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Kopenhagen 2002: Shutdown Europe- for a new Antifascism!

category national | miscellaneous | news report author Tuesday November 05, 2002 17:51author by some antifascist groups from NRW/Germany Report this post to the editors

Kopenhagen 2002: Shutdown Europe- for a new Antifascism!

On 12th and 13 December 2002 the EU-summit in Kopenhagen takes place. There are sufficient reasons to protest against the racism of fortress Europe and the European supervision delusion. In addition however also the national EU-foreign policy should be attacked. Under German leadership, the European union operated the failure for the benefit of the "Vielvölkerstaates" Yugoslavia of national volumes (UCK) and countries (Croatia, Slovenia). The EU supports the islamic and Arabic battle under despots as well as Khomeini, Hussein and Arafat around national identity morally and financially.
The European union is the largest financier (over 4 billions euro since 1993) for the Palestinian autonomy authority (PA). That would be not so bad if it would concern at the same time for example a functioning rubbish removal for Gaza or the construct of a not-antisemitic and not-islamic education. It is however no secret that the use of the EU-money is not controlled. The money wends partially on the private banking accounts of the corrupt Arafat-clique; worse however the financing of weapons and explosive material as well as the generous support of the left families of suicide attackers (cf. for example "THE TIME" 24/2002). With knowledge of the EU, training books, in which no country Israel exists and suicide attempts will be glorified, are printed. Children grow up with antisemitic agitation and fascist-like death cult: "treachery and deceitfulness are Jewish traits, and therefore one should be doubtful with jews" (religion book for the 9th class). "The noble soul has two goals: the death and the desire for it" (" Our Beautiful Language, Textbook for the Sixth just, PART1. 2000-2001, S. 47).

The country Israel was established 1948 as a reaction to prevent further antisemitic aggression and mass murder. As long as there is antisemitism, Jews can defend themselves only in a country with Jewish population majority effectively against antisemitism - a conclusion out of centuries of militant, bloody attacks and above all out of the holocaust done by the Germans. The UNO-division plan, that planned an Arabic and a Jewish country in the British mandate zone, was rejected by the Arabic side; the foundation of Israel was answered with war.
Conversation offers by Israel were regulary rejected by the Arabic countries. For the Arabic countries (with exception of Egypt and Jordan after the peace treaties 1978/1994), it is equal how Israel politics concrete looks and is little like Israel; it is declared goal of the large part of the Arabic world of driving „the Jews into the sea".

Israel is a area of protection for hunted jews by antisemitic aggression worldwide. Antizionism wants to take the Jew the possibility to the military self-defense, leaves it therewith to its enemies and is therefore in last consequence nothing but antisemitism. After Auschwitz, antisemitism steps hallucinated at least in the more established circles of the western world scarcely more openly, but rather usually as Antizionism and criticism of „influential Jewish circles" up. Simultaneously however Europe has experienced today the largest wave of antisemitic actions since 1945, that appears in attacks on synagogue (Dusseldorf, Paris ...,) and in antiisraelian demonstrations (Berlin, Rome,). ...

To its expulsion in the 20th century Jews lived for centuries in Islamic countries - to be sure as a citizen of second class, but free of similarly bloody pursuits as in Europe. Self-confident and after sovereignty striving Jews however did not suit into the presentations of many Arabic neighbors, and with the zionist settlement of the current Israel the hate on the Jews grew stronger. Climax was itself the unconcealed collaboration of the Muftis of Jerusalem, Amin al-Hussaini with the German national socialists, whose antisemitic projection it in the Arabic world successfully common and that not only on financial support for the Arabic national movements and which culminated in the assembly of muslim SS-divisions: 1943 al-Hussaini asked the governments of Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria and Italy to turn back their permission of the Jewish emigration and to send its Jews to Poland Inspections" (out of al-Hussainis memoirs "Falastin", Beirut 1970).
After the second world war, numerous NS-war criminals emigrated into arabic countries. An antisemitic author, Johann of Leers, that later became adviser of the Egyptian government, was welcomed by the Mufti with the words "we thank you that you undertook it, into the battle against the powers of darkness, that shaped the world judaism" (Robert St. Receive John: The Boss, New York 1960, S. 153).
I.e. the Baath-parties are referring openly to the ideology of national socialism (Hussein/Iraq, Assad/Syria): "we were racists, we admired the national socialism.... who lived in Damascus this time, can understand the inclination of the Arabic people to the Nacism, for it was the power, that was able to be champion of the Arabic matter...." (Sami al-Jundi, early leader of the syrian Baath-party, "al-Bath", Beirut 1969, S. 27ff).
Books as well as the antisemitic „protocol the manners of Zion", whereby on Arabic more translations as in each other language exist, and „my battle" by Adolph Hitler are in the Islamic world almost unchallanged ; national newspapers and TV broadcasting services surpass themselves in anti-Semitic propaganda: "I would like to make the point clear, that the spilling of human blood through the Jew for the purpose of preparation of pastry for their holiday is a fact. This was same one of the head reason for the pursuit and the exile of the Jews in Europe and Asia." ("Al-Riyadh", saudian newspaper, 10.3.2002)
Information, in which Israel is not represented negatively, is forbidden; instead of this in countries like Egypt anti-Semitic movies like “the protocols of the manners of zion” are produced for cinemas throughout the arabic world and beyond.
Opposition is oppressed in arabic and islamic countries as "zionist agents", were received the delusion picture the "Jewish principle", that is responsible for all "bad" in the world, successfully by the German national socialism.
The Islamism does not strive after a better life or satisfaction of needs, but rather explains war to the positive aspects of the modern world. Everything, what does not accepts to become object of islamic virtue terror; sexuality that does not serve the propagation and criticism of the God gifts ratios are pursued without mercy. The antisemitism and the hate on all unislamic holds together the people. Poverty and folly, village idylls and medieval social structures are being glorified as solution of the modern difficulties against liberalism and decadence and are indentified with Israel and the US.
In the class-capitalistic countries through the enlightment philosophy, luxury, individuality and the possibility of personal fortune the prerequirements for a freed society are at least imaginable. This unfulfilled bourgeois promises are to be defended against the Islamic fascism - also if its even the only the backside of capitalism and barbary only the backside of enlightment theory.

By the concept carried out by the Israeli socitey by its majority called "country against peace", the Israeli Prime Minister Barak 2000 offered the Palestinians a country in west bank and Gaza with East-Jerusalem as a capital. Arafat rejected this offer because no "return right" was planned for the 1948 implored Arabians to Israel. Such a return right, that includes also yet the postdecessors of the at that time fugitive, would mean however the end of Israel as a Jewish country and point of protection against anti-Semitic aggression. Over a return right for the Jews, which were drawn out from Arabic countries was not spoken. It became clear that on the Palestinian side neither existed an acceptable partner for peace negotiations nor a will to stop the violence. The strokes on Israeli civilians are supported by the majority of the Palestinian; they do not require an end of the garrison, but rather an end of the Jewish country. Because the Palestinian autonomy authority does not fight the terror, but rather supports, Israel must take the security of its inhabitants into the characteristic hands. The actions of the Israeli armies, as occasionally reccupation of the autonomous Palestinian cities, led to a decline of the terror. At the same time Israel is trying to prevent unnecessary violence; while Palestinians behind and in the middle of by civilian delay, around corresponding bloody television pictures are trying to provocate. Not only the radical left sees in these pictures the battle of a Palestinian david against an Israeli Goliath and is projecting its revolution romanticism on the stone-throwing Palestinians - about what it this battle, worries it not. The self-defense of Israel regularly is criticized by most countries and media, that made sacrifice to culprits. In the media for example a "Massacre " in Jenin was reported, which has never taken place (DUNO-investigation report 1.8.02).
Out of the actually existing bad life conditions of the Palestinian people the wrong conclusions are developed; there is no progressive reaction, instead all problems are seen as produced by the state of Israel. The Palestinian fight is not concerned in stopping the oppression by the Israelis or in improving the social situation, but in killing as much Jews as possible, for the so-called “Volk”, for God and to celebrate death-cult and martyrism.
If Israel attacks infrastructure financed by EU-money as well as Arafats offce or facilities of the production of antisemitic propaganda, as well as the TV bradcasting services of the Palestinian autonomy authority, the EU pays the reconstruction and is three enough to demand of Israel for that compensation payments.
We do not contest that there were inhuman actions by Israeli soldiers. In the Israeli society however actions of the army, unlike in all neighbor countries, are been critically discussed and consequences pulled out of not justifiable actions. Interestingly is also that the Falangist attack on the "refugee camps" Sabra and Shatila in the Libanon 1982 were discussed again and again, while the massacres of palestine forces in Jordan (" black September" 1970) are not even mentioned; that the occupation of the west bank by Jordan and of Gaza by Egypt until 1967 was at no interest by those, which today attack Israel.
Antisemitism claims to explain the world. Exploitation is perceived (not only in the antisemitic world picture) only in the abstract page of the capitalism, in the finance capital and in the trade; industrial production appears on the other hand as concrete, positive and rooted: "in the ratio of the reward to the prices first is expressed, what is kept away from the workers. With its reward, they supposed at the same time the principle of the payment. The businessman presents the change that they signed the manufacturer. []...the responsibility of the sphere of capital circulation for the exploitation is socially necessary certificate." (Adorno/Horkheimer: dialectics of the enlightment) the Antisemit hallucinates the Jew as abstract, inconceivable, rootless, international and powerfully. "The antisemitism modern exists in the biologization of the capitalism as the international judaism" (Moishe Postone: antisemitism and national socialism)
An elementary component of the capitalism is encounter can this pathic projection, that doesn't have to arrange itself necessarily as a antisemitism against the Jews, but rather its structure also other groups belaid with named "Jewish" characteristics: multinational combines, finance capital, organized crime, drug dealers, "world conspirator". Not only therefore there can be no release without release of the capitalism.
The Antiimperialism explains itself the world as a battle of concrete, rooted peoples against abstract powers. That themselves these concrete peoples were regularly uncovered as an authoritarian forces collective, should initiate a process of self-reflection. The european union likes to present itself as a fighter for the rights of the “Völker” against the USA and Israel, that stand alone in its military action against the worldwide Intifad. A radical left may not require more support in EU-summits for the antiisraelian war, but must attack the EU for its partisanship withe the enemies of Israel. That also Israel in far parts is a capitalistic company, is aware. But if anticapitalist protest is turned against this place of jewish self-defense while pursuits breaking out again and again against the only democratic country in the middle east, in which neither self-confident women are pursued nor homosexual couples, and solidarity will be declared with the enemies of israel; in consequence this protest requests nothing more than global fascism.

Fight fortress Europe - Solidarity with Israel!

author by Pete Rankspublication date Wed Nov 06, 2002 10:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Is this really from some german anti-facist groups( with a serious guilt complex) or is it something else? I thought that the general consensus was that it is the Israeli government that are acting like facists, no? And if this is some group trying to hijack the anti-fortress europe sentiment and turning it into pro israeli sentiment, it is very inventive indeed, I mean at the end of the day, being anti-facist isn't about being anti-arab or anti Jew, is it? I don't know, just seems a little fishy to me.....

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