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Kids Protest Stupid PETA Protest![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Milk protest turns sour This article: BY HELEN MORGAN POLICE had to break up an animal rights protest yesterday when schoolchildren in Aberdeen pelted activists with cartons of milk. Sean Gifford of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and an unidentified man in a cow-suit had planned a peaceful protest at the gates of the Grammar School to let pupils know about the claimed hazards in milk. But they had to be rescued by two female police officers when the teenage pupils launched a violent protest of their own. About 100 children, shouting "milk for the masses" and carrying banners, surrounded Mr Gifford and his "cow" partner and drenched them both in milk for about ten minutes. The police eventually intervened and escorted the PETA members back to their car. Mr Gifford said: "I have travelled all over the UK with this protest and I have never seen anything like this before. It must be something to do with children in Aberdeen. I think they just got a bit over-excited. I’m sure they will still go home and think about our message." Yesterday’s protest was the latest in PETA’s nationwide drive to publicise what it claims are dangers in drinking milk. They have been handing out cards with cartoon pictures of characters suffering from wind, spots and obesity as a result of dairy products. The cards tell kids to "give cows a break" and "be kind to animals and your butt and your gut" by avoiding milk. But one pupil, Alan Smith, 16, said: "This is a stupid idea. We should be encouraged to drink milk and I certainly won’t stop drinking milk just because a man has dressed up as a cow outside my school."
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14Is le gach bó a lao agus is le gach leabhar a chóip.
To every cow its calf and to every book its copy.
"milk for the masses", it sounds like a sp youth slogan. & thats not an insult.
all the better tho if the slogan emerged spontaneously.
This is truly bizarre. These people are against cruelty to animals I take it? So we should not milk the cows - just let them die in agony of infection and rampant mastitis within a week. Brilliant.
mags betrays her peasant background.
mags i hope you realise that your farm will also have to be collectivised come the revolution.
you'll get over it. remember trotsky came from a kulak family.
(hmmm. could explain uncle joes antipathy to kulaks)
If we want to bad-mouth Peta it could also be mentioned that in the US they're currently "demonstrating" at Burger King to promote its newly introduced veggie-burger!
They're a publicity group with a few good natured (and well paid) individuals that work in the narrow confines of animal rights without tackling the bigger picture of systematic exploitation as a whole. Unfortunately, apart from angering concerned parents and isolating people who might otherwise consider animal liberation seriously, they tend to be seen as THE animal rights group representing what is, most actively, a grassroots movement.
In two weeks time the hunting season will begin in the Republic. Already cub hunting, a pre-hunt season in which fox cubs are baited to blood the hounds, has begun. Irish hunt saboteurs will be out in the field sabbing hunts. Rather than moan about Peta, the SWP, or about the best methods of action in any given campaign, get out sabbing - a day out, a run in the countryside, a chance to infuriate the upper classes all in the good cause of protecting our wildlife!
If interested, contact [email protected]
Other "better-than-peta" links to check out are:
Hunt Saboteurs Association:
Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty:
Vivisection Exposition:
No Compromise:
I think if you bother looking into the issue your comment wouldn't be so naive... Why are you suggesting cows need to be milked? Do you think the dairy industry is there for the protection of cows?! I don't think so. Cows don't need to be milked (because they have to be constantly impregnated in the first place), nor do they need to be farmed.
But the reason cows exist at all is for profit. That is what farming is about and is also necessary to feed the urban populations. You may not like this, and veggism may be a better option for different reasons, but that is not the way most people see it. There would be no purpose in having cows if they did not produce calves and milk to sell. Personally I prefer the suckler system, where calves remain with their mothers for about 6 months. But if people need milk in the shops this is not an option. Farm animals are not pets.
they recieve huge funding and operational intelligence help from the lurkers.
Sustainability issues do mean we must consider what fate awaits the chickens, cows and pigs of not only western civilisation but africa too.
After all now that everyone is familiar with the core issues of the MC Libel trial they will know that meat-eating USA lays waste to millions of acres of arable land.
Sustainable Earth means sustainable human population.
That means free health products
(produced without patent)
and re-organisation of agriculture/agri-economics.
Perhaps the UCD radicals could stop wondering about Aonghus and come up with some suggestions on organic (non chemical non GM farming) agri-revolution for the 21st century.
We have a lot of mouths to feed.
This is the thinking of the Biotech industry which is why they try to sell us getically modified food [hey man its for the hungry!]
IN the end PETA didn´t come through my windows, the local BNP killed my animals instead, for trying to involve "paperless immigrants" in occupation in London. Not irrelevant, most of the "paperless immigrants" in London were and are working in "meat based" "fast food" hunger bars.
They then pay over the odds for speculated accomodation.
I imagine it is the same in Ireland.
So angry students, any suggestions on climate change forecast adjusted macro-agriculture projects for the future?
PETA are an organisation who do excellent work in fighting the obscene cruelty inflicted on defenceless animals by the agri-business "industry", that those not mean that they do not make mistakes, this protest sounds just a little weird.
Farming is of course necessary to feed the masses, I don't disagree with that, but more sustainable methods are obviously needed. Animal farming is environmentaly wasteful and destructive by its nature. With the gigantic amounts of land used to grow crops just to feed animals (when 3/4 of the world is starving!) who in turn require large areas, (be they grazing in fields [unlikely] or intensively farmed) or whether it's the fact that animal farming produces 130% times more waste than humans, animal farming is undoubtedly wasteful. Added to this is the enormous cruelty element of veal calves draged away for slaughter from their constantly pregant mothers, castration and debeaking, cross continental transport, self-mutilation through stress, ineffective and cruel stunning and killing methods. If it's destructive and cruel - what's the need? Finally...
>But the reason cows exist at all is for profitveggism may be a better option for different reasons, but that is not the way most people see itPersonally I prefer the suckler system, where calves remain with their mothers for about 6 months. But if people need milk in the shops this is not an option<
The suckler system is a rarity and people don't NEED milk, so is it still okay to support it?
>But the reason cows exist at all is for profitveggism may be a better option for different reasons, but that is not the way most people see itPersonally I prefer the suckler system, where calves remain with their mothers for about 6 months. But if people need milk in the shops this is not an option<
The suckler system is a rarity and people don't NEED milk, so is it still okay to support it?
"The suckler system is a rarity and people don't NEED milk, so is it still okay to support it?"
people don't NEED beer,so is it still okay to support it?
get better arguments. people WANT milk & beer
The suckler system is not a rarity. I'd say it is practised by about one third of livestock farmers in Ireland, to some extent. This is mainly beause of the increased subsidies for sucklers and reduction of milk quota for dairying, etc.
The issues you bring up are not all the same. Breeding veal calves is not the same as castrating non breeding cattle. If you are raising bullocks for beef I'd like to see you trying to keep a field of 30-40 complete bulls. Jesus Christ, you'd be murderd by your neighbours, if they could ever find you because you'd spend your whole life searching for your cattle and fencing. You can't keep a mixed herd of loads of bulls, heifers and cows - they would all be inbred in about three years. And the heifers would be in calf at about 14 months old. Have sense.
Intensive indoor farming of cattle in Ireland is VERY limited. The whole point is that the quality of Irish beef (such as it is) is that cattle are fed on pasture. They are kept indoors in winter for two reasons - the weather and to prevent them ripping the fields to bits, also there is no grass growing then.
Nice one Mags, have you ever thought of joining the IFA, just think of all the grants, who the hell cares of cruelty to defenceless animals.