Eire Has Another Nail
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Monday October 21, 2002 13:48
by Very bad result for the future

Eire Has Another Nail
Eire Has Another Nail Hi, Eire’s vote on the referendum yesterday was just another nail in the coffin of democracy, as the barbed wire circle of enslaving yellow stars on the EU’ s obscene sales banner, ratchets ever tighter around the neck of the freedom and rights of the peoples of Britain and Eire. The campaign and funding was as dishonest, corrupt and illegitimate in the Eire referendum as it was in the devolution, which destroyed Wales. Eire has done exactly what it was paid to do by the EU and in doing so it has made a whore of its country just as Wales made a whore of its little principality by voting to downgrade to being a Regional Ass. For the EU. The vote was massively funded by the EU, and in the case of Wales by the corrupt central rubber stamping unit at Westminster, to ensure a YES
Eire Has Another Nail
Eire’s vote on the referendum yesterday was just another nail in the coffin
of democracy, as the barbed wire circle of enslaving yellow stars on the EU’
s obscene sales banner, ratchets ever tighter around the neck of the freedom
and rights of the peoples of Britain and Eire.
The campaign and funding was as dishonest, corrupt and illegitimate in the
Eire referendum as it was in the devolution, which destroyed Wales.
Eire has done exactly what it was paid to do by the EU and in doing so it
has made a whore of its country just as Wales made a whore of its little
principality by voting to downgrade to being a Regional Ass. For the EU.
The vote was massively funded by the EU, and in the case of Wales by the
corrupt central rubber stamping unit at Westminster, to ensure a YES vote –
the vote does NOT represent democracy, because as a judge from Eire pointed
out: a vote is only valid when Tax payers money is fairly spent in the
promotion of balanced argument.
Dirty Aherne’s abuse of power, in spending the tax payers of Eire’s money,
on the reduction of Eire to being a pimple on the arse of the new mega
state, of the fascist centralised EU soviet, beggars belief, as an act of
treason rendering the result of the vote as invalid as the corrupt, fiddled
vote which destroyed Wales.
All that this degree of abuse of due process, abuse of power and destruction
of democracy has done is bring the wars of disassociation of the EU closer
and ensure they will be more awesome, evil and deadly.
The collapse of the EU is inevitable and Britain will almost definitely be
the first to leave, however there is a strong possibility that Germany may
overtake Britain in the race for the exit, in the light of the disasterous
effects the EUro is having on Germany and the German economy – such as it
May I offer my congratlations to Anthony Cougln and The National Platform
and all the other honest decent citizens of Eire who had the integrity to
campaign for the future of Eire, and a NO vote in the referendum, on
Saturday. In the light of the huge amount of money, freedom of access to
media and massive expenditure in wheeling out the EU’s primary whores to try
to convince the peoples of Eire to vote YES it is really heartening to see
just howmany honest people were left in Eire; people who could not be bought
off and hoodwinked by their corrupt politicians. Politicians who support the
EU corruption to keep their personal snouts in the trough.
May luck be with you Eire as your peoples slide into insignificance and
economic misery as jobs are exported to cheaper markets and funding flows
from positive to negative as you have to contribute to funding the new EU
slave states and your country is over run with sub economic migrants
attracted to your gentle land by the Schengen Agreement.
Congratulations to the NO campaigners who were like David in their honest
fight against the corrupt Goliath.
Congratulations to the people of Eire who had the intelligence to see they
were being sold down the river by their politicians and had the integrity to
vote NO and try to save their country.
Shame on the dupes who have made a whore of their country and voted YES to
direct, undemocratic rule by the corrupt, profligate centralised fascist EU
soviet, where Eire will no longer even signify in planning or consideration.
Even Dirty Aherne, possibly in the vague realisation of his treasonous
betrayal of Eire and its peoples, has – SINCE THE VOTE – tried to claim that
there have been alterations in the Nice Twaddle to make the position of Eire
more tenable – unfortunately he has failed to have any alterations made
because Eire was much too insignificant for the EU to bother listening. The
EU already had in position its way forward, had Eire voted NO it was just
going to start ignoring Eire sooner!
"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),
Greg Lance - Watkins,
c/o Glance Back Books,
Cynulliad i Gymru - The Welsh Assembly [trans.],
17 Upper Church Street,
NP16 5EX
Tel/Fax: 01291 - 62 65 62
For More Information & Facts visit: WEB SITES:
‘The arrogance and hubris of corrupt politicians
will be responsible for every drop of blood spilt
in the Wars of Disassociation, if Britain does not
leave the EU on the 5th. September 2003’
British Politicians with pens and treachery, in pursuit
of their own agenda and greed, have done more
damage to the liberty, freedoms, rights and democracy
of the British peoples than any army in over 1,000 years.
The disastrous effects of British politicians selling Britain
into the thrall of foreign rule by the EU for their own
personal rewards has damaged the well-being of Britain
more than the armies of The Kaiser in 1914 or Hitler
and the Franco - German - Italian axis of 1939 - 1945.
~ for more Quotes & Facts:
'Those who make peaceful revolution impossible
will make violent revolution inevitable.'
'To achieve One World Government it is necessary
to remove from the minds of men their individualism
their loyalty to family traditions and national identification.'
Brock Chisholm, when Director of the UN WHO
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Comments (2 of 2)
Jump To Comment: 1 2It is over fifty years since the country known as Éire changed its name to the Republic of Ireland. Many Republicans would say that the real republic of Ireland was declared in March 1916, for example Terence McSwiney, Lord Mayor of Cork who died on hunger strike in October 1920 had on his grave inscribed that he died "in the fourth year of the Irish Republic".
So please stop calling us Eire. Otherwise we'll call you Sasana!
This is a time of joy for those of us who have fought you nationalists and your fake leftie hangers on. You and your littel Ireland movement has been beaten. Your program against Nice was a reactionary one,especially the Anarchists. Hah! National Libertarians.