C.P.I. leaflet against Nice
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Sunday October 06, 2002 22:32
by red under the bed

Don’t be bullied!
Text of C.P.I.leaflet produced in September 2002
Don’t be bullied!
The politicians and the establishment parties are forcing you to vote again on a treaty that you have already rejected. Why? The Government is telling you that you were wrong and must vote again. Why?
The people who promised no cuts in public spending before the last election but have done the opposite want you to place blind faith in them, to take their word that Irish neutrality is safe. They want you to gamble with your future and that of your children. Do you trust them?
We are being asked to vote yes—
to show our gratitude to the European Union
to facilitate enlargement
to stimulate investment
to show that we are “good Europeans.”
The propaganda for a yes vote hardly ever refers to the content of the treaty, whether it is good or bad for Ireland, or for Europe, or how it would affect the future development of the European Union or Ireland’s role within it.
It is anti-democratic to force the people to vote again
The Irish people voted last year on this same treaty, and rejected it. It is undemocratic to force the people to vote again on the same treaty. It is clear that the politicians are not listening to what the people are saying. They are now attempting to bully the “right” vote from you. Reject them again!
Erosion of political and economic sovereignty
Under the Treaty of Nice we would surrender our national veto over thirty-four new areas of life to the unelected bureaucracy of the EU Commission. Today 80 per cent of all decisions affecting our lives and the future of our children are taken by the EU Commission.
Equality of nations and peoples
If the Treaty of Nice is carried you will be voting to set up a two-tier Europe, with the majority of present members and all the applicant-states in the second tier. All decisions would be made by “qualified majority.” The inner tier would be the eight largest countries, with the strongest economies. Ireland’s influence would be greatly diminished. The Treaty of Nice permits a number of states to set the pace for further integration, to create a central power bloc that would dominate the European Union.
The EU leadership is anxious to get these measures passed before the applicant-countries join, to present them with a fait accompli. They are also insisting that the applicant-countries join NATO, agree to adopt the euro, and apply neo-liberalist economics. The enlargement of the European Union is taking place on terms that suit transnational capital rather than the citizens of the applicant-states.
Concentrating power in the hands of an unelected bureaucracy
Every area of our life is now controlled by the EU Commission. This is an unelected bureaucratic monster that dictates how we should live, from the size and shape of carrots to the types of cheese we can eat. The budgets presented by the Irish Government are controlled by the European Union. We can tinker with the edges but not with the substance of economic policy. Under past treaties we are being forced to sell off publicly owned companies. Ireland would lose the right to nominate a Commissioner. The big countries could vote down nominations from other member-countries.
The erosion of neutrality and the “Rapid Reaction Force”
Under the Treaty of Nice, Ireland would be joining and contributing both personnel and money to the “Rapid Reaction Force” of 60,000 troops, intended to be a counterweight to the military might of the United States. This army is not for defence but for establishing a military force to secure EU economic and political interests around the globe: it can operate within 2,500 miles of EU borders. The world is already an unsafe place. We don’t need another military alliance to carve up the world.
The declaration the Irish Government presented and received support for from other EU member-states is meaningless. It has no legal effect or standing, and it will be ignored if the Treaty of Nice is voted in.
More and more of our money would be spent on European “defence,” regardless of whether we can afford it or not.
Oppose the building of a corporate Europe
What is being constructed today in the form of the European Union is a superstate dominated by and run in the interests of big business, banks, and financial institutions. There are more than 20,000 lobbyists at the heart of the European Union in Brussels, paid huge sums to secure the interests of big European corporations.
The lobbying organisation ERT (European Round Table of Industrialists) composed the first draft enlargement plans. It also presented the first drafts for a number of treaties, including the Single European Act, the Treaty of Maastricht, and European monetary union. Ordinary people throughout Europe have little say in what happens.
What will happen if we vote no?
Nothing will happen if we vote no.
A no vote will not mean that Ireland will be expelled from the European Union.
You will not be preventing other states joining the European Union. There is already provision under existing treaties for more countries to join.
With more small countries joining under the present conditions, smaller countries would be given a greater voice in determining the future of Europe, and would give Ireland more allies in influencing and shaping events.
By voting no you will be helping the cause of democracy and accountability within the European Union.
You will be saying “No, thanks” to big business corporations.
By voting no you will be defending Ireland’s military neutrality.
A no vote is a vote for democracy throughout Europe
Democracy, yes—bureaucracy, no.
Equality of nations, yes—a corporate superstate, no.
The Treaty of Nice in brief
The Treaty of Nice is a treaty about deepening rather than widening the European Union.
The four largest countries would have more votes than all the other countries combined.
The EU Commission would be appointed by “qualified majority voting.”
The 62 per cent population stipulation could be achieved by one large country forming an alliance with any two others. A majority vote has never been overturned yet.
The two-tier system would create a club within a club.
The EU Parliament voted for the Treaty of Nice on 14 December 2000 without the members having had the opportunity to read it.
The Treaty of Nice would lead to new rules and laws on top of the 26,000 documents that the European Union has already produced.
Don’t be bullied!
Vote NO to Nice
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Jump To Comment: 1 2This leaflet is very bad.
It doen't mention 'Socialism' or 'Communism' once.
The CPI's arguements centre on nationalistic reasons to vote No.
Why don't you Stalinists see that you were wrong (and are wrong) and just give up.
This reply is very weak, most Irish people that do bother to vote, reasons for doing so will centre on nationalistic concerns.
As for Stalinists seeing that they are 'wrong' If there are still any around, and I havent seen or heard one in years, they are unlikely to heed your appeal to 'just give up' Just as no crazy follower of the prophet Trotsky ever will either, and why should either do so, if they really believe in all this crazy dogma that is a mystery to everyone else.