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offsite link Charles Dickens?s Oliver Musical Slapped With Trigger Warning for ?Discriminatory Language?, ?Povert... Sat Mar 01, 2025 15:00 | Will Jones
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offsite link When Did our Era of National Demoralisation Begin? Sat Mar 01, 2025 13:00 | Joanna Gray
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The post When Did our Era of National Demoralisation Begin? appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Mixing Up Names of Non-White Colleagues is Racist, Tribunal Rules Sat Mar 01, 2025 11:00 | Will Jones
Mixing up the names of non-white colleagues counts as?race discrimination?as it makes them feel "lumped together as a group", an employment tribunal has ruled.
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offsite link Declined: Chapter 10: An Anti-Health Extremism Offence Sat Mar 01, 2025 09:00 | Molly Kingsley
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offsite link This St David?s Day, Why is Welsh Labour Trying to ?Decolonise? Wales From Welsh People? Sat Mar 01, 2025 07:00 | Steven Tucker
This St David's Day, why is Welsh Labour trying to decolonise Wales from Welsh people? Its vision of an 'anti-racist' Wales involves conjuring up an entirely fictitious history of multi-ethnic diversity.
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Why Irish Water Will Be Sold Off

category national | bin tax / household tax / water tax | opinion/analysis author Wednesday June 04, 2014 15:18author by Luke Eastwood Report this post to the editors

Water is becoming a corporate resource - the sell off of Irish Water is almost certain Call me a cynic, but I am absolutely convinced that the current Irish government has created Uisce Éireann (Irish Water) with the sole purpose of selling Ireland’s water rights to the private sector within the next decade. Already Uisce Éireann has wasted over €80 million euro in consultancy fees paid to the private sector and it will continue to use private sector contractors to carry out its work, at as yet unknown cost. It is only the fact that it would be political suicide for the government right now that prevents a share issue in the near future.

So why would the government consider such a crazy and reckless thing as to sell our most vital national resource, that belongs to the people of Ireland, to any takers? If one looks at other industries – oil, gas and forestry for example the current and previous governments have been quite happy to play into the hands of corporate interests, quite obviously against the national interest. Only because of public embarrassment has there been any back-pedalling on handing over the nation’s resources for next to nothing to corporate vultures.
Given the nonchalance of this and previous governments, it should not be a surprise if we find that Uisce Éireann is up for sale in a few years, after all the current fuss over water metering has died down. Sure, the government knows that a week is a long time in politics and given enough time elapsed people quickly forget – thus allowing all manner of nefarious schemes to go ahead unchecked.

If we look at water in a wider context – it is fast becoming a commodity to equal oil in value and so the big banks and mega corporations of the world are all clambering to get in on the next growth industry. A recent article from highlights increased interest in the water industry as the world moves towards ‘Peak Water’, or rather increased demand for a dwindling supply of fresh accessible water.

This process of diversifying into water has already begun, as documented by website (2,3). No doubt banks and corporations looking to invest in water will being keeping a close eye on Ireland, in the hope of snagging a bargain at the expense of the Irish tax-payer.

Ireland, as we all know, has a temperate climate with high annual rainfall, which means that we actually have a surplus of water most years. Unfortunately for the government, because our water system is so antiquated a massive percentage of our water is either not collected (not enough reservoirs) or lost through poorly maintained infrastructure, hence Uisce Éireann is not profitable.

At the moment Uisce Éireann has no track record, the repair work to be paid for by us taxpayers has yet to be done. However, in a year or two there will most likely be a healthy balance sheet when the infrastructure has been upgraded out of the massive income received through billing the country’s citizens for the right to drink and wash.

At such point when Uisce Éireann is making a handsome profit the government will no doubt be encouraged by the IMF and EU to sell it off to help pay off Ireland’s staggering national debt (4) (currently approx imately €179bn euro and rising).

It would make more sense to put the annual profits from Uisce Éireann into further improvements and also national debt repayments, rather than sell off the company, although both FF and FG are more interested in placating big business, the banks especially, than they are interested in serving the people that vote them in.

Sadly Ireland is controlled by largely concealed corporate interests who pull the puppet strings of our politicians. So when I read the headlines in a few years – ‘Uisce Éireann to become a PLC’ or similar, it will be entirely unsurprising. What worries me most is that people in this country cannot see that this is the most likely outcome and have still not realised that the concerns of the electorate mean nothing to most of the members of Dáil Éireann.


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author by concernedcitizenpublication date Wed Jun 04, 2014 22:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The water of ireland,belongs to the people of this island and nobody else..

If enough people of ireland get together they can lodge legal action against this transaction..

author by W. Finnertypublication date Thu Nov 06, 2014 15:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The text of Article 1 of the United Nations Aarhus Convention Treaty, which the Republic of Ireland Government has ratified, reads as follows:

"In order to contribute to the protection of the right of every person of present and future generations to live in an environment adequate to his or her health and well-being, each Party shall guarantee the rights of access to information, public participation in decision-making, and access to justice in environmental matters in accordance with the provisions of this Convention."

In connection with "Irish Water", has the overall membership of three main branches of the Republic of Ireland Government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) complied with all of the main points in Article 1?

If not, then it seems to me that the Republic of Ireland Government -- which is a "Party" in the "Irish Water" Project for the reasons set out in Article 2 of the Aarhus Treaty -- has a case to answer; and, that it can be taken before the international law courts if it has violated Article 1 in any major way.

The full text (in over two dozen languages) of the United Nations Aarhus Convention Treaty is available via the following UN web page:

author by W. Finnertypublication date Fri Nov 07, 2014 11:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"World ominously close to nuclear war – Noam Chomsky to RT"
(Published time: November 07, 2014 00:15)

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"The world has come ominously close to a nuclear war in the past and it could happen again as Russia and the West have slipped back into what seems like another Cold War, world-renowned scholar Noam Chomsky tells RT’s Sophie&Co."

"Once NATO has expanded its borders all the way to reach Russia, its mission has very much changed since it was initially established, Chomsky said. Now, its aim is to take control of global energy systems (and WATER SYSTEMS?) rather than maintaining intergovernmental military balance."

"The world has never been closer to a nuclear war that could wipe out all of its initiators, and the threat is no longer a thing of history, according to Chomsky."

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The above excerpts are from:
(There is a short video interview with Noam Chomsky at the RT www location just above.)

"They" -- the entire membership of our Republic of Ireland Government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) -- now needs VERY CLOSE watching perhaps, ideally by ALL of "the people" of the Republic of Ireland?

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