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Fake Dissident and Civil Rights Charlatan
Noam Chomsky Never Cared Much For Liberty, Justice Or Equality
Once a fraud, always a fraud.
 This week we heard yet another Jewish person advocating for discrimination, apartheid, ostracisation and incarceration.
It is an all-too-familiar sentiment amongst this particular denomination presently. As I have outlined before, many Jews today, especially in the United States, are using the ongoing COVID-19 medical tyranny to embrace Nazism.
Throughout history, there have been multiple Jewish individuals who have supported Fascist oppression in one form or another. These include Adam Czerniakow, Chaim Mordechai Rumkowski, Emil Maurice and Moshe Merin.
When Noam Chomsky refused to reject digital concentration camps in a recent interview on the Primo Radical YouTube show and, instead, threw his weight behind the New Normal existence of forced medical quarantine, mass surveillance and murderous mandatory measures, he added his name to this list.
Dr Max Naumann, the leader of the Union of National German Jews in the early 1930s, once claimed in an interview that Nazi brutality against his fellow Jews was justified and said that there should be measures taken that would enable the party to confiscate their property. Today, we hear a Jewish ‘civil rights activist’ saying that the unvaccinated should be shunned and barred from entering stores to buy food - wishing death by starvation on his fellow human being for the ‘crime’ of refusing to comply with corrupt Big Pharma executives and corporate-owned politicians. Noam Chomsky - a so-called socialist who is now pushing the policies of Davos-inspired neo-Fascist stakeholder capitalism - is today giving interviews that deserve to be filed in the same category of ignorance and hate that Dr. Naumann’s belong in.
The man has sold his soul - there is no doubt about that. But it did not just happen this week. Chomsky sold out to the oligarchs a long, long time ago. He has spent decades cosying up to them while disguising himself as a human rights activist and an anti-establishment dissident. All these years, in truth, he was about as anti-establishment as his good friend John Deutch was. But more on that friendship later.
To begin with, it is important to note where Noam Chomsky began his career. It may surprise some people to know that, as a young man, he embarked on political life by entering the world of military intelligence, where he served as a consultant for a government contractor named MITRE.
Yes, the man who has spent years admonishing America’s Military-Industrial Complex, in reality, has been knee-deep in it all this time - as was reported this week in an excellent article on The Gray Zone website:
In 1963, MITRE tapped a brilliant young linguist from MIT named Noam Chomsky, to assist the “development of a program to establish natural language as an operational language for command and control.”
Chomsky’s refusal to criticize the current Nazi ‘show us your papers’ system, that is transforming society across the world today, can surely be put down to the fact that MITRE - a federally funded research and development organisation that partners with the US Army in areas such as artificial intelligence, cyber warfare and space security - is front and centre of the vaccine passport roll out. His loyalty to this group has, evidently, never wavered.
Chomsky’s hypocrisy is not something that has suddenly been acquired in his old age. Whereas now he is changing course on the equality and libertarian views that he pretended to espouse for at one time, back in the 1960s his work with MITRE meant that he was directly involved in R&D programs that could potentially be useful in the assault of Vietnam by American forces - despite his public persona as someone who spoke out against military intervention in South East Asia.
His work for the organisation was described by one of his students, Barbara Partee. She said that Chomsky was employed on a consultancy basis and that he was considered to have headed up the entire linguistics operation, which meant he was directly invested in Air Force projects. Other students have described how Chomsky’s work was to be used to develop operational language for command and control and explained how the contributions of a man who was later supposedly a prominent part of the anti-nuclear movement would be useful “in the event of a nuclear war.”
Chomsky himself has acknowledged his military background, once stating;
“I was in a military lab. If you take a look at my early publications, they all say something about air force, navy and so on, because I was in a military lab - the Research Lab for Electronics [RLE].”
On top of this, his wife also worked on Pentagon-funded projects to develop the American war machine that Chomsky has lambasted for so long. In 1959, she worked at an Air Force project at the Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT), thus contributing - like her husband - to the dropping of bombs on little brown people in lands far away.
Perhaps all of this is worth remembering when we consider that in his interview on vaccine mandates on Primo Radical, he implied that anyone who refused to be injected with the COVID-19 jab was a ‘killer.’ I guess it takes one to know one.
Of course, as the story goes, Noam Chomsky would become terribly guilty about his work at the MIT and MITRE and thus he became a speaker for the oppressed and the forgotten. However, anyone who is even slightly aware of how things work in the field of military intelligence must wonder if perhaps Chomsky was enlisted as a person who could be used to define the parameters of acceptable dissent among the masses through a controlled opposition campaign. His current rhetoric - pushing establishment agendas - would indicate so.
This would explain why he has been so vocally critical of assassinated US President and thorn-in-the-side of the CIA, John F. Kennedy and his ardour for swiftly pushing aside anything that contradicts the Warren Commission Report as conspiracy folklore not worth pursuing.
It would also elucidate why Chomsky, in rhetoric perfectly befitting a gatekeeper, has spoken out negatively against the research and findings of the 9/11 truth movement on several occasions. He once wrongly stated, for example, that:
“The evidence that's been produced, in my opinion, is essentially worthless.”
It would also be the reasoning behind his support of regime change in Syria, in favour of Zionist expansion and the Oded Yinon plan, and his hostility towards the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement.
And it would explain why a so-called peace activist was tightly knit in a brotherly friendship with a war-mongering CIA director by the name of John Deutch - a close associate of Henry Kissinger and Donald Rumsfield, a man who opposed the decision made by the US military to remove nuclear weapons from ships and submarines at the end of the Cold War and someone who was nicknamed ‘War Provost’ by student activists at MIT. Chomsky described his relationship with Deutch in an interview in 1996:
“We were actually friends and got along fine…I liked him. We got along very well together. He’s very honest, very direct. You know where you stand with him. We talked to each other…I was one of the very few people on the faculty, I’m told, who was supporting his candidacy for the President of MIT”
Then there is Chomsky’s connection to the Soros, Rockefeller and Ford Foundations through his work for the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) - a think tank founded in 1963 by Yale Skull and Bones member, Marcus Raskin. In 1999, Chomsky was hired by the group and to this day is listed on their website as a preferred author. A visit to their site will soon lead you to an article entitled ‘How To Truly ‘Build Back Better’ On Climate’, and gives you a good understanding of the company that is kept by Chomsky. The IPS is World Economic Forum-lite, but every bit as fanatical, and, like their favourite author, they demand ‘vaccines for the whole world.’
Chomsky’s ties to Soros and Rockefeller-funded groups emerge again through his alliance with the Beckley Foundation - a UK-based, UN-accredited NGO that advocates for global drug policy and research into psychedelics that was started in 1998 by a descendant of the elitist Habsburg family, named Amanda Feilding. The Foundation, according to its website, is;
“dedicated to helping patients suffering from neurological and psychiatric disorders by developing a pipeline of psychedelic compounds into licensed pharmaceutical medicines”
Being involved in such networks, it is very clear that Chomsky is not speaking from the heart when he attempts to articulate his feelings on vaccine mandates and digital surveillance, but rather, he is speaking in affirmation and defence of the financial investments made by the circle of billionaires that he so often loses himself in. We can be sure, knowing what we do about his past and present connections, that the last person to chide the Rockefeller/Gates-funded, World Health Organization-sponsored digital vaccine certificate program will be Noam Chomsky.
His most recent support of authoritarian measures against the populace is a reminder to all of us of his similar support for Cambodian mass murderer, Pol Pot. For years Chomsky acted as an apologist for the Khmer Rouge regime, denying the atrocities that had been committed by them and attempting to shift the blame away from their Communist genocide. It is no wonder then that in the aforementioned YouTube interview he speaks about what he calls ‘scare stories that circulated mostly in the right-wing (that) have made people frightened to take vaccines.’ Denying the tens of thousands of deaths and millions of verified injuries that have occurred as a result of the jabs, brushing them off as propaganda, he is once again denying mass murder while cheering on the actions of despots.
Societal descent into a system of biocracy and medical totalitarianism, in the eyes of Noam Chomsky, is apparently ‘progressive’. Like many others who have stepped out of the closet amidst the COVID-19 hysteria of the past 20 months, he has finally shown his true colours for all of us to see.
Gary Jordan
[email protected]
The COVID-19 Illusion; A Cacophony of Lies
Contributor to The Irish Sentinel