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Why did Islam's Prophet, Muhammad, have sex with children?

category national | miscellaneous | news report author Friday November 15, 2002 18:21author by Captain America Report this post to the editors

Ayesha was 9 when Muhammad slept with her.


Moral Evaluations of the Marriage of the Prophet with Ayesha

Ayesha was 9 when Muhammad slept with her. This is a fact
demonstrated by a great number of hadithes. There is no
controversy in that. There has never been until now that some
of the Muslims have come in contact with western values and
are ashamed to admit that their Prophet could commit such an
indecency. They deny the facts and have made it a
controversy. The majority of Muslims still have no problem
with the young age of the Ayesha and they ridicule these
Modern day "moral relativists" who are twisting the truth to
please the morality of the westerners.

An American lady, with whom I used to correspond about Islam,
was interested in this religion because of her Muslim
boyfriend. She admitted that the thought of Muhammad having
sexual intercourse with a 9-year-old girl appalled her but
she was relieved to know that there are some Muslims who deny
it and this is the subject of a controversy not agreed by all
the Muslims. This is what I wrote in response.

"There are people who deny the holocaust. This happened only
55 years ago and it is very well documented. Yet it has not
stopped some people to deny it. So they start a controversy.
Would you doubt the holocaust because it is a subject of a
controversy? Intelligent people are not affected by
controversies. They look at the facts and are not swayed by
hearsays. Feeble-minded people become confused and do not
know which way to turn. These people switch off and avoid the
issue altogether, because for them, making a decision is not
an easy task. That is why some people start the controversy.

Only a few years ago a Sheikh in Saudi Arabia issued a fatwa
that any one who said the Earth is round is Kafir. Obviously
this did not go very far but he started a controversy. So
what is your opinion about the shape of the Earth? Would you
stay out of it because it is a controversial issue? How about
the evolution? There are many Muslims as well as Christians
who do not agree with the theory of evolution. They believe
in the Biblical and Quranic stories of Adam and Eave and the
creation. This is a big controversy. Are you going to stay
away from it? Is it a none-issue for you? Almost everything
under the Sun is a controversial issue. From death penalty to
hunting, from spending money for space exploration to aiding
the poor countries, everything is a controversy. Even the
very subject of religion is a controversial issue. So you
cannot walk away from responsibility when you are faced with

I agree that morality is relative and we should not judge the
ancient people's morality with our modern morality.

Obviously we all cringe when we think of pedophilia and
acknowledge that it is a shameful act of immorality. But
during the time of Muhammad, and even today in some Islamic
countries, marrying a 9-year-old child was not immoral. In
fact Ayesha was given to Muhammad with the consent of her
parents and no one raised an eyebrow. The question is, if
sleeping with a nine year old child was not deemed bad and
therefore was not considered immoral, was it ok? Not
everything that a society accepts as moral is right. Having
sex with a minor may not have been immoral for Arabs 1400
years ago, but it is now, as it was then, unethical.
Moralities are defined by circumstances, but ethics transcend
time and space. They are rooted in logics.Morality can vary
from culture to culture, from time to time and from person to
person. Who is to determine what is moral and what is not?

Having sex with a minor may not have been immoral for Muhammad
and his contemporaries in that uncivilized culture, but it
was ethically wrong. If Muhammad was a messenger of God or an
honorable man, as he made his Allah to proclaim him thus, he
should have known that what he was doing was dishonorable and

Although it is true that in the past people married at very
young age. And it is also true that occasionally wealthy old
men married very young girls. We have to realize that these
people acted on their culture. We do not condemn them for
they did not know better. What they did was the norm. But we
do condemn those cultures.

However, we cannot forgive with the same amnesty those who
claimed to be the standard of rectitude amongst mankind. If
average people could not distinguish the right from the
wrong, the messengers of God, if they were from God, should
have known better. If their claim was true, if their
knowledge was divine, if they were inspired, they should not
have followed the tradition of their people but should have
set the example. Muhammad followed the morality of his
people. But that morality was ethically wrong. He claimed to
be the best human and the last messenger of God. According to
him God has said to people all he wanted to say in Quran and
his religion is complete. There is no more guidance to come
and his examples and his teachings are all we need to know
and follow for eternity. Yet what he did and said, under the
light of modern values prove to be very wrong.

Now we realize that we cannot live by his examples any more,
nor can we practice his teachings. Our morality has changed.
We would certainly put a man in jail if he wanted to follow
the Sunnah of the prophet in this day and age and "marry" a
9-year-old child. We would not allow someone to take people
as slaves, trade in slavery or have them as Muhammad did.

If we cannot follow the morality of Muhammad any more, if what
he said and did do not fit in this modern day, why we need
Muhammad? What part of his teachings should we accept and
what part should we discard? Who will determine that? This is
an important question. If we give ourselves the freedom to
pick and choose the teachings that most suit our personality
we should give the same freedom to others?

Suppose you believe that marriage to a minor should be
outlawed, or you do not feel that polygyny is suited any more
for this day and age. Suppose you disagree with slavery, male
or female circumcision, beating of the wives and do not
believe in Jihad any more. You prefer to concentrate on other
parts of Islam that you like, e.g. Salat, Zikat, Haj, etc.
This is your choice. But can you deny other Muslims whose
choices are distinct from yours? How could you stop a Muslim
who wants to follow those teachings of Islam that you
consider outdated? By what authority can you dissuade one who
wants to spread Islam by Jihad, like Muhammad did? How can
you prohibit him not to assault sexually a 9-year-old child
by marrying her? What would you say to a Muslim who wishes to
marry up to four wives and decides to punish them by beating
them if they are disobedient, as the Prophet instructed him
to do? If you use logic in picking the teachings that are
best, you are saying that logic is superior to revelation and
therefore you are subscribing to the freethinker's way of
thinking not Muhammad's.

Many Islamic countries have realized that true Islam is
impractical. Very few of them can practice it faithfully;
they all have modified it to certain extent and have
incorporated secularism into their laws to make life
bearable. Those that do follow Islam are hells on Earth.
Interestingly the civility and the progress of these
countries are proportionate to the level of their
secularization. In the Middle Ages, when religion had plunged
Europe into the dark ages, Islamic countries were progressive
and prosperous. This was possible because of the tolerance of
the rulers of those days, their independence from the Mosque
and their disinterest to implement Islam.

Ar-Razi, one of the greatest minds of Islamic world, attacked
religion in general and Islam in particular with a force
unthinkable in this day. He wrote:

"The prophets-these billy goats with long beards, cannot claim
any intellectual or spiritual superiority. These billy goats
pretend to come with a message from God, all the while
exhausting themselves in spouting their lies, and imposing on
the masses blind obedience to the "words of the master." The
miracles of the prophets are impostures, based on trickery,
or the stories regarding them are lies. The falseness of what
all the prophets say is evident in the fact that they
contradict one another: one affirms what the other denies,
and yet each claims to be the sole depository of the truth;
thus the New Testament contradicts the Torah, the Koran the
New Testament. As for the Koran, it is but an assorted
mixture of "absurd and inconsistent fables," which has
ridiculously been judged inimitable, when, in fact, its
language, style, and its much vaunted "eloquence" are far
from being faultless. Custom, tradition, and intellectual
laziness lead men to follow their religious leaders blindly.
Religions have been the sole cause of the bloody wars that
have ravaged mankind. Religions have also been resolutely
hostile to philosophical speculation and to scientific
research. The so-called holy scriptures are worthless and
have done more harm than good, whereas the "writings of the
ancients like Plato, Aristotle, Euclid, and Hippocrates have
rendered much greater service to humanity."

This kind of criticism of Islam today, would carry the death
sentence. Can any intellectual speak so freely against Islam
calling the prophets "Billy Goats" as Ar-Razi called them
disdainfully in these days and live? Does the fatwa against
Salman Rushdie ring a bell? It is clear that in those days of
the golden age of Islam, Islamic countries enjoyed a freedom
and a level of secularization that has since been
disappeared. And along with that, the glory of Islamic world
also has ebbed. Islam can be used as an index of barbarity
and backwardness. The more a country applies Islam, the more
uncivilized and uncultured it becomes.

I have no doubt that if Islam was eliminated completely, we'll
regain the past glory of those secular days and even surpass
it. There is no reason to believe that the black-eyed hairy
race of Middle East is inferior to the blue-eyed soft-skinned
Europeans. The number of Middle Eastern scientists, academics
and scholars in the West is an indication that given the
opportunity we are no less intelligent than any other race.
The reason that we are backward, uncivilized and barbaric in
our native countries is because Islam has taken away our
dignity, humanity and intelligence. Islam has brainwashed us,
and like a drug has damaged the minds of our people.

author by sympatheticpublication date Fri Nov 15, 2002 18:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Beatrice was also a child when Dante saw her.
Alice was also a child when Carroll saw her.
Shakespeare´s Juliet is also a child though never played by one.
Under early Islamic practise as I have understood it (according to an Imam of the Sufi variation) wives were taken/given according to the Cow sutra of the Quaran but sex didn´t occur before menstruation.
Retrogressive allocation of contemporary sexual morality and understanding of autonomy and self is a very difficult subject and multi-disciplinary, it seems slightly unfair to make such criticisms of Islam alone, and therefore though this article be very well written, doesn´t ramble and is most certainly interesting, I feel obliged to warn my fellow readers of the newswire that it is politically motivated.
Paedophilia and the exploitation of children is not confined to any religious group, allegations of sexual abuse have been made and proven against ministers of every religion, RC priests, protestant pastors, Rabbis, Imams and Monks of the Tibetan Budhist faith.

as regards the fatwah on the shape of the world as we know thanks to either the first sutra of the Quaran or the work of the Swedish Academy the world is indeed not round but a flattened geoid. This scientific fact is often used ny muslims to support their belief that the Quran is a divienly inspired document, Hans Küng (a banned RC priest and theologian included this sutra in his thesis supporting his argument that the Quran was a divienly inspired book), The present Pontiff and the present Imam of Damascus discussed these issues when they prayed together in Damascus in 2001, other subjects discussed were the interfaith status of Jerusalem, Human Genetics in particularly the Human Genome, and future policy on sexual abuse and the emancipation of women, this might strike many readers as myself as strange but there you go JP2 and Damascus talking a bout wimmim.

I would disagree that the sole source of wars has been religion. Religion played no part in Vietnam only one budhist monk sought to emoliate himself.

Also to cite Plato and Euclid as the "beesknees" is to belie the occidental bias in your thinking.
Plato as the most excellent scholars of Dublin know had many predecesors as had Euclid.

Finally it is not Islam that has brain washed us.

we in the west have been brainwashed by TV.
and we have consistently ignored the full ramifacations of many of the sutras of the Quran on labour rights and working conditions, items which have been well manipulated by Magrhebi and Levant specialists of Western thinktanks and agencies since well Lawrence of Arabia.

It is not Islam that is at fault, it is the method in which a religious faith is maintained and used by a patrioarchy.

To attack Islam is akin to attacking Baptism or Quakerism or Methodism thinking "U.S. presidents were such their policies were such".

Islamic extremism is perhaps most appaling to the countless human rights and feminists and pocifists who belong to the Muslim faiths or traditions of which there are many.

author by iosaf (sligh return)publication date Fri Nov 15, 2002 19:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

it is odd to read to these thoughts, ponder them, listen to them, respond to them.

The Prophet (PBUH)=peace be upon him [a standard expression a polite so learn it] accused of child abuse.
Then Plato and Euclid held as the bees´-knees.

who sucked Socrates dick?
and was that not a tradition at the root of the pillars of Western Civilisation? The systematic reification of the individual to strip their autonomy?
Captain America wants us not to like muslims and says Euclid is cool and Plato and all the rest. Captain America says it´s not about cultural hegomany.
cool isn´t it.
go listen to the muslims of Ireland at the link below.
or if you´re interested in Plato and Euclid and the rest believe or not but one of the world specialists in Neo-Platonics is at TCD. or you can peruse the texts in linearB form or translated line by line courtesy of either Oxford University Press or The Deutsche Academie des classical boffins.

Related Link: http://www.gaire.com/Society_And_Culture/Religion/Islam/
author by himpublication date Fri Nov 15, 2002 20:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

author by Intransigentpublication date Fri Nov 15, 2002 22:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Captain America (aptly titled), you seem only interested in arousing some form of anger, hatred or disgust for a muslim population. In other words you seem to be attempting to be purposefully racist and encourage others to behave likewise. All this is obvious from your first line in bold. Much has been said by the other commentators to criticise the other elements of your article so I think there is no further need to expand.

author by captain racistpublication date Fri Nov 15, 2002 23:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Captain usa's racist anti muslim shit is no more welcome than Finglin's in an earlier message. Different cultures have different customs and ways of viewing the world. The last thing we need is the world's policeman imposing his hegemony on the majority world (and bombing them to oblivion)

author by trousers down lyndsay brownpublication date Fri Nov 15, 2002 23:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

it has been discovered by scientific research, that 90% of paedophiles go to Church, mosque, any religious institution regularly. It is part of the persona of the paedophile that he adopts the outward appearence of a respectable, pious, religious, pillar of society, whilst underneath this mask, lurks a perverted twisted authortarian predator who preys on defenceless small kiddies. Only the sinful seek the sanctity of the church/mosque to have their sins absolved. only sinners go to church/mosque/any religious institution.

author by Captain America's Alter Egopublication date Sat Nov 16, 2002 02:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Trousers, you made me laugh, but we all need to pay the bills, and this is my "penance."

author by Redeemed Sinner - People for Relevant Conversationpublication date Sat Nov 16, 2002 08:41author email snake49 at ktvb dot netauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

It is horrible but true that perverts prey in places of the unsuspecting (sincere but misled) "Religious" people are deceived...they are lied to...they are led to believe they can somehow appease the Almighty Creator of the Universe and Everything it Contains...this is a Nasty Lie! Satan is at work in EVERY religion.....he is suceeding and it is frightening! If anybody has a bit of knowledge of the Bible....they will notice that the only disputes Jesus had was with the self-righteous, religious, pious-looking folks. Mohammed may or may not have been a paedophile, but the important thing is that Satan used him to deceive millions and millions of people into believing that God hates Jews and Christians....if God hates these people, why did He create them? It is Very SAD to see what is going on in this world....look at the homosexual haven that is the Roman Catholic Cult! These men claim to be men of God, HA!!!!!!! A true man of God does not traumatize children but points them to the only relationship that is worth anything in this life! Jesus Christ Died Upon the Cross to Forgive Us of Our Sins....and Religion Died With Him!!!! Jesus Fulfilled the Law so that We may be JUSTIFIED by Faith (Romans 1:14) We CANNOT earn a place in Heaven and we cannot choose the 'religion' that suits our addictions the best....we either accept the Forgiveness Offered By Christ or we spend Eternity paying for Our Sins that we were too Proud to shed at the foot of the cross! Read Ephesians 2:8-9 ,Titus 3:5, Romans 1, 5-8, 12.....join in the battle for the Souls of Our Neighbors! We have little time left before we all stand before Christ to give an account of our lives to Him! May God Open Our Eyes to His Renewing Power!

author by another slight returnpublication date Sat Nov 16, 2002 12:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

When he cleared the Temple of money dealers he did so with a whip. I do not imagine that money dealers were pious.

author by Redeemed Sinnerpublication date Sat Nov 16, 2002 17:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I would like to add that whoever made the previous comment, "You are absolutely right!" But what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? I myself, am a Christian socialist, and I believe the Bible supports, even encourages this system. I bet you guys never would have guessed! Just like everything else in this worls, you cannot trust the media's interpretation of Christianity....check it out! The Bible says where you will spend Eternity! Acts 2:42-47 , Colossians 3:22-4:1 , e-mail me for more support...

author by oh dearpublication date Sat Nov 16, 2002 17:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It says something about this site that when you open it up, there on the newswire is the headline Islam = child abuse.

No article on the Irish church, no other articles on any other aspect of Islam -- just this.
Yes I know its an open newswire, so people can post what they like but imagine a Muslim in Ireland thinking, "I've heard that indymedia is different from the rest of the papers" and finding this.

The Sunday World would have shorter paragraphs but the message would be the same. In a racist society some level of discretion, balance is needed otherwise you simply slip into racist structures that exist.

I would guess most readers / users of this site are white and non-muslim. (i hope I am wrong). For western liberal minded people to simply denounce Islam (and without recognising its diversity and differences)or withgout a context is to align themselves with the Crusades of Bush and is ilk.

It's not passionate telling of the truth rather it sits comfitably with the safe, right-wing mainstream, whatever the original intention. (Though I am far from convinced that intention was benign)

author by oh dear oh dear oh dear - hand-wringing dummiespublication date Sat Nov 16, 2002 22:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It says that there is no censorship practiced and that if none of the editors can find that this material is available elsewhere then it is retained. A hand-wringing fool like yourself may want it censored, but that's not the purpose of the site. Go look for censored material in your Irish Times.

Finally, I trust that Captain America is aware that the Talmud also allows sex with children, but only as long as they are younger than 9?

Also, I assume that Capt. America is aware that the legal age for marriage (and presumably sex) is 14 years old in some of the "Christian" states of the US?

Also I assume that Capt.America is aware that the interpretation of the Quraan differs from sect to sect and person to person and that therefore this says nothing about Muslims in general?

The show's over folks. Time to go back to wringing your hands and being all liberal while campaigning for the fascist Eurocracy.

author by Cardinal Codpiecepublication date Sun Nov 17, 2002 01:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It's regrettable that us religious go for small boys but you have to admit ... it's great fun!

author by iosafpublication date Sun Nov 17, 2002 12:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

as sympathetic (the first)
as iosaf
and as slight return.
jesus was an anti-capitalist.
for my thoughts on islam look at the first comment.

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