de O BARQUEIRO y BARES 981.414.074
Cofradía de O VICEDO 982.590.002
Cofradía de CELEIRO y VIVEIRO "Santiago Apostol" 982.561.044 / 982.560.366
Cofradía de SAN CIBRAO 982.594.003 / 982.594.421
Cofradía de BURELA "San Juan Bautista" 982.580.056 / 982.585.756
Cofradía de FOZ 982.140.018 / 982.140.114
Cofradía de RINLO 982.123.007
Cofradía de RIBADEO 982.100.039 / 982.130.160
the list of cofradías is being circulated by IRC Spain the repubican left party.La lista de cofradías obtenida gracias a MANUELC de irc-hispano
other info obtained from
now i also mentioned some questions.
you might make a note to ask some Irish ministers in the hypothetical future.
it´s still only in español...sorry
In the case of the "Prestige", ¿who did busines with the boat, [who commisioned the boat-who owns the boat- who owns the fuel Remolcanosa or SASEMAR or the Maritime adnimistration? ¿who has been negotitated with, the captain capitán the boat company P&I or everyone? ¿ did the captain disobey orders from the navy? ¿ was the navy acting in accordance eith directions from the shore and with the knowledge of the transalators?
....there´s lot of it.
El funcionario que descendió sobre la cubierta del "Prestige",- en aguas sobre las que España ejerce derechos-, y parece ser que dio órdenes al jefe de máquinas, ¿Sustituyó al capitán en el pleno ejercicio de sus funciones, se hizo cargo del barco,? ¿Siendo como era muy grave la situación del "Prestige", quién/es y cuánto se pidió por el rescate? ¿Están gravadas las conversaciones, hay teles, faxes u otros documentos que acrediten los hechos? Es cierto qué el día 13 de noviembre, a las 14-17 GMT el capitán del "Prestige" envío, vía canal (16) 70 VHF, una alerta de socorro. Dando la posición 42-54 N y 09.54 W. Es decir, se encontraba correctamente ubicado dispositivo de tráfico.
basically very quickly are the telephone calls the radio signals all of it recorded?
a lot of people want to know that they are.
if you want a translation you have to get someone else to do it or atleast promise me to do something about it.
coz there´s lots of questions.
¿whose oil?
¿how much oil in liquid? aha.......!!!!
.........................sure I gave you the answer to that one ages ago.
¿what does Europe want to do about it?
¿why the weird salvage company statements and commisioning?
why the wodfully bad lying.
by very very senior politican Mr Fraga:
lots of lies.
even if you dón´t understand the language look at the dates.
He started with his shite on the fifteenth day of November:
"now the most serious danger has passed".
total fking shite.
and we all know it.
who would be the little rascal to come out and say something like that if this had happened in Ireland?
think about that.
so this is all political.
Q. sure Mr O´asif we all know ye anarkists in Barcelona love to jump on bandwagons and have a go at the senoir politicians especially if they have a past in Franco-s dictatorship, especilaly if they were the minister with responsiblity for the transistion from Franco´s dictatorship to the democracy which this week celebrates it´s anniversary with the holiday of the Spanish constitution. Now Mr O´asif you´re all following the PSOE [largest social democratic opposition party in España in this witchhunt scapegoating of old Mr Fraga, beloved of the King in these sensitive times, what with the King being jeered yesterday at the opening of the Navarre autonomy´s government building by members of the ex-political party HB.
A. Well a little bit of that maybe.
but basically neither the Spanish or Portuguese authorities have done anything substantial to address a number of very important issues.
Q. what are they?
A. whose Oil is it?
why all the lies?
why the slowness in admiting and the deliberate hiding of the toxicity of this material, and thus the negligence in allowing the citizens of any country to attempt to clean these beaches in false hope that the "worst was over"?
Yes a people who have suffered many such disasters before are suffering another again, a people who also have been represented by one of the most visible connections with the fascist authoritarian and centralist España of the a most terrible past.
Yes they are used to the effects of such disasters, they live in one of the poorest regions of Europe, their culture is subject to some of the most damaging effects the modern world can offer, mass migration.
Yes they really hope "never again".
And if we all help them, maybe it will be.
Galizia is in disaster.
recognise this.
Condemnded and dangerous oil tankers are in every sea lane of the international maritime community not only in "national" state waters. It matters little if now Spanish and French or for that matter Irish or British naval vessels enforce a restriction on their entry to the 50km zone near our beaches.
Our beaches, the beaches of Europe.
above I remind you a list of those maybe not worth a visit, or maybe yes if you wish to clean.
ah to clean.
In the summer of 1999 I was living as is well known in London in Lambeth borough, one of my housemates returned home to clean the beaches of Brittany after the sinking of the Diane.
With completely inadecquate protection and unsuitable cleansing materials for either beach or body, he joined hundreds of volunteers and "directed" youth employment teams.
Students, young workers, local workers, the unemployed, squatters thinking the combination of good money and "patriotic duty" a reward enough for what is most disgusting and disheartening work. Imagine to clean a beach of one stain only to se another arrive.
"THE WORST HAS NOW HAPPENED".-------Fraga 15/11/02
My friend and many of his fellow workers now suffer persistant skin disorders.
I left a joint study by Greenpeace and CCOO the largest Spanish state trade union on barcelona indymedia over two weeks ago now.
This last Summer they both worked on a joint declaration on Persistant contaminants and toxines in cleaning materials.
This declaration was supported by over 700 academics adding their voices and weight to a call on the government of España to address these issues. Yet in these last few weeks several of the right wing organs of the Spanish media have chosen to lead with deliberate misinformation concerning the toxicity of the material.
It seemed opportune for both CCOO & Greenpeace to use this information and the support of those 700 academics expertise on the very little study of long term endicrinal damage posed by both this oil slick and yes you got it by now the washing up liquid they´re using.
It also seemed opportune for the Spanish government either of Galicia or Madrid to recognise the urgency of that campaign. could almost say "oh there you go lots of local experts."
2/12/02 greenpeace issue the confirmation of the toxicity.- and go attacking other single hull tankers for the cameras.
No Aznar hasn´t gone to the beaches.
it would not be his style.
it makes me think who will be the fallguy when the realisation of the King´s aghast face and what it really means ring home and the scapegoats really are witchhunted.
Having a terrible time the King. Being jeered by people who are now called "radicals" and standing looking aghast on an oil slicked beach at the furthest reaches of his realm.
A place which after all boasts or used to boast "Finesterre [the end of the world]" in it´s tourist brouchures.
Think of beaches.
and the sea.
more will come.
because this is the worst eco-disaster so far.
here is the english translation of Fraga´s letter.
here is a visitor book
and the mainfesto of "NEVER AGAIN" [nunca mais] in English.
what we are asking you to sing in English:
legal declaration protection of your data if you sign. scroll down for english.
and here is [email protected]
an address of the platform in Barcelona doing things like encouraging sentimental aghast Galicians into black plastic bags to pretend being a black sea wave and waving arms about and singing to the bagpipes and drums.
=it is a surreal social function activism.
=this is where I told you first.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3If you need to translate some of this stuff from Spanish then copy the text and paste it in It will get a rough translation for you, one that you can work with at least. (I wonder if Douglas Adams (were the comical genius still sharing our polluted air) be able to claim the rights to his 'intellectual property' from this corporation???)
cheers 4 babelfish:-)
who had to deal with that vile pollution poured upon the Sea.
Will we ever hope to see Justice brought to those "really responsible" for that? & it was not Manuel Fraga's ship or cargo no matter how we know he fucked up. Most would have in his position ¿no Bertie?
when the prestige sinks?