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Matt Cooper talked to my best mate today on the phone . . Call to Action on Nice![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() . . . . let's make the shit hit the fans . . . . Matt Cooper (tribune/last word) talked to my best mate today on the phone and claimed he did not know what GATS was let alone article 133 . . . who does he think he is kidding? Anyone who gives a shit needs to do everything in their power to initiate a proper NICE Debate over the next few days. SPREAD THIS AROUND THRU AVAILABLE CHANNELS Another journalist friend rang an Irish Civil Servant who is on the (secretive) Article 133 Committee and asked for an interview or any info whatsoever about what they are doing in Brussels as regards GATS . . . .the journalist was basically told that such questions were 'inappropriate' and even downright rude and basically that what they dealt with was secret and not for oversight by cheeky young people (Irish Representatives on Article 133 Committee:Tony Joyce (01) 6312543 - Dublin Ireland as the next Argentina anyone? Bertie looked like he had seen a ghost on the news this evening when he ranted about liars talking about neutrality being lost through nice. Reminded me of Nixon truth be told. Am I crazy or did dev not enshrine neutrality in the constitution? So why are they fucking with it. Cowen needs a proper pr person. War against terror ... WE ... DO .... THIS ...AND ... WE ... DO .... THAT over and over on Q and A this evening. Are those american warplanes figments of Tim Horigan's imagination or are the GOVT lying like it is going out of style? Matt Cooper (tribune/last word) talked to my best mate today on the phone and claimed he did not know what GATS was . . . let alone article 133 . . . who does he think he is kidding? Anyone who gives a shit needs to do everything in their power to initiate a proper NICE Debate over the next few days. Enlargement aspect of the debate is a smokescreen. Poland is presently 50% 50% pro anti NICE. They are not the only ones. The Media are rolling over and playing dead . . IT and INDO are giving hugely more coverage to the yes side. Independent network news slanted their coverage (1.5 Million audience per day through local radio) in a three to one ratio towards the yes side for a month until the Greens Caught them out. The REFCOM is simply an instrument of FF policy. Citibank are paying for very suspect polls and their record is incredibly suspect when it comes to the great globalisation rip-off. IBEC and IFSC usually secretive are killing themselves to appear as charitable and do gooding members of the community. It's a setup and it is a stunning example of '21st Century Democracy'. Below are all the media Contacts you need to convince yourself that it is a big lie.They are humans ring them scream at them if you have to. Write down what they say. Demand that they strictly enforce the 50/50 requirement of the Broadcasting bill. Ask them about 133. Ask them why the constitution is being changed when Neutrality is enshrined in it already. Ask them to ask Bertie for the contents of the list that the Irish Reps on the ART 133 Committee put forward as their bottom line for privatisation in GATS/EU/WTO Negotiations. Ask why the present and next generation of the left is being ignored and sidelined at every possible opportunity. Ask about Shannon and do it now. aSK THEM WHY mARY hARNEY IS cutting and pasting her statements on 133 from the WTO Website. Ask them how much Landlords get from Social Welfare each year and how much of it is taxed.Ask them to justify their existence as Journalists. Spread this list around as widely as possible. pHONE NUMBERS AS FOLLOWS: Block their phones so FFPD manipulators can not get access. Do the dirty work now. There are far more of us than there are of them. Bertie loses it and plays dirty. Two can play that game. Or even 1000. rte - 2083111 - ASK FOR NEWSDESK OR PROGRAMME OF YOUR CHOICE
mOST OTHER OUTLETS NUMBERS AVAILABLE IN PHONEBOOK. Irish Times Newspaper Star Newsdesk (irelands brightest daily)
Irish Independent ( nasty right wing left baiting sleazy broadsheet) Evening Herald Sunday Indo Irish Times
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
The Evening Herald (Evening) The Irish Examiner (Daily) Evening Echo (Evening) The Star (Daily)
Weekend: [email protected] Irish Times (Daily) Evening echo
[email protected] [email protected] The Sunday Business Post, All Enquiries Editorial Fax: Sunday World is located at: Phone: 01 4063500 Fax: 01 4902177 [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3Kudos to those involved in putting this together. I don't feel that it's prominently enough displayed the main site. It'd be nice to have just a single Nice:Article 133 centerpage story.
There's a related article by George Monbiot in the Guardian about what the effect of GATS is on poorer countries:,7369,812110,00.html
He starts out talking about the decision in Britain to never re-nationalise the railways (didn't hear about that? Well, you don't need to: such complex trade-related matters are above your pretty little heads!)
The Indo had an article on Monday 14th October in which it was reported that the Greens had forced the admission out of some flunkey in the EU Comission that enlargement of the EU would precede even if Ireland voted NO. [see below for text]. Funny thing about this is that quite some time previously the same thing had been claimed by Jens-Peter Bonde and reported in such mainstream news sources as the Financial Times:
and the Irish Times (very recently):
I've been FAXing people on the list above and haven't received any answers. I'm moving onto phonecalls now.
We need to make the heat felt.
Actions like the Shannon demo were incredible and we need to back it up by insisting that the mainstream press stops slanting the coverage towards the Yes side.
Main points to make in faxes, phonecalls, emails, letters:
1. The government asserts that they are upholding our neutrality and that the Nice Treaty will strengthen and enhance that neutrality. Yet military aircraft have been observed landing daily by the Refuelling Peace activists at Shannon. So, what exactly is the type of neutrality that we're going to get from Nice?!
2. The government has lied repeatedly, as has the EU commission when they said "there is no plan B". This was reported on in the Financial Times, and now the Independent. Have you asked ministers for a clear yes/no as to whether a NO vote will prevent accession of the central European countries?
3. What is Article 133? Does it mean that we are committed to privatising our publically owned basic resources (such as water, electricity) if we sign the Nice Treaty?
4. Will more of the decisions that affect the EU now be placed into the hands of the un-democratic European Commision?
Green Party welcome 'Plan B admission'
THE Green Party last night welcomed an "admission" by an EU official that enlargement can proceed even if Ireland voted No to Nice.
Finance spokesman Dan Boyle challenged the Government to respond to comments made by Christine Kirschbaum, a member of Enlargement Commissioner Guenther Verheugen's staff.
At a conference on EU enlargement in Hamburg, Ms Kirschbaum was quoted as saying: "A No vote in Ireland will not prevent enlargement . . . It will not be too bad. The closure of negotiations will apparently be delayed a little - in this case you can trust member states. Plan B is always in the drawer."
Mr Boyle said Ms Kirschbaum then outlined how enlargement would happen in exactly the same terms as the Green Party has outlined in its referendum campaign.
Meanwhile, the Disability Federation of Ireland yesterday called for a Yes vote, saying this would support people with disabilities.
Kathy Donaghy
complain at the imbalance in coverage on rte.
demand that they explain article 133
send your complaints to
Peter FeeneySecretary
Referendum Steering Group
Dublin 4
[email protected]
Been putting all the Nice stuff onto the new IMC software at
have a look - we may do some more on this over hte next day or so