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Zionazis are starting world War to Seize All The Middle East and World![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The task was simple, deny the evidence, cover-up the embarrassing arrest of two Israelis with an explosives-tainted truck, and give the media a reason to return to the mantra of "all terror is caused by Muslims" But what started as a simply attempt to spin the news away from the Israelis arrested in Washington State has backfired on the Bush administration in a big way. In conducting the classic "limited hangout" of admitting to foreknowledge of the attacks of 9-11 in order to reassert the link to Osama bin Laden, Bush has handed opponents of his administration and opponents of World War the most damning proof yet that the reality of 9-11 is not what the US Government and media have been telling the American people it is. Coupled with the spies themselves was the discovery of a massive phone tapping operation carried out by yet another Israeli company contracted to place phone tapping equipment on the US phone system to aid US law enforcement authorities. However, those same authorities began to suspect that Israelis were using that very same system to listen in on the phone calls of Americans when high profile drug investigations into Ecstasy rings (run by the Israeli organized crime) were derailed using information only obtainable from police phone calls. In the Kenneth Starr report, it is reported that Bill Clinton was aware that an unnamed foreign power had made recordings of his phone sex sessions with Monica Lewinsky. In the end, three Israeli companies with deep penetration of the American communications infrastructure were implicated in the phone and internet tapping scandal. One of these companies, Odigo, had an office near the World Trade Towers, and received a two hour advance warning of the impending attack. Two hours means the warning was sent before the planes that eventually crashed into the World Trade Towers had even left the ground on their final flights! Someone knew of the plan, someone who decided they needed to warn Israelis working for a company linked to Israel's spying operation. Taken together, there is probable cause to investigate just what connection the Israeli spying operation had with 9-11. Such an investigation should have happened, but instead, something very odd took place in the investigation! According to a government official quoted in Carl Cameron's story on the spy ring, the US Government classified the evidence that links the arrested Israeli spies to 9-11. Rather than treat the arrested spies as Jonathan Pollard had been treated, the US Government hurried to get the arrested Israelis out of the country as quickly as possible, in one case releasing and deporting one Israeli even though he failed his polygraph examination! Pollard had been just one spy. Here was the largest spy ring ever uncovered in the United States and the United States itself was trying to cover it all up! The media went along by downplaying the Rubin story, ignoring the Mexican incident and actually spiking Carl Cameron's four part story on the spy ring. As quiet as the media was about the evidence pointing towards Israeli involvement in 9-11, the media was quite the opposite when it came to claims of proof linking ex CIA agent Osama bin Laden with the crimes. The reason was obvious. Long before the attacks on the World Trade Towers the United States had been planning for a war in Afghanistan to create a climate more favorable for American oil companies. John Marcesca, as part of a UNOCAL working group on the Afghanistan pipeline project, had gone before Congress and stressed the necessity of replacing the Afghanistan government before a pipeline from the Caspian sea to the gulf of India could be built. The Bush White House admits that a plan to attack Afghanistan existed BEFORE 9-11. Following 9-11, the US did replace the government of Afghanistan, and the pipeline is under construction. One member of the UNOCAL working group, Hamid Karzai, is the President of the new government in Afghanistan. Another UNOCAL group member, Zalmay Khalilzad, is the US special envoy to Afghanistan. A cozy relationship to be sure! But there was a problem with the "Osama did it" story. As much evidence as existed suggesting Israeli involvement in 9-11 (certainly enough to justify being classified by the US Government), there was none at all to support the official story. The 19 names of suspected hijackers released by the FBI don't point to Afghanistan. They come from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates; all across the middle east without a focus in any one region. Indeed, even as the FBI was admitting that its list of 19 names was based solely on identifications thought to have been forged, Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Prince Saudi Al-Faisal insisted that an investigation in Saudi Arabia showed that the 5 Saudi men were not aboard the four jet liners that crashed in New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania on September 11. "It was proved that five of the names included in the FBI list had nothing to do with what happened," Al-Faisal told the Arabic Press in Washington after meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush at the White House. A sixth identified hijacker is also reported to still be alive in Tunisia, while a 7th named man died two years ago! The FBI list of alleged hijackers Crew and Passenger lists for the hijacked planes. None of the Hijacker names appear on them. CNN reported that the men who hijacked those aircraft were using phony IDs, using the names of Arabs. A total of 7 of the men named by the FBI as suspected 9-11 hijackers are still alive! And the FBI Admits it has no actual evidence linking the 19 Arab suspects to 9-11 In another development, the BBC reported that the transcript of a phone call made by Flight Attendant Madeline Amy Sweeney to Boston air traffic controls shows that the flight attendant gave the seat numbers occupied by the hijackers, seat numbers which were NOT the seats of the men the FBI claimed were responsible for the hijacking! Not only does the drinking in strip bars not fit the profile of a fanatically religious Muslim willing to die for his cause, but the witness reports of the men in the bars are of men going out of their way to be noticed and remembered, while waving around phony identifications. More than an absence of proof linking 9-11 to Osama, the proof exists of a deliberate attempt to frame Arabs for terror attacks in the United States. The claimed proofs have all been dismissed as deliberate mistranslations bordering on frauds and in one case a (poorly) faked video tape. The Anthrax letters, written to look like they were from Arab Muslims are actually from a non-Arab source. This proves the existence of a deliberate plot to frame Arabs. In such a climate the arrests earlier this week of two Israelis in a truck that tested positive for explosives was sure to attract notice. The FBI moved quickly to quash the story, as protective of these Israelis as of the spy ring itself. Despite the fact that the story had taken almost a week to make the news, it was only after the story broke that the FBI rushed in to conduct their own tests and claim that the bomb dog, and the test sued by the local authorities were all wrong, there were no explosive traces, everyone had been fooled by residue from a cigarette lighter. Given the FBI's documented frauds in the Vince Foster, OK City, and TWA 800 cases (not to mention the despicable history of COINTELPRO, including the Black Panther Coloring Book ,the smearing of actress Jean Seberg, the spying on celebrities, etc. ), it should come as no surprise that the companies that make the tests used to detect TNT and RDX report that neither tobacco nor butane will false-positive the tests they manufacture. So again the US Government was lying to protect Israelis, the public was aware of this lie, and this set the stage for the current debacle. No sooner had the FBI given the official "pooh pooh" to the arrested Israelis and explosives-tainted truck than a distraction appeared. In order to remind the public that it is Arabs they are supposed to suspect for 9-11 and nobody else, the White House, knowing that another simple declaration of Osama's guilt would gain no more traction, decided to create a "confession" of knowing in advance that the correct villain was behind 9-11 ahead of time, hoping that the public would find this "confession" more believable. There certainly was cause to suspect government foreknowledge. Setting aside Odigo's warning, San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown had received a warning not to fly on 9-11, and Ashcroft had changed from commercial to much more expensive charter planes in July 2001. But Bush's attempt to steer public suspicion away from Israel and back onto the designated fall guys has backfired. The admission that there had been advance warning flies in the face of Ari Fleischer's statement that there had been no warning at all just after the attacks In addition, the claim that there was advance warning contradicts Bush's claim, repeated twice, to have initially thought the first plane hitting the tower was an accident caused by a bad pilot, a statement that in hindsight appears to have been a (poorly acted) attempt to sell the idea that 9-11 was a Pearl Harbor style surprise attack, even though it clearly was not. The public, already aware it is being lied-to, is angry at the idea that government knew the 9-11 attacks were coming and like Roosevelt, may have allowed them to happen to further a pro-war agenda. Bush and his cronies, realizing they have hung themselves, are back peddling furiously, claiming now that while the warnings were sufficient to finger Osama bin Laden as the 9-11 villain, that the warnings were simply far too general in all other aspects to prevent the attacks. Yet Ari Fleischer's briefing after the attack claimed to have detailed and specific information regarding the targets,. Dick Morris, in a Fox TV Interview, revealed that Bush had detailed records of financial transactions by all Muslims groups in the US dating back to 1993, used to justify seizure of their funds. Again, someone is lying! Even worse, in trying to use this "limited hangout" to shift suspicion away from Israel and back to Osama, Bush has, probably without realizing it, sent a message round the world that the United States is weak, and that even with advance warning the US Government was totally outclassed by a small group of terrorists. Bush and company are struggling to reaffirm the official story, that the US was caught by surprise, just as it was at Pearl Harbor, and the same Air Force that was able to intercept Payne Stewert's plane just couldn't seem to get off the ground while four hijacked planes wandered out to Ohio before heading back to hit their targets on the East Coast, and all the work if a tiny group of Arab fanatics. "Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring. 05/28/02 BREAKING: FBI SUPERVISOR WHO INTERFERED WITH MOUSSAOUI SEARCH WARRANTS ORDERED FBI AGENTS NOT TO DO ANYTHING ON 9-11, AND WAS THEN PROMOTED. I have been telling you all for 6 months now, Americans are the victim of the most monstrous hoax in history. Zacarias Moussaoui was being protected by the FBI because he was the necessary live patsy needed to help pin 9-11 on the people living over the oil so the United States could go to war, a war which had been announced to other nations months before 9-11 happened. 05/28/02 Coleen Rowley's Memo to FBI Director Robert Mueller Edited, of course. 05/28/02 FBI accused of blocking probe FBI supervisor was, â consistently, almost deliberately, thwarting the Minnesota FBI efforts.â Given the story of altered search warrant requests, I think 'almost' can be discarded at this point. 05/28/02 New evidence that US government intentionally suppressed September 11 warnings When are you going to finally face up to the fact that the government of the United States is criminally complicit in 9-11? 05/28/02 New Yorker: White House lied about foreknowledge of 9-11 So how do you know they told the truth about who did it? "Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring. 05/28/02 White House lied about threat to Air Force One The "199" Document. The question has gone beyond, "What did the government know in advance about 9-11", to, "How did the government set it up?" Investigators were pulled off, pilots were deliberately disarmed, air defenses left on the ground until too late, and evidence pointing to non-Arab perpetrators classified and kept from the people! |
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Comments (4 of 4)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4there is some truth in this; the arrest of the mossad agents.
however there is also enough whacko conspiracy whirl to devalue the whole thing.
Actually while this story may seem conspiratorial, most of what I
have read is established fact, particulary the previous history of
FBI and their various efforts at framing people and falsifying evidence
and of COINTELPRO operations throughout the 60s, 70s and presumably
continued under a different name in the 80s and 90s.
The stuff about UNOCAL and current 'leader' of Afghanistan are also well
established facts. Likewise the identities of the Arabs in each of the
planes is very much disputed.
The NORTHWOODS plan is also established fact, and as the author says is
from declassified information released relatively recently.
Just because there was a conspiracy of some kind, doesn't mean we should
automatically dismiss it. The evidence is pretty clear.
I think Pat you are confusing this particular conspiracy with some of the
more wacko type like 'aliens abducted me' variety, where the underlying
logic is completely flawed, -i.e. why, even if aliens existed, would they
bother to cross the galaxy to kidnap some fat bastard outside McDonalds?
The above story makes far more sense, both from the background context,
actual incidents, contradictionary evidence and motive. While it may not
be actually spot on, it does a lot better than the phoney simplifed story
we are being continually told through the neo-liberal press.
The real fear is that people are afraid to discuss this because their friends
and colleagues would lablel them as paranoid conspiratorial looneys and
social humilation has a much more immediate and negative impact that some
distant and relatively abstract event.
If this is not anti semitism, what else is?
Inuendo, falsehoods, lies.
Mossad should take a few of you whackos out.
Get rid of the anti zionists or anti semites
same thing.
now isn't it just typical, keith supports an international terrorist organisation mossad.
mossad has murdered people all over the world. as well as palestinan freedom fighters they also cause collateral damage by killing waiters in Sweden ( case of mistaken identity naturally, but hey a goys a goy to to mossad).
obviously keith feels that mossad should be subject to no law, international or otherwise.
keith you low life zionist scumbag, why don't you organise counter demos? where were you on saturday when the palestinian flag flew proudly on the demo?
you are afraid to face up to us you cowardly dog.
victory to the the palestinian resistance!
next year in al quds!