an ainrialai asarlai ag iascaracht.
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Saturday November 02, 2002 19:23
by iosaf mac diarmada
ipsiphi23 at email dot com

...on certain Irish marine issues
something for everyone?
Minister Browne Says Rockall Discovery May Boost Offshore Drilling
Let´s begin with part of a press statement from Ireland´s ministry of the marine last Sunday, (27 October 2002)
"Mr. John Browne T.D., the Minister of State for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, today said the encouraging results from drilling in the Rockall basin underlined the exploration potential off the Irish coast."..."Minister Browne said Enterprise Energy Ireland’s (EEI) announcement on the Rockall results from their deep water ‘Dooish’ exploration well was very welcome news. He was speaking after receiving a briefing from officials from the Department’s Petroleum Affairs Division."....."The Minister declared: “While it is too early to judge their economic significance, the results clearly demonstrate the presence of a working petroleum system and, as such, have profound implications for the future exploration of frontier areas offshore Ireland. My Department has long held that there was ‘real’ exploration potential within these frontier areas and the latest news further vindicates this view.”......!!
!!......"The Minister went on: “The well has penetrated a substantial column of hydrocarbons. However, before the size of the accumulation or the possibility for any commercial development can be assessed, a considerable amount of analysis of existing data together with much further appraisal work on the prospect will be required. It is expected that appraisal operations will resume at the earliest possible opportunity during the drilling season in 2003.”
... €€€€ ......"Enterprise Energy Ireland has carried out an evaluation programme, the Minister said. “All aspects connected with the positioning, drilling and evaluation of the well require my approval, and under the terms of the licence, the operator is obliged to lodge all technical data related to the well with my Department. I am pleased to say that Enterprise Energy Ireland is fully complying with their obligations. Specialists from the Petroleum Affairs Division of the Department have closely monitored the drilling and formation evaluation programmes since the well was initially drilled and are continuing to analyse the large volumes of data generated.” ...........$$$$..........."Minister Browne added: “There are challenges imposed by extreme water depths. We understand that to-date the well has cost more then €20 million. I would strongly encourage other exploration companies to renew their commitment and resolve to pursue hydrocarbon exploration opportunities in Ireland.”
several reasons,
1. it signals increased invovlement by multi-national-corporations in Irish marine life.
2. Marine policy is one of the "all Ireland" areas of co-operation between the Ireland and Northern Ireland states.
3. Rockall and its surrounding areas are subject to international dispute between the Ireland state and the United Kingdom state.
4. Increased oil speculative exploration in the Irish Atlantic region will threaten delicate eco-systems to which many fish and other marine life belong.
In reference to number 4.
The Irish government has an "aquaculture" policy.
Without any thought of "conflict of interest" this policy is controlled from the same ministry.
"The Aquaculture Policy section aims to identify and facilitate measures to securing these objectives. Key areas of involvement for the section include policy formulation, targeted investment support for aquaculture under both the Operational Programme for Fisheries 1994 - 1999 and more currently, the National Development Plan 2000 - 2006, the establishment of a national fish health policy framework and the pursuit of measures and action at EU and national level beneficial to the sector".....€€€€€....$$$$$.....
The establishment of the Aquaculture Industry Forum under the aegis of IFAPD, comprising the Department, BIM, UnaG and the Marine Institute, as well as key players from the industry, has facilitated communications and dialogue between the parties on strategic issues facing the industry! . The Forum enables the aquaculture industry to play a leading role in identifying and raising issues of priority and provides a practical mechanism for periodic review and information exchange on market trends and opportunities, investment strategies, R & D needs, environmental issues, international and EU developments as well as policy issues generally".
..............**********............Licensing, Monitoring and Enforcement of aquaculture activities are handled by the Coastal Zone Administration Division(CZAD)
One of the fish I most particularly like is the Atlantic Mackerel (scomber scombrus).
Recent studies reported in the current issue of Amercian Psychiatry (2002,59:913-919)
suggest that eicosapenaenoic acid (EPA) found in Omega 3 fatty acids, may help people with symptoms of bipolar disorder or manic depression.
The suggestion that EPA is a potential source of anti-depressives is not a new one, but researchers are happily predicitng fresh multi-national-corporation interest in the development of EPA drugs to complement markets already saturated with other more well known types of medication.
Medication including Selective Sertonin reoptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Prozac Fluoxine or MDMA (Ecstasy) or older drug types called Tricyclic antidepressants.
if the keen reader will go to this link
they will find record of the record Irish Mackerel, a beast of a creature at 1.87kg
the really careful reader will further note some very poor !aquacultural! advice in the fishing tactics....
"Boat tactics: Mackerel will fall to bare silver hooks never mind feathers never mind the more exotic creations that the tackle companies have come up with. I have seen highly effective home make feathers made from thread, bits of cut up beach ball (!), silver foil and plastic bags. I know one guy who swears to the effectiveness of the ring pulls from beer cans (empty!) although you can't always trust him! Most small spinners and lures will take any mackerel and they have no problem in feeding on mackerel strips. If you do want some sport you have to bring the rig back to coarse angling levels - 4 lbs line and a float".
now that´s just the sort of attitude to our environment and happyness that I really don´t like.
happy fishing.
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Comments (11 of 11)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11eating Fish (or any animal for that matter) is cruel and pointless, as an anarchist myself i abstain from such things.
I did not exactly condone such behaviour, I merely pointed out that the Journal of Amercian Psychiatry had reported that Omega C oils found in oily fish such as Mackerel can alleviate depression.
If you don´t want to eat the fish, you could I suppose always hug it or lick it.
And as an obviously sincere vegetarian you will I presume agree that increased production of Mackerel and other oily fish by the Pharmoceutical Industry so as to produce a new generation of anti-depressives is very bad news.
You may feel inspired thus to inquire of the Pharmacuetical Multi-national-corporations what plans they have to develop such drugs, or you may feel inspired to pursue the issue of "aqua-culture" with the Dept. of the Marine, whose office I believe are located on Leeson St, Dublin.
Or you may have thought,
500 million barrels of Oil.
isn´t that written on a wall in Barcelona as "all we have", yet I´ve checked the official global reserve figures and they don´t add up to 500 million, did that graffiti artist get it wrong or was he/she (they were indeed a team) including twenty year forecasts of deepsea resources as of yet not deemed commercially viable, and thus giving fine activists in Ireland a little bit of headway before Ireland becomes an "oil" producing country?
Flax is a blue flowering crop grown on the Prairies of Canada for its oil-rich seeds. The seeds of flax are tiny, smooth and flat, and range in colour from light to reddish brown. They serve a variety of purposes, including baking and other food uses.
People have eaten flaxseed since ancient times. Taste — a pleasant, nutty flavour — is one reason. Good nutrition is another.
More than half the fat in flaxseed is of the essential omega-3 fatty acid type.
Fatty Acid Composition of Flaxseed Oil
% of total fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids 9
Monounsaturated 18
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids 57
Omega-6 fatty acids 16
Flax is a blue flowering crop grown on the Prairies of Canada for its oil-rich seeds. The seeds of flax are tiny, smooth and flat, and range in colour from light to reddish brown. They serve a variety of purposes, including baking and other food uses.
People have eaten flaxseed since ancient times. Taste — a pleasant, nutty flavour — is one reason. Good nutrition is another.
More than half the fat in flaxseed is of the essential omega-3 fatty acid type.
Fatty Acid Composition of Flaxseed Oil
% of total fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids 9
Monounsaturated 18
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids 57
Omega-6 fatty acids 16
regards nutrition?
fuel potential?
And is it cultivated in County Dublin?
There's a new minster now and well the hydrocarbons are still there.
John Browne Welcomes Positive Signals from Rockall
Dublin, Thursday, 31 July 2003
Mr. John Browne, T.D., Minister of State in the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources said today that he is encouraged by the well results of Shell/Enterprise Energy Ireland Limited (Shell/ EEIL) and partners following the completion of their operations in the Rockall Basin.
Minister Browne said, "Both the Petroleum Affairs Division (PAD) of my Department and Shell/EEIL are continuing to analyse the well results and integrate them with other data from the area. It is encouraging that this well, only the second to be drilled in the Irish sector of the Rockall Basin, proved the presence of hydrocarbons in the area."
The well is situated in Frontier Exploration Licence (FEL) 2/94 in the Rockall Basin some 125km off the Donegal coast. The well was re-entered on 11 May 2003 using the drilling unit 'Jack Bates' and deepened by sidetrack from the 2002 total depth of 4146m measured depth (MD) to 4471m MD. The well confirmed the existence of a substantial gas condensate column.
Further technical work on the prospect will be required before the size of the gas condensate accumulation and the possibility for any commercial development can be accurately assessed.
Minister Browne concluded, "The discovery of hydrocarbons in the area obviously has positive implications and hopefully augurs well for the prospectivity of the basin as a whole."
FEL 2/94 was awarded to the operator Shell/EEI (100%) in 1994 and part of its interest was subsequently sub-leased to Italian and Austrian exploration companies, ENI Ireland BV (40%) and OMV Aktiengesellschaft (10%), respectively.
hemp is like unto flax.
New Initiative To Increase Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration
New Initiative To Increase Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration
Dublin, Monday, 16th September, 2002
Mr. Dermot Ahern, T.D., and Mr. John Browne T.D., Minister and Minister of State for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, today announced a new initiative aimed at increasing exploration for oil and gas off the Irish coast.
The initiative entails the opening of the entire Porcupine Basin off the West and South West coast for licensing (Frontier Exploration Licences). Licensing will be by means of four tranches, which will be successively opened for licence bids at near six-monthly intervals between March, 2003 and October, 2004. All other basins off the west coast currently closed (Slyne, Erris, Donegal and Rockall) will remain so for the present.
The Ministers intend to provide details of the licensing process and the conditions applicable to successful applicants next month.
Minister Browne stated: “The primary task of both myself and my colleague, Dermot Ahern, is to deliver on the State’s energy policy. That is to ensure we have enough supplies to support economic growth and competitiveness and ensure that energy supply and use are environmentally sustainable.”
The Minister went on: “In recent years we have witnessed the decline in output from the Kinsale Head gas field which has meant that the State has become over-dependent on imports to meet our growing energy requirements. It is vital that the State does everything in its power to encourage and increase the supply of energy from within our own frontiers.”
“In relation to gas, both the Corrib Field off the Mayo coast and the Seven Heads field off the southern coast have the potential to make up for the near exhaustion of the Kinsale Head gas field. Nonetheless, of great concern is the dramatic decline in exploration activity offshore in the last few years,” Minister Browne stated.
“This is due to a variety of reasons, including the very high level of restructuring within the industry in recent years, uncertainty with regard to oil price and virtual absence of a development infrastructure. In addition, there is a difficult offshore frontier environment, plus the industry’s perception of prospecting in Ireland and the opportunities offered by exploration ‘hot spots’ around the world,” the Minister stated.
“Both myself and Dermot Ahern are of the view there is a need to kick-start prospecting once again off our coast. There are large areas off the coast closed for licensing and which are untested,” Minister Browne said.
In support of the opening of the Porcupine, the successful joint-industry/Government Petroleum Infrastructure Programme (PIP) will be remodelled to encourage and support further regional data gathering and applied research and indigenous infrastructure capabilities, in support of the Department’s work to promote offshore exploration and production. Exploration data release mechanisms will be strengthened, and will include the launch of a new on-line meta-database for all released offshore data.
Minister Dermot Ahern stated: “The initiative announced today is framed so that while offering opportunities to the industry for renewed licensing in the Porcupine Basin, other basins offshore are conserved for the future by remaining closed off for licensing for the moment.”
In launching this licensing initiative, the Ministers reiterated that they are strongly committed to and fully supportive of a strong, indigenous gas industry. They recognise the obligations which arise under the E&P Licensing Terms, 1992, specifically the rights of an exploration company to obtain a Petroleum Lease for development of any discovery, subject to the Minister being satisfied that any discovery can be developed commercially under the Terms; that the lessees have sufficient technical and financial resources to undertake and operate the development, and that all operations will be conducted safely and with due regard to their impact on the environment and other land/sea users.
New Porcupine Exploration Licensing Initiative Timetable
Dublin, Wednesday, 6 November, 2002.
John Browne, TD, Minister of State for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, today announced details of the new Licensing Initiative for exploration in the Porcupine Basin off the west and south west coast.
The new licensing initiative is aimed at rejuvenating exploration in offshore Ireland.
The Minister, speaking at the annual Institute of Petroleum Dinner in Dublin, declared: One of my primary tasks is to deliver on the States energy policy. We have to ensure we have enough supplies to support economic growth and competitiveness and ensure that energy supply and use are environmentally sustainable.
Minister Browne stated: The decline in output from the Kinsale Head gas field and the fact that our energy import dependency ratio is now standing at over 80%, 30 points in excess of the EU average has meant that the State has become over-dependent on imports to meet our growing energy requirements. It is vital that the State does everything in its power to encourage and increase the supply of energy from within our own frontiers. Because of this I have, in consultation with my colleague Minister Dermot Ahern, decided to reopen and release tranches in the Porcupine Basin.
The area of the Porcupine Basin in this Initiative (which excludes the two areas currently held under Frontier Exploration Licence) encompasses 241 whole blocks in four Tranches.
Applications for Frontier Exploration Licences involving blocks in the four Tranches will be considered in turn at approximately 6-month intervals.
The schedule for Closing Dates for applications is as follows:
1 15th March, 2003
2 (and 1) 15th October, 2003
3 (and 1 & 2) 15th March, 2004
4 (and 1, 2 & 3) 15th October, 2004
The Minister emphasised that there is a considerable amount of data available from the Porcupine Basin area. He referred to a new online meta-database accessible through the Petroleum Affairs Division (PAD) website at which contains information on all released wells, seismic and potential field data as well as relevant data agent contacts.
The Minister also emphasised the very important role played by the joint PAD/Industry Petroleum Infrastructure Programme (PIP). It is intended that all authorisation holders in the Irish offshore, including those who take up licences in the Porcupine Basin Licensing Initiative, will participate in the successor to PIP, the Petroleum E & P Promotion and Support Programme (PEPPS). This programme which has been built on the PIP model, aims to provide regional baseline and framework information to address common PAD and Industry problems and uncertainties, essential to underpinning and promoting effective petroleum exploration. It will assist in the development of a local E & P-related infrastructure in Ireland.
Minister Browne added: I believe there is real potential for economic accumulations of oil and gas off our coast. Without facilitating exploration we will never realise this potential. I have no doubt that the Porcupine Licensing Initiative, the details which are available from my Department, coupled with our licensing terms, provides enterprising companies with an opportunity to pursue that potential.
the supplement in this week's Sunday Papers.
An awful lot of money will come into the Irish State which was never "budgeted for". Now think about all those years we "couldn't afford" little things like "the basics". Wouldn't it be *really nice* if we could like "this time" use the "good fortune" to think about "the basics".?
or will it be more expensive but essentially useless things that none of the neighbours have? like garda spotter planes, or the only european presidential executive jet with a microwave? or will Leinster House get a re-fit?
¿Do you trust them with the last cookie jar?