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Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970

Right2Water National Protest against Water charges - Sat Oct 11th @ 2pm

category dublin | bin tax / household tax / water tax | event notice author Sunday October 05, 2014 23:28author by pbp Report this post to the editors

National Pre Budget protest against the water charges.

Irish Water has sent you an ‘application pack’ and they want you to fill in details about your household, including your PPS number. Don't engage. People power can beat them.

Resistance to Irish Water has taken in hold in many estates that have been protesting.

There is a massive national demonstration on October 11th at 2pm, stating at the Garden of Remembrance in Dublin.

If you want to fight the water charges locally and nationally join us

National Pre Budget protest against the water charges.

2pm Sat Oct 11th Parnell Sq.

All welcome.
Event Date:
October 11, 2014 - 14:00

Venue details:
Garden of Remembrance
Parnell Square

Irish Water has sent you an ‘application pack’ and they want you to fill in details about your household, including your PPS number. Don't engage. People power can beat them.

There are two purposes to these packs:

1) It is an information gathering exercise so they can charge you for using water.

2) They want you to accept water charges. You will be asked to declare that you are a customer of Irish Water. In other words, to give up your right as a citizen to water – and start paying.

The average per household charge will be €278 a year. But the charges will rise after that. One former ESRI economist from has estimated that it will eventually be €600 a year.

We can stop these charges if we come together and resist. In the 1990s, the government tried to impose water charges on domestic users. They were met with mass protests and were forced to retreat. People power defeated the water charges then. We can do the same today.

We would urge you, therefore, not to fill in the form. You could send it back to Irish Water unopened or place it in your bin or simply ignore it. At the very least, hold off signing for the moment to see if a major campaign gets going.

Don’t let Irish Water or the government scare or bully you.

* You cannot be jailed or fined for refusing to co-operate with Irish Water.

* They cannot automatically take the water charge out of your wage packet or your social welfare because it is not a tax that the Revenue Commissioners control.

Resistance to Irish Water has taken in hold in many estates that have been protesting.

There is a massive national demonstration on October 11th at 2pm, stating at the Garden of Remembrance in Dublin.

If you want to fight the water charges locally and nationally join us!

author by ruapublication date Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I hate to sound like im trying to de-motivate people,this is not my aim but realistically i cannot think this will change anything,unless government buildings are stormed and more people turn out..

Other than that it will be another low turnout run-of-the-mill protest...

Saturday is a good day for more people to turn out,including the workerbees,but i cannot help but think these people would rather stay in their consumer slumber going to starbucks and brown thomas or whatever...

author by fredpublication date Thu Oct 09, 2014 17:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I think if there is a good turnout then the FF / FG / Lab scumbags will experience fear for their seats at the next election.
This may motivate them to reconsider this disastrous policy.

That is the hope here I think. Although I do understand rua's disillusionment with protest, I still believe that a huge turnout on this crucial issue would have a very real effect because of looming elections.

Everyone in the capital that can should put aside whatever they are doing and try to come out
to register their disgust at government policy and handling of this fundamental issue.

Come on folks, lets put some real electoral fear into these self serving neoliberal Bastards

author by dividedwefallpublication date Thu Oct 09, 2014 20:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

nothing on for weeks then two crucial protests on the one day

Why did this event have to clash with the shannonwatch protest on 11th??

What hope is there if we can't even co-ordinate in this simple manner

or worse, was it deliberate?

author by Sai'Des MacFugh - I am in no organisationpublication date Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The thing that alarms me most is that people will be scared and bullied into giving their PPSN - Hats off to Michael (& Beverly) O'Connor of Limerick for refusing to give it up to them - See the story in the limerick leader: link given below. He is threatened with €150 extra charge on their bill AND no 30000 litres allowance .. wait for it ... just for refusing his PPSN !!? What sort of NAZI bastard demands this of them/him? And come to think of it Irish water is some bastard isnt it This case It should be brought to a court of human (or civil) rights in Le Hague And may that same court hang the bastard who set IW up

Related Link:
author by Jimmy Steelepublication date Sat Oct 11, 2014 20:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Fantastic turnout but why oh why were there NO posters in BAC advertising the event.

Me thinks that lack thereof shaved about 20 per cent off turnout.

author by Charliepublication date Sat Oct 11, 2014 21:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You say the demo was smaller because of the lack of posters, but as I understand it the Dublin Council made it ILLEGAL to erect posters, with the obvious intent that Lefty demos would be starved of publicity.

Belfast council now has same policy - amazing seeing walls without posters now! It's not that activity doesn't go on, just harder to organise, more nline.

author by anonpublication date Sat Oct 11, 2014 23:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Organisers of the anti water charges march today were delighted with the massive turnout and it exceeded their expectations. Depending on who quotes the figures it varies, but it looks like at least 50,000+ showed up and possibly alot more. Obviously government bodies play down this figures.



author by fredpublication date Sat Oct 11, 2014 23:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

garda / RTE lowballing the figure at 30k

weasel words from Burton


author by Kevinpublication date Sun Oct 12, 2014 08:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

De-motivate?! Well to all of the doubters, this was one of the most amazing events I have ever witnessed! Total unity and steadfast objection to threats and bully boy tactics, finally, the Irish Tax payer has found it's long lost back bone, I was there and it was huge! People are thoroughly pissed off with being the target of Europe and our spineless, kowtowing Government.

Be in no doubt, people are very much motivated and this is not over by a long chalk.

Pay up or register if you want to but leave those choosing to do otherwise to do what they think is best!

author by anonpublication date Sun Oct 12, 2014 16:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

These are posted on the Right2Water facebook page.




author by fredpublication date Mon Oct 13, 2014 19:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Denis o brien - He's the guy infamous for the esat dodgyphone deal and who owns loads of our newspapers and who bought Irish Water partner "siteserv" water meter installation company which "magically" won the contract over Siemens (which offered a much better deal) and who got an "equally magical" 100 million bank debt writeoff for siteserv essentially paid for by taxpayers.

Anyhow, Denis O'Briens toilet paper substitute newspaper, the indo had this to say today:

New relief measures in Budget to cut water bills by up to €100

Householders across the board will receive reductions in their water bills, as concern heightens within the Coalition over the prospect of a public backlash to the charges.

A two-pronged approach agreed by senior ministers will see the introduction of new tax relief measures and financial subsidies in tomorrow's Budget, the Irish Independent can reveal.

The Coalition plans to provide relief through both the tax and social welfare systems in a move that is intended to cover every household in the country.

The proposals, which were signed off by the government's Economic Management Council (EMC), will see householders receive a tax refund worth up to €100 from their water charges bill.

The package of relief from water charges has been improved, following intensifying opposition to the introduction of water charges.

Taxpayers will be able to claim tax relief from their water charges worth up to €100 a year at the lower income tax rate of 20pc. The bill for a family of two adults and two children is estimated at €278, meaning tax relief of €55.60.

The relief will be capped at €100, which would require a bill of €500. The tax relief will be available to everyone, regardless of income.

On the social welfare side, the number of people who will get a €100 subsidy off their tax bills will increase. The Government's initial plans saw the subsidy being offered to 415,000 who receive the Households Benefit Package, including the over 70s, carers and people with disabilities.

But this number of beneficiaries has now been substantially expanded to include the long-term unemployed and a large number of social welfare recipients who already get the Fuel Allowance. There are currently over 278,000 deemed to be long-termed unemployed, meaning they have been out of work for over 12 months.

A Government source said the new swathe of relief measures is influenced by the Coalition's "clear understanding" that water charges must be affordable.

But the same source insisted that the plans were agreed by the EMC on Thursday night and do not reflect the size of the weekend's demonstration in Dublin against water charges or the two by-election results.

full article here:

Yeah right, opinion polls and a huge mass demonstration of motivated angry public opinion pouring onto the streets before elections had absolutely nothing to do with it. Not to mention the unexpected election of left wing socialist candidate Paul Murphy.

Keep up the fight people. Lets escalate this. They know they are on a loser here. Clearly we CAN change things when we finally get up off our asses and hit the streets. It would be a mistake to settle for these FG "plan B concessions", all very easily reversed after election time.

Best to comprehensively kick out these right wing bastards. Because they have demonstrated time and again that they just cannot be trusted at all and they don't give a shit about the ordinary people of Ireland who are clearly struggling.

They (FG/FF/Lab) exist now merely as service providers for the rich and to do the bidding of an increasingly neoliberal and hawkish EU (which has completely lost it's way - google "TTIP" and witness anti russian propaganda and lunatic sanctions re ukraine) and to get high paying gigs for themselves and their party cronies. Kick them out.

author by anonpublication date Mon Oct 13, 2014 22:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

With courtesy from






author by Jimmy Steelepublication date Mon Oct 20, 2014 20:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Charlie just on a point of information; we got DCC's 'ban' on posters overturned in 2007.

There is now in place a protocol for groups who put up posters to advertise events on lamposts in Dublin. Hopefully the Nov 1 protest will be advertised in this way as well as social media, mix the old and the new forms of advertisement and we will get the maximum turnout.

A lot of the 60 yrs plus age group do not be on social media so fingers crossed that the organisers remember them this time.

Lets keep the pressure on so that these politicians get the message that their time has come to exit.

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