[globalizejustice] s22~30 DC Activist Calendar (UpDated 09/19/02)
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Monday September 23, 2002 22:50 by KBS - HotGoddess Center KostyaBranwenSudice at cox dot net
[globalizejustice] s22~30 DC Activist Calendar (UpDated 09/19/02)
[AWIP] s22~30 DC Activist Calendar (UpDated 09/19/02). Details of a week of actions against the World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington. Hope everyone in Ireland are organizing ya own actions in solidarity with us.
Subject: *s25~30 Washington DC Activist Calendar*
*Sunday 22 September, Noon-5:30pm*
Guest Speakers Include: Starhawk & Dennis Brutus - Free Workshops on:
The Ongoing Struggle in Palestine, War In Iraq, Resistance in Colombia,
Earth Summit, Fair Trade, Privatization in D.C., Anarchism,
Corporate-led Globalization - Final Plenary: /Debates In The Movement:
Where Do We Go From Here?/ Also: Information on the protests,
teach-ins & trainings to protest the IMF/World Bank Meeting & Bush?s
planned war on Iraq.
*Located at:* University of the District of Columbia
4200 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Building #3
*Contact:* Mark Cimino , Natalie Patrice
, 202.722.1392
*Sponsored By:* People's Summit Education Group
* Monday 23 September 5pm *
The global Merchants of Death, a.k.a Philip Morris British American
Tobacco, have a good friend in the International Monetary Fund. The IMF
doesn't think twice about forcing low-income nations to sell their
inefficient tobacco monopolies to multinational tobacco corporations
that are true masters of killing for profit. On Thursday, Essential
Action will release a report detailing how IMF pushes policies that
undermine public health & help Big Tobacco. Come to the demo & help us
expose the IMF's pack of lies! Full Description
*Located at:* IMF headquarters, 700 19th Street
*Contact:* Anna White 202.387.8030
*Sponsored By:* Essential Action
Global Justice Film Festival*
*Monday 23 September 6:30pm*
/Life & Debt/ (structural adjustment in Jamaica) by Stephanie Black.
Discussants: Marie Clarke-Brill, Jubilee USA Network, & Bill Fletcher,
*Located at: *501 3rd Street NW (Judiciary Square Metro - Red Line)
*Contact:* 202-463-2265
*Sponsored by:* Communication Workers of America
/Jobs with Justice , 50
Years is Enough Network
**Demand Justice for Workers in DC!**
Tuesday 24 September 3:30pm*
Rally to support the Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees Local 25
organizing drive - Full Description
Located at: *Ronald Reagan International Trade Center, 13th St. & Penn.
Ave. NW (Across from Freedom Plaza)*
Contact:* HERE Local 25 202.737.2225*
Sponsored By:* Mobilization for Global Justice (MGJ)
, HERE Local 25
, & Jobs with Justice
*Global Justice Film Festival*
*Tuesday 24 September 6:30 pm*
/Bill Moyers Reports: Trading Democracy/ (WTO & NAFTA rules favoring
corporations). Discussants: Carrie Biggs-Adams, Communication Workers
of America & Sarah Anderson, Institute for Policy Studies.
*Located at: *Casa Del Pueblo United Methodist Church, 1459 Columbia
Road, NW (Columbia Heights Metro - Green Line)
*Contact: *202-463-2265
*Sponsored by:* Communication Workers of America
& 50 Years is Enough Network
*IndyFest Film Festival*
The DC Independent Media Center presents hardhitting films connecting
global & local struggles for peace & justice. See what the corporate
media will never show you & what the powers that be don?t want you to
know. Films, Speakers to Educate & Entertain - Ramp Up For A Weekend of
Protest, Direct-Action & Networking. Get your friends, workmates,
classmates to come - open their eyes! From the Global to Local:
Stimulate Your Mind, Get Pumped for Activism.
*Tuesday 24 September 7-10pm - */The New Patriots/, a film about human
rights violations due to the war on drugs & the war on terrorism since
9/11. See how the U.S. government is sponsoring terrorism at home &
abroad, & how people are fighting back. Speakers: Father Roy
Bourgeois, founder of SOAW; Robert Richter, critically acclaimed
producer of the film; & Laura Slattery, an Army West Point graduate who
left the military to do humanitarian work & is featured in the film.
Congressional representatives are invited. $5-10 each night (sliding scale)
*Located at:* Church of the Savior, 2025 Massachusetts Ave. NW (two
blocks west of the Dupont Circle Metro - Red Line)
*Contact:* DC IndyMedia or 202.452.5936
*Sponsored by:* School of the Americas Watch (SOAW)
& DC Independent Media Center
*Beyond Consensus Seminar - Peace Witnessing w/Starhawk*
*Tuesday 24 September 7-10pm*
Starhawk, committed Global Justice activist & organizer, is the author
or coauthor of nine books, including /The Spiral Dance, The Fifth Sacred
Thing, /& /Webs of Power: Notes from the Global Uprising/ (New Society
Publishers, September '02.) She is a veteran of progressive movements,
from antiwar to anti-nukes, is a highly influential voice in the revival
of Goddess religion, & has brought many innovative techniques of
spirituality & magic to her political work. Starhawk has just recently
returned from Palestine where she joined with other international
activists to act as witnesses to interactions between Palestinian
villagers & the Israeli army in Jenin & other towns. She also joined
with Israeli & Palestinian peace activists to bring magic & healing
ritual to the land & its people. In this seminar she will share her
experiences & lessons learned. Cost: $10 - $25 Sliding Scale (No one
turned away for lack of funds)
*Located at: *Church of the Holy City, 1611 16th Street, NW (Between Q &
Corcoran Streets) Dupont Circle Metro - Red Line
*Contact: *Katrina
*Sponsored by: *Amber Eyes
*Anti-Authoritarian ChildCare*
*Wednesday 25 September 8am-6pm*
The Anti-Authoritarian Babysitters Club (ABC) is committed to ensuring
that there is adequate & engaging childcare at locally organized
convergences, meetings, & events. We provide anti-authoritarian
childcare & invite everyone to get involved with us in some way.
***Please circulate widely AND sign up for a shift or 5, we need at
least 3 people providing childcare at all times***
*Located at:* TBA
*Contact: *Noel Petrie or Tim 202.462.7475
*Sponsored by:* The Anti-Authoritarian Babysitters Club (ABC)
*Mobilization For Global Justice (MGJ) Welcome Center*
* ** Wednesday 25 September 9am - 9:30pm*
Start your convergence experience at the WELCOME CENTER! The place to
check in, get orientated, find trainings, find out about affinity
groups, volunteer to help with kitchen, security, you name it. To date,
workshops & trainings in the following areas have been scheduled:
Nonviolence Preparations Handling the Media Puppet Construction Legal
Briefings Dancing for Activists Street First Aid WB/IMF Issue Forums
Anti-Oppression Consensus/Facilitation Communications
Peacekeeping/Traffic Magic for Activists Community Organizing and MORE!!!
*9am to 11pm* - *Childcare* - provided at or near the Convergence Site
as volunteer coverage permits.
Yummy vegan & vegitarian food will be served, as volunteers & donations
allows. Sign Language & Translation will be provided as requested. WE
NEED $$$$$! Suggested donation $20/day, (sliding scale of $5-50/day). No
one turned away for lack of funds.
*7-9:30pm* - *Informational Spokes Council*
*Located at: *Saint Stephen's Church 1525 Newton St. NW. On the corner
of 16th and Newton. In the basement. Directions from Colombia Heights
metro on the green line: Walk two blocks east on Irving to 16th St. Take
a right on 16th and walk aprox. 5-6 blocks until you get to Newton.
Church is on the right. Wheelchair accessible.
*Contact: *Mark Cimino , (202) 271-7990
*Sponsored By: *Mobilization for Global Justice (MGJ)
* **Anti-Capitalist Convergence (ACC) Welcome Center*
* ** Wednesday 25 September 10am - 9pm*
* *Exists to disseminate & share information on the /People's Strike
Actions & Convergence/, as well as to share logistical information.
Street Medic, Legal/Know Your Rights, & Direct Action Preperation
Trainings as well as Educational Events on a variety of issues. Contact
us for specifics. Come here to plug in, help out, & get involved.
*Scenario orientations* - **Every two hours, starting at 11am**
*6:30pm** - SpokesCouncil*
*Located at: *Casa Del Pueblo, 1459 Columbia Rd NW
(between 14th & 15th Streets - Columbia Heights Metro, Green Line)
*Contact: *202.306.3636 (from 23-28 September), Info
*Sponsored By:* The Anti-Capitalist Convergence (ACC)
* End Corporate Rule Teach-In - Global Struggles Against the IMF/WB*
*Wednesday 25 September, Time TBD*
*Sponsored by:* 50 Years is Enough Network , &
*Global Justice Film Festival*
*Wednesday 25 September 3:00pm*
/Profit & Nothing But! /(economic globalization in Haiti) by Raoul
Peck. Discussant: Camille Chalmers, Ex. Dir. of PAPDA (Platform Ayisen
pou Pledwaye yon Devlopman Altenatif).
*Located at: *New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, 1313 New York Avenue,
NW (Metro Center or McPherson Square Metro)
*Contact: *202-463-2265
*Sponsored by:* 50 Years is Enough Network
*World Bank: Stop Bankrolling Dirty Technology*
*Wednesday 25 September 5pm*
Stand in solidarity with people around the world as they tell the World
Bank to break its ugly incinerator habit - Full Description
*Located at:* World Bank HQ, 1818 H Street, NW
*Contact:* Monica Wilson 202-387-8030
*Sponsored By:* Essential Action
IndyFest Film Festival*
The DC Independent Media Center presents hardhitting films connecting
global & local struggles for peace & justice. See what the corporate
media will never show you & what the powers that be don?t want you to
know. Films, Speakers to Educate & Entertain - Ramp Up For A Weekend of
Protest, Direct-Action & Networking. Get your friends, workmates,
classmates to come - open their eyes! From the Global to Local:
Stimulate Your Mind, Get Pumped for Activism.
*Wednesday 25 September 7-10pm *- /DC Healthcare & Affordable Housing/ -
short films documenting such groups as the Coalition to Save DC General,
Critical Mass, Reclaim the Streets, & housing activists, Homes Not
Jails. Representatives from some of the groups will speak about the
work they do, & how to raise awareness through local participatory
activity in Washington DC. $5-10 each night (sliding scale)
*Located at:* Church of the Savior, 2025 Massachusetts Ave. NW (two
blocks west of the Dupont Circle Metro - Red Line)
*Contact:* DC IndyMedia or 202.452.5936
*Sponsored by:* The DC Independent Media Center
*Anti-Authoritarian ChildCare*
* Thursday 26 September 8am-6pm*
The Anti-Authoritarian Babysitters Club (ABC) is committed to ensuring
that there is adequate & engaging childcare at locally organized
convergences, meetings, & events. We provide anti-authoritarian
childcare & invite everyone to get involved with us in some way.
***Please circulate widely AND sign up for a shift or 5, we need at
least 3 people providing childcare at all times***
*Located at:* TBA
*Contact: *Noel Petrie * *or Tim 202.462.7475
* Sponsored by:* The Anti-Authoritarian Babysitters Club (ABC)
*End Corporate Rule: Global Struggles Against the IMF & World Bank*
*Thursday 26 September 9am - 5pm*
Plenaries & Open Discussion Fora. Conference registration required.
*Located at:* National Baptist Memorial Church,1501 Columbia Rd NW at
16th St. (Columbia Heights Metro - Green Line)
*Contact: *202-463-2265
*Sponsored by: *Jubilee USA Network, 50 Years is Enough Network
, Center for Economic Justice
, & Essential Action
*Mobilization For Global Justice (MGJ) Welcome Center*
* ** Thursday **26** September 9am - 9:30pm*
Start your convergence experience at the WELCOME CENTER! The place to
check in, get orientated, find trainings, find out about affinity
groups, volunteer to help with kitchen, security, you name it. To date,
workshops & trainings in the following areas have been scheduled:
Nonviolence Preparations Handling the Media Puppet Construction Legal
Briefings Dancing for Activists Street First Aid WB/IMF Issue Forums
Anti-Oppression Consensus/Facilitation Communications
Peacekeeping/Traffic Magic for Activists Community Organizing and MORE!!!
*9am to 11pm - Childcare* - provided at or near the Convergence Site as
volunteer coverage permits.
Yummy vegan & vegitarian food will be served, as volunteers & donations
allows. Sign Language & Translation will be provided as requested. WE
NEED $$$$$! Suggested donation $20/day, (sliding scale of $5-50/day). No
one turned away for lack of funds.
*6-9:30pm* * - Action SpokesCouncil (followed by Facilitators Meeting
for People's Assemblies)*
*Located at: *Saint Stephen's Church 1525 Newton St. NW. On the corner
of 16th and Newton. In the basement. Directions from Colombia Heights
metro on the green line: Walk two blocks east on Irving to 16th St. Take
a right on 16th and walk aprox. 5-6 blocks until you get to Newton.
Church is on the right. Wheelchair accessible.
*Contact: *Mark Cimino , (202) 271-7990
*Sponsored By:* Mobilization for Global Justice (MGJ)
* Anti-Capitalist Convergence (ACC)** Welcome Center*
* Thursday **26 September 10am - 9pm*
Exists to disseminate & share information on the /People's Strike Actions &/
/ Convergence/, as well as to share logistical information. Street
Medic, Legal/Know Your Rights, & Direct Action Preperation Trainings as
well as Educational Events on a variety of issues. Contact us for
specifics. Come here to plug in, help out, & get involved.
*Scenario orientations - **Every two hours, starting at 11am*
*6:30pm** - SpokesCouncil*
*Located at: *Casa Del Pueblo, 1459 Columbia Rd NW
(between 14th & 15th Streets - Columbia Heights Metro, Green Line)
*Contact: *202.306.3636 (from 23-28 September), Info
*Sponsored By:* The Anti-Capitalist Convergence (ACC)
* **Toward a Fair & Orderly Resolution to Debt Crises*
* Thursday 26 September 10am-Noon *
* * Discuss proposals to replace the Paris Club 'approach' with a formal
mechanism for restructuring developing countries' debt - Full
*Located at:* World Bank Building J, ground floor (1050 18th St, between
G & H)
* Contact: *Jamie Baker , 202.496.1320;
Aldo Caliari , 202-635-2757 x123
*Sponsored By:*New Rules for Global Finance Coalition
, CIDSE/Caritas , &
Center of Concern
*Trojan Horse Rally! World Bank out of Fossil Fuels*
* Thursday 26 September 11am *
- Tell the World Bank to Stop Financing Oil, Gas and Mining! Rally for
Clean Energy! - Full Description
*Located at:* World Bank HQ 1818 H Street, NW
*Contact:* Patrick Reinsborough ,
202-234-9382 x 215 or Jaya Ramesh
, 202-319-2462
*Sponsored By:* Sustainable Energy & Economy Network
, Sierra Student Coalition
, Friends of the Earth ,
Chesapeake Climate Action Network ,
Greenpeace USA , & Rainforest Action
*Global Justice Film Festival*
*Thursday 26 September 12:30 pm*
/The Water is Ours, Damn It! /(the people's rebellion against water
privatization in Cochabamba, Bolivia) by Sheila Franklin. Discussant:
Oscar Olivera, Executive Secretary of the Cochabamba, Federation of
Factory Workers & spokesperson for the Coalition in Defense of Water and
Life, known in Bolivia as La Coordinadora.
*Located at: *The Festival Center, 1640 Columbia Road NW (Columbia
Heights Metro - Green Line)
*Contact: *202-463-2265
*Sponsored by: *50 Years is Enough Network
*A Global Workers Forum*
* Thursday 26 September 2:30-4:30pm *
with AFL-CIO President John Sweeney - Full Description
*Located at:* AFL-CIO Headquarters, 816 16th St. NW - Rally to follow,
location TBA
*Sponsored By:* AFL-CIO , Jobs with
Justice , & the DC Metro Labor Council
*Power For the People/Clean Energy Rally*
*Thursday, September 26*
*Time & Location:* TBA
*Latino Town Hall Meeting*
*Thursday 26 September 6-9pm*
Discussion on immigration & related topics
*Located at: *All Souls Church, 15th & Harvard, NW (Columbia Heights
Metro - Green Line)
*Contact: *Norberto at 202-362-8849 or WPFW at 202-588-0999.
*Sponsored by: *Latino IMC, WPFW , Pacifica Family
Station , & the WPFW Latino Collective
*IndyFest Film Festival*
The DC Independent Media Center presents hardhitting films connecting
global & local struggles for peace & justice. See what the corporate
media will never show you & what the powers that be don?t want you to
know. Films, Speakers to Educate & Entertain - Ramp Up For A Weekend of
Protest, Direct-Action & Networking. Get your friends, workmates,
classmates to come - open their eyes! From the Global to Local:
Stimulate Your Mind, Get Pumped for Activism.
*Thursday 26 September 7-10pm *(2-year Anniversary of protests against
the IMF/WB in Prague.) /Praha 2000: Rebel Colours/ - film features
interviews with activists & campaigners from the southern hemisphere who
give damning criticism & evidence of IMF & World Bank policies; charts
the preparations for the day of action in Prague, the day itself, & its
aftermath. Find out why people around the world are pissed off at the
IMF& World Bank. Speakers will include Robin Bell, contributor to the
film. $5-10 each night (sliding scale)
*Located at:* Church of the Savior, 2025 Massachusetts Ave. NW (two
blocks west of the Dupont Circle Metro - Red Line)
*Contact:* DC IndyMedia or 202.452.5936
*Sponsored by:* The DC Independent Media Center
*Jubilee Interfaith Service & Vigil*
*Thursday 26 September*
Hear the Poor & Heal the Earth
*7pm *Prayer service: Metropolitan AME Church, 1518 M Street, NW
*10pm *ALL-NIGHT vigil at the US Treasury Department
*Contact:* Mara Vanderslice , 202.783.0129
*Sponsored By*: Jubilee USA Network
*The People's Strike: **A Day of Non-Compliance and Resistance*
*Friday 27 September*
* *Working Scenario Plan!
*Autonomous Actions*
* Starting between 6 & 7am* - Form an Affinity Group, Plan an Action (Plug
in at the Welcome Center & SpokesCouncil Meetings!) Shut Down Business
as Usual! Take Back the Freedom to Control our Lives!
*Planned Actions*
*7am *Snake March to Put the Squeeze on Capitalist Greed
- Meet at Franklin
Square Park (14th & K Sts NW)
*7:30am* The Bike Strike! Bike Against Big Oil
*9am* Beat the Anti-War Drums: Percussion Protest Against the War on
Iraq &
*10am* Civil Disobedience Die-In - Freedom Plaza (14th & Penn NW)
*Contact:* 202.306.3636 (from 23-28 September), Info
*Sponsored By:* The Anti-Capitalist Convergence (ACC)
*Anti-Authoritarian ChildCare*
*Friday 27 September 6:30am-2pm*
The Anti-Authoritarian Babysitters Club (ABC) is committed to ensuring
that there is adequate & engaging childcare at locally organized
convergences, meetings, & events. We provide anti-authoritarian
childcare & invite everyone to get involved with us in some way.
***Please circulate widely AND sign up for a shift or 5, we need at
least 3 people providing childcare at all times***
*Located at:* TBA
*Contact: *Noel Petrie or Tim 202.462.7475
*Sponsored by: *The Anti-Authoritarian Babysitters Club (ABC)
*Make Resistance to a New War on Iraq Visible/Stop it Before it Starts*
* Friday 27 September*
* 7am* - Join the banner drops (BYOB - Bring Your Own Banner) &
leafleting at metro stations around the Capital. Suggested stations:
Metro Center, Union Station, Dupont Circle, U Street/Gordoza & Gallery
Place Chinatown. Make your own banner &/or signs & leaflet at a metro
station of your choice.
* 9am* - Join the "Beating the Anti-War Drums" percussion protest at
Freedom Plaza (14th and Pennsylvania, NW).
* 10am* - Participate in a mass "Die-In" - Bring placards with names of
Iraqis, Palestinians, & even Americans whose life will be endangered if
this war goes through. Line the streets & the die-in with the banners.
* Contact:* 866.860.9311 or email [email protected]
*Endorsed by:* SUSTAIN
, The
Anti-Capitalist Convergence (ACC)
, & Left Turn
*Mobilization For Global Justice (MGJ) Welcome Center*
* ** Friday 27 **September 9am - 9:30pm*
Start your convergence experience at the WELCOME CENTER! The place to
check in, get orientated, find trainings, find out about affinity
groups, volunteer to help with kitchen, security, you name it. To date,
workshops & trainings in the following areas have been scheduled:
Nonviolence Preparations Handling the Media Puppet Construction Legal
Briefings Dancing for Activists Street First Aid WB/IMF Issue Forums
Anti-Oppression Consensus/Facilitation Communications
Peacekeeping/Traffic Magic for Activists Community Organizing and MORE!!!
* 9am to 11pm - Childcare* - provided -at or near the Convergence Site
as volunteer coverage permits.
Yummy vegan & vegitarian food will be served, as volunteers & donations
allows. Sign Language & Translation will be provided as requested. WE
NEED $$$$$! Suggested donation $20/day, (sliding scale of $5-50/day). No
one turned away for lack of funds.
*5-9:30-**pm** - Action SpokesCouncil*
*Located at: *Saint Stephen's Church 1525 Newton St. NW. On the corner
of 16th and Newton. In the basement. Directions from Colombia Heights
metro on the green line: Walk two blocks east on Irving to 16th St. Take
a right on 16th and walk aprox. 5-6 blocks until you get to Newton.
Church is on the right. Wheelchair accessible.
*Contact: *Mark Cimino , (202) 271-7990
*Sponsored By:* Mobilization for Global Justice (MGJ)
* **Anti-Capitalist Convergence (ACC)** Welcome Center*
* Friday 27 September 10am - 9pm*
Exists to disseminate & share information on the /People's Strike
Actions & Convergence/, as well as to share logistical information.
Street Medic, Legal/Know Your Rights, & Direct Action Preperation
Trainings as well as Educational Events on a variety of issues. Contact
us for specifics. Come here to plug in, help out, & get involved.
*Located at: *Casa Del Pueblo, 1459 Columbia Rd NW
(between 14th & 15th Streets - Columbia Heights Metro, Green Line)
*Contact: *202.306.3636 (from 23-28 September), Info
*Sponsored By:* The Anti-Capitalist Convergence (ACC)
* **Teach-in for Catholic Activists: Toward a Globalization of Solidarity*
*Friday 27 September 1-5pm *
Geared to student & young adult activists coming from or working in the
Catholic tradition (all folks are welcome of course). Two presentations
from campaigns active around issues at the heart of the globalization
debate ? Jubilee USA & the World Bank Bonds Boycott. Final presentation
will be a reflection & discussion on ?Spirituality & Globalization: In
Whose Image?? centering on cultivating a faith-based vision that
critiques corporate globalization & moves us toward a globalization of
*Located at: *St. Aloysius Catholic Church
(North Capitol & I Streets, NW, near Union Station)
*Contact: *Johnny Zokovitch , 352.271.6941
*Sponsored By:* Pax Christi USA
/*We'd Rather Wear Nothing Than Wear Gap!*/
*Friday 27 September 2-3pm *
In coordination with the IMF/WB mass protests & the CEO Summit, we
present: /A protest of environmental destruction & worker exploitation
at the doors of a poster-child of corporate greed: Gap, Inc./ A *mini
PEOPLE'S SUMMIT* will kick off the event, starting with STARHAWK (/Why
We're in The Streets of DC/), MARINA SITRIS, Global Justice for Garment
Workers Campaign of UNITE (/stopping sweatshops/), RAQUEL SALAZAR,
Salvadoran Gap sweatshop worker & union organizer (/situation in El
Salvador/), ANTONIA JUHASZ, International Forum on Globalization
(/deforestation & world water crisis, water privatization &
Cochabamba/), American Lands Alliance (/unconfirmed, national public
forestland policy, the effects of IMF/WB on global ecology)/, Mary Bull,
Save the Redwoods/Boycott the Gap Campaign (/redwood deforestation, the
consumer pressure campaign/). In between each of the speechlets -- which
will be limited to a RIVETING 5 minutes apiece -- a *CHORUS of REDWOOD
TREES & GIANT SEWING MACHINES* will lead us in *SONGS & CHANTS* from our
TERRIFIC anti-corporate/anti-Gap repertoire. Speakers will use our
strip action, in which we'll invite people to come up and
****STRIP for REDWOODS & WORKERS RIGHTS!!!**** Gaptivists planning to
participate in the strip, might consider writing your message in body
paint on your stomach, such as, /"Save Our Forests!" "Workers Rights!"
"A Living Wage!" "Earth Is Sacred!"/ & so on! (Some women at the G8 wore
redwood trees & anti-G8 pasties; in DC in April 2000, Joan -- in her
seventies -- stripped down to a green bra she'd made out of her tear-gas
bandana!) As we strip, we chant, /"We'd Rather Wear Nothing Than Wear
Gap!"/ Every time we say /"Gap,"/ we throw down another article of
clothing, starting with a cap (visible or invisible), then each shoe
(kick em off one at a time), then pants; then shirt (shirt is last). The
topper, after everyone is stripped & still chanting, is a call &
response Gap anti-cheer: /Give me a G! GGGGG! Give me an A! AAAAAAA!
Give me a P! PPPPPP! What does it spell? CLEARCUTS!!! What Does It
Spell? SWEATSHOPS!!!! What Does It Spell? GAPSUCKS!!!! WHAT DOES IT
SPELL???? BOYCOTT THE GAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!/ Then we all CHEER, get
dressed, talk with media, & leaflet. ***Be advised: In April 2000, the
DC cops said they would arrest anyone who stripped further than
underwear, and they did arrest an activist who
was wearing a grass skirt without underwear.***
We are asking activists not to engage in cd at this particular action!
*Located at:* Georgetown Gap, 1258 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
*Contact: *Mary Bull 415.731.7924,
Mary Pjerrou 707.877.3405
*Sponsored By: *Save the Redwoods/Boycott the Gap
, & UNITE's Global Justice for Garment Workers
*Women in Black Vigil*
*Friday 27 September 5:30-6:30pm*
*Located at: *Farragut Square
*Contact:* Mary Jo Aagerstoun
*Sponsored by:* Women in Black
*Venezuela & the Emergence of Resistance to Neoliberal Globalization in
Latin America*
*Friday 27 September 6pm *
* *Panel Discussion - Full Description
*Located at: *Josephine Butler Parks Center, 2437 Fifteenth St., NW
Ballroom (East side of Malcolm X Park; Closest intersection: 15th &
Euclid; Closest Metro: Columbia Heights)
*Contact: *Marya Murray Diaz , 202.293.5380
ext 208
*Sponsored By:* Fundacion Venezolana para la Justicia Global
*End Corporate Rule: Global Struggles
Against the IMF and World Bank*
*Friday 27 September 7-10pm*
Closing Plenary Session. Speakers: Ralph Nader, Consumer Advocate;
Maude Barlow, Council of Canadians; Mohau Pheko, Gender and Trade
Network in Africa; Oscar Olivera, La Coordinadora; Naomi Klein, author &
columnist. Conference registration required or $10 for Closing Plenary
*Located at: *New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, 1313 New York Ave NW
(Metro Center Metro)
*Contact: *
*Sponsored by: *Jubilee USA Network , 50
Years is Enough Network , Center for Economic
Justice , & Essential Action
**Mobilization For Global Justice (MGJ) Welcome Center*
* ** Saturday 28 **September 9am - 1pm*
Start your convergence experience at the WELCOME CENTER! The place to
check in, get orientated, find trainings, find out about affinity
groups, volunteer to help with kitchen, security, you name it. To date,
workshops & trainings in the following areas have been scheduled:
Nonviolence Preparations Handling the Media Puppet Construction Legal
Briefings Dancing for Activists Street First Aid WB/IMF Issue Forums
Anti-Oppression Consensus/Facilitation Communications
Peacekeeping/Traffic Magic for Activists Community Organizing and
MORE!!! Yummy vegan & vegitarian food will be served, as volunteers &
donations allows. Sign Language & Translation will be provided as
requested. WE NEED $$$$$! Suggested donation $20/day, (sliding scale of
$5-50/day). No one turned away for lack of funds.
*Located at: *Saint Stephen's Church 1525 Newton St. NW. On the corner
of 16th and Newton. In the basement. Directions from Colombia Heights
metro on the green line: Walk two blocks east on Irving to 16th St. Take
a right on 16th and walk aprox. 5-6 blocks until you get to Newton.
Church is on the right. Wheelchair accessible.
*Contact: *Mark Cimino , (202) 271-7990
*Sponsored By:* Mobilization for Global Justice (MGJ)
* Anti-Capitalist Convergence (ACC)** Welcome Center*
* Saturday 28 September 10am - 9pm*
Exists to disseminate & share information on the /People's Strike
Actions & Convergence/, as well as to share logistical information.
Street Medic, Legal/Know Your Rights, & Direct Action Preperation
Trainings as well as Educational Events on a variety of issues. Contact
us for specifics. Come here to plug in, help out, & get involved.
*Located at: *Casa Del Pueblo, 1459 Columbia Rd NW
(between 14th & 15th Streets - Columbia Heights Metro, Green Line)
*Contact: *202.306.3636 (from 23-28 September), Info
*Sponsored By:* The Anti-Capitalist Convergence (ACC)
*Anti-Authoritarian ChildCare*
*Saturday 28 September 11am-10pm*
The Anti-Authoritarian Babysitters Club (ABC) is committed to ensuring
that there is adequate & engaging childcare at locally organized
convergences, meetings, & events. We provide anti-authoritarian
childcare & invite everyone to get involved with us in some way.
***Please circulate widely AND sign up for a shift or 5, we need at
least 3 people providing childcare at all times***
*Located at:* TBA
*Contact:* Noel Petrie * *or Tim 202.462.7475
* Sponsored by:* The Anti-Authoritarian Babysitters Club (ABC)
*Fight Global AIDS March*
*Saturday 28 September, 11am*
Join hundreds of people for a /Fight Global AIDS & Drop the Debt march/
to coincide with protests against the IMF/WB -- institutions responsible
in large part for the misery being experienced by countries hard hit by
HIV/AIDS. Begin at the US Treasury -- investors in the IMF/WB &
architects of its policies -- end at the Ellipse where thousands of
people will be gathered for a rally organized by the Mobilization for
Global Justice (MGJ). IMF/WB policies have denied people living with
HIV/AIDS access to affordable health care due to high costs from forced
policies of privatization and "user fees" for essential services.
Additionally, by refusing to cancel poor countries' onerous debt, the
IMF/WB stand responsible for untold deaths due to money being spent on
debt repayment instead of essential services like health care.
*Located at:* US Department of Treasury (15th & G Streets NW) to Ellipse.
*Contact:* Kris Hermes , 215.334.9454
*Sponsored By:* ACT-UP Philly ,
Health GAP , Jubilee USA Network
, SGAC , &
* Mobilization for Global Justice Rally and March*
*Saturday 28 September*
* ** 11 am *- Feeder rally/march(s) - currently only the AIDS march is
*Noon ***RALLY & MARCH**** This is it. The big event to cap off a week
fighting for global justice. Demand the World Bank/IMF meet the demands
of people over profits - Rally/Concert includes ECO-bloc/Earth march
delegation & potentially other self-organizing contingents.
*Located at:* Gather Sylvan Theater
*2pm - *Permitted March past Treasury Deptartment & end in either
Franklin Square, Mcphereson Square, or Farragut Square.
*4pm - *March returns to Sylvan Theater & Rally/Concert continues into
the evening
*4:30pm **QUARANTINE*** Enforcement Actions at the police perimeter -
Join this direct action to quarantine the World Bank/IMF -- two
institutions infecting the world with policies & practices that create
more poverty, more environmental & social destruction, less democracy &
more human misery.
*Located at:* TBD (Affinity Groups Invited to Direct Action SpokesCouncil)
*Contact:* Patrick , 202-234-9382 x 215
*Sponsored By:* Mobilization for Global Justice (MGJ)
*Rythyms of Revolution - Protest In Song*
* ** Saturday 28 September 6pm*
Performances by David Rovics, Jim Page, Blow Back, & more TBA. $5 to
benefit the /People's Strike & Convergence/ & Community Programs at Casa
Del Pueblo.
*Located at: *Sanctuary Theatre/Casa Del Pueblo, 1459 Columbia Rd NW
(between 14th & 15th Streets - Columbia Heights Metro, Green Line)
**Contact: *202.306.3636 (from 23-28 September), *Info
* *Sponsored By:** The Anti-Capitalist Convergence (ACC)
*Solidarity Concert*
*Saturday 28 September 7pm*
Out Circuit Sleep Station (NJ), Del Cielo, & one more TBA. $5 with a
portion of the proceeds to benefit those arrested during this week's
*Located at: *University of Maryland, 2nd floor, South Campus Dining Hall
*Contact:* Katy Otto [email protected]
*Sponsored by:*
*Teach-in & Training*
* Sunday 29 September 9am - 1pm*
Sessions will be held about the history and current situation in Iraq
and the skills needed to organize in opposition.
* Located at:*TBA
* Contact: *Mark Cimino , (202) 271-7990
* Sponsored By:*Mobilization for Global Justice (MGJ)
* **Anti-Authoritarian ChildCare*
* Sunday 29 September 11am*
The Anti-Authoritarian Babysitters Club (ABC) is committed to ensuring
that there is adequate & engaging childcare at locally organized
convergences, meetings, & events. We provide anti-authoritarian
childcare & invite everyone to get involved with us in some way.
***Please circulate widely AND sign up for a shift or 5, we need at
least 3 people providing childcare at all times***
*Located at:* TBA
*Contact: *Noel Petrie or Tim 202.462.7475
*Sponsored by: *The Anti-Authoritarian Babysitters Club (ABC)
*March Against the War on Iraq*
* Sunday 29 September 2pm*
*Located at:*Starting in Dupont Circle, (Massachusetts & Connecticut
Aves., NW), going north on Massachusetts, stopping at key embassies
(Britain, Japan, Turkey, Egypt), and ending with a rally outside Vice
President Dick Cheney's house at the
Naval Observatory.
*Contact: *Mike Zmolek,
*Sponsored By:*National Network Against War in Iraq
*People's Assemblies/**Asamblea popular*
*Sunday 29 September** 11am - 2pm*
Expanding the Realm of Direct Action into strategy & movement building.
Gatherings of activists & others to discuss & strategize about how we
build our movements for a better world - Full Description
*Located at: *Farragut Square (17TH & K Sts NW)
*Contact: *Patrick , 202-234-9382 x 215
*Sponsored By:*Mobilization for Global Justice (MGJ)
*An Unforgettable Evening of Poetry & Spoken Word*
*Sunday 29 September 6 pm*
Featured Poet Suheir Hammad; Also Featuring ISM Activists Huwaida Arraf
& Adam Shapiro; Spoken Resistance; Local DC Poets. Word of Mouth Works
Locally to Promote Poetry, Spoken Word, & Other Cultural Events to
Support Social Justice Organizations & Progressive Change. This Is a
Fundraising Event to Support the International Solidarity Movement's
Fall & Winter Campaigns in Palestine. Money Raised Will Provide
Supplies & Much-needed Subsidies to Encourage Participation in the
Humanitarian/human Rights Work of the ISM. We Welcome Donations of Any
*Located at:* Gua-Rapo, 2039 Wilson Blvd. Arlington , VA (near
Courthouse Metro - Orange & Blue lines)
*Contact:* Leah , 703/528-6500
*Sponsored by: *The International Solidarity Movement (ISM)
DC Support Committee & Word of Mouth
*Lobby Day Against the War on Iraq*
* Monday 30 September 30 - Time TBA*
Press Congress to vote against this war. Lobby preparation & training in
the morning.
*Located at: *TBA
*Contact: *Eric Gustavson, 202.543.6176
*Sponsored by: *Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC)
I am not wrong: Wrong is not my name
My name is my own my own my own
and I can't tell you who the hell set things up like this
but I can tell you that from now on my resistance
my simple and daily and nightly self-determination
may very well cost you your life
-- June Jordan, Poem About My Rights
Protests coming up in DC September 25-29!
Shut down the IMF / WB meetings and the city that is hosting them!!!
[ http://www.abolishthebank.org ]
[ http://sept.globalizethis.org ]
[ http://www.studentsforglobaljustice.org ]