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Secrets of Croynism in semi-state sector![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() What is going on inner circles Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) In the last number of weeks I have been digging in relation to the newly appointed head of SFI Professor Mark Ferguson. Some months ago a friend of mine, a journalist in Manchester asked me if I had any idea what was going in the SFI (Science Foundation Ireland). I replied 'not a clue'. Jim came to visit the weekend just gone and gave me an insight as to how people in Manchester view, with anger, the appointment of Mark Ferguson as Director General of SFI. My facts state and these can be checked out by going on Google and looking up Renovo that this company had Stg1 million wiped of its value last year and that shareholders sustained a 75% loss in share price which I have no sympathy for because they took a gamble. However 200 people lost their jobs in Renovo and I have the deepest sympathy for them. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() If these documents are available they should list the interests of all directors and employees, where these pose a conflict of interest. What if they have not kept to protocol and are not available. This would question those appointing the DG. Is there an alterior motive in this appointments. It could serve the government well is SFI was disbanded and funds were then available to disperse elsewhere. This is not unusual in corporate politics, appointing a dud, scapegoat in order to cause the collapse of a department. Shareholders are then informed of the closure on the basis of it not being viable. The scapegoat, dud, is fired, they are very often victims of their own blind ambition. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() First I want to thank the Editors of Indymedia for downloading the relevant SFI code of conduct and Contract laws. Good move just in case SFI or Sherlock got memory loss/ Cllare Daly has compiled a series of questions for Brendan Howlin along with other TDs who are unhappy to say the least with the appointment ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Surfing through the net, looking for conspiracies and stumbled on this. Too much information, well no, not enough!!! I look for conspiracies in order to suffer from insomnia, to allow me to stay awake and aware through the long nights of minding other peoples empty offices. It makes me so annoyed that while reading I ignore the sound of breaking glass downstairs and continue. The local kids like throwing stones at derelict offices, I hope. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Indymedia and the creator of this site on" Cronyism...." have done this State a great service. They have done their research on the appointment of Mark Ferguson and on " the goings on" at SFI. This should have been done by the well paid selection panel and directors of SFI but clearly they only saw their role as rubber stamping the agenda of the "String Pullers". Sfi is everything a state agency should not be, thanks largely to hugely incompetent management and a greedy indifferent board of directors. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Reply to Insomnia et al. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Eoin O'Driscoll never explained how his daughter Eimer landed in Ferguson office. Could anyone answer the simple question as raised so many times before on this site? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Former Chairman of Intel, Frank McCabe, came out strongly today in relation to SFI and funding. McCabe stated that SFI has lost its way regarding funding the proper projects. He went on to state that mathematics and science are being totally neglected by Ferguson D-G SFI and his monkeys! It is now inevitable that SFI will amalgamate into the IDA and Enterprise Ireland. This will not suit Crocodile Ferguson and it will also put the shits up Donal Keane, Una Clifford (who has many questions to answer) and not forgetting free knicks Freeman. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yes Brian. Your posting caught my attention and I decided to treat myself to the Sunday Business Post and a coffee in Starbucks like others who are not following the Mayo Donegal match. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Reply to Chestnut: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Frank McCabe's article in The Sunday Business Post (23.09.2012) was very damning of SFI, - an organisation lacking in integrity led by "me too" incompetents like Love, onetime acting D-G and Renovo Ferguson. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Is there intended a sinister disbanding of SFI?. The diluting of IDA and Enterprise Ireland funds with those of the SFI could cause a reduction in overall funding while giving the appearance of increased support for development. Assume each has half a billion to invest. IDA could have this increased to one full billion by adding both the others. These could be combined to form one new organisation. The IDA “is responsible for the attraction and development of foreign investment in Ireland”, as such it need not even consider science other than in the context of direct corporate interest. “Enterprise Ireland is the government organisation responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprise in world markets”. While both are compatible, they are clear follow on concepts to that of SFI. “Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) invests in academic researchers and research teams who are most likely to generate new knowledge, leading edge technologies and competitive enterprises in the fields of science and engineering...” The amalgamation of these three organisation would therefore impact to a great extent on the funding of the department in the new organisation replacing SFI. As Enda Kenny has stated, we need to create jobs and viable business in the short term. Is it the policy of Enterprise Ireland to provide funding on the basis of short term viability? For instance generating within three years a turnover of one million Euro while employing ten full time staff as being a requirement for funding. This would automatically preclude any innovative research by the then SFI department. Funds would be provided for the quick reaction and not the serious research in long term development. As has been posted, this would have serious consequences for the long term viability of Ireland as a corporate destinations. Are we then destined as a location for cheap labour? Our 'brain drain' continues, those remaining may only have options of low earning, with a revision of minimum wages and perhaps short term tax incentives used in order to attract investment. As with many companies, these incentives are short lived and can only truly offer a temporary solution that would provide employment of a seasonal or migrate kind. This does not provide long term security. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I take Vogels comments as constructive insight on what we must preserve in relation to Maths and Science. The vested interests are a different matter. Ferguson is not here to improve our science going forward, he is here for profit. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I understand the view of Gale Vogel. But he has failed to recognise that SFI's remit has changed. It was once fundamental, underpinning science and engineering. Now it is into fast return and profit, all delusional of course. But even giving them the benefit of the doubt, there still is "Maybe". ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I agree with Flannery. I think Vogel may have missed a fundamental issue. SFI no longer caters for the fundamental sciences, Engineering and Mathematics, the core that gave credence for its existance. Failure to do this is a good enough reason for its demise. Catering for self interest in the case of Feguson or for private gain of a few selected individuals is no justification for its survival. Get rid of Ferguson and his cronies, clean up the SFI Board of self interested greedy incompetent individuals., back to its basic fundamental remit and maybe, just maybe, there is enough reason to keep it going, even at huge expense to the taxpayer. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() “Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) invests in academic researchers and research teams who are most likely to generate new knowledge, leading edge technologies and competitive enterprises in the fields of science and engineering...” ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Haven't we had enough of alleged cronyism, lack of integrity, covert dealings and dirty tricks by SFI? And now we are being treated (at least according to this site) to the laughable spectacle of Ruth Freeman (aptly named Freetravel on this site) of SFI allegedly seeking the position of Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government!! The arrogance of the people at SFI. Are we being reduced to the scraping of the barrell? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I've been awake sine 6 this morning looking forward to sitting down and getting my daily fix of indymedia. My 3 year old son talks all the time and asks questions. Today he was watching a cartoon about a king, I want to run a country and do sweet f**k ill. I asked him what he had said, I thought is strange. He had said he wanted to run country, like a king doing Sweet F**k Ill (SFI). I normally wait until his morning nap before thinking about SFI and indymedia but this morning there were too many reminders. His constant questions, each answer only leading to another question reminded me of Gale Vogels posts. but why? How? Who? and so on. Could Gale be a young child only asking again and again. With each time she assumes an answer more questions. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Pamela, is your son a young DG. Running a country while doing SFI (Sweet f**k Ill) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() WHAT DOES CRONYISM MEAN? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Incompetence has in the SFI case two possible meanings; simply being unable or the absence of power to act legally or professionally. It appears strongly probable that it is professional or legal incompetence by higher management arising out of the lack of honourable intention. The ability of those being removed is the brain drain being imposed by the management (DG and appointing politicians) and in no way reflects negatively on the professionalism of “the academics who have left the circus”. It is hoped that their ability will be suitably employed to provide Ireland with the continued reputation of excellence in the scientific field. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Major progress is being reported on Renovo - Ferguson, Director -General of SFI, taking over the country, like he said he would. He starts by positioning his Renovo buddies in influential roles at SFI. See Sunday Times of 30th Sept.2012. "Science Boss backs drug firm directors". He travels the world, in first class at Irish tax payers expense, on Renovo business. At SFI he pushed out any serious challenge to himself and or to his dubious and questionable management style. He presides with the help of his hand-picked team over a system of bully-boy tactics and the worse type of patronage. He talks openly of "useless academics" that need to be told a thing or two. He is trying to stop funding to mathematics and engineering on the grounds of their un-productiveness. He sneers at Government Ministers and shouts about putting them into their worm hole. Is Renovo - Ferguson unstoppable? It certainly seems so. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Sunday Times, 30th September 2012, has put this scandal at the gates of who will tell the TRUTH now. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Most people would think that German professors would be clever with numbers and have plenty of cop-on. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mark Tighe's report in the Sunday Times 30/09/2012 is extremely disturbing. The fact that Mark Ferguson was appointed by a selection panel and ratified by the board at SFI and Government Ministers speaks volumes of the unsuitability, lack of knowledge and understanding,and most worryingly the lack of morality and principles by those who settled him at the helm of SFI. How could a man, with a reputation like his, have got through the filter system, set up I hope, for those appointed to such positions in our state agencies? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Can we trust the Management team at SFI? Probably not - Robotics "Doctors" - Tools of Ferguson D-G of SFI "Their's not to reason why..." ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sitting on the bus on Stephen's Green, some people standing outside aiming to make someone else's negative equity, their gain, as the Allsop Space Fire Sale takes place. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Graham Love the man who believe he knows all but reality tells us this means Fuck all. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It seems to me that the pages of indymedia are being exploited in a quasi-conspiratorial fashion to mount a rotten smear campaign against Mark Ferguson who, like any citizen of Ireland, is entitled to his good name and safety from personal attack. The hackneyed rhetoric and constant repetition seems to me to be totally appalling broken record technique. I do not know how any rational discussion about science or science policy or the ramifications of science policy in Ireland could be carried on on this thread which is populated by a gaggle of low-class bullies. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mr. Crudden , you certainly seem to be very tetchy in your defence of the character of Mark Ferguson by the "gaggle of low-class bullies" on this site. I am surprised such a self elevated high-brow like your good self would deign to read Indymedia. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A discussion requires two sides, the refusal to release information under the freedom of information act, the refusal to answer questions, the failure even to partake of this 'discussion' is self flagellation. Perhaps from the exalted heights of the heavenly correct this floating rock is”populated by a gaggle of low-class bullies”, however, those of us who are merely human and beleaguered with the effects of rampant corruption in Ireland are entitled to know the purpose of our tax bill. These are simple questions that can easily be answered, if it is considered in the interest of the Irish public, or perhaps not if it is considered in some vested interest. This “hackneyed rhetoric” is reflected in mainstream media with a number of articles published as noted in these posts. To my view these are not for the most part a personal attack on any individual, other than perhaps the odd occasion where stress and frustration results in some being labelled as “low-class bullies” or other inappropriate or offensive language. These are an indictment of a system in freefall. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Well Miss Windy Bird. Where do you fit into all this? What is your particular interest? Have you exhausted all the channels open to you? What exactly do you want done if it is any different? Or are you just another floating flying Jeremiah? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The exhaustion of options is being employed, not only by those posting, but in the seeking through the freedom of information act, correspondence by hard media. SFI apparently refused to release the requested information on the basis that to so do would not be in the interest of the 'Irish Public'. This assumes the 'Irish Public' to be idiots and is highly insulting. Those exalted should afford to their employers (the Irish Public) the privilege of knowing their very hard earned tax to be well appointed. In Ireland, there is an apparent image of democracy, an autocracy in disguise it may well be where the silencing of questioners may well be successful. We are all citizens of Europe, where rot is the result of a new hierarchy of wealth that dictates the payment to unsecured bond holders of the assets of the Irish nation. This system permeates to institutions run by self appointed 'kings' who can apparently refuse to adhere to rules established to protect the people while harvesting their very life blood. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() According to the Sunday Times (30th. Sept.2012) and this site, SFI is refusing to disclose emails and declarations of interests by Mark Ferguson and the SFI Board members. Why is this the case when members of the Oireachtas have to do so? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Looking through the list of directors of SFI there appears a balance, with some having extensive academic and research experience while others hold or have held posts in high profile companies. Professor Patrick Fotrell has or has had links with Westgate Biological Ltd who have developed LactiSAL, an antibacterial topically applied technology. This company could perhaps be in direct competition with Renovo. Others have or had links with Creganna Tactx Medical or Clarigen. Some of the links are noted on SFI's website while others are not. Is this perhaps due to the contacts having lapsed? While it is perhaps important for SFI to have corporate experience in adviser, it is also important for these links to be divulged. As has been noted in previous posts, any connections that could pose a conflict of interest must be divulged. Any SFI decisions where there could be conflict must not include the connected director or adviser. It could therefore be assumed that any possible grant application made by Renovo or an Irish subsidiary should not include anyone with links to either Westgate or Renovo. The intention is that any decision to withhold funding based on a vested interest must be avoided. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The questions have been asked on this site to the SFI Board and Minister Sherlock. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() There appears to be so much cover up and with-holding of information at SFI that the suspicion is huge that D-G Ferguson and SFI Board members are up to all sorts of tricks. Maybe some misdemeanours too! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Innovation Advisory Partners, a private limited company set up in Ireland in 2011, has historic links with SFI. What warrants such a company to be established at such a fragile economic period in Irish history? It appears to be a company of international or global proportions or a clear mark of modern globalization. Modern globalization has at times the appearance of a cooperative between the peoples of disparate regions when in fact it is more often an amalgam of corporations and institutions under the control of corporate enterprise. The system of shared cost in investment in research and innovation means essentially that contractual control of the commercial viability is often vested in the corporation providing the matched funding. It has been required that the recipients of SFI funding seek higher proportion of private matched funding. Therefore the real value of that supported rests with the private investors and not the tax payers who may be footing a large bill or the lions share of the expense. Innovation Advisory Partners claims to “cultivate innovation through partnership” and “serve a select portfolio of clients from business, government and academia.” The trend towards corporate controlled academia has taken hold, due in part to the lack of sufficient public funding arising out of the Irish states persistence in bailing out unsecured bond holders. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Do Innovation Advisory Partners, like any consulting company advise? This type of company take a commission for introducing applicants to the source of funds. Where directors of these consultancies have a direct connection with the grant body there arrises an opportunity for exploitation. Where funds can be directed through these companies, and the directors of the grant body (SFI for instance) have a direct connection with the consulting company there arrises a conflict of interest. Is this why the query has risen? The widening web of intrigue is likely over time to include anyone in any authoriy in the country, especially related to science and education. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() From my reading of the contributions above and others, it appears to me that SFI has been hijacked in the interests of Mark Ferguson and a few others. This is absolutely outrageous. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mark Ferguson was appointed DG of SFI, taking up the post on 16th January 2012 after presumably signing a declaration of any possible conflicts of interest. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Gale, in your posting, this is the address noting that Mark Ferguson was still the Director of Renovo up to February 2012. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Someone who has time and interest should take the information presented so far here and draw up some kind of sheet with the names of the various people and their position and relations to Renovo and SFI and I am quite sure just doing that will clarify and solidify some of the relationships and facts. It could be quite instructive and make open up other questions no-one has thought of yet. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() T. Your suggestion makes good common sense, a graph would put together information that could create new questions. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() There has been discussion here of the SFI Board. Look at the SFI Annual Reports, available for download at: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I have been following this thread for months now with deep interest. It is not boring to say the least. Ferguson has many questions to answer I agree but my question is simple:- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() When do we join together and say stop to semi-state, public service, HSE. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() RIA - today is the day. Will our academics as listed both today and yesterday have a voice about the negativity of SFI DG Professor Mark Ferguson to mathematics and our young people, their education, their future contribution to our country. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Did Sherlock stand on front of many academics today at the RAI to endorse the actions of SFI and in particular Mark Ferguson? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Science is the both the practical and theoretical application of knowledge about the physical and natural world. In this definition is evidence that science in fact pre-dates much of early civilisation. The cultivation of domestic crops, the breeding of domestic animals, art and observation of the heavens have all been demonstrated and accepted as having occurred well over five thousand years ago, even in Ireland. It is shocking for anyone to state that it “started in Europe about four hundred years ago”. There is ancient evidence throughout the world of 'science' so long before this that it beggars belief to have a pivotal member of the Irish scientific community state this publicly. This together with the 'carefully prepared' introduction of Craig Venter recently is demonstrative of someone who fails to prepare. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Many postings have been put up here in the past number of months. Serious questions remain. It now exceeds Renovo now it goes onto Shell Oil. Ferguson needs to come out now and stop obstructing people from getting the information that the Irish taxpayer is entitled to. Sources within SFI are deeply concerned of the number of people who have been bullied and harassed out of their jobs. Una Clifford is illegally acting as the lawyer for SFI and shortly down the road Una will have serious questions to answer. She signed contracts solo in her name and now the facts state she did not have the authority to do so. Una is only part-time in HR SFI, yet she acts as if she is the Attorney General. Ferguson will not back her up when things begin to get complicated. Let's be honest not one question has been answered so far on this site or in the main stream media. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Quangos used to be the battle cry of Fine Gael and what they were going to do. Instead they are focused on bleeding every drop of blood from the private sector and middle income Ireland by way of taxes on income versus wealth. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() What effect has SFI had in terms of strategy for Ireland? There should be statistics available for the amount of investment has been provided for those seeking to establish in Ireland and thereby information on the amount of jobs generated. Information should also be available as to the efficacy on the technological trade improvements arising out of SFI funding. Impacts on employment and any other improvement to the Irish economy from investment made by the tax payers of Ireland needs to be highlighted in order to lift the spirit of an injured community. More pointedly this is needed in order to demonstrate that decisions made have been informed and intended for the greater good. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I have been reading this topic on Cronyism and inadvertently articles in the press for some months now. I have learned a lot from the comments. As a retired academic myself I have the advantage of age and hindsight to say a few words. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Irish Times last weekend, the posts here, the falling standards over the past decades in our schools and the excuses. The question that needs to be asked is whether the SFI is viable. How many jobs have been created through the efforts of SFI over the years since its establishment? Could the funds be issued proportionately to each college, based on the calibre of professors and post grad students. Maths standards as noted in the Irish Times article are effected right from the stratosphere to the deep mantle, from the highly qualified to the child in pre-school. Where funding is withdrawn from anywhere it effects everywhere. Where funding is diverted through a mechanism it is diluted and lacks efficiency. There has been a focus in SFI on creating jobs, what success? This focus takes the emphasis away from education. It also copies other organisations, EI, IDA, enterprise boards, so why more? The support structure for education is full of the qualified. The same support structure for assisting corporations and enterprise through science and maths is full of the same qualified. The qualified focus on their field, the more qualified are often more focussed, this means that they perhaps lack the experience or ability to make important decisions on who gets what. They are needed perhaps to advise, but not decide. The IDA, EI et all are already there. SFI needs to support education and research. SFI could be a department in any of the others. As said this could save the Irish taxpayer money, that is correct. But to say that it could save the full budget is misleading, that money is still needed for the support of education and research. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It now appears that Ferguson is a very vital component in the Shell operation (could it be biofuels!!!) in the Corrib. Last month he hosted a meeting beside Pat Rabbitte in relation to oil exploration off the west coast of Ireland. Ferguson now is blatantly abusing his position as SFI chief and also sources inform us that he is technically a director of the failed Renovo ... and substantial shareholder. I now ask the question why this coalition is allowing this man to abuse his power or may I say his blatant arrogance in abuse of his portfolio as SFI chief. This portfolio and the areas to be covered shamefully excludes mathematics and science. Yet Ferguson is only interested in commercialisation and profit. He now is evidently pissing on all academics from our leading Universities particularly those in the fields of Mathematics and Economics. I again ask about the alarming number of shares he holds in Shell and how some months ago he said openly in the Sunday Times 'that he runs this country'. Sadly nobody to date has dismissed his comments. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 4 different newspapers have applied for the Freedom of Information Act to try and get the full facts in relation to failed dentist from Manchester now D-G of Science Fiction Ireland. Fergusons blatant refusal backed up by the board of SFI is making journalists more focused on finding out the truth. He recently was refused Government Financial backing too try and silence his critics on this site and in the national media. Questions keep mounting but sources coming from Enterprise Ireland allegedly a leaked document states that Ferguson and his other partner Max Royde both also Renovo connections are involved in the exploration of oil in many countries. These sources believe not just has Ferguson major interests in Shell but he is now turning his focus towards Tullow Oil. This is most disturbing and also he has sent out some engineers to Kampala on a scouting expedition. This man is unfit for purpose and as this site and the Phoenix repeatedly state - he is money mad. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Pat Rabbitte celebrates the change to digital T.V. Today. Digitising information has been practised throughout Ireland with planning applications being freely available easily and quickly. The internet has proven to be of high value in both seeking and dissipating information as can easily be attested to in these pages on indymedia. It is therefore incomprehensible that information which should be freely available is so effectively blocked. The apparent and repeated seeking of information through the Freedom of Information Act has been corrupted in the interest of a very small number of people. Were this information provided, to reiterate would, where protocol and ethics have been followed, demonstrate the many comments here noted to be unfounded. It is perhaps becoming too late for this to be effective due to the refusal to issue apparently harmless information. However, a refusal to show the colour red can never demonstrate it to be green. Turning the lights off to say that we are all smiling is insulting to the intelligence of those seeking answers. Freedom of access to information that concerns the Irish people, especially from state controlled organisations should be easily available without delay. Scans of information should be available on line, similar to that of seeking planning application information. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Frank Ryan head of Enterprise Ireland (semi-state) spoke on radio this morning in relation to science or the lack of research in Science. Mr Ryan went on to say we need to focus urgently on science and maths. This is totally inept communication given EI and SFI share the same building at Wilton Place, Dublin 2. Again we can re-iterate that the decision to appoint Ferguson was driven by a motive of fast track commercial gain to £1.3 billion portfolio built up since inceptionof SFI in 2003. Quite clearly our politicians have an eye to making quick commercial gains, which is what the Government needs given the economic crisis in Ireland. The problem is: Conflicts of interest. Profit driven access to potential investments via our University hub networks. Senior staff at SFI should hold their heads in shame. They have failed to stand up to the bully Ferguson. Meantime - mathematics, science and our young people. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Tánaiste Eamonn Gilmore today said, “we will not tolerate any disapprobation or any misuse of Irish taxpayers' money” in relation to the unauthorised diversion of aid funds to Uganda that came to light today. It is very gratifying to know the care and attention that our leaders practice regarding the use of our valuable taxpayers' money. How much is it that the DG of SFI can apparently spend without proper sanction? It has been cited as being up to €3 million, just one million less than that apparently lodged into an unauthorised account in Kampala. Can we all rest assured that the allocation of funds through SFI will not be similarly misused? Are senior members of SFI to travel to Kampala in the very near future? What is the purpose of such a visit? It was the auditor general in Uganda who brought this €4 million to the attention of the Irish Government. Perhaps it might also be warranted to watch the actions of other state sponsored organisations visiting the region, and other regions where any unauthorised diversion of funds may be possible. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sfi now has entered the Offshore oil exploration agenda with Ferguson leading the pack of sheep Academics. Who in Goverment sanctioned this change in SFI policy. SFI was founded to enhance Science and Maths/ Why the sudded change of direction. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 'Worked in SFI for approximately 4 years'! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Frank Ryan of enterprise Ireland is retiring before the end of the year and on a extravagant pension too so he can say whatever he wants now about the lack of research in science and maths in the months before he retires. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Professor Mark Ferguson is appointed as Chief Scientific Advisor to the Irish Government on Friday 26th October. Richard Bruton describes this latest move as a consolidation of resources. It has been suggested that this of itself poses a conflict of interest as evaluation and assessment are now to be by the same party. Sean Sherlock, Pat Rabbitte, and now Richard Bruton and by extension and leadership Enda Kenny are all party to an affirmation of the role that Mark Ferguson holds. Perhaps they know more than the answers to the questions raised in these posts. If so, it is vital that this information is divulged. Who is pulling the strings? The man who claimed to be “running a country” appears to be more correct than any of us imagined. The influence that he holds has now been increased dramatically, he can advise our guardians to sell the oil fields, our energy, he is well positioned to share information with other stakeholders. Stakeholders in what? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() At a time when the rest of Europe is re-discovering the importance of maths and engineering to their economic recovery one of Ireland's major funding agencies, Science Foundation Ireland, decides these areas of expertise are not worth funding! - Most extraordinary. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thewe awe two types of knowing, those you know and those you don't. When placed in the context of cwonyism this is of vital impowtance. Do people get jobs because they awe known, I knew Mawk when I was a child, I knew him to be slightly conceited, he thought that the wouwld wevolved awound him. He would laugh at the misfowtune of Lauwel. He would take cake hoping not to be seen. You don't know him! I wouldn't give him a job, because I knew him when he was fouw yeaws old. I have seen his faults the same way I have seen the faults of my own bwothews and sistews. I wouldn't give my own child a job, he's too unweliable, he's thwee. Maybe I'd never give him a job, for I know him now to be unweliable. He's also undew qualified for any job, apawt from pewhaps DG of SFI. If I know somebody well, I know theiw faults and if they'we good enough for the job I might ovewlook theiw childhood foibles and go ahead and appoint them. This is a BIG maybe! Cwonyism! It is faw easiew to believe the hype that a stwangew pwovides and appoint them wegawdless of my own childhood fwiend Mawk being pewhaps mowe suitable. Ow you might pewhaps appoint Mawk, believing his hype simply due to him being a stwangew. Eithew way, it seems impossible to know what is wight ow wwong. My own qualification awe gweat and vawied, but I can't get a job in Iweland because I have a speech impediment, I can't pwonounce my aww's. They know my education and define me by my faults. They don't know his faults, and believe his education and define him by what they see. They believe what they see! I could choose to explain myself without highlighting any fault, by simply discounting the speech impediment. I could focus on my qualifications and ability without highlighting any fault. But if questioned it would be difficult to avoid, the hues of lights at junctions cannot be stated without my faults being displayed. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Following this thread, I am disturbed with the latest appointment of Mark Ferguson. The Irish Government are sanctioning the actions of Mark Ferguson by this appointment (disappointment). While we are not in possession of the full facts, the rumours or questions that have been raised should have our ministers asking questions or both SFI and themselves. Who has initiated this latest post? The last comments are curious. Is this a referrence to Mawk being a four year old child or someone with the social character of a four year old child? How many times should the questions be asked, or how many times should the information be sought before someone in authority wakes up. They could quell the fears or concerns of the Irish people and respond to the articles in the national press, the questions here and respond lawfully to the request under the freedom of information act. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Proposal : Load in this info and turn it into PQs to the relevant Ministers, they must reply and it is then on the record. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mick ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The appointment of Mark Ferguson is indeed bizzare. It is esentially a "finger up" to the contributers on this site who have striven, in the national interest, to expose what could be interpreted as the very questionable dealings of Mark Ferguson in his previous and possibly present positions. It is also a contemptuous response to a large swathe of the academic community who likewise have expressed concerns about the suitability of this man for the post of Director General of Science Foundation Ireland. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Reading the Times on Wednesday gave me a sense of the GUBU years again. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Our constitution makes the government responsible to An Dáil. It is required that government ministers must report on the management of their departments. Any member of An Dáil can table Parliamentary Questions (PQs) to the relevant minister. Oral PQs are answered twice weekly in the case of An Taoiseach and once every six weeks in all other cases. Written PQs are answered in writing. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Do we go to the RDS and ask question where they may not be answered? Do we go to our local TDs who may choose to ask the questions that we ask? Will these be ignored also? The reality that I see since the almost complete collapse of our country is that people have remained largely quiet. The questions have been asked openly but answers have not been demanded, other than within the corrupt confines of our increasingly inept legal system. Information requests are being ignored under the freedom of information act. The abolition of posts and their inclusion in conflicting posts in order to save money, excused as streamlining. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sfi ought to be told that the commericalisation of science and job creation in science happened long before Mark Ferguson or SFI for that matter, came into being.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Where is the Vision? Why the lack of vision? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Gale Vogel explains the PQ process. If you troll through the posts on this topic, (no pun intended) there are a lot of questions. It is possible to cut and paste a list, print it our and bring some copies with you while voting on Saturday. There may be come TDs there and they can ask these questions. Choose the questions that resonate. For your convenience, I've spent some time trolling, and below are the questions. I've not included all questions, as not all have question marks. Nor have I included all 'comments' with question marks. These are all quoted questions from the posts. Good luck! (Note: not "Good luck?") ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Vested interest person or groups do not have the skills to make good decisions in matters of national importance or in the interest of the common weal. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A number of TD's and senators are waiting for answers concerning Professor Mark Ferguson appointed Director-General SFI in January of this year and who recently without question was appointed by Government to the role of Chief Scientific Adviser to Government with no extra remuneration just a duplication of Ferguson's workload. Conflicts of interest abound but no one seems to care. This man cannot hide much longer from the powers of the Oireachtas Committee. Taxpayers demand answers about Renovo and Fergusons dubious vested interests which quite clearly appear to be undeclared. Why has this much circulated in the media scandal received such Government protection and silence. Clearly there are questions to be answered. Scientists of world renown and eminence have been scoffed at, demeaned and shafted and this is of relevance to the future of our young people. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() From Indymedia to Forbes (article by John Farrell) see link http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnfarrell/2012/11/09/the-...s-ire... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() First, let me apologise for correcting punctuation with the comparison of question marks and exclamation marks. My apology is more warranted due to my own errors. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ferguson will have to face an Oireachtas Dail Committee after being slated in an article in Forbes magazine. It also shows the failures of Sherlock and Bruton in this ongoing scandal. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yesterday in Dublin Richard Bruton addressed a gathering on how Ireland should move forward in relation to science (Science week) and the objections that lay ahead. Ferguson made his speech which was relayed on Radio 1 Drive Time yesterday at 17.45. He mentioned medical devices and the importance of commercialisation in relation to science. Sources today who contacted me - people who attended the launch yesterday, were totally in shock at the inadequate discussion about mathematics (STEM) especially how we tackle the problem in the schools and university campuses. Ferguson stated on 5 occasions to the amazement of people that he was not an arrogant man. It came to a stage where people were actually laughing in the audience. One source informed me that Bruton never looked at Ferguson while he was speaking. Sherlock apparently looked like the mouse at a Cat's Convention. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It is science week. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() First, let's not assume that the DG of SFI is alone in “causing a major divide and contempt across this island,” even in relation to science. He has been appointed to posts and those appointing him, if the comment is accurate, share in the blame. The people of this country, and more particularly those in science academia are also responsible, through silence. From the many posts, it appears that this country is being willingly walked to slaughter. The people, like children are not having sweets taken from them on this fatal walk, but are by their own volition smiling as they freely give the sweets away. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Who runs the country?" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Now we know the aim of the game of science is profit and as quick as possible. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Another cry from the wilderness in defence of STEM! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Quango. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This morning at the elite RDS breakfast, the failed Renovo Professor Ferguson sat down and ate porridge with idiots who were foolish enough to pay £200 per head for the nightmare or some might call it privilege. As the breakfast meeting was going on sources within Labour party have contacted me in relation to Ferguson and their deep concerns about how this man could manufacture a CV witholding the main facts of his business of one year ago (Renovo). In the middle of all this 5 experienced journalists have now applied for FOI papers in relation to internal emails which Ferguson has blocked from the Irish taxpayers. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Two tiers : those who have entitlements and those who have not. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It is required that many of those educated travel first class to India simply to maintain their sense of reason in this country of ridiculous contradiction. Professionals wait in line for food while we seek new professionals from across the world. We seek from the rescuers their very means of rescue and throw them back in the whirlpool, laughing all the while as we sit in our spacious aircraft sipping and getting drunk on a reality most can only imagine. They dream of the next meal while we dream of conquest and riches, investing their tax in our luxury. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() SFI is struggling against a tide of turmoil, fighting to climb a mountain through a jungle of attack and criticism in order to secure the lives of the children not only of this country but of those throughout the world. As needs must, it is important, if not vital, that that future will provide jobs and a purpose even beyond mere employment. Any promise given in this political and scientific climate is an expression of hope. All attempts are worthy of praise and credit should be given where due. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 60 academics along with a coterie of public servants arrive back from India today. At what cost to the Irish taxpayer just before ordinary Irish people face another painful penal budget to please the Troika and the other headless chickens in Germany and France. We thought it was all over when FAS got a major shake up but sadly I was wrong. Some members within SFI have informed me in the last few days that Ruth Freeman travelled first class and her total bill alone to the Irish taxpayer was in the region of £12,000. This woman has been pumped up by the previous SFI head Frank Gannon and now sources tell me she has been pumped up again by failed Renovo now SFI boss Ferguson. Freeman this year along has cost the Irish taxpayer for travel stamped by SFI approval in the region of £48,000. This is a scandal in itself and needs urgent attention by members of a Dail Oireachtas committee. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The response from traveller ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I have been reading this topic for the past number of months and as my sister informed me some people don't like change especially when a new Head arrives in the Semi-State sector. Mark Ferguson arrived last January and he has made sweeping changes in a way nobody else before him has even thought about. People are may I say certain academics who thought they would have their contracts extended were sadly mistaken and also sometimes their wives get so used to the cosy lifestyle that they expect no less. Ferguson has many faults, I agree, and he may also have many questions to answer but right now he is in charge and he has a vision for this country and science in Ireland. He didn't really have to come to Ireland, Ferguson is a self-made multi-millionaire, and this job in SFI, as a lot of people say is just a hobby to him. He is more interested in his new role as the Governments Chief Scientific Adviser. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() As the previous post stated I also have been reading the multiple comments on this particular SFI topic. Ferguson has many questions to answer - I fully agree especially in connection with Renovo Manchester. But I also have to state that SFI, which was founded in 2001, was a complete farce under Bill Harris and Frank Gannon. With the arrival of Ferguson last January and all his reported faults, he did delete all those who were surplus to requirements. What I mean by this is simply the cost of the contracts that some people were on was a scandal in itself. Some staff were on £3,000-£4,500 weekly plus expenses and they did not create a single job in this country. In fact as a semi-state retired employee myself some ex SFI staff were an obstacle in the way of progress and creating employment. I agree with Brian Flannery that Ferguson Keane Una Clifford and Ruth Freeman need to face an Oireachtas Committee but as we all know this may never happen. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Brown nose that I may appear to be, I may not condone the actions of SFI recently, however there is in later posts some defence of policies. There is a balance appearing in these posts that I believe to be welcome. I would dearly love to inspect the finances of the SFI in detail and to establish the return based on investment, I am perhaps of the impression that this is being done and as noted, there has been removed excess from the organisation in the interest of economy. Economy has been noted in this regard as being a bad thing, while simultaneously the absence of economy has too been criticised. Only with some balance in these posts will the truth be established. An emphasis on creating jobs is in the short term in science, misguided. I cite the example of Lord Rayleigh's drag equation and the subsequent development of aerodynamics as a science. The practicality that provided the means for generating employment in this example followed its initiation by a mere 50 or so years. Science is a slow means of generating jobs. Nobody can change that. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The scandal continues in semi-state elite sections. The week this junket stayed in India and the cost to the Irish taxpayers is in the region I have been told by reliable sources within Enterprise Ireland is approximately £248,000. This is in my opinion a criminal act to a point in the present climate in this recession and just before Slash Wednesday, our Budget yet again against the working man/woman in this sad State. How can any minister Bruton, Sherlock, Noonan, and the rest condone such a waste of taxpayers money. I believe some members of SFI also known as Toyland Ireland travelled to India also. This is a trip that has all the hallmarks of Roddy Molloy and the FAS contingent of not so very long ago. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It appears that the elite of Ireland have an intention to colonise distant lands in an attempt to rid this lonely country of the resources remaining. In this I refer to the recent excursion to India, the sale of off shore rights, the removal of those academics who now seek employment abroad and the payment of funds to foreign lands in the apparent interest of the people and taxpayers of Ireland. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ESOF earlier on this year. By now SFI should know the benefits generated to Ireland from being host to such an esteemed conference. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Maths and science performance in education
is again in the news. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Manchester Evening News. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Renovo is maximizing potential for its shareholders again. This time its direction is away from the specifics of pharmaceutical, scar tissue, to the interests of being a provider of financial solutions to small and medium size enterprise in the UK (Ireland too, I would think). Renovo have invested £1.7 m in the placings ("investment") for which it will initially receive 8,659,080 ordinary shares in the capital of ULTIMATE FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS. It is due to be admitted to trading on AIM on 27th December 2012. It will receive more shares at a later time. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ultimate Financial Solutions is the new linkage to Renovo. Deal done 21/12/12 just after the sale of Prevascar on 13/12/12. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The new year is almost upon us and this site has raised question after question for over 6 months now on the conflicts of interest that may apply to the appointment of Professor Mark Ferguson as Director General on 16/01/12 to the position of Science Foundation Ireland and to the further appointment granted to him as Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government later on in 2012. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Did I hear on the news today that Enterprise Ireland created 16,000+ jobs last year. If so, well done but we need so many more. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Enterprise Ireland are not creating as many jobs as you think. In many instances they are using key manager employment grants to make a manager get a higher title, moving the person from one title to another, without actually hiring more people, thus inflating the numbers. You would need to get a good investigator to do some digging around the 16,000 figure. The numbers are as inflated as the egos in Enterprise Ireland. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ALL Waste or Not? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() To zzzz and Watch ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The previous 3 postings suggest we are all coming from the same hymn sheet and 'quangoitis'. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() SFI is in the news again, thanks to Indymedia and the committed postings by various concerned people, especially those who seek to promote Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics ("STEM"). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() What a shame. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mark Ferguson is a full year as head of SFI Ireland today 16th January 2013. Dick Ahlstrom interviewed Mr Ferguson in the Irish Times article dated 14th January 2013 with the theme that Science Foundation Ireland director's plans are now 'better understood by the research community'. Reference is made to the dissent of certain academics to his appointment. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Having recently had the absolute pleasure of witnessing the enthusiasm, hope and joy of science in Ireland's Young Scientist Exhibition, I would like to offer praise to all involved. This includes Science Foundation Ireland as an apparently minor sponsor of this event and in particular to Mark Ferguson for prevailing in his tenure for an entire year today in spite of there being some criticism. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The supply chain to create STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) pool needs attention to ensure economic growth in the Ireland going forward. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() In the article in The Irish Times on 14th Jan. 2013 where Mark Ferguson is interviewed by Dick Ahlstrom, Mr. Ferguson clearly nails his and SFI's problems: "He puts the difficulties down to poor communication". "Early on it was about communications, he says.........." ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() First I want to congratulate Brian Flannery and Indymedia for bringing this ongoing scandal to the fore in relation to the massive waste of taxpayers money - just to enhance personal egos. I totally agree with Researcher in the above posting. SFI has hired a most expensive PR agency to promote their propaganda across to mainstream science in Ireland. But serious questions are arising again out of the murky waters of what really goes on behind the doors in SFI. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() As a retired semi-state worker with over 35 years experience I am bewildered at what I hear about the recent events within SFI and the cost to the Irish taxpayers. I never passed middle management and the only reason I can give is that I never joined any internal click. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() In the year 2012 Ferguson did spend in excess of £400,000 on his own PR. Mark Tighe, Sunday Times, who came on Indymedia asking questions is still waiting for answers through the FOI papers he lodged 6 months ago. Also the Irish Daily Mail has lodged similar papers on behalf of the taxpayers of Ireland. My research in the last 6 months through sources in Enterprise Ireland have confirmed to me that only 32 jobs were created by SFI last year and of these 8 withdrew and left the country and others had their contracts terminated. As I write this I believe the Manchester Evening News is investigating historic data on Renovo. It is also alleged that Graham Love who left SFI last month is writing a book on his experiences on working in SFI and there is a possibility this will blow the story wide open and there may be some truth if good men stand up. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() SFI appears to be the Quango of all Quangos (see article Sunday Business post via web £60 million to R&D). The reality is it cannot operate without input from Enterprise Ireland and the IDA. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The race is on for St Paddy's Day. A list of SFI members are lobbying for places on the plane to the White House. Not a bad turn around for a failed Renovo boss to be able to pick and choose his cronies to travel by his side and Sherlocks on March 17th. The question is at what cost to the Irish taxpayers? Ruth Freeman and Una Clifford must be leading the pack at present. Sources within SFI suggest that there may be a case pending against HR in relation to alleged bullying in 2012. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Private companies now are making inroads into Irish science research. I noticed a good article written by Professor McInerney, Maynooth Univerisity recently when he endorsed many of the points made on this site. McInerney went onto say Ireland is going in the wrong direction and it will be to our detriment. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The normal working hours in semi-state bodies and quangos is 9 to 5pm weekdays. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Frank Ryan, CEO or Enterprise Ireland appeared before an Oireachtas Committee some days ago. When asked by Richard Boyd Barret how many jobs Enterprise Ireland had created in 2011, the answer was astonishing. Ryan replied that it was not a good year due to the current climate and we only produced 11 new businesses. This is coming from a man with a tax payers budget of more than one billion annually. Yet this made no mainstream media headlines and this to me is a shocking indictment of the lack of real news, this is lacking in the media at present. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() In the last few months I have been reading Indymedia with deep interest. SFI - Science Foundation Ireland is the talk of the semi-state sector in general. I worked for over 30 years in various semi-state quangos and I have seen first hand the bullying the established so called classes and the elite who regularly travel as if they were using their own monies. All of the time I realised the waste that went on in semi-state bodies but reading the above postings in the last number of months it has brought home to me old memories I thought had gone out with various new codes of conduct. Sadly I see this is not true. It actually has got a lot worse. I now run my own small business and I struggle like the rest. First, I want to applaud Indymeia for bringing the crisis to the attention of thousands of people relating to SFI during 2012 and especially when Ferguson arrived in January of that year. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Speaking to inside sources in Enterprise Ireland some days ago - the story is that the strife continues in SFI. Since Graham Love's sudden departure allegations have been on the increase in relation to how Ferguson is running the show. The bullying continues and others it is believed are soon to leave in a matter of months. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() FOI papers. Ferguson and those wagons are circled! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Having read again some of the comments to this post I find myself baffled. The delay in any of the sought information being released is clearly the opposite of that intended with the act. Is it that the true purpose of the act is to baffle? Or perhaps being simply labelled an act is sufficient to warrant pretence. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Further power is being thrust on SFI with the channelling of funds to the proposed centres. What autonomy will each of these centres have? Will the funds be allocated on the basis of projects or on the reputation of the institution? The focus on jobs will according to many academics result in a detrimental diluting of science resources in Ireland. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The powers that be did embrace change at SFI as can be seen from the foregoing postings which detail Professor Mark Ferguson's arrival at Wilton Terrace and his management style which ousted the entrenched public service mindsets in favour of the private sector philosophy. He appears to be, based on the Dick Ahlstrom article in today's Irish Times, the man who is capable of usurping the skeptical academics who sought pure research, and is the person in favour of much needed research that aims to prioritise job creation. The outcome is that the Government is kick-starting the radical reform of how it actually invests in scientific research. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Blake, your contribution above mirrors the spin and doctoring of the Dept. of Enterprise and Innovation as reported in the national media. They would do Dr. Goering proud! Yours however has the distinction of healthy skeptism and disbelief. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Reading the above comments my old Boss came a long way from losing 250 jobs at Renovo in Manchester to running Irelands science ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mark Ferguson came to these shores 14 months ago. Behind him he left the legacy of failure, job losses and a bill for the English taxpayer of £100 million sterling. Now Sherlock and Bruton have appointed him as SFI DG and also to the post of Chief Scientific adviser to this Coalition government. Last week he was given a further £300 million of taxpayers money on top of the £200 million allocated to SFI each year. I do know that this has sent alarm bells through the corridors of the universities and various semi-state bodies. It is also alleged that Frank Ryan CEO of Enterprise Ireland is due to resign in the autumn and rumours are surfacing from semi-state heads that Ferguson has put his name forward to replace Frank Ryan. I dread to think that this man can run three or possibly more portfolios as I would hope, if these rumours are true, he would leave SFI to somebody independent and capable. Many people behind the scenes in the science arena are deeply concerned and I ask them now to stand up and stop the cronyism and I put the question to Minister Sherlock how come four academics have left SFI in the last 14 months while Ferguson is now free to place his own team around him. Don't forget this man played the same game in Renovo in Manchester and don't forget the legacy left there. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() If Mark Ferguson is as big a blatherer as Enterprise Ireland's CEO Frank Ryan, he should be well able for the job. Besides the enormous salary and pension that Ryan is undeservedly paid, think of the perks,the chauffeur-driven car, his car and horse box being insured by the tax payer ( that is if Ferguson races the nag and doesn't it have instead of a big mac), paid lunches and wine bills (why does the taxpayer pay for Ryan's meals considering the €400K salary?), etc, etc, it's a cushy wine-and-dine number to have. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() As we are all aware next week the jumbo jets fly all the elites from the semi-states in Ireland to the White House. I wonder is Horse on the menu this year. Sources tell me the bitching has already begun in SFI and also in Enterprise Ireland and we can also include Tourism Ireland this year. SFI's Ruth Freeman has stated in internal emails that mistakes of last year will not be repeated. With Graham Love, Dodds, Murtagh, and others who have been deleted by Ferguson in the twelves months since his arrival, Freeman states clearly she has the right this year, as director of communications, she has now the right to go to the White House. However Ruth may not get her wish because Julie Sinneman and Mark Christal of Enterprise Ireland have their names on the same ticket. Next week the Irish taxpayers fork out over £1 million euros for these ego trippers. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() St Patrick's day at the White House Mr Flannery sounds a competitive advantage mentality at loggerheads between DG of SFI and the DG of Enterprise Ireland accentuated by the desire to be part of the chosen elite. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Angus Russell CEO, Shire (Dow Jones stock exchange) stated in 2007 his company lost US$75 million it paid to Renovo now (AIM listed). The collapse of the Shire-Renovo deal was ranked at No 2 of the top ten bio-tech deal failures of 2011. It signaled the end of Renovo and Ferguson. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The above posting is totally correct. The CEO of Shire Mr Russell is not a happy man in the year 2013. Reading recently on an English scientific magazine, Russell stated that one of his biggest disappointments as CEO of Shire was believing in the bluff and huf that Ferguson spun out on a monthly basis in Manchester regarding Renovo. We now know the facts. Renovo never produced a single drug or scar healing/wound medication - not even a single tablet yet it left a legacy of debts and losses between investors workers and loans exceeding £250 million. As Shire's CEO stated how could Ferguson be appointed Ireland's Chief Scientific Adviser to the government of Ireland as well as the role of DG of Science Foundation Ireland. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ferguson, it is alleged has threatened to walk if his salary is not upgraded to that of CEO of Enterprise Ireland's Frank Ryan which is £420,000 plus expenses, car and driver, pension etc. Sources within semi-state have informed their outside contacts that a rift is getting bitter between Ferguson (failed Renovo boss) and Ryan, Enterprise Ireland. Sherlock is trying in vain to play down the rift and has asked advisers to uncap Ferguson's pay. Morale is at an all time low at SFI, Wilton Place and most of the senior staff including some eminent scientists have already left. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It has been said that is we fail to learn from history we will be doomed to repeat it. I would be very surprised if Mark Ferguson has forgotten about Renovo. If he has we are doomed, it appears that if It the posts are true we are still doomed. The opportunities that present through SFI and as Chief Government Advisor are huge. It would be a fool who would forget Renovo in this light, Mark Ferguson is not a fool. It would take high ethics and strong character to avoid such a resurrection when presented with conflicting interests of the kinds noted. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yes, I most definitely agree with the previous poster. Mr Ferguson appears to be so capable and eminent he should be encouraged to negotiate a deal based on creating suitable employment for the many people in desperate need of an opportunity to work ('in our lean lands'). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The junkets are all back from the global exodus of the Paddy Day charade on taxpayers money. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Labour yesterday got the answer and Gilmore now needs to get out but who will take over - could it be Sean Sherlock? Sherlock was given a free reign in relation to science and maths and the future of our students in this country. What has happened since is listed in the over 400+ postings. Semi-state sources have informed me in the last number of weeks that Sherlock is trying to cover his back relating to the appointment of Mark Ferguson, Renovo and now chief of SFI plus Chief Adviser to this ailing coalition government. It is ironic that Sherlock is trying to distance himself in relation to Ferguson because he has backed him up in relation to the top five academics who were pushed out of Wilton Place in the last 12 months. Richard Bruton, it appears now is trying to play catch-up and is asking some serious questions as to the direction of SFI and where Ferguson and his private investors (Kestril) are taking science in Ireland. In all my years working in semi-state I have never witnessed the rumours, the back-biting, but above all the cover-ups relating to certain appointments and dismissals in SFI which is only created in 2001. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() In reply to Mary, I agree in total. The Sunday Times are waiting for the Freedom of Information papers to give the Irish taxpayers the full disclosure of Ferguson and SFI, Wilton Place. We now live in penal times of austerity yet this small semi-state SFI is a law onto itself. Ferguson seems to be unaccountable. Una Clifford is still operating as a legal advisor in relation to employees contracts yet her position is in human resources. The Board of Directors at present has vacancies and Ferguson is alleged to have free reign as to who gets the nod. Sherlock is a lame duck and seems to have lost control. Clare Daly seems to have been side-tracked alas by Ferguson. It baffles how a failed ego-driven dentist can hold so much power? People are suffering while they wine and dine and it appears there is not a single job created. What's going on? Would someone stand up and talk? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() SFI shifted gear when Ferguson became Chief Executive in 2012. Eminent scientists did not have their contracts renewed, if they were not commercial return orientated within a much shorter time scale than previously fostered. STEM suffered in this sea change. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() we have abundant wave and wind resources off the coast of Ireland. It's the ideal location for wave power. It's totally short sighted to let that go in favour of tax dodging US corporations. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() SFI are in existence for 12 years now. There's been four people at the helm as director general, the current being Mark Ferguson, the failed entrepreneur of Renovo in Manchester. I agree with Fred that something is rotting in our semi-state across the board, but SFI and its new policies under Ferguson are not working. With now over one year in control and his letter written to Enda Kenny two months into his tenure claiming that he would provide hundreds of jobs, where are the jobs? No questions have been answered. Few jobs appear to have been created, if any! Where is the tax payers money going? Is this a gamble too far? At the moment, Sean Sherlock is debating with himself, would he joining Nessa Childers and leave the labour sinking ship. If this happens it will definitely weaken Fergusons position as being untouchable in SFI, because Sherlock was the main instigator of Fergusons appointment from Renovo in Manchester., to SFI in January 2012. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I again go back to the letter Mark Ferguson sent to Enda Kenny, Taoiseach, in April 2012. It is said to have detailed the promise of 100 jobs+ to be created by his team in SFI in the science sector. Ferguson has huffed and puffed and we must now ask the question how many jobs have actually been created by SFI. The absence of rhetoric and spin suggests the answer is none. If this is so, it is like Ferguson's Renovo endeavours when not one trial drug passed approval Could SFI performance be about another failure? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Unions are in negotiation, some say yes to Croke II but others say No. What we really need in Ireland now is to tackle unemployment (nearly 500,000 unemployed), create enterprise and economic growth. Austerity is not working but the question is have we tackled the age old question of cutting cloth according to its measure yet. This is the hard question and we need to ask it and get answers. The cost benefit analysis needs to be applied to the public sector which is now so much more privileged than those eeking out an existence in the private sector which is deprived of credit by the ineptiude of our banking sector and coalition government. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Looking at Ferguson's (Director General and Chief Scientific Adviser to the Irish Government) latest website on SFI - it makes me laugh and cry. It portrays to the naked eye a world class business but when you take the time to go through it in detail as I have, the message clearly states, it is about one man and that is Ferguson. There are photo shoots in the Aras with President Michael D. Higgins and other various photos on Ferguson's travels across America and the business world. Conflicts of interest and the questions posed so frequently in the media and beyond still remain unanswered. All we know is that this man Ferguson's super ego is pandered to. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yesterday, in total and absolute amazement I read in the Irish Independent about the "Hilton Wilton" or maybe "Wilton Hilton" - the offices of the IDA, Forfas, SEAI, Enterprise Ireland and of course Science Foundation Ireland. It balances out at £9,000 a loo to have a poo and work out who do you do - the answer of course being the Irish taxpayers. 78 toilets in that D2 "Wilton Hillton" semi state palace at the cost of £700,000. Professor Ferguson said we have a lot of overseas business elites who need a proper seat so that they can read the Irish Times and it is these people who demand a standard in relation to the super loos in the EU. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It’s clear from the thread that a lot of people are exasperated from the antics of Ferguson and even more so with Sean Sherlock, the Labour Minister responsible for his appointment. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It would appear from the posts recently on this topic that the quasi or self proclaimed elite of Europe are literally shitting on Ireland. We have the claimed infamy of the CEO of SFI and with relation to the Independent article a director of BOI who it appears has too been chased from his previous jurisdiction. When extradition is implemented for fiscal criminals will those toilets be transported to the scrubs of British goals. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Looking at the above postings, the word corruption rings out for Enterprise Ireland with the inference that it is widespread in our public sector. If we don't want to use the word 'corruption' maybe now is the time to start seeking out 'waste' within this bloated public overly bureaucratic and enriched sector. SFI is the junior member here. Ferguson is gradually making his presence known across the semi-state sector. As stated in the previous posting, it seems that certain former Fianna Fail cronies made a lot of money for their friends via the grants coming from EI in the starting up of fledgling/incubator companies particularly from the 1980's onwards. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Through fire justice is served ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sherlock won't answer the questions. Ferguson refuses to release the internal emails through the FOI process and yet Ruth Freeman, Donal Keane, Una Clifford and of course, top dog Ferguson can travel at free will which results in the excessive costs to Irish taxpayers. I want to go back to a posting by Brian Flannery some weeks ago in which he mentioned a letter that was written by Mark Ferguson (Renovo/SFI/Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government) to Enda Kenny, Taoiseach, in April 2012. This letter is now in the hands of two journalists and is soon to be printed. Ferguson with the arrogance of a three balled Tiger stated that he would create over 500 jobs in his first year. At this stage, the man is becoming a total embarrassment. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Months are rolling on and with the imminent retirement of Enterprise Ireland CEO Frank ryan, one can be assured that if Mark Fergusson was able to complete such an abysmal Directorship with SFI then he should do admirably well if he were appointed as Enterprise Ireland’s CEO. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Niall Donnellan, Enterprise Ireland, as previously posted nears retirement, yet this man is facilitated and funded for attending lectures at Columbia University in the USA (not dis-similar to the McNeice IMO provisions and Harvard; and some similar practice in FAS). What we can rest assured about is that it is on taxpayers money. Niall Donnellan who is a director with Enterprise Ireland also is a member of the Finance Committee of EI along with Mark Cristal and Paddy Hopkins. Donnellan while ensuring his own studies at Columbia University are paid for out of public funding exercised restraint on the funding of courses for staff in Enterprise Ireland to enhance their careers. This funding would be for education provided in Ireland while he flies at will for his own advantage. This man proves to be (like so many more entitled people within the public sector and trade unions) a law onto himself. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() SFI is a quango and a very costly one. Papers are still waiting for the FOI information on ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ann Gibbons asks the question to whom should the FOI request regarding the croke park seats be addressed to? Well why not corporate director and expenses signatory Paddy Hopkins who can answer that before he shuffles off to retirement in September or Labour activist Donnellan when he’s not in mid-air at the tax payer’s expense.You never know though, maybe some journalist has the info already. Depends on the FOI process though and why they’d block such a request. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yet another pub type conversation but not in a pub and without the alcohol. Coffee shop banter amongst the unemployed near the Fás centre on Parnell Square. The conversation had a tinge of eastern Europe and an increasing absence of hope in those re-emigrating. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The scandals in the semi-state continue and will continue until Sean Sherlock awakens to the massive waste of taxpayers money from within SFI under Renovo Ferguson and in Enterprise Ireland under the two monkey ministers - Sherlock and Minister Bruton. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Apparently, but the media are slow to report, Minister Bruton chairs a conference today in Dublin. This gathering of gobshites are supposedly going to bring investment and create employment in Ireland. Surely Enterprise Ireland, IDA, Forfas and not forgetting Renovo Ferguson, SFI, have been paid handsomely by the Irish taxpayer to create jobs and attract investment to this country. As it is, and I stand to be corrected, 90% of our exports are generated by the Google coterie of foreign investors - (MNC's who use our infrastructure, our educated English speaking workforce to access global markets with our favourable tax rates), while 10% exports are created at a domestic level. The point being, that employment is equally created by the two groups. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Entertaining to watch Vincent Browne show last week, Fine Gael’s TD Tom Barry spouting shite that indigenous exports had increased and rambling about imaginary jobs. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Big Mouth Strikes back.... we need to hear more ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() In Enterprise Ireland every two weeks there is a meeting of the elite group of ascending eaglets under the chairwomanship of Julie Matriarch Sinnamon. Others include Niall Donnellan, Treston and Cantwell. The policy or may I say the purpose of this crony gathering is to do a surveillance check on every division in the semi-state body. Why? Well conjecture would suggest that Julie needs to know what is going on internally and why would suggest that if Frank Ryan CEO is to retire, and Julie is looking for the position, she needs to be briefed. When Frank Ryan was asked about this gathering, he denies it. Sinnamon is power hungry and reports are that she has a good ally in Renovo Ferguson in SFI. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Dullsville! Let's all forget about Science Foundation Ireland and that other place. There is just one foundation that really matters, and yes, it's a big, big secret. Are we all sitting comfortably? Here goes: (deep breath.. LOL!) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Rogue - a bustybee at the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 'It seems very pretty,' Alice said when she had finished it, 'but it's rather hard to understand!' (You see she didn't like to confess, even to herself, that she couldn't make it out at all.) 'Somehow it seems to fill my head with ideas—only I don't exactly know what they are! However, somebody killed something: that's clear, at any rate.' ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I want to thank the moderators for acting so swiftly this morning in relation to the gobblegook which is now off the topic. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I want to thank the moderators for taking down the above troll, in the last half hour. It is becoming quite evident now that Indymedia, Brian Flannery and many more are sending shivers into the crony hingeing on near corruption brigade in the semi-state sector in Ireland. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Where Ireland meets the USA in the quest for commercialised scientific research, job creation, life-long learning - this latest press release from SFI dated 27th May 2013 is provocative to say the least and well worth reading. Is there a significant platform now secured by Science Foundation Ireland with Professor Mark Ferguson at the helm? Can we now acknowledge his leadership both as D-G of SFI and more importantly in the role he took up earlier in the year as Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of Ireland, for no additional salary. Indications ie in the absence of FOI papers, are that his salary does not exceed the threshold amount that applies to new postings in the semi-state sector. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Watching Vincent Browne on Tuesday night, he had a pre-recorded interview with John McGuinness who stood down temporarily as Chairman of the PAC, Browne as usual gave no quarter, he stated to McGuinness that he as Minister for State with Fianna Fail five years ago got a full office in the Dail including the famous super loo which cost the Irish taxpayers £350,000. McGuinness replied that he had nothing to do with the renovations and he went on to say that he would have been happy enough to sit in an ordinary office with a loo off the corridor. Browne replied that the facts remain - you have your new office and the super loo. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Pat Rabitte continues the Labour sell out with oil and gas just like his mates in EI.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Irish Government Chief Scientific Adviser and Director-General of Science Foundation Ireland was involved in deceit and improper practice. He submitted the same research material to two different journals. He therefore “duped” leading journals on his work. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Compliance with research integrity is the least we should expect from people who are in receipt of millions of taxpayers money. How can we hope to achieve this when the Director of SFI/ Government Chief Scientific Advisor, Renovo Ferguson is himself, by his own admission, guilty of malpractice and it could be argued, dishonesty in his own research career? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Nothing like lying and cheating your way to the top, - is there? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Integrity, Honour, Due Diligence ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() From SFI's Strategy 2020, available on the SFI web site, SFI has a Key Performance Indicator related to this title: "support research integrity" and another one that is an "audit...to include areas such as research integrity, compliance with legal, ethical...obligations...transparent, robust and fair processes to deal with allegations of research misconduct". ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Anglo Irish tapes five years on are only leaked to the media and shock horror is expressed by all. The reality is as far as non principled, non ethical behaviour, amorality is secretly admired in Ireland; we have this denial that allows us accept the rogue, the risks, the reckless carnage. The point this June 2013 is we appear to have learned nothing from the financial travesties in 2008, and if we don't register the calamities, nor will we from the revelations on these tapes. We continue on to seek out those narcissists who sell themselves as leaders and who continue to plunder through salaries, deals, pension pots, expenses, travel abroad, junkets afar, and throw in the odd course at Harvard or Stanford. What have we got and who do we admire - the question could be are these people part of the pathological narcissist cohort that have caused destruction globally in the financial markets and remain totally unchecked in Ireland. There are bankers in prison in other countries ie America, UK, France and many more. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I completely agree with you Brian. A big problem in this country is that most of the big chiefs are of the greedy arrogant amoral buccaneering type. Renovo/Ferguson is, according to the Phoenix report, clearly of this cast. It isn't enough that we have our own "cowboys" running the show but we like to import them too. We seem to have a penchant for appointing failures from other jurisdictions to run the show for us here in Ireland. Ferguson has not been shy about telling us how he is going to improve how things are run here in Ireland. Who are the clowns who appointed this cheat? Do they perhaps have vested interests in his many private (?) interests? Why does he get continued support and more importantly how can we believe anything he says? How many more of his ilk are being supported and cosseted by the system? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mark Ferguson's cacophany of abject failures, pumped up and unfounded arrogance has been well documented here and abroad. His past and questionable activities have been embarassingly lauded by clowns in this country and his promotion to Chief Scientific to Government is beyond belief. He and his cohorts are a serious threat to Ireland's reputation in science and research. Failure and destruction will be their legacy and ours will be a legacy of failure to halt it. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() In the Dail yesterday Clare Daly asked Minister for Enterprise Innovation and Jobs Richard Bruton and Sherlock's boss questions in relation to Renovo Ferguson. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I am now exiled since 2007. I had a three year contract with Enterprise Ireland but didn't fit into the cronyism of those entitled classes. I watched SFI under Conor Lenihan, Bill Harris, and the rest. I met Ferguson in my student days in Manchester when Renovo was almost at its peak before the crash. It is one of those meetings you don't forget. He told me that my PhD from UCD was not up to standard but to work hard - and to look at his achievements in his career and now I am brink of making hundreds of millions for investors and of course myself. Its amazing how the pyramid of arrogance can crumble but what I find more bizarre is how he landed in Dublin and succeeded to terminate with near immediate effect the contracts of four eminent scientists and then was appointed to the role of Chief Scientific advisor to the Government. The Renovo scandal is still talked about in Manchester and London. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Lying, cheating, stealing , time wasters" A depressing description of our nation heard during an employment tribunal in London. Sadly this description is not confined to our bankers. It fits well the head of many of our CEO's in government quangos, - appointments made on the basis of probable cronyism and back slaps by our Government or it's mandarins. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I agree with the above posting and the rest on the Indymedia site. I agree also with Joe Mc - we need Indymedia as a record keeper of blatant wrong-doing. I have put a lot of hours and phone calls in relation to researching this apparent scandal of Renovo in Manchester and Ferguson's arrival on these shores. The obvious question now is: Who is protecting Renovo Ferguson and Why? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Renovo was a publicly quoted company on the London Stock Exchange. People made considerable money but this was matched by many who lost both jobs and investments. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hugh Cooney ex KPMG has decided to step down as Chairman to the Board of Enterprise Ireland. It is alleged he to is to be replaced by Terence O'Rourke also of KPMG. O'Rourke resigned two months ago from KPMG on a massive pension. Now he will be chairman of Enterprise Ireland also on the Board of Directors of the Irish Times. More jobs for the boys Irish style .... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Dail recess and release of information that may be of interest to the people have been consistent in making postings on this site and in particular those in academia who raised their concerns about the appointment of Professor Mark Ferguson. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() We need Claire Daly on the ball again. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Response to: Unimpressed. An acute assessment that people need to understand. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Need more be stated? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() With reference to the above postings I would like to draw your readers' attention to the very fine analysis of Science Foundation Ireland's mission and actual contribution in Finfacts.ie. What emerges is a worrying picture of the utter delusion that Ministers Bruton and Sherlock are under, in their belief that this organisation is a jobs engine in Ireland's economic recovery. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() New Browser: Endorse your comments. There is an illusion out there that SFI is a creator of economic growth and employment. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Interesting comments, Brian Flannery. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Renovo Business Strategy 19/03/2013. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() So Mark Ferguson of Science Foundation Ireland explains that his cheating was done while he was a PhD student. So that makes it o.k? It just tells us that Ferguson was, even back then, prepared to lie and cheat. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It has been reported that student grants will be massively cut in the coming budget. Everyone understands the need to tighten the belt. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Sunday Times 18/08/2013 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Re: Sunday times article "herding the cats" 18/08/2013 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Based on my observations of people over many years it has been demonstrated time and again that those with ideals and integrity often yield to external pressure and it is only with determined practice that this falling can be stalled. Add to this a reality that idealism and integrity are more obviously common in the young. It wanes with age. Errors too are more common in the young, like being drunk on life and careless, but cheating is cheating and not error. Error with honour can be overcome. Practised subterfuge kills idealism and creativity. Cheating ruins lives and breaks the balance. While the idealism of youth becomes lost and falls at times, there remains a practised and habitual foundation with a resultant integrity. Where the practice is subterfuge or deceit the foundation is corrupt. Ph.D. cheating sets a foundation of corruption. Is it a lesson being given to our young that cheating works and forms a basis for success? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Conflicts of interest are embedded in the Irish culture is the only excuse we can use now. Why? Because with all the media coverage over the 18 months related to Professor Mark Ferguson formerly Renovo plc and his appointment to Science Foundation Ireland as Director-General followed by the surprise appointment as Chief Scientific adviser to the Government, the only conclusion we can reach is that the mire and the abyss will prevail. The omerta, the silence will lurk in the corridors of power and in the internet hubs of communication will be the cry from the wilderness seeking clarity. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Must share this comment with the creator of this site. Taken from "The Times Higher" (22-28/08/2013). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mark Ferguson's comment "herding the cats" is a most disparaging and disgraceful comment on Irish scientists by a man whose job it is (despite his over inflated opinion of himself by styling himself "an ambassador of Irish science") to SERVE the academic community. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Watcher - Keep watching. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yes keep watching. The links referred to make interesting reading. Note the share price of Renovo is on the ascent. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thanks Maeve: the links creating an interesting profile of both company and creator. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Enterprise Ireland appoints its new CEO, Julie Sinnamon. Frank Ryan the outgoing CEO of Enterprise got his wishes when Julie Sinnamon will replace his in November 2013. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A well proportioned and balanced delicate piece of reporting but the question is: What about Renovo - Professor Mark Ferguson and conflicts of interests? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Brian, I did not see the article in the Sunday Times (2/09/2013) but if what you qoute is true (and I have no reason to doubt you) then another plague has been delivered on the heads of the irish taxpayers. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Young scientist: the quotation sums it up but these fools are rolling in the money! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Serious researchers are leaving the country in droves to take up positions abroad, our universities are losing the prestige and recognition they once worked so hard to achieve, and as has been stated before, more eloquently than I could, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() With reference to some of the CEO's of Science Foundation Ireland disparaging and insulting remarks (Ninth Level Ireland.ie) to the academic community one must ask the question, - Is Science Foundation Ireland fit for purpose? I find it quite extraordinary that an agency whose purpose it is to serve the academic community should be so gratuitously insulting and dismissive of a vital arm (ie education) of this State. The very fact that it has gone unchallenged is symptomatic of a very weak and ailing state. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Researcher ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ok Jim you say that last Friday a group of staff at Enterprise Ireland went on the "piss" but Why Not? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A wise old head once said and it applies today even more so than before: 'Beware of the vested interests'. Today 'cronyism' may be more descriptive but the moral is in the code of conduct and that is what is challenged in society especially now. Throughout these postings the words 'conflict of interest(s)' repeat and it is denial that determines the moral abyss. There should be an analysis and a statement to clarify the matter. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Once more our attention is brought to bear on the business activities of SFI's Director Mark Ferguson. Yes, there are huge conflicts of interest and yes the work of Irish Scientific Researchers is seriously compromised. One wonders how Mark Ferguson draws the line between his lucrative business activities and the business of the Irish State. If SFI were a privately run business he and his cohorts would have been long gone. One must therefore conclude that there are powerful vested interest groups/individuals at play here. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The SFI Code of Business Conduct, on the SFI web site includes the following: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The last number of months have been Bizzare to say it lightly, Renovo is back trading and shares are on the rise yet Ministers Bruton and Sherlock see no Conflict of Interest. Ferguson and wife hold 21 million shares in Renovo and will make money massive money again. They have to be stopped and the Irish taxpayers thanks to Indymedia are being made aware of this ongoing Scandal of Corruption ans Cronyism. Ferguson now draws salaries three ways SFI, Chief Scientific Advisor, and now Renovo the big ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() We are being constantly regaled with how well Ireland is doing on Research and Innovation. The spend of millions of euro of tax payers' money is being constantly justified on the basis that it is strengthening the economy and making our research and innovation "world class". The report from the European Commission, based on a "new innovation indicator" that Sweden, Germany, Ireland and Luxembourg are the E U member states getting the most out of innovation SEEMS to back this up. But DON'T BE FOOLED. This is unmitigated nonsense. For the true facts I refer you to Michael Hennigan's article in today's "fin facts.ie" on "Irish Innovation: E U indicator rating based on fake computer services exports". Maybe the ministerial advisers would do well to do their research, or does that sound too much like work? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I was speaking to a source last Saturday in the Labour party and he has informed me that due to the ongoing negativity of ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() In the last six months a special committee has reported back to Bruton and this dumb and dumber Cabinet that the policies that Frank Ryan in Enterprise Ireland is following are a complete and utter failure. As we all know and it was well documented last February Ryan appeared before an Oireachtas Committee and admitted that only 15 jobs were created in 2011. This may sound unbelievable but the facts are there. Enterprise Ireland needs a complete overhaul urgently and also SFI may soon be passed tense with a new proposal that it should merge in a certain time period with EI. This is totally opposed by Ferguson and his cronies because they want the gravy train to continue for as long as possible. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ferguson hits the Dail again. Last Tuesday Clare Daly asked Sherlock questions relating to the conflict of interest. 21 million shares in Renovo and Clare Daly insisted on an internal inquiry in relation to Renovo Ferguson. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() When is enough enough? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() So Mark Ferguson has at last gotten use to the fact that "world class" nonsense and "best in the world" agency no longer cuts any impact with the Irish public. This was the "mantra" with which he has tried to hoodwink us from the time he took the position of Director General of SFI. He has now changed tack and implies that we are more suited to less ambitious aspirations and should instead link up with smaller countries to "try to devise a way of measuring the impact of of scientific research of small economies". This man utters unmitigated nonsense. We have had (and still have I have to hope) world class researchers who were more than capable of supplying this information. We still have researchers who by their collaborative research with their colleagues on a world wide basis are doing exactly this. Unfortunately what we also still have is this man Ferguson and his lackeys simply exchanging one form of gobbledygook for another and being paid above the odds for doing so. What madness?? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mark Ferguson D.G. of Science Foundation Ireland may well be hosting a working group at the Economic Forum but only fools would imagine that he is doing it in the interest of science in Ireland or indeed in the interest of SFI. No, our Mark has and ever has had only one interest, and that is to make lots of dosh at any and at anyone's cost. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yesterday, Oct 06th, John Burke, of RTE reported on the ‘This Week’ show that an internal report drafted by EI gave details of the impact the public sector embargo had on Enterprise Ireland’s ability to assist with exports.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ferguson under pressure! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Reply to "Celtic Mist - Justice" at Mon Oct 14, 2013 14:23 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The National Prioritisation plan with its 14 areas of research has not only become The Holy Grail of SFI but is being implemented in, at times a brutal and unthinking manner by Renovo Ferguson. It is negative to any support for pure mathematics, or astronomy, or geology or other areas. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Brian, I fully concur with your observations and hope that you get some answers to your many questions and more. I must declare an interest here. I am a young emigrant entrepreneur who failed through lack of resources to make it in Ireland but I have since emigrated and thankfully with a lot of help and support in my adopted country, I am hopefully, in the process of making a success of the idea germinated in Ireland. Unlike many of the new start-ups in Ireland I have no intention of selling the business on to an American Company once I have succeeded with the help of tax-payers money. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Donal Keane, Chief Hatchet man in SFI, was the accountant in Drogheda Hospital in the mid 1990's. Keane was criticised in the damning report for blocking natural due process in relation to a surgeon at the hospital. Keane is well known for bullying vulnerable people and this can be proven, and I will do same shortly. At the moment Donal Keane alongside Una Clifford who makes phone calls to private homes at 10 pm at night informing people ie academics that their contracts are terminated with immediate effect. I now have the documents to prove this and more to come. I will give the links shortly. The Hardiman report criticised Donal Keane and even today he still supports the same surgeon. Keane knows when the facts come out his position is totally past tense and Renovo Ferguson will let him loose to the wolves to protect himself. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I agree with Brian, Keane was stated in Hardiman Inquiry to have added to the cover-up scandal at Medical Missionaries of Mary, Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda. I also believe he has been involved in a culture of bullying and this will be revealed when the court cases are forthcoming. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Athlone this week holds another Ferguson PR stunt. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Clarity and transparency are withheld. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Certain questions arise concerning the CV of Renovo Ferguson. Sources from within and from the academic world are gaining ground. The country now is aware that he falsified papers in the US as highlighted in the scientific journals but some now are questioning if Ferguson qualified as a lecturer as early as 1982. There seems to be a 2 year discrepancy and further investigation is urgently needed. Deep Insight ...... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Give us a break from the over-used, silly and untrue superlatives of "global impact", " world class", "cutting edge" of SFI's Public Relations machine and the speech writers of Ministers Bruton and Sherlock when attempting to justify the obscene and wasted Taxpayer's money that this Government pours into "Research" via SFI. The public are not stupid. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I am out of Ireland 6 years now and not my own choice. Reading the above postings I am not shocked because Cronyism is a cancer in Irish Society. Brian Flannery needs all the support he can get right now because Ferguson will never admit he cheated Research papers in America ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() First, I want to thank Wageslave for the decision as a moderator to return Hugh Murphy's posting on Asbestos title 'My lungs are full of asbestos'. The hidden so often escapes the media it justly deserves because of the financial/employer/government/medical/legal implications. Mr Murphy's quest for justice; his knowledge of the harm imposed by breathing in asbestos while working at the Belfast docks, is an experience society needs to learn from so that hazards, particularly chemicals, minerals, waste, are given the necessary attention to avoid situations that people are exposed, as in Mr Murphy's case, to Asbestos or other hazardous materials. It is now we need to know how to avoid these causualties highlighted on this topic concerning Asbestos because the outcome can be 40 years on, and as the videos reveal, they cause a horrible form of that killer disease called cancer. 'Death on the Docks' tells the story. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Wallowing in self pity is the Ireland of today while those with the status quo succeed in stacking up the wealth under the auspices of being part of the established elites. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Reading Irish Media online is depressing after 5 years away. Sometimes ordinary people have to stand up and say Enough is Enough. Sadly we wait, hopefully not too long.I applied for a post grad ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Irish Times 04/11/2013 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yes, I totally agree with you Con. Ferguson has the legacy of Renovo and it won't go away. From this side of the Atlantic I can talk a little more freely. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Reading the hundreds of comments here would make a brilliant documentary. Informed by my brother at home at the weekend I applied like others for a postgraduate post in Enterprise Ireland and also in SFI. Again it was window dressing the posts were already filled by the inner clique. Talking to friends from various parts of the globe at the weekend and now reading Indymedia, they cannot believe that an Irish Government could appoint a failed egotistic Ferguson to the position not just of DG SFI but as Chief Scientific Adviser to the Irish Government. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I like many others lost money in Renovo and that is the risk Investors take at all times. But the main problem we have in Manchester is we were promised the Stars by Mark Ferguson.We got sucked, in lost heavy and Ferguson walked away with 16 million stg.250 job losses and Taxpayers lost 110m stg yet the Irish Goverment appoint Mark Ferguson head of SFI and add to his massive ego Chief Scientific Advisor. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Public Relations and spin keeps us informed weekly of the pursuits of Professor Mark Ferguson, DG Science Foundation Ireland while not forgetting his dual role as Chief Scientific Adviser to the Irish Government. This man hovers at each level of scientific potential from Athlone, to ESOF, to Science Week starting this week and a photo shoot in the Irish Times as to why young students, primary and secondary, should consider studying science. Quite rightly, he advises our young people on the importance of STEM ie Science Technology Engineering and Maths to everyday life. "Taking a degree in STEM subjects equips you for a very wide range of careers, from designing medical devices to working in the microchip industry. You could work in social media or developing electronic games". Yes, opportunities abound both for students, academics and also for people who can capitalise on the ideas of others. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() http://educationalstandards.wordpress.com/2013/11/13/mo...eral/ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Educationalstandards.wordpress.com ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "We can expect that, for the foreseeable future, all funding will be funneled through opaque selection processes into commercial schemes, whereby those who make the most fanciful claims about their POTENTIAL research "impact" will be rewarded. (Educationalstandards.wordpress.com). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Reading this very interesting Topic from overseas it disturbs me personally that the Irish Taxpayers ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Back to cronyism. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Conflicts of interest so frequently raised throughout on this Indymedia site need to reconsider Renovo plc. It is now in the lending business to small to medium sized business. The question still remains. Did Mr Mark Ferguson and his wife Sharon O'Kane sell out of the company as it recently merged with UFG - ultimate finance group? If not, do different conflicts of interest emerge? UFG retains the name as the lending arm and its market covers the UK and Ireland, according to the location map on the Renovo plc link. The Manchester Incubator Building Talk about a modest appraisal of Renovo in comparison to the PR sculpted and frequently up-dated resumes for Professor Mark Ferguson D-G SFI (Science Foundation Ireland) and of course, Chief Scientific Adviser to the Irish Government. Please note the frequency of the PR machine's reliance on a certain interpretation of the performance of Renovo plc? What now? 'Money Money Money - its a rich man' world or so goes the song. Those who have the money are afraid to lend. The banks are cash rich but cowardice and fear leaves them clutching their cash or the ordinary plain deposit holders who now receive no return and who may even face charges for deposit accounts. The news is the ECB has directed that banks choosing to hold cash on deposit will face sanctions. SFI receive government funds, Bruton Minister for Jobs and Innovation has a fund of £150 m since early 2012, but nobody has received a draw-down yet , EI has a fund, Maire Geoghegan Quinn is positioned in Europe and the Horizon 2020 has funds too but let's get real, there is that fear to lend and if they do they are looking for matching finance. How many small businesses can really comply with this. Not many, especially now. Are they exposed and to who? Commercialisation of science at the expense of applied science is nearly two years in place now. SFI have hosted mammoth events show-casing but are there any results that show employment and performance related achievement of an incubator business in any of our universities. What we do now from Professor Cox is that Ireland is not involved with CERN? Does anyone have a view on this? Investor ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Reply to Investor ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Clifford ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 24th November 2013 'By George! It's a fair fare lady...' ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() rudence ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The latest trade mission from Ireland set out last week for Japan, headed by An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Public Accounts Committee today: STATE quango Enterprise Ireland has spent 111,000 euros on posh school fees for the children of six of its overseas executives already this year. What does Enterprise Ireland do? State funding in 2012 amounted to 293 million euros with over 23 million euros sourced from third parties. The purpose of this funding is to support grant aid to businesses. What does become apparent is that a total unrealistic amount is paid ie 86 million euro for the administration and running costs of EI. What is the justification of the 86 million euro administration costs? We are told that Enterprise Ireland is the State agency charged with supporting businesses and exporters. The quango, now chaired by former KPMG Terence O'Rourke, is the biggest provider of grant aidto companies in the countries, doling out over 333 million euros in funding to companies in 2012. Semi-state and now the charities and non governmental organisations (not to mention the monstrosity they call the HSE) are gaining the attention of people who seek to scrutinise their so-called ethical and transparent hymn sheets only to discover that what lies beneath is a culture of cronyism, secrecy, deception and self-engrandisement. We know that the banks are not lending, we know that small businesses are starved of cash while depositors receive virtually no interest yet are afraid to spend. We know that Renovo now is a competitor in the Irish market in the supply of funds for small to medium businessness. Quangos still abound despite all the promises to 'burn' them. Where are the mergers and acquisitions in the semi-state sector. Perhaps this cannot happen because too many people have vested interests and what is this but cronyism. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Delighted to see the board at SFI has a new chairperson. Frankly a peruse of the CVs of madam and the new board members indicates another series of quango hopping by the usual suspects. Were these positions advertised to the general public? - another broken promise! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() That "creeping clericalism", the part of his critique of capitalism, a "leprocy" that invades our ability to be compassionate, caring and ensuring that where possible we act with intregrity. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() SFI's conquest of the Irish Universities continues unstopped. The Irish Universities and IOT's are, as Renovo/Ferguson laughingly continually says "eating out of my hands". Nothing of any independence exists in any of our universities. All the "huff and puff", "smoke and mirrors" that SFI expensively creates continues unabated. Pathetically little is obtained for vast amounts of money. Such pathetic outcomes would have happened anyway - more likely with far greater innovation and flair, scale and size. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Most interesting posting. Yes, Ferguson appears to have won over those academics in our universities, especially those who signed their names to the Irish Times article expressing their concerns about the commercialisation of science. Academia however according to others needs an element of independence from industry as it is vested with the public good of providing education without a commercial prejudice to students. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Re: Sfi , Martina Newell Mcloughlin and Gm Crops. A Blatant Conflict Of Interest? - A View From The Curragh ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Let's hope their pledge is investigative journalism that is sustainable for the year. Cronyism or to be more realistic corrupt practices in order words fraud are in every sector of Irish society. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Just look at the 87 delegates (delinquents!) travelling with An Taoiseach Enda Kenny on this Trade Mission to the Middle East. The questions that the ordinary people we meet are asking is why is Angela Kerins on this Trade Mission? We know former Fine Gael Government adviser and PR guru, Frank Flannery is Kerin's right hand person in Rehab. We know that they decline to reveal their salaries with estimates stating that they are in excess of euros 250,000 but suspected to be closer to 500,000 euros. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I welcome any projects that help people with mental health and disabilities. I am a little cautious when I hear Angela Kerins name (Chief Executive, Rehab) mentioned in any format relating to peoples' welfare. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creeping cronyism crossing over the acceptable boundaries which determine what is moral and what is not; what is corrupt and what is unjust and illegal. The real challenge we now face is how to excise the rot before corrupt practices become so embedded that they disrupt how the Rule of Law and the Separation of Powers apply in Ireland. 'Opaque accounts' is the apt description given by Shane Ross in the Irish Mail, Friday 10th January 2014. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() We are so often fooled by those who suffer from a messianic complex and who tell us about what they are doing for the weak, the underprivileged, the vulnerable. Don't be fooled by the mask(s), there are people who take and climb up on the backs of vulnerable people but at the same time enrich themselves to such a degree that they become consumed by power and greed. Often people like this will fool you into believing they are do gooders when the stark reality of it is they are semi theives/carrerists,getting rich off the back of the poor.There was one charity in the uk which only gave like 2 pence out of every pound to the homeless they proport to help while employing only free labour staff and having a drip drip system of money to the top execs.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Where is the Phoenix? surely we were told when Fine Gael/Labour came to power, nearly three years ago, that they would 'burn the quangos'. I recall no burning embers in this sector so the Phoenix remains trapped and the rot of cronyism continues to submerge us in indebtedness and near bankruptcy. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The scandal at the CRC is the latest public flogging of those who should stand ashamed at their capacity to be driven by greed, abuse of power, and privilege. Too many of Ireland's 'Entitled and Privileged' elites appear to be devoid of morals and principles and yet they have been facilitated to continue under the watch of our present coalition for nearly three years since their election. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Brian ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Liam Herrick once head of Irish Penal Reform stepped down last week under a veil of secrecy. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() On reading the summary of SFI's DG Mark Ferguson's career in Educationalstandards.wordpress.ie I can only conclude that this man is in best company among some of our top public servants. The revelations are breath-taking and our tolerance of such behaviour is even more so. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Cronyism and in particular in our semi-state, our HSE, and now the Third Sector, all greatly enhanced by PR machines preclude us so often from the success rates achieved by those in private enterprise who have created markets, employment in Ireland but also globally.
Where is the vision? The scandals of cronyism are revealed day by day. CRC, Rehab, Banks, SFI, HSE, trade unions, charities etc - when will people realise that these 'takers' are taking more than income, perks, pensions, privileges above and beyond the call of duty. They are doing so much more damage - they are saying to people who save, don't save in Irish Banks or the Post Office in Ireland, go overseas. They are saying to people in the like of the Agricultural Industry with their 10 Bn exports or for that matter to those in Tourism and their initiatives like the 'Gathering' that their endeavours are a futile because the interest on our debt is beyond the realms of being reconciled. 2014 and the word is Cronyism. Let's tackle it hands on. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Commissioner Martin Callinan sits before the Public Accounts Committee. The Morris Tribunal and the checks and balances promised and yet not implemented may lead to success to exclude the two 'whistleblowers' from within An Gardai Siochana (Mr Wilson is now retired). The order from the Force is to prevent them from appearing as witnesses at the Public Accounts Commission. 'Disgusting' was the word used by Commissioner Callinan as if the charge of corruption that led him to appear before the PAC was something that could not happen. The truth is and the evidence appears to be that someone is trying to sweep clean the corrupt practices of An Gardai Siochana (refer Penalty points being scrubed on a privilege basis) based on the dictum of the Commisioner of An Gardai Siochana. We need to ask the question what about transparency and accountability? Surely, the fact that the PAC has heard representations from the Commissioner, they deserve to hear the evidence of the 'whistleblowers' and what they have to say. It is not necessary for them to incriminate by using names as they outline their findings. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ferguson, SFI, is evidently trying to hide the letter dated April 2012 to An Toaiseach Enda Kenny. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Brian, the road to the White House is just around the corner.........Paddy's Day. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yawn....Here we go again |
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I work within Enterprise Ireland which connects to SFI. I never thought that in the year 2012 under a government that promised an end to cronyism and such blatant corruption from within, that such ineptitude still applies.
I have had the experience first hand in the last 3 months of 2 eminent people being pushed out of SFI under the instructions of Mark Ferguson. I will give their names as D and S. These people were Irish home grown academics with a sense of passion to try and change a whole framework on how schools address science and mathematics. My 2 friends stood up to Ferguson and would not in any way go on their knees. D ended up literally in his final days just short of 'cleaning the toilets'. He was bullied, literally spat at in his own office and given a document not even signed off by Ferguson who was too wise to stick his neck out. No, Ferguson will let his chosen 5 people who are known as the lackies do his dirty work. I have sent emails to Minister Sean Sherlock and Richard Bruton on behalf of my 2 friends. Alas I am still waiting for a reply.
It is hard to be believe how a certain woman in SFI at the moment can walk into an office and inform highly acclaimed academic people that their services are no longer required and ahead of contract completion. The same woman then produces the document, a document that shows contract to be completed months ahead of time and signs the same documents with her name only. I have sought legal advice on this and she has not got the authority yet it is going on as we speak. Presently, Ferguson is on vacation in America yet people can tell me he instructs the lackies by phone. The fear at present in SFI is alarming. It is almost on par with the industrial schools of the past.
I am not in anyway being dramatic about this and only yesterday when I saw the topic on this site I realised it was the only method for me to get some refuge. I am hopeful now that something will come from the Brian Flannery posting and I hope others will have the morals and the balls to stand up and speak up. I can't believe that Minister Sherlock is unaware of what is really going on in SFI. Also other people have been told within SFI that it is a private ship and no-one talks outside the realm. Sadly this brings me back to the dark old days of the GUBU years and Haughey.
I am a woman in my 40's and I today feel so embarrassed at myself that I cannot give my real name in fear of losing my job. If ever we needed a charter for whistleblowers it is now otherwise the bullies will continue and Ireland will suffer - we will lose talent. I will close by saying Labour are in coalition with FG. Sean Sherlock has a role in SFI but it is well known from my colleagues in the organisation that Ferguson classes Sherlock as completely irrelevant and that has been said not once but on numerous occasions at inner circle meetings. Something is definitely rotten within this semi-state sector.
I was so glad to receive a phone call last night relating to Indymedia and the above postings. I first got wind of the topics above on twitter a couple of days ago. I worked under Gannon who is now in Sydney. Ferguson replaced Gannon last January and I have been in touch with some of my old friends over the last few months. Senior staff in SFI don't have the balls sadly to stand up, come out and tell the Irish taxpayer what really is going on in this particular semi-state sector. As the woman above said, we don't have a Charter of Protection for Whistleblowers and until we finally achieve one the cronyism and the bullying will continue.
I want to put a question to three people today. Minister of State, Sean Sherlock, Mr Travers one of Haughey's lieutenants in the dark days of corruption and a Mr Fottrell (this man Fottrell is a male version of Mary Davis, he is on at least a dozen state boards). These are the people that appointed Ferguson as Director General and they must clearly with total clarity state that Ferguson has broken all ties with the ailing company he founded in 1998 ie Renovo plc Manchester. I personally believe he is still involved as a non executive director and significant shareholder. I stand to be corrected but it appears to me there is a serious conflict of interest here. Una Clifford who works part-time at SFI has taken on a new role since Ferguson's arrival. She is called the hatchet woman. She terminates contracts, some with five and 6 months to run in a 5 year contract. Why? Who gave her the authority to sign her name and note only her name to legal documents re same. Fine Gael said pre-Election they would stamp out any misconduct in semi-state after the FAS scandal. Well now we have a breaking major scandal in SFI and in the next few weeks I believe there is one high profiled academic who is heading for the High Court.
To be continued.... Greham Lovett
I am a researcher and I was supported by SFI . Commercialisation of research is a major aim of SFI. That's okay - or is it?? The head of SFI is into redundancies and from what you say financial rip-off as well. Is that what SFI wants? That is certainly not what I want.
Just look at the web link below - the jobs myth of SFI and the debacle of the head of it.
Achievements of Professor Mark Ferguson:
- 200 redundancies
- shareholders left penniless
- trail of destruction
And now he is head of Ireland's leading research funding organisation.
- Why was he appointed?
- Who appointed him?
- What due diligence was done on him?
SFI should fund basic science and mathematics and engineering in schools and universities.
It should not be pouring huge sums of money into already inflated egos.
When the current debacle of its head is sorted out SFI needs to address why we don't have enough engineers in Ireland, why sufficient students are not pursuing careers in science, and why student interest in mathematics is woeful in Ireland. This is urgent business. It's crucial for our nation and society. Yet SFI shovels out massive amounts of money to a small coterie of hyper-inflated egos.
I was reading the above postings with deep interest and also viewing the tweets that were very active in relation to Mark Ferguson, new head ie Director General of SFI and former chairman of Renovo - Manchester.
The anger of people who lost their jobs in Manchester is still raw. Families were forced to join the English welfare system not of their own choosing. Speaking on the phone to one couple this morning who are now fighting to keep their family home, in Manchester, they said they had no idea that Ferguson and his wife had moved on to greener pastures ie SFI, in Ireland. To say the least they were furious and they believe he has not broken all his ties with Renovo. I also heard within the markets that certain people are buying shares taking them from the low .11p now up to .22 p (100% increase in 6 months).
Minister of State Sean Sherlock has a lot of questions that he must answer regarding Ferguson's appointment. This is a major scandal only starting to gain momentum now.
I found this topic on the university science blogs last night. It seems to be gaining momentum in all the college campuses and beyond. Ferguson was not known to many people until now and questions now need to be answered. Sean Sherlock is believed to be ignoring phone calls over the weekend and Travers and Fottrell who are directors on the Board of SFI are lying low.
Campuses over Ireland have to go to Ferguson for funding to do research in science and maths. Ferguson favours his chosen elite. How can a man who lost 200 jobs in Manchester and 100 m Stg wiped off in share values be in charge of the future of SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS in this country. Moreover his pay packet must be in the region of £250,000 plus euros?
been out of range a bit...sounds like more of the same. Another possible corporate 'science' institute to serve vested ends.
...have any of you listened to the latest BBC Reith lecture series?Economic analysis..pure and unadulterated neoliberal slash'n'burn asset-strip rationalisation dressed as hyper intelligent analysis. This reminded me of it, and then i noticed the coincidence..the lad above is Mark Ferguson; the lecturer is Niall Ferguson.
Coincidence??Can anyone check a connection?
Me I go suspicious of anyone shameless enough to accept more than 100k pa while posing as anyway 'scientific'. I'm no scientist, but I reckon intelligence of any sort dictates gluttony as a bad idea. Especially while famines rage. But thems my prejudices.
The whole thing reminds me of hitting TCD mid-seventies(just arts, nuttin smart)as the thin edge of the corporate wedge was driving for more commercial 'relevance' all round. It fits general pattern.
Cronyism and nepotism are the acceptable forms of bullying. Those often highly educated or experienced are excluded in favour of those connected. Worse still is the active removal of those in the SFI case through bullying and force. What has been described in these posts is disturbing but not surprising. The effects of this is wide ranging, from the personal and damaging effect on those subjected directly to the bullying, those excluded in favour of those less qualified to as noted the reputation of this country due to the falling levels of education and training. It is unlikely that all, if any of those relatives or friends have the suitable high standards required to promote improvement in our systems. It has been reported in popular media that many of our best educated and inclined to improvement are leaving for greener lands. By this it is implied that the best qualified academics are leaving Ireland in search of challenges, the challenges being thrown out of our systems here as a direct result of cronyism and nepotism.
The increasing absense of those prepared to be challenged in our society is a spiral bound for ever lower standards.
In Ireland we need now as much as ever to be seeking the best and most able. This can only be achieved through a willfull absense of of those we know in favour of those whose reputation, experience and education make them most suitable. Or, in the reported SFI case, about which I am aware, the best can be achieved by maintaining in place those who are most suitable. But this is not what's happening, the best are being expelled due it would appear to the self interest of a few. Questions need to be asked of those in power, those who appoint, ministers and boards of directors of semi-state bodies. More importantly, these questions need to be answered. They need to be answered as openly and honestly as possible. Blindly accepting the recommendations of any CEO in any state body by the board or minister without question is itself not acceptable, this is our money, our taxes. This revenue needs to be used to the best effect.
Gale Vogel.
SFI under the bizarre stewardship of failed businessman and Professor Mark Ferguson gets an annual budget of taxpayers money in excess of £150 m annually. As a retired public servant I would like to ask some questions today:- One of my family members was literally bullied out of SFI recently and when she went to her Union she was told we will do our best but Ferguson has plans for a total re-organisation. People in SFI approached her and literally told her if she didn't sign the termination contracts life would become unbearable and she would end up just short of cleaning the toilets. Ferguson cannot hide the legacy of Renovo plc Manchester. Again I know it is stated above, there have been 200 job losses and millions lost to shareholders.
The people on the board of SFI are Travers, Fottrell and not forgetting Eoin O'Driscoll and there is one more amazing turn to this story is that Ferguson has just appointed an up and coming young woman as his personal assistant and her name ironically is O'Driscoll - what a coincidence. I believe from strong sources that former members of SFI had a meeting with socialist TD's in Dail Eireann today. It is a funny world when shit hits the fan even academics must ask for help from people they would normally not choose to vote for. This is reality but also they were not turned away and positive feedback is definitely the order of the day.
I would ask now Minister Bruton, Rory Quinn, Pat Rabbitte and baby face Sherlock which Ferguson often calls him - Who appointed Professor Ferguson Director General to SFI in December 2011. I am very aware he was officially registered as Director General on the 16th of January. The serious question is the link between Ferguson, his wife in relation to participation in Renovo - what I mean is there a conflict of interest. Shares in Renovo have risen nearly 100% since January from 11p to 22p. Serious questions ahead for this government.
In the US the Senate has to approve Presidential appointments. Now that's a role for our Seanad! If the Seanad ratified or even appointed someone like Mark Ferguson then cronyism and insider dealings might have been brought to the light of day. It might have brought to light some of the web of ownership and investments, and influence and conflict of interest, that he has and that he's pursuing vigorously now in his SFI role.
When I look around in my university various good people have left in recent times, taking jobs outside of Ireland. Every one of them when I've talked to them have said clearly that the whole system that's based around SFI is bad, bad, bad...
On the conflict of interest aspect of all of this, and how Ferguson and his wife, Sharon O'Kane, will be able to milk the Irish system, how about the following. The REMEDI group, www.remedi.ie, working on regenerative medicine is close in terms of its research and commercialisation work to Ferguson's and O'Kane's Renovo company where they still hold a lot of stock. Is there not conflict of interest there? Can Ferguson and O'Kane get insider research and commercial information and use this to their advantage? Could somebody from REMEDI comment on this potential massaive conflict of interest by Ferguson and O'Kane?
If what I am reading about the SFI debacle, its new Director General Ferguson and inside governance is even remotely true then I truly despair. How on earth can an organisation so newly created (early 2000) be apparently so corrupt? What is going on? How and by whom are these people appointed? How can an organisation/individual have so much control/power over, in the present climate, such vast amounts of money? Have we all gone mad?
I call on our ministers, the people we elected and pay handsomely to govern, to sort out this debacle immediately. Could I, one of life's lesser mortals dare suggest that we cleanse this organisation root and branch or simply get rid of it? Could we also have a detailed and transparent spreadsheet of how our money is spent by these super brains? What we need is an exact account of who they fund? How much they fund and what we the taxpayer get for that funding? - apart from those over inflated egos that seem to have grown prodigiously over the last few years and of course SFI's ability via its communications PR machine to link itself to the successes of the IDA and Enterprise Ireland. Can we also be told how much it costs the taxpayer for this organisation to administer these funds and what exactly it costs SFI's highflyers to showcase themselves around the world when in fact our business acument/potential, and our scientific research is already being adequately showcased by the IDA, Enterprise Ireland, our Universities, our small hard working entrepreneurs and indeed by our own President Michael D. Higgins. Truly we have gone mad.
Finally can this less than superbrain make one more suggestion: Send all that money wasted by quangos such as SFI back to the State coffers to be controlled and distributed by the Department of Finance and the Department of Education. Stop all this nonsense about attracting super brains to our shores. Spend the money instead on building up this country's basic mathematical/engineering/scientific and artistic prowess which by all accounts we so desparately need to do. Let us have some degree of common sense in this benighted country of ours, and let those with the necessary talent/giftedness which at the moment are being sidelined, get down to the real business of re-constructing this country on the road to recovery.
...welcome to the neo-liberal asset-strip show...nothing new under the Sun, as they say in Fleet Street.
Simply capital making capital for capital, so much handier and more efficient than that sloppy old-fashioned government of the people, by the people for the people, with all its expensive equality and foolhardy fraternity cluttering up our Liberty to acquire and accumulate.
What you are witnessing is simply a microcosmic fractal of the mandelbrot beauty of Capitalism writ large...it brought you the wonder of your blow-up Tiger, and blow-up Baghdad, Kabul, Tripoli, and now Syria bound for Teheran...with diversions for shopping and looting in Venezuela and Latin America revisited on the evening menu. If you dont like it we wil show you how we blew up Nagasaki, up close.
Yes folks, people have been shouting from the rooftops for centuries to warn of these dangers...see the bigger picture, or watch the vanishing dot at the centre of your imploding screen.
All in all its just...another brick in their WALL. Of pseudo-scientific PR-op agendas.
No rest for the weary.
Weary and Opus, I think you should be posting in some other blogg, you dont seem to be following the thread. Weary; a case for the existence for SFI is not the question, and you clearly dont appear to understand the value that it brings. I do think you should educate yourself a little better on how it supports the existence of IDA and EI. If you think that SME's and MNC's would prosper without a highly skilled research community then you just dont understand the game. I do agree with you that engineering and Math could do with more investment. Perhaps we should be manufacturing more for export.
However, this particular thread is regarding the leadership and management within SFI. Something that appears to have deteriorated completely since the departure of Frank Gannon. It is extremely disappointing that such excellent staff are treated like crap.
is corruption...and strokes at the taxpayers expense...and a scientific attempt to generate economic health through innovation in science an technology...
What part of the thread did I not grasp?
Perhaps you can't see the bigger picture because, like the cobbler, your stuck too closely to your last.
Or maybe its a digitised lathe and micrometer.
I worked in middle management in Renovo for 5 years. I am over on a week's break. A friend of mine in Enterprise Ireland enlightened me about this site and my old boss or should I say tyrant boss Mark Ferguson. I am absolutely gutted that this crazed control freak could land a top job in SFI and sources tell me he is running SFI the same way as he did while at Renovo. Ferguson and the wife as I am reading in the Phoenix magazine is exactly as it states - a double duo not unlike Pee Flynn and class act Beverley. This duo of Ferguson and Sharon O'Kane took almost a 11m stg from Renovo and left people like me literally penniless. At the moment my family are helping me in maintaining an agreed payment with Lloyds bank in relation to my mortgage. I then read that in 6 months with SFI he travels the world over along with another ego Ruth Freeman who claims she was promised a job by John Travers. O Yes, I have my sources and I will not rest as an ordinary worker until justice is done in relation to Ferguson and wife.
I also received some documentation from within solid sources that Ferguson wrote a letter to An Taoiseach Enda Kenny some months ago enlightening him about the progress he is making already in SFI and the jobs that he is creating. On the contrary Ferguson has dismissed 3 academics and a secretary in the last 3 months. Because - they would not play ball. 1 academic in particular refused to falsify documents on a memo that was signed by Ruth Freeman. These are serious statements and rest assured they can and will be backed up. I only got the name today of the Labour minister of state Sean Sherlock. I say to him today - you should be ashamed of yourself Sean. You and Travers selected Ferguson who left a legacy in Manchester of destruction and despair. While at Renovo Ferguson ran up expenses of multiple thousands for himself and his wife Sharon O'Kane. Yet when the ordinary worker had small expenses he would question every single entry. I would like to know how much Ferguson has cost the Irish taxpayer since January to date. I believe Ferguson's position is totally unobtainable now and the Irish government should sever his contract immediately. The future of a young generation in relation to science and maths is more important than an arrogant egoist individual who is capable of anything for his own personal gain.
The SFI debacle on the controversial appointment may ruffle feathers but it will not remove Ferguson. I have worked in both private and public sector and I know who wins. Both sectors suffer from the HR effect, people who are there to help you but we all know HR are there to help management. Cynical readers also think that the unions are there to help management even before the croke park deal in the Public sector. Lets face it and I have grappled with it, the Croke Park deal does not deal with issues of accountability, responsibility and the obnoxious automatic right of promotion depending on the years of service and the unions involved bow down to it due to social partnership. I know people in the public sector who challenged the big money accountants back in the 80s who came to order them about but then the private sector could afford better education and bull shitters than those who took jobs in the public sector and those public sector workers who then challenged the system learned wuld never be promoted and they were also ostracized. The character i.e. slimbagss in the semi-state bodies who have fashioned themselves on the private sector have gained easy promotions and bonuses. People likes Shane Ross who think working in enterprise ireland and other semi-state bodies are deluded. No one cared about working in the public sector in the good times because it was a joke to work there. Well recession or no recession, it's still a farce but it certainly isn't when you're the one apologising for all the failures when your manager is out playing golf with the private sector accountants. Private sector v public sector - give me a break. It's all cosy at the top.
I don't see substance in the accusations. Renovo did not work out. Tough luck. Many pharma startups do not. There is always a risk. He gave 200 people a job for a while. He paid himself well - so do many other CEOs. He reorganies SFI - by itself not a bad thing, but maybe he is too harsh. He may say some things he should not to non trustworthy people - hardly worth mentioning. The conflict of interest statement is constructed and nonsense. Every pension fund invests in stocks these days
SFI does many good things and is in need of reorganisation in difficult times.
That is exactly what Mark Fergusson does - make SFI more effective.
Nothing substantial - lets hope it calms down and people recognise what it is - a lot of emotions written by people in anonymous postings like this one.
Another researcher.
you take your research acuity as far as the current Phoenix.
If the story holds water, its less rose tinted than your oil on troubled waters allows.
Appears to me that '"other researcher" works in public sector but on whose side, who knows? (Well I can guess but whatever). It does not matter, information has already gone out to the public sphere beyond cyberspace and see who is brave enough to catch it. Ferguson is under fire due to, not just the poor handling of the staff but the corruption i.e. the deliberate firing of excellent staff to supplant with yes sergeants or more naive people. I will be proved right and you will proved wrong -whatever your intentions are - watch the reports in the next 3 months - howeve as stated r I am cynical that heads will actually roll though....
Renovo share price history. Taken from link below
Renovo share price history
Whats going on here? Who is juvista? Just to confirm, I have commented in the thread already.
Opus diablos, what story? What is the story? I can only see emotions and ruffled feathers - but no wrong doing.
Concrete proof please for something substantial - not just repeated sentiment.
Weary anonymous - whose side? LOL, I don't even know what that could mean.
I am on no side, just observing the story and finding nothing in it but sentiment and people stirring up the sentiment until it is just repeated as being factual.
A common strategy to disseminate fear, uncertainty and doubt.
What if actually contracts could not be renewed because there was no funding available for them, as it happens in the public sector?
What if people who were let go were actually not effective in their jobs?
Your alleged story would quickly disappear and turn into a embarrassment for anybody who is "brave" enough to catch the story but not smart enough to check the facts.
But of course damage would be done. Which makes me wonder - so what exactly is your gain here? Why stirring the sentiment?
Looks like you have an axe to grind with Mark Ferguson?
Effective people are often disliked because they are not afraid to make tough decisions.
The worst person in a job is somebody who is everybody's darling.
And in a tough situation you don't want to have a everybody's darling in a job that requires tough decisions.
Another researcher
To "other researcher" aka trojan horse, technically I don't need to let the cat out of the bag regards Ferguson tactics towards workers as demonstrated by other commentators in this thread below.
You mentioned that people who have failed in the private sector should be allowed have public sector CEO positions (more or less). So in that case you have validated my argument, i.e. no one wants competent people in the public arena cos we have to report to the private sector and their govt lackeys and well to dictate to all of us at the bottom cos we're easier to kick around.
Contracts can be renewed
I worked with the village idiot on the Employment Subsidy Scheme in EI and she decided to annihilate and I mean annihilate the 2nd term of DCU students who stood up to her on tax certs. They could have had another 6 months but oh no not these guys, they were annoyed on behalf of the client because she wouldn't return their original tax certs. And guess what happened, that's rights, she refused 2give them another 6 mths work experience because of their stance.
I love this quote from you btw:
"I am of no side..." - that's like yer wan Norah Casey of Dragons den, "I am of no politics but I'll be bleeding well vote for austerity politics!" Please review frontline episodes for similar crap arguments on the austerity treaty
"Effective people are often disliked because they are not afraid to make tough decisions"
Ah no, effective people are creative who feck off into other industries or travel abroad cos we dont want 2 deal with yer mammies & daddies who can just about count to 10 in ansector of nepotism!". And what the hell is effective about a failure like ferguson and his missus. See Bill O'Gorman for example
When E=mc2 I will give you some serious scientific credit love!
And welcome to the real world where some of us give a shit about what we do in the public sector and not on some bloody blog where lackeys like you can bend over to your master and smell the same shit as you write to their defence. Pathetic
In your post I still don't see anything concrete regarding Ferguson.
I am asking for something substantial and a proof and all I get in response is sentiment and unsubstantiated accusations.
And even attacks against me - and all I do is askIng for something concrete :-)
What does the Employment Subsidy Scheme in EI have to do with Ferguson?
I regard your opinion about people who's startup failed as very unfortunate.
Every startup is a risk with a high probability of failure.
To regard someone who's startup failed as a failure discourages people to setup companies.
Then we also don't get companies that will bring a country economic growth.
Jeez, Researcher if you can't handle the so-called 'attacks against you' and your crawling comments up the arse of Ferguson is making you all sensitive then don't comment. Would you like a manhug and a cup of Barrys? There, there look out the window there for the unicorns and rainbows coming over the hill. You mean, you don't feel better -GOOD!
My 'unforunate' comments regarding starts-ups? Ehm? Are you putting Ferguson in the same category as a start up, seriously with all the money he and missus took when they knew that the product was a failure and people as above who are on the dole because of their failure? Seriously! If they spent less time paying themselves and giving it to decent researchers we wouldn't be having this conversation.
The EI report released this week and the ESS example has a lot to do with the likes of Ferguson as once you get into management or director positions in the public sector or as they say 'you are promoted beyond your own level of incompetence' and are made less accountable. Its probably something you can identify with yourself. Would you like to share what real rank you are? It could explain an awful lot :-)
I think the phoenix article says enough and more is going to come out so why don't you go crawl back to the waterhole you came from and await further instruction from your cronies.
You use strong language and provocation, but you continue to fail to produce anything factual.
Facts please.
1. A pharma startup operates at a high level of funding with a high level of risk. Drug development costs range in the billions.
2. According to the graph above Ferguson sold the shares about 9 month before the clinical trials failed. Do you accuse him of insider trading? So you claim he knew the trial would fail 9 month in advance? Unlikly I think. Where is your proof?
As for your interest in me - I am flattered, but I am just a humble researcher :)
Other researcher.
..do you come on to defend Ferguson?
Everybody got stung except himself and the missus..who wheeled away a nice wee barrow.....then a half dozen 'winners' fell at the next fence...
No need for further investigation?Your name isn't Bertie by any chance?
I am not defending anybody.
I am trained to look below the surface and when I dig deeper here I can't find anything.
What is strange is that looking for facts comes across as defending.
dispute the Phoenix version of the facts?
I'm simply expressing the opinion that you seem to.
I take them with a grain of Na Cl...but I'm prepared to think they indicate further explication is required.
'..never delivered a single marketable product or generated any product revenue..'. Other than that generated by their mirage cures. For themselves, while stinging investors.
Renowned scientist and innovator?
I assume the Phoenix article is a repetition of this blog: http://educationalstandards.wordpress.com/
To put things in perspective I link to the Forbes article:
"AstraZeneca has spent $12 billion in research money for every new drug approved, as much as the top-selling medicine ever generated in annual sales; Amgen spent just $3.7 billion. "
"Right now, fewer than 1 in 10 medicines that start being tested in human clinical trials succeed. Some biotechnology companies do manage to make it to market without having to spend money on failed medicines – but only because other startups went bust trying to test other ideas."
1 in 10! And Renovo failed cheap compared to AstraZeneca numbers.
As for Fergusons scientific reputation:
He has quite a number of Nature and other publications under his belt with a lot of citations - meaning people have looked at this work and it hold water.
The clinical trial failed, but his results are reputable.
Only one in 1 in 10 clinical trials succeed.
you 'assume'..
that how you usually do 'research'?
The prosecution rests.
So what are the relevant facts from the Phoenix article that we miss which are not on the blog post?
Or is this just a marketing ploy to stir up sales in some obscure magazine?
Now, that would explain a lot!
Or else stop pretending you have it done. For me, you've already disqualified yourself.
Shooting in the dark about marketing seems closer to YOUR agenda.
I declared my assumptions, perfectly valid in research.
Now, specifically tell me what you think is in the Phoenix article that I missed.
Or did I not miss anything?
Well I was away playing golf this week in Tullamore but this thing about Mark Ferguson and Sharon O'Toole is very interesting. Golf may seem to have more to do with Ireland than science does. But then there is a scientific aspect to golf just as there is to almost every facet of daily life. It's not all about industrial production, mass production, commercial exploitation. It seems to me that whoever set up the Science Foundation in Ireland in the first place saw clearly that there was some kind of work to be done or some kind of job to do. Maybe a way of straightening out our thinking perhaps? I know nothing about Mark Ferguson or his wife Sharon O'Toole but if they have come over here from Manchester to promote science in our country I definitely bid them welcome and good fortune here. Everyone would prefer a cosy and predictable life with milk and honey in the pantry. But in this country we have become mentally and physically lazy due to the unearned excess of the Celtic Tiger and we all know that the way things were being done is unsustainable. Maybe we need to think things out properly, start from scratch, begin all over again. Refine our aims and objectives and our general methodology. To toe the party line is definitely not the first principle. But in general terms I think SFI should be in the vanguard.
you did actually.
You've missed at least five excellent opportunities to desist from continuing with the determined excavation of your own hole.
We'll fill you in shortly.
Opus and anon and all others. Thank you and well said. It is not at all surprising that Ferguson would send out his clones to try and dampen peoples' spirit of getting the full facts of what happened in Manchester at the start of 1998 and even before when he worked in Manchester University and go back again to when he worked in Queens for a time. I am a casualty of Ferguson. I swallowed everything he said at a shareholders meeting way back circa 2000. He promised Renovo would become one of the world's leaders in the research of scar healing tissue and he even used the bullshit that he studied crocadiles in the swamps in Florida. I know one old woman now in her mid 80's who lives in an English nursing home who lost her entire savings. I was lucky in one way. I am in my early 40's - I took a risk on this egotist Ferguson and lost £85 k plus my job. At the time working under him and I can bring people on this site that will totally back up what I say - it was like working for the Gestapo in Berlin in the mid 30's. Suggest if interested take a look at management style of Ferguson on you-tube.
New researcher is a plant. He probably works according to my sources in SFI - that's fine. We all have our sources and there are good people still hanging on as we speak in SFI at the moment. They are afraid to speak in public for the moment but this will all change shortly. The atmosphere in Wilton Place is one of fear, intimidation and bullying. The idiot who calls himself New Researcher wants facts. Let us begin:
1. 220 job losses
2. 110 m Stg wiped off shares
3. Some vulnerable people lost their entire life savings because they believed in this idiot bluffer Ferguson
4. Researcher claims you take risks. Agree. Ferguson and wife no. 2 Ms O'Kane walk away with a cool £11.5 m
5. Last accounts: Salary Ferguson (prob not expenses) = £326,000 stg+. What did SFI agree as finance package then?
6. Ferguson's view on his boss Richard Bruton is quite extraordinary: he calls him 'the weak little man' from Meath
7. Ferguson got appointed to SFI by two old cronies who were tied to hip with the late CJ Haughey (Fottrell and Travers), directors SFI board.
8. Some weeks ago a loyal woman in SFI was told step aside and all of a sudden in walks Emer O'Driscoll as new PA to Ferguson. Ironically Eoin O'Driscoll is a director on the board of SFI also - Fact. Is she related?
9. When the woman asked for an explanation she was shouted at by Ferguson to get out and never question him.
10. New Researcher wouldn't have a clue how to research the sexual habits of a jack rabbit in Co. Clare but he has no choice. Ferguson did the same on blogs when Renovo collapsed in UK.
Recently one very acclaimed academic who Ferguson despised. The simply reason being, this man was more qualified and has a core of decency and humanity about him. Last we heard he is somewhere on the American continent. He was trying to slow down his contract termination but Ferguson made life so difficult with the backings of his lackies he left ahead of time because the reality was he was forced out. Recently at an internal meeting Ferguson was slagging off with his loud voice and then he joked 'Irish hurling is like Irish weddings - a brawl for all'. They all laughed nervously. As one insider told me he has instilled fear at Wilton Place. I think New Researcher will probably give us a reply shortly about Ferguson's CBE from Queen Lizzie II. Sure it looks as if Martin McGuinness is next in line for one.
I want to put a direct question to the Ministers of SFI urgently. Check out Ferguson's travel expenses since he arrived on our shores (16/01/12 start date). I also want to mention Ruth Freeman who he promoted some months ago to a position where she is way out of her depth yet in these times of austerity she travels globally on Irish taxpayers money. I find this disgusting. I want Ferguson Travers Fottrell Freeman Keane and others before a special sitting of an Oireachtas Committee. This man will destroy the future of science, mathematics, engineering in this country. Ferguson has one plan only. Along with O'Kane he will milk the Irish taxpayers for his own gain. The Phoenix was alway a popular magazine here way before Ferguson ever sadly arrived.
Manchester Casualty
Fact: Mark Ferguson, D-G of SFI, and his wife Sharon O'Kane still hold a considerable part of Renovo. See http://www.renovo.com/en/node/828 where as of 30 March 2012 their holdings amounted to 12.5 percent of the shareholder voting rights.
By reputation now in SFI Ferguson is helping Renovo's share price to rise. His meetings with investors, companies, government, science bodies, in the UK, Ireland, the US, and globally, constitute conflict of interest. Added to that his proxies in the inner circle in SFI are willfully or carelessly furthering this reputational support for his and his wife's financial gain, now and in the future.
There is direct conflict of interest in Ferguson's oversight of Irish reseach and commercialisation of research. In Ireland he is well placed to take what he can or block what he needs to. He can work through his proxies in SFI to get this done.
How much worse can it get? Mr Superbrain/Other researcher, where is the LOL now? Fool and arrogant that you are, you couldn't see that you are on safer ground with sentiment. You wanted facts - now you have them. Methinks there are enough facts out there to damn your great leader, Ferguson, the emperor with no clothes.
Now how about a few facts from the inner circle at SFI, whose mission, it seems, is to protect its leader and the organisation from the prying eyes of the Irish public. God forbid that we have the wit to prevent another Manchester rip-off; or even another FAS debacle where a state agency was run as a personal fiefdom, where only the chief and his lackeys stood to gain.
How about a few answers/facts from you now?
1. How much is Ferguson paid and how much has he cost the Irish taxpayer in travel and expenses since he took office?
2. How much has been spent on his lackeys travelling the world to showcase themselves?
3. How much annually is spent on SFI's PR machine whose job it is to promote SFI's vacuous hype?
4: In relation to SFI's funding what percentage of that is spent on maths and engineering?
5. Is there by any stretch of the imagination double salaries and top-up salaries given by SFI to researchers, and if so who receives them, and how much do they receive? After all, the Irish taxpayer is their paymaster. We need to know.
6. Since the restraining hand of the management of pre-Ferguson times has been conveniently removed and replaced clearly by a couple of dodos, will there be new positions created to be filled by more of Ferguson's lackeys, who will unquestioningly do his bidding?
Remember you have 6 serious questions to answer and since your superbrain has been trained to deal only in facts perhaps you will do the Irish taxpayer the honour of doing just that.
Weary and beleaguered taxpayer
I am deeply encouraged by the response this topic is gathering on Indymedia. I want to thank all those for their postings. Well, Ferguson is now standing alone and must answer some very serious questions. If you check up the blogs written by stakeholder you will see clearly with total clarity that Ferguson and his wife Sharon O'Kane own 18.5% of Renova up to last March 2012. We know Ferguson began his profile job as D-G of SFI last January. This raises serious questions and I personally believe along with numerous Dail TD's in the opposition benches that these questions must be addressed urgently.
I also believe there is an elite circle operating in SFI who have established themselves beyond reproach of the Irish taxpayers. I would like to ask again as many above have about expenses. We have had the FAS scenario ie Roddy Doyle and Greg Craig. We have had the Ivor Callely scenario plus Ned O'Keeffe, the Bull Donoghue and many more. I now want to ask Minister Sean Sherlock why is Ferguson, Ruth Freeman, Graham Love and others flying globally on taxpayers expenses in the worst recession in this State's history. In the real world people are finding it hard to support their families yet these elites can give themselves internal pay rises and clock up expenses by a flick of a finger. I again ask Sherlock and Bruton especially Richard Bruton who is the so called Economist to bring Ferguson and this inner circle before an Oireachtas Committee. They are milking the Irish taxpayer and I believe it is time they are stopped.
Brian Flannery
I have been following with interest and, to say the least with disbelief, the course of the debacle at SFI as outlined in Educational Standards (http://educationalstandards.wordpress.com) and Indymedia. Surely this cannot be another case of corruption and misuse of taxpayers money by a state agency?
I am also aware of the huge interest around the Dublin City of Science event this week. A browse through its programme indicates 3 representatives from SFI on the stage - Mark Ferguson, Ruth Freeman and Graham Love. Ferguson can be dismissed immediately but a check on the scientific reputation of the other 2 leaves me cold. What jackass appointed these 2 people to positions way above their ability and expertise? To imagine for one second that these are the people that SFI fronts as representatives of science in Ireland beggars belief. Is this the drivel we get for investment of 1.5 billion of the taxpayers money?
Irish researchers, academics, heads of universities - is all of this done in your name? In the dash for cash has SFI so emasculated you, or cowered all of you? It undoubtedly is a case of the servants becoming the masters - wake up, at least with a whimper!
..those academics et al are as well embedded in the unrolling political program as our well-tamed media..
Science must not be allowed to break its corporate channels and pollute our religiously programmed work-units with evil habits of rational thought..hence the damage-limitation facilitation of all social forces in the rehabilitation of churches and royalty..That democracy shit is sooo inefficient...and holds back economic growth with foolish ideas about equality and justice...most naive.
Otherwise would not our history and politics departments be screaming about the precedents to our current replays of previously disastrous policies?
Science will do as a tool..it must not become a common habit.
Every time I see an image of Mark Ferguson in the press he is smiling. In this post I will make few comments, one is to read this weeks Phoenix magazine article on the SFI appointment and related Renovo. The bulk of this post is comprised of questions. If the focus is commercial why praise a failure? Does the praise on Mr. Fergusons fiscal success relate to his personal fortune? Does the scientific success relate to a placebo? Do the managers of our education know what they are doing? Do they care? Does the heightened renumeration relate to the assumption that Mr. Ferguson is working at the capacity of 160%? For whom is this 160%? What amount of shares, if any, does Mr. Ferguson hold in Renovo or similar organisations? Do these constitute a conflict of interest? Other questions have been asked in this blog, and no answers have been posted. No explanations have been put forward, this blog is open forum and therefore Mr. Ferguson could himself table a defence. Would this take commendable or foolish bravery?
Meanwhile, smiling happy faces have fun. Are they, by which I mean anyone who can effect so many while taking so much, oblivious or perhaps uncaring of the effects of their actions? An answer to the inflated wage issue may be reasonably forthcoming, if so let it be. Answers to all of the above questions may be acceptable and reasonable, if so they should be put forward in an open forum.
What is our tax being used for?
Remember the McSweeney debacle?
The ex GM company shill who was science advisor to Irish government and whose PhD was a fake one from one of those "buy your degree" websites. Ludicrous!
" The Chief Scientific Officer of Ireland, "Dr" Barry McSweeney, who was appointed to the job by Mary Harney in 2004. He is a former Director of BioResearch Ireland, Biocon Biochemicals, and of the EC's principal scientific body, the Joint Research Centre (JCR). In 2002 Greenpeace published an email from Mc.Sweeney to the Commission, requesting it to suppress the publication of the JCR's 135-page Scenarios for Co-existence report which found that GM crops inevitably contaminate conventional and organic crops and may cause 40% higher production costs for farmers. McSweeney was made to resign his position of Chief Scientific Officer of Ireland after it turned out he had fake PhD. "
Yes i remember the Mc Sweeney scandal very well. At the time Mc Sweeney would not budge one inch he knew too much when Harney
tried to remove him from the post of Chief Scientific Goverment advisor. What happened next he was switched to another Dept and stayed until he was paid off in full. Now looking back it defies logic pay a man who bought PHD on the Web and rumour at the time was he even received bonuses. I read with deep interest the above postings and this is a major Conflict of Interest the question is does Sean Sherlock have the balls to dismiss Ferguson .
1) "As a consequence of ... increasing application of science to beauty, the line between cosmetic and medical research is becoming blurred". Renovo is referred to in this context, where their tissue healing product could be used by L'Oreal, as discussed in this 2008 article: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2581859
2) Sharon O'Kane, co-founder with her husband Mark Ferguson of Renovo, plays a role in the L'Oreal Women in Science Awards. (See the information from 20 Dec. 2011 at http://news.ulster.ac.uk/releases/2011/6154.html)
3) So also, SFI plays a support role in the L'Oreal Women in Science Awards. (See this information from DIT! http://tinyurl.com/d54k8ue)
4) Here is a 2010 event in NUIG, where Ferguson was a speaker representing Renovo, and L'Oreal was a sponsor (information from SFI): http://tinyurl.com/cj9ducv
5) As pointed out in my previous posting, Ferguson and O'Kane own 12.5 percent of Renovo.
This demonstrates serious conflict of interest by Ferguson as Director-General of SFI.
..the overnight story about GlaxoSmithKline getting hit with a $3bn fine stateside for nefarious marketing practises?
Mere chickenfeed(they already had it put aside as expenses), they made £40bn last year.
These are the big Pharmers who control what IS and is NOT science...and who hunt down traditional medicines to privatise their active constituent ingredients. They want no unpredictable glitches..so they ensure the bastions are manned by their minnions, in advance.
They control such a large slice of our economy(hello Cork) that they only have to raise an eyebrow to mobilise a set of government advisors to fathom their wishes for interpretation. They dont even have to lift a phone...Paddy polices himself with forelock thuggery(as in Shellmullet, dont forget Big Pharma lies downstream of Big Oil, in the moolah-chain).
..of these biocidal gamblers
their authority must not be challengable..so the necessary 'scientific authories' must all be in place for unforeseen ripples.
PR is bigger than damage limitation..its pre-emptive preparation. Thats why its called deep structure.
Another example of corruption in 3rd level institutions:
Companies buying their ways into Universities, and extracting what they can, with our money!
the thread
by opus diablos - the regressive hypocrite party Thu Jun 28, 2012 17:55
is corruption...and strokes at the taxpayers expense
Did anyone notice lefty Saint Joe Higgins and Blessed Clare Daly helping themselves to taxpayers money. All animals are equal but these pigs with their snouts to the trough are a little bit more equal once idiots elect them!
How so many are jumping on the use of expenses for legitimate political purposes with a vehemence not excercised against the main drivers of the attack...our tax-exile Denis O'Brien/Dermot Desmond Independent Newspapers(honourable inheritors of the William Martin Murphy mantle who's centennial 1913 lock-out looms).
It seems Irish capital is not happy with its FF/FG/Labour totalitarian clamp and its lockstep MSM Ibec chanters...it must eliminate all dissent.
From what I've heard on the media this is smear for muck-throwing sake...distraction from the likes of Barclays 'misdemeanours' and 'wrongdoings'...while if a dole reliant prole does a day's work he's a fully-fledged 'fraud' and swindler.
'Steal a nickel and they throw you in jail, steal a million and they make you the king.' Bit like Obambi's and Hillarious's moral outrage at Assad..while they leave a trail of devastation across the middle east and north Africa...and feed the very violence they decry through their local proxies.
Meantime, while you hold your magnifying glass over your self-sainted targets the same cartel of fly-boys refit their scam for another rake-off by rolling over the debt and cranking and compounding the interest.
keep playing Aunt Sally.
"Did anyone notice lefty Saint Joe Higgins and Blessed Clare Daly helping themselves to taxpayers money."
Thats totally wrong. They used "travel expenses" to travel. They used that travel to highlight and campaign against government policies that targetted the most vulnerable while not increasing taxes on the most wealthy and paying off billions to unsecured bondholders. They were doing what we elected them for (unlike FG and Labour!!)
Claire Daly and Joe Higgins only take a standard industrial wage for themselves. Most greedy politicians could take example from them here.
This is all just a political hatchet job by FG/Labour
Click on 'show comments per story' it brings it back to one comment per story. Its on the right hand side above the comments.
clears the clutter a bit.
I applaud the above postings but I take offence to Pigs in the Trough comment. I presume it is from some idiot worried within SFI or maybe a director who now is worried that he will not be able to get away with the abuse of expenses that we as taxpayers pay out of our hard earned money each week. Going through Google last night I found a site htt://www.inpharm.com. Search Renovo / Mark Ferguson and here is some interesting reading. Title: 2008 Renovo wounded by cosmetic drugs set back. I won't bore you will all the details but one line is so relevant then and now on the papers today: Breast enlargement operations that at the time stated serious doubts on Ferguson's and Renovo's drug Juvista future. At that time Ferguson believed that the big pay-off if the drug worked in relation to cosmetics and super boobs. It failed totally. This in itself casts serious doubts on this man's role in SFI. Let us be honest you cannot call Ferguson a role model with or without the CBE.
I like many others have heard the exhorbitant travel expenses of Ruth Freeman, Ferguson's newly appointed Lady of the Skies and I want to know how much of taxpayers money is Ms. Freeman squandering on global travel promoting egos like Roddy Molloy of day's past in the FAS office. I believe now that SFI need an independent internal audit urgently to regain some credibility. This coalition needs to stand up now to its pre-election promises that cronyism conflicts of interest and abuse of taxpayers money is gone like Fianna Fail. Sadly, maybe this is just a dream.
Sally Keaveney
The shame of it and the shamelessness of the crew at SFI. It appears Mr SuperBrain/another Researcher and ex-pat - clear defenders of Ferguson and the Holy Grail have temporarily retreated. When they come back let's have the FACTS and answers to the many questions posted on this site.
Riddle me this, - how come people on this site could so easily establish links between Ferguson and his inner circle with huge conflicts of interest (Renovo/L'Oreal) while Big Brains at SFI's board failed to do so? Perhaps Big Brains and Inner Circle knew all along about the conflicts of interest but decided to trade Ireland's scientific reputation, more alarmingly the interests of many of Ireland's young future scientists and taxpayers money for personal gain, career advancement (more digging needed here), or even for favour from the great man Ferguson himself. O the shame of it - to stoop so low to pick up so little, the metaphorical thirty pieces of silver!
Ferguson and his inner circle appear to be so corrupt that I feel (oops 'sentiment' an ugly word for Mr. SuperBrain) that I feel the extent of the rotteness at the heart of SFI has yet to be uncovered. In the meantime could I suggest for a start - that Ferguson and his inner circle (we know who you are) consider their positions? Of course that requires some modicum of decency and honour and that appears so far, to have been scarce on the ground at SFI. Those who have it have been pushed out or pushed aside and the vultures have taken their place. The Shame of it.
What happens to the salary that Higgins, Daly, Me Fein etc etc (yawn) don't take - does it go towards maybe another nurses pay? No, I thought not. It goes to their parties to fund the activities they then claim more money from us taxpayers for i.e trying to convince people to break a law.
Gobshites every one of them, no different from any other TD's - Wake up the idiotic left, you are pre-occupied with worms on beaches, meat eaters and some gas rig in Mayo - FFS get into the real world.
"Wake up the idiotic left, you are pre-occupied with worms on beaches, meat eaters and some gas rig in Mayo - FFS get into the real world."
ok, what is it you suggest I occupy myself with? What exactly do you occupy yourself with?
What exactly are YOUR values mr anonymous internet troll??
How do YOU think one should spend ones time in order to try to increase awareness and bring about a better fairer world?
Examining worms on beaches tells you what chemical may have killed them, hence what shite a large corporation, shell, may be putting into our environment.
Animals do have rights and someone needs to stand up for them.
Our corrupt government made a deal with Shell which cost the taxpayer billions in lost income thanks to corrupt politicians ray burke and bertie ahern. Money that would make a real difference to hospital waiting lists, social programmes etc etc.
These and quite a few others I post on besides are all important causes/issues to highlight in my opinion. I also do plenty of stuff (for free) in the real world to help make my local community a better place to live.
What exactly do you do mr internet troll, that gives you the right to pour such scorn on my efforts??
(apart from propagating political hatchet jobs cooked up by fat corrupt FG/Labour ministers that is!!)
..you've hit the button.
The Labour panic-button at the growth of anything resembling a leftist tendency(by my definition an inclusive, lateral, egalitarian, democratic and ecologically conservationist social system)to replace the velvet-gloved but hard-rightist money-churn that pays their hammock-and-pension exit plans.
Every statement from Labour these days is a panic-attack reaction to the growth of SF/ULA credibility as the only real alternative to FF/FG/Scabour consensus on their economic handlers.
I'd say this troll is on a payroll.
He's not too smart, but only a profesional could act that dumb. Class act, centery(119th class), but no Oscars. Hope your bosses are too busy playing golf to read this. I do hate redundancies.
The link given above to show a relation between SFI and L'Oreal is from 2010 - so at a time that Frank Gannon was leading SFI. So Frank Gannon was also corrupt and in bed with L'Oreal?
Concerned taxpayer (SFI spokesperson?)
It's the conflict of interest that centres around Renovo L'Oreal and SFI's director Ferguson and his wife Sharon O'Kane ie 12.5% ownership of Renovo. Frank Gannon may have been idiotic enough to promote lick asses and ego masseurs like Freeman and Love but I have no evidence of the Ferguson style and scale of corruption. But if you think that Frank Gannon is corrupt please put the FACTS on this site and the truth will come out.
We have just confirmed the long link between SFI and L'Oreal. So IS IT conceivable that Big Brains on the SFI board and the inner circle DID KNOW of the links between Renovo and Ferguson and L'Oreal before the great man himself was planted at the helm of SFI? Is it even conceivable that the way was prepared by insuring that he had the 'right' people around him to support him. This story is not over yet - no, not by a long shot.
Even Wearier
It is well known since 2001 when SFI was created as a separate identity a rot at that time was already there and established. If you look close enough at the board of directors they can't wash away the taint of Haughey and co., one director in particular Mr Travers was a well-known friend of the late CJ Haughey and even to this day at social events he proclaims without any shame his pride in knowing CJ and what Haughey did for this country - I find this not alone distasteful I find it difficult to understand that these old cronies are still sitting as directors on State Boards. Then we have the clone of Mary Davis, Mr. Footrail. Every board meeting is rumoured to have a trail of his foot and his expenses to boot. Footrail is alleged to be on at least 7 state boards and is a close associate of failed businessman Crocodile Ferguson.
This morning Joe Higgins on Radio 1 spoke with total clarity in relation to his expenses down to the last cent. Joe went on to state the cost of the two B&B's at £35 euros a night. I know this would deeply insult the likes of Ruth Freeman. £35 would not cover her breakfast in bed. I now would like to ask on behalf of my own family, and the Irish taxpayer who at present are experiencing the worst austerity crisis in this state's history how is that Ruth Freeman at free will globally and yet it appears that she is accountable to nobody. These questions lie at the desk of Ferguson who promoted her as his second in command lacky. Taxpayers have a constitutional right to know where their monies are being spent and why?
As we speak another inner circle individual is on holidays in his Spanish mansion - Donal Keane and I today would like Mr. Keane to answer some hard questions. Bullying is now a weekly occurrence in FSI. Since the arrival of Renovo expert Ferguson anybody who doesn't fit his academy role have been put through torrids of abuse. In one case, one academic recorded a full 20 minutes of verbal abuse by Donal Keane and Ms Clifford. The question has to be asked: On whose authority were they acting on? It is in Government legislation that bullying, intimidation and threats will never again be tolerated in any governent agency. Somewhere along the line and the inner circle did not get the memo.
Taxpayers needs answers urgently.
John Hegarty
There is a lot of opinion in these posts. The apparent link with L´Oreal is interesting, if only due to the recent investigation in France and an ex president. Without seeing the evidence that has allowed the authorities in France to take this commercial cronyism seriously it is not possible for me to comment fully. This might upset those with posts seeking fully disclosed evidence but is it only circumstantial? The French police apparently think not, with searches of high or ex high ranking officials houses in the last week.
Obviously any link of a government or semi-state organisation with a multinational cosmetic company would raise questions.
The same type of question that has been raised with the relation to Renovo. The highlighting of these questions without evidence is very valid, the defenders of SFI as it currently stands can protect this organisation completely with disclosure, the questioning rants have been highlighted as being lacking in evidence. The refending rants appear only to attack the questioning rants.
Questions answered and the answers questioned will as with so many lengthy and costly tribunals yield some form of solution that will serve to slowly improve our society. By our society I do of course mean the international world to which we all belong. Need ireland take shame in these stories? I think not for those within and without Ireland who are focussing on this issue will save face, as the truth will prevail. With this prevailing, controls will be enacted both nationally and internationally and with these enforced the world will improve. A huge emphasis should be placed on the word 'enforced', for with all the additional legislation within Ireland dealing with issues for which legislation existed, without enforcement there is no real control.
Thank you Mr. Hegarty.
Now that the blatant conflict of interest and self interest at SFI has been explored (but far from being exhausted) you raise the interesting spectre of gross misuse of taxpayers money - the gravy train of expenses. Is there a State Agency in the country (apart from the now defunct FAS) that has cost you me and everybody else so much on expenses? Now it's all relative isn't it? - so when we look at the figures let 's consider the size of SFI and how the gravy train of expenses is apportioned ?
We are reasonable people and SFI people are of course very busy looking after our interests so we understand travel expenses around the city/country in the course of their day's work. Sure doesn't every public servant incur travel expenses unlike us poor idiots who pay for our own transport. But as I have said we are reasonable people so let us just concentrate on those exceptional expenses clocked up by SFI director and inner circle since he took up office on January 16th 2012. Now we would like to know:
1. Flight costs from and to these shores clocked up by director and cronies
2. Accommodation costs and per diems paid to these people; time table of trips made and a spreadsheet of hotels they stayed in and cost per night would help us.
3. Entertaining and corporate affairs costs - sure only the very best will do for these Super Stars but still we want to know the costs - we pay for them.
4. Who at SFI actually gets the perks? You can be sure it is not the hard working staff who do all the work for these puffed up Buffoons!
Oh yes SFI : these and all the questions posted on this site have to be answered sooner or later. Let no stone be left unturned.
Mise Le Meas
Sources from within SFI have leaked out that Ferguson at a recent meeting looked worried and subdued. All of a sudden in the corridor he ranted who the f..k are Indymedia? Well the writers on Indy want answers to issues relating to bullying, vested interests and recent news that states Ferguson has major business interests in America (could this be so)? This would explain why he has spent considerable time in the US recently. Who paid for the flights and hotels? - Yes, the Irish TAXpayers. Smell of FAS all over this.
inside bug
I have heard from reliable sources that this man Ferguson and Ruth Freeman are travelling a lot around the globe. I have even heard that recently they were together again in the US.
Just what are they doing there and at what cost to the taxpayer?
This has nothing whatsoever to do with research in Ireland.
What has been achieved by these expensive trips? Irish diplomatic staff - IDA - Enterprise Ireland are all there so why the heck are senior staff like Ferguson and Freeman travelling the world together?
Just what is this pair doing?
This is gross mis-use of taxpayers money.
We have heard of mission creep by SFI but this is jetting around the world creep!!
We have gone mad.
Questions for the SFI Board:
1. Was the Board aware that Mark Ferguson (MF) had a 12% stake in Renovo at the time of his offer of appointment and if so what did the Board do to mitigate the risk of conflict of interest, real or perceived? Is the Board aware of any other holdings, or interests of any kind, MF may have currently in Biotech or ICT companies in Ireland or other jurisdictions?
2. Is the Board aware that MF proposed two of Renovo’s current Directors (Max Royde and Jamie Brooke) to sit on SFI’s Impact Panels?
3. Is the Board aware of MF’s disparaging language towards politicians, university Presidents and researchers at internal meetings of SFI?
4. Is the Board aware of the damage being inflicted on Ireland’s reputation as a result of the ongoing revelations and has a Board meeting being convened urgently to consider the issues?
5. Are there provisions in MF’s contract to deal with the above issues?
Doing some research since Indymedia and the Phoenix exposed this extraordinary scandal of taxpayers money. I have the names of the board of directors of SFI. Here we have a staff of 42 people. Can someone explain to me the number mentioned now of directors: Mr Travers, Mr Fottrell, both in their late 70's and old cronies of FF and Haughey, Dr Jim Mountjoy, Mark Ferguson, Tom Boland, Rita Colwell who is based in America and travels on Irish taxpayers money to board meetings here and that also pays for her holidays which also includes another director, Martina Newell, who is also based in America and follows the same holiday as Colwell - yes all paid for by the Irish taxpayer. Next is Bernie Cullinan CEO of Clarigen, Pat Duane, Peter McDonagh UCD, and Martin Shanagher EI. Can someone please explain to me why there are so many directors to such a small outfit like SFI which each are paid £15,000 + expenses for 4 meetings annually. This is a national disgrace.
Now to a more serious point which has untold consequences for the future of science and maths in this country. Inside information has informed me that Ferguson is getting a free run from Sherlock to appoint a complete new board in the next 6 months, all of his own choosing which to me is a complete farce. It is well known that Ferguson calls Sherlock - the little schoolboy who is lost which means he has totally no respect for this Minister for State. Yet Sherlock is completely blinded by the internal chaos and Cronyism that is going on in SFI at present. Ferguson as the Phoenix stated quite clearly is here with Sharon O'Kane to milk the Irish taxpayer for his own personal gain and the Labour party, it seems, are giving him their full backing.
Yes, It's true. Ferguson and Freeman on world travel at taxpayers expense.
Some hard - working staff subtly bullied and harried by Ferguson's lackies to produce fodder for SFI's media/communications hype.
All talent and decency has left or being pushed out. We would go too if we had jobs to go to.
Ferguson sits back, roars with laughter - we have these f***ing morons (ie. government ministers et al) by the balls.
Lackies think it's a great laugh.
We hold our noses - we have to hold our jobs.
Sorry taxpayers.
I am in Ireland with my daughter for the Science seminars this week.
A friend of mine in Dublin made me aware of this issue of events. I followed THE Renovo research in England since 2000 and then it failed under Professor Ferguson many people lost jobs and money.
I dont understand how importent questions are left unansered and Why/// This is a crucial time for Ireland to help students study maths and science. Professor Ferguson should make a statement on all these questions.
Directors of SFI SHOULD CALL A MEETING AND CLARIFY peoples concerns.
Welcome to the new Ireland where failure is the new success and where failure is glorified!! What a world we live in. The real successful people are unappreciated, the big mouths are hailed as the people who get things done. Well we will see.
We are a country governed by Jackasses. How can the mess made by Ferguson at SFI go unchallanged? I am not a betting woman but my guess is that we will pay dearly for this. As Prof. Garven said the best brains in the country are being bossed around by fools. Never more relevant than Now.
Eleanor Tripp.
This Ferguson debacle is not going away - not by a long shot. Today's Irish Times is sufficient proof for anybody with a sense of intrigue to see Sean Sherlock writing his letter in defence of SFI and a strange thing there was not a mention of the find of the century Ferguson, Mark. We still are awaiting for the SFI board of directors to come out and make a statement in total clarity that Mark Ferguson and his wife Sharon O'Kane have no connections in relation to shares, in relation to any format involving Renovo in Manchester.
In the last few days another name has cropped up : Max Royde who represents Kestrel's boutique asset management which has taken up a shareholding in Renovo - the mystery here is that Royde and Ferguson are old friends and it gets better, Ferguson wants Max Royde to join him and Travers on the board of directors of SFI. Now if you ever had a blatant, most arrogant form of self interests, I have just given you them on a plate. I will got further. Today the media are asking Minister Reilly what he is doing on the Stubbs Gazette and it is a very valid question when there is almost £2m debt involved. No doubt the Blue Shirts will further circle the wagon on this one. I want to ask Sean Sherlock what is the point of defending now a lame duck like Ferguson. Sooner or later Ferguson will have to step down and for Sherlock's own sake he should do it immediately but then again this is Irish Politics.
Numerous visitors that are here this week from Germany, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Holland, are all writing on the Ferguson issue on their own blogs going back to their own individual campuses. Oh this story, thanks to Indymedia Ireland and the Phoenix has a long way to go yet and the answers are as scarce as Enda Kenny's TV appearances of late. As the old saying goes 'Roll it again Colette'!
The stated level of cronyism may be broader than what is being said here and needs to be dealt with independently if Ireland is to be taken seriously in a global stage
Based on the following assumptions
Forfas is the statutory body which devolves powers that allow SFI, IDA and Enterprise Ireland to run and be independent
Eoin O'Driscoll is Chairman of Forfas
Forfas Board have allowed Forfas to be subsumed back into the Department of Enterprise
If following Freedom of Information questions are answered, it may shed a light on the bigger picture that will emerge of the true extent of cronyism
Was a relative of Eoin O'Driscoll recently appointed to a post in SFI that was not advertised in the proper guidelines?
Do SFI have a history of hiring staff that are known to the inner circle of SFI?
Who in Forfas headhunted and the appointment of Dr. Bill Harris?
Was Harris' PA Fiona Renalds on 100k per year?
Was Harris living a plush apartment in Herbert Park paid for by taxpayers?
Was Harris taxed correctly while working for Forfas and SFI?
Was a special "friend" of Dr. Bills given a position in Enterprise Ireland?
How were all staff that came from US to help poor old Bill hired?
Did even the cleaners in Wilton Park refer to SFI as the American Company on the 5th floor?
Who is Siobhan O'Shea?
What was her relationship with Dr. Bill?
How did she get appointed to look after his hiring and firing regime?
Who is Mattie McCabe?
How did he get appointed as a Director?
Was he still working for SFI after he completed his contract and retired?
How much money have SFI spent on their awards management system?
Was there an alternative system proposed that could have saved a substantial amount of money for taxpayer?
Was there a bullying culture at the beginning in Forfas by SFI senior management while SFI was a part of Forfas?
Why did Donal Keane's brother, Mark not get the position of DG?
How long did Mark Keane work for SFI and how much did he get paid?
Why did Mark leave?
What are the negative impacts of Una Clifford having returned to work on staff morale?
How many contracts has Una Clifford re-written in the last year and told the staff member after the event?
How do the previous Interim CEO of SFI Graham Love and Una Clifford deal with reported incidents of bullying in SFI?
What is the staff turnover ratio on SFI compared to other agencies that are not permitted to hire staff?
What are the qualifications of ALL management in IDA, Forfas, Enterprise Ireland and Chief Science Adviser from CEO down who make decisions?
Are they adequately qualified to carry out their duties or if you were to look at their roles, would that highlight the state of cronyism in State bodies?
Are the current management in IDA, Forfas, Enterprise Ireland and Chief Science Adviser just puppets for the Government?
Was ex CEO of Forfas, John Travers appointed by the Government to investigate the Minister for Health?
Who appointed him for this piece of work?
Did this piece of work have anything to do with him being appointed as Interim CEO of SFI?
In SFI, Chief Science Adviser and Forfas, how many members of staff and management are over the age of retirement and have received their pensions, yet are still
on being paid?
In the Department of Finance Employment Control Framework, how many employees are sanctioned to work in all the agencies in Wilton Park compared to how many are
actually there?
How many contractors are working in Wilton Park House and are they being used as a way to get around the Employment Control Framework?
If you got the correct "official" answer, would you believe the truth?
Is Andrew McDowell, the nephew of ex Minister for Justice and the current adviser to Richard Bruton, and ex senior mgt in Forfas behind the splitting up of Forfas
and other State Agencies and their independent advice?
Can we see the tender process and procedures for all contracts awarded for Staff and more importantly the award management system in SFI?
Have SFI hired a PI to investigate the leaks from within and if so did they use the proper procedures for hiring contractors or is it just another spin to bully staff and whistle blowers to stop telling the truth?
The above are not my views just seeking the answers that need to be answered
Never before has a government needed to come out and plead a defense of SFI. Never before has one been done so in SFI speak. Now thereby hangs a tale!
Let us be clear about one issue. Nobody is calling for the abolition of SFI. We may well question its direction but that is another issue. W£hat is required is that this organisation be managed by decent honourable people who have the interest of Irish Science and the interest of Ireland's Scientific Reputation at heart. We strongly object to SFI being run as a personal fiefdom servicing only the Chief and his lackies. We do not want another FAS.
So perhaps Minister Sherlock you should be seeking answers to the many questions put to SFI and its board on this site and on others. So far not one question has been adequately answered and instead your (?) letter just gives us more of SFI's spin on the hidden truth and agenda.
So Minister stop defending your patch. We want answers not spin. Take up the concerns of the Irish taxpayer who elected you with that remit and who you will need to elect you in the future. Seek the answers on our behalf.
Weary taxpayer.
..reads like a senior civil servants 'yes minister' reply, filtered through the Communications Clinic's buzzword generator. Riddled with oxymoronic contradictions.
for '..oriented basic research..' read Ibec-agenda product-development for capital generation.
My understanding(and correct me if I'm wrong)is that the way to make science economically productive is to fund the blue-sky research and get your fundamental non-directed skills into place..a long-term, ends-directed process from which industry may spin off.
By narrowing the science base to market-led ends seems to me a distortion of the basic scientific idea, primarily for explanatory data to create intelligent understanding of nature. By starting with the market('oriented') end it seems science itself is fundamentally distorted, polluted and corrupted. Ye olde Midas kiss of death.
Cart before horse country again, as per usual, numerological 'economy' trumps population's needs. I doubt Sherlock is scientifically literate enough to understand this. Has he a science background?
It is for Ibec to do the 'oriented' applications. The state's role should be the funding of disinterested and unbiased top-end speculative research and the building of the skills base for same pre-orientated basic knowledge.
This is the commodification of science..and given current market trends that route is to feed market-peaking 'defense' research. But then our whole 'higher' education system has been swinging this way since at least the seventies.
Which means, among other things, the scientific watchdog on the ecological predations of our economic emphasis will be discounted and muzzled as antipathetic to its increasingly carcinogenic growth. The results of such economic filtering of science are evident in the collapse of marine ecosystems due to biocidal extraction for blinkered short-term uni-generational gain.
Smart economy?Smart like Bertie.
The President of America can be booted out in the next year.
Thanks to the Croke Park Agreement no Irish Public Sector worker can be sacked.
The German paymasters of the Irish Public Sector are watching.
..at the board that dish the mass P45s
and decide the expert agenda
Best for the job.
Cronyism and nepotism are seen as bad words. The abuse of any connection is wrong, in fact the abuse of anything is wrong. The best person for the job may well be known to the employer, and often is. This is especially true in the confines of Ireland's higher scientific academia, for only due to there being so few in this realm. The mosquito bite is not the appointing of those known but the removal of those great in favour of those known. This serious and diseased abuse apparently threatens the very destruction of the SFI from within like the spreading of malaria. 'The wonderful thing about malaria is getting better'. A small and less insidious disease might linger for years, perhaps we can thank those parasites for making this deadly disease apparent, by which of course I refer to the protists that infect animals livers causing malaria.
Without diagnosis there can often be no cure. But with diagnosis we must take care in prescribing a cure. The see-saw principal often sees the cause being reversed so extremely that the remedy often results in equal if not greater problems. In order to avoid the demise of the SFI, draconian measures to prevent cronyism should be avoided. The active replacement of the great with the known is a reduction in the standard of any organisation. The active replacement of the great with the unknown, due only to the great being known is of equal detriment. This is one aspect of the lasting damage caused by the wholesale abuse of power through cronyism and only one reason why it must be prevented and stopped before the disease takes hold.
The damage is lasting and weakens the organisation, is criminal if deliberately caused through greed or self interest. The posts on this site are disturbing in the extreme, with some post dissenters arguing and seeking more answers. These questions need to be answered in order to effect a vaccine. But the absence of answers should not allow this to fade and be swept out of mind like a leper colony for these are doomed to lonely destruction. The innovation possible through the work of the great academics should not be removed in any manner, but more especially should not be removed in the despicable manner reported. The innovation possible shall then become innovation lost with the consequent loss of respect and standards. This would then permeate through society thereby reducing standards throughout. The concentration on the detail of this plight is merely though an important detail of a big picture that needs resolution.
The posts being viewed as 'overblown' is a dangerous underestimate of the comments. Search for the fire if you see the smoke and if the answers show there to be no fire, great! How often is this the case? Ignore the forest cinders while they can easily be extinguished and you have widespread disaster. Lets quell this storm while we still can. The person often unfortunately best placed to quell the forest fire is the one holding the cinders, the next best are the innocent witnesses who too often remain uninvolved.
“Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.” Winston Churchill.
“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” Thomas Jefferson.
I take great hope in relation to the last number of postings. I refer Pertinent Flesh and Opus. It has given me a much deeper insight which I did not have at my disposal. I want to state that in the last number of months, certain people in SFI have assumed new roles of authority without actually having the authority to do so. I will explain this: Una Clifford is Human Resources in SFI. As we speak Una Clifford is moving around the corridors instructing people telling them how to behave in relation to the new format that Ferguson has obviously outlined within the inner circle. Ms Clifford portrays herself as one of Ireland's leading expert - the problem is that nobody has heard of her in the Law Library but I will get her an invitation to attend the Library in due course after the 4 days of Chit Chat of Science Ireland (today the onset ESOF2012). I also believe Una Clifford as Pertinent described is writing up new contracts on behalf of Ferguson and shredding others on behalf of herself. Leaving Renovo aside for a second and only a second Ms Clifford is creating another serious Conflict of Interest.
Una: Wake up. This is Ireland in the fall-out of the biggest corruption between FAS, the Bankers, the Developers, The Berties, The Fianna Failers, including Travers and Fottrell on the present board of SFI. This is what we are trying to get away from. Corruption - Cronyism - and the so called 'Established/Entitled' Classes who have as much power right now as a beetle on a Rhinos arse. I am not calling Ms. Clifford a beetle, I am just trying to tell her with her Civil law legal degree that she is way out of her depth. Anyway in the middle of all this it is well known in the circle of Academics that Ruth Freeman is in line for a Nobel prize! It will be the first of its kind. It is called. 'Free will travel' and it is conferred to her by the Irish taxpayers. Let us get serious here. Taxpayers want answers urgently. How much is it costing to run the Empire Wilton State building on the canal with 40 employees. Inside right now Graham Love, Una, Donal Keane and the rest of the lick arses are getting worried. The question for them is: Have they served Ferguson to their total ability because their jobs will be on the line. Then again when we get the full truth in relation to costs - maybe it is high time SFI was turned inside out and Ferguson given his P45.
Crocodile Tears
I was reading with great interest the entry "Worked at SFI for approx 4 years". Could you clarify a few points for me please?
1. Was Frank Gannon involved in this?
2. Do you know of any links between John Travers and C.J. Haughey?
3. Do you have the travel expenses relating to both Ferguson and Freeman since the former started at SFI in January 2012 up to now?
4. Are you aware of the serious connflict of interest involving Ferguson and his wife Sharon'Kane with Renovo?
Thanks. This site is being discussed everywhere at the City of Science congress.
All drama queens! Country needs to be run like any company! You have to do whatever you have to in order to get job done simple
..your patronymic aint Cooper by any chance?
No, he knew he was joking...and is less brain-dead.
'..simple...'=simplistic=simpleton...a long way from science you were dropped.
Simpleton is the correct word. I will go one further. Tommy gun is senior management SFI, one of his cronies got raw courage after a bottle of vino last night and put up the one line SFI muppet comment. In the last 2 weeks a major enquiry has been going on into the leaks in relation to what is going on at Wilton Place. Last night of course the 1% of the elite had a wine reception. Michael D. Higgins and co. attended. The sad thing is the 99% as usual paid for the buffet muppet show. Ferguson last night was not his usual arrogant self, he was telling some junior staff that he was feeling very stressed and may go on sick leave shortly but he has to get permission from Una Clifford as to what kind of illness he must go out on. I suggest it should be called the Renovo locust. It is a deadly form of beetle that you can pick up while you are studying crocodiles in the Everglades with his personal PA, Ruth Freetravel.
This morning I met a young teacher from Galway who teaches primary school children in Ballymun. She is very clued in relating to SFI and she made a very valid point. She tried to go to one of the seminars on Friday and was politely told on the phone that it was £100 registration fee. This shocked her as it does me, to the core, in the present economic climate of austerity imposed on us. Our students are falling behind in Maths and Science and yet our students are not allowed to attend certain speeches by so called Professors unless they pay exhorbitant fees. I find this disgusting. Enterprise Ireland organised this event. The taxpayers of Ireland paid for it and yet our Irish citizens who are not in the 1% cannot attend. It should be called Science Elite Research seminar. Back in Manchester numerous people are forming a group to try to find out where all the money went from the Renovo fall-out. Rumour has it that numerous millions went astray. Maybe we can ask James Reilly to look into this given that he appears to be a speculator himself. I would think when Renovo Ferguson and Nursing Home Reilly meet at one of the seminars it should make a most interesting conversation about conflicts of interest. In the meantime the circus continues and today's clown is Minister of State Sean Sherlock.
God Almighty - the Debacle of SFI is now beyond beyond belief - Alleged Conflict of Interest, naked self-interest, cronyism, nepotism, alteration of legal documents, bullying, mis-use of taxpayers money and mis-representation and all of this from an organisation that was only established in 2001.
Is there anybody out there who can address these allegations? If untrue, refute them. That can be done easily enough. If true well then take immediate action and redress these problems. These scandals has caused untold damage to Science Foundation Ireland and the management there who leave a lot to be desired.
Clearly there has been a course of huge mismanagement of this organisation over the past few years and apparently even now. Otherwise this dreadful cancer that appears to be endemic there would not have rooted so quickly and so pervasively. We have another FAS on our hands.
Unfortunately in periods of down-turn and recession the dross and mediocre rise to the top. The best are forced out - professional sabotage takes place, envy and spite reigns, old scores real or imagined are settled and absolute chaos takes over. This behaviour is as old as the world itself.
What is absolutely astonishing is that this culture appears to have taken root in SFI so rapidly - such destruction in such a short time!
@Tommy: If "getting the job" done means squandering taxpayers money, bilking investors and making off with lots of cash, I suppose you're right:
It all happened last night. Sadly I was there and for a while I wondered what really was I doing at the event. I had my special pass. Other people had to pay the £100+ fee to hear the Professors speak on DNA - the overall blaa blaa of the night was on the scientist who gave the same speech at the same venue in 1943. I won't bore you with the details.
I have been reading this topic for some weeks now. Also it was mentioned on the various blogs that are attached to the various universities. Last night Professor Luke O'Neill who is the Governments Chief Scientific adviser gave the opening speech. The rest is now like everything else - history. The point I want to make and maybe I want to clear my conscience also. This was a gathering of the inner circle of the elite last night, paid for by ordinary taxpayers money. Yet we have fallen way behind in mathematics and science. I looked around the room last night and I could count the number in attendance on one hand those under the age of 21. They were non existent. This deeply saddens me. Enda Kenny was there and I could see by his face he had as much interest in DNA origin as would the puck goat in Killorgin. We need to get all our teachers together, the national schools, the secondary schools and get a fear out of the mindsets of our young students towards maths and science. In the last decade we have had a 70% drop in students taking honours maths at leaving cert level. This alone is a crime of neglect within our research teams and our educational structure. Last night was the example again of the cronyism, the elitism of the gathering. I praise you in return for you praise me. Many years ago I always thought Professor Anthony Coughlan was too radical, now sadly I am beginning to open my eyes and see the truth and the bullshit all around me. This morning on Radio 1 7.50 a.m. Dr Graham Love, SFI got his 20 seconds of National air-time. This will give him an increase in his alter ego and sadly this is the problem in SFI today. It is a private company of cronies paid for by the common people of Ireland.
Commercialisation is blinding our present day researchers. When money is offered to you there begins the vested interest and the purpose is lost forever.
Deep Insider
I'm out of research for over 4 years now and in the private sector.
I remember that a job in the SFI was seen as a meal ticket back then - highly paid, prestigious.
Even back then research grants were funded based on commercialisation potential - I got a 1 year grant of 100K from SFI. The idea did come from basic research during my PhD and included a patent. An initial meeting with several big-wigs (clinicians, surgeons, senior post-docs) made me think that the support would be there to really try to make a success of the project - but I was pretty much on my own. I actually felt guilty spending money on a project when no one seemed to care about the outcome. Yes you could say it was sink or swim as a new post-doc but ultimately it was simply another grant to list in big wigs CVs and another 100K to add to their cumulative grant totals - the more money you've been given (even if totally wasted) they more they are likely to give you in future. This applies to all grant agencies.
Mark Ferguson and his ilk just seem like a natural progression for a certain sector intent on self promotion, ego and cronyism.
It is absolutely preposterous that these scandals surrounding SFI have not yet been independently investigated. Goodness me what does this take?
If any of these allegations are true of any State Agency, then the Director General, the Board and the whole Management team should summarily consider their positions.
This country has tolerated for far too long massive abuse of power and resources by individuals who seek their own advantage at the taxpayer's expense. They are servants of the State NOT its masters.
It must be awful for those hard working individuals at SFI, who have to endure this type of alleged corruption and mis-management and worse still have to keep silent of it for fear of losing their jobs. We thought we were leaving that behind with the Haughey/Bertie era but it seems that the old fingers are still in the pie!!!
Considerations that need to be investigated:
1) Independent examination of conflict of interest issue. (This should certainly NOT be done by the exisiting board at SFI or any other board member of other State Agencies - old boys/girls club!)
2) An independent forensic audit of the "quango".
3) An independent enquiry into the alleged mis-management - (e.g. expenses, nepotism, careful and honest and transparent handling of legal documents, manner of promotions - was due process adhered to?)
These any MANY other issues at SFI need to be carefully and promptly considered.
Eleanor Tripp
SFI’s main aim is to commercialise research. But from its latest Annual Report, as Finfacts reported on 12 July: “Science Foundation Ireland reports dismal results”.
Once it was hoped that SFI would support basic and fundamental science, mathematics and engineering in Ireland. See lots of letters to the Irish Times in recent days. Absolutely nothing is being done by SFI for fundamental science and engineering.
This is a disaster for Irish science, mathematics and engineering. Ferguson and his circle of cronies take full responsibility for this.
I received a call this morning to read the Sfi artickle in the Sunday Times business section. Report by Mark Paul Mark Ferguson and Una Clifford have got a High Court order against UPC TO GIVE sfi access to who is writing about them, This to me is bully boy tactics and shows how Ferguson operates.
Free speech is vital in any Democracy and should never be given up at any cost, Ferguson goes on to say what plans and changes he will make at SFI AND HE SAYS HE DOES NOT CARE HOW UNPOPULAR they are. This is starting to heat up and the Labour// Fine Gael coalition want to shut certain people up
Why people have a right to ask questions, I hope we still live in a Free speech country,
Brian Flannery.
Reading the Business section of the Sunday Times yesterday I was not shocked by Mr. Ferguson's outline and arrogance in relation to how he is running SFI right now. Ferguson went on to state without any hesitation that he closed down many divisions of research, that he has made redundant numerous people and he also made reference to any contracts going forward will only last 5 years. Ferguson's problem is the legacy left behind with Renovo. I am not a scientist but I am a deep economist and by this I mean Ferguson and Renovo and the figures don't add up. Professor Ferguson came over here as if it would be an easy ride before Professor O'Neill stands down as Government Chief Science adviser and this is Ferguson's main goal. He wants to run SFI as his and his alone beyond the questions of anybody but he also wants the cream on top i.e. Luke O'Neill's job. Sorry Ferguson. You have numerous questions to answer.
You threaten academics along with Una Clifford who also has many questions to answer particularly in the way she handles communications. People are entitled to be treated with respect, dignity and most importantly humanity. Ireland has witnessed the arrogance of bankers, developers, speculators, and the FF gobshites who destroyed an entire nation. Now we have a failed businessman from Manchester who lost 200+ jobs and over 100m of shareholders/investors money and yesterday he screams at the Irish citizens - How dare you question me in the way I run SFI? I believe this man is a narcissist and I also believe that he is so blinkered through his CBE and the horse shit attached to it that he forgets he works for the Irish taxpayer. Mr. Ferguson you need to first of all - apologise to the Irish people to whom you have shown no respect to in SFI, since your arrival. Then you need to make a clarified statement in relation to you and your wife Sharon O'Kane regarding any connections you have, in any format, which you have with Renovo. You work for the Irish taxpayer which means you are in the circle of accountability to the citizens of this island and more importantly to the students of our universities and schools. This is not about your ego or the ego or should I say the shocking way Ms. Clifford makes contacts with people. Ms. Clifford should be very careful about any High Court and she will also be put on the stand in relation to internal data. Irish people have a constitutional right to ask questions and as an economist Ferguson's figures yesterday is like watching the movie Dumb and Dumber. They don't add up. Mr. Ferguson, bullying will not be tolerated in these recession times. We have had bullies before and we dealt with them. It took time, it took tolerance but it also took balls and we have all the requirements.
How dare this man Ferguson and his lackey dare attempt to use the taxpayer's money to defend his already tarnished reputation? This tarnishing was not done by the Irish people but was done by others before he took over the directorship of SFI His appointment could be viewed as an unmitigated disaster for Irish Science and its reputation at home and abroad.
Questions that need to be answered have been posted on this site. Clearly they are of great concern to the irish taxpayers. Clearly they are of greater concern to Ferguson and his cronies within SFI who will go to any length to prevent the truth being revealed.
We the Irish Taxpayers will not be silenced by threats and bullying. Remember that there are still people around who have some integrity, honesty and responsibility. If there is any sensitive material in all of this issue it is the issue of how the taxpayers money is being spent by SFI. We have the right to be given this information without any fudge and with complete openess.
Outraged Taxpayer.
Who is Mattie McCabe?
This just gets better :-)
Some days ago in Dail Eireann Clare Daly asked Minister John Sherlock several questions in relation to Mark Ferguson, head of SFI. Deputy Daly was ruled out of order by the Ceann Comhairle but the only question Minister Sherlock answered was in relation to Ferguson's salary. He responded that Ferguson received £189,315 pa plus pension scheme provision. Taxpayers need to know how much more is on offer.
I wonder if Mark Ferguson is trying to shut up Clare Daly and Dail Eireann in his question for secrecy, in his lust for power and unbridled control of SFI. I don't think Clare will be silenced by him.
Note the annual accounts where his salary @ Renovo = >Stg350,000
sooo...more massive and elusive than the God particle itself...
l'Oriel syndrome...seems to be pandemic in the ascendancy echelons...that and the spin factor.
A turn in the colloider might cure it.
Excellent Research is based on sustainability and consistent effort. See CERN and NASA examples. SUSTAINABILITY not short term goals required. Tell this man Ferguson to get real.
I am disgusted as a retired Teacher how one man can do so much damage to the future of Science and Maths in this country, Some months ago CBE Ferguson gave a small speech to a group of Researchers at Trinity, My niece informed me later to my disgust his behavour was appalling and bad language throughout the talk. Why did people take the rants and not say enough/ have some respect. It is now time for the Board of SFI to come out and make a full statement in relation how Ferguson got this post as DG in January we all know good people got shafted. I note Sherlocks reply to Clare Daly in the Dail was vague and drops the scandal in SFI at the door of the board of Directors. Would Fottrell come out now as ADirector and make a full statement or is he afraid of Ferguson,
Questions need urgent answers we have had Fas scandals now Renovo and SFI. tHIS IS NOT GOING AWAY.
Pat Mc Cabe
"The former chief executive of France Telecom (semi-state I suspect?) has been placed under formal judicial investigation over workplace bullying after a spate of suicides at the phone company and its subsidiary Orange, in what could become a landmark criminal trial."
"Didier Lombard stepped down as head of the company in 2010 amid criticism of his handling of the suicide crisis; about 35 staff killed themselves in 2008 and 2009."
The two excerpts above are from the following location:
Related Link:
The race is on. In one stable we have numerous home grown scientists from UCD, Trinity, DCU, NUIG, Limerick and the rest. Of course, let us not forget UCC. But the question is: Do they have the balls to fight the front runner - hand picked by Travers?
In the front runners camp we have the bull Ferguson from SFI "I am here to put manners on all the gombeen professors from the various campuses". What will happen? Well: the referees are Bruton, Rabbitte and of course our invisible Taoiseach Mr. Kenny.
Odds 5 / 1 the bull Ferguson: Odds 90 / 1 Freeman: Odds 85 / 1 Keane: & 100 / 1 Jed & Jed
Wouldn't be great to have a special Kenny tonight on it and maybe even a tweet about a browne envelope?
"Renovo attempted to commercialise the scientific research that Ferguson had carried out at the University of Manchester. It grew rapidly from a small private company in 2000 to a publicly traded company with over 200 staff, claiming possession of 'the most advanced regenerative medicine in the world'. It received large sums of money, including £63 million of investors’ money, £58 million of investment from the pharmaceutical company Shire, along with £16.5 million of British tax-payers money in the form of grants and research tax credits."
"However, all of the drug products ultimately failed their clinical tests and none were commercialised. In 2011, the scientific research was terminated and all of the employees were laid off. The investors were wiped and the company was delisted from the main stock market."
The above excerpts are from:
Related Link:
Look at Renovo , the article above written by Mr. Finnerty. Consider the funds of £160 million that SFI, under the directorship of Mark Ferguson, is entrusted with. Are we seriously being asked by our Government to trust this man with our hard earned taxes?
Is htis country gone completely mad?
Outraged Taxpayer.
I want to thank Mr Finnerty for bringing to the fore more information of the Renovo scandal and the legacy of Ferguson and O Kane in Manchester,
Fottrell Chief Director of the SFI Board had to know the full disaster of what Ferguson left behind in Manchester and yet Fottrell and Graham Love hid the full facts from the Goverment and the Irish Taxpayers. The English Taxpayers lost 17 million pounds and yet Fottrell hid the facts along with Travers/ Newell and the rest of the Board of Directors// Why we need the full facts on Ferguson/ and in the last 72 hours shares are being bough up by unknown sources in relation to Renovo. Irish Taxpayers are waiting on the Directors of SFI NOW TO EXPLAIN THIS SCANDAL.
New Yorker.
The following is an excerpt from SFI's policy on Conflict of Interest.....
" The objective of the policy are:-
1. To protect the Foundation against conflicts of interest that may be detrimental to its activities, by ensuring that individuals covered by the policy make decisions free from any external influences, either personal or fiduciary.
2. To protect the Foundation and those individuals covered by the policy against impropriety or the appearance of impropriety, including reputational risk.
3. To earn and maintain the confidence of the research community, the government and the general public in the integrity, effectiveness and impartiality of its decision-making processes. It will not do so if these processes are seen to be compromised by conflicts of interest......"
In the light of what is happening in SFI (and for that matter relating to our Minister for Health, Dr. James Reilly), is this verbiage just pure rhetoric?
I do not know how to upload the link.
Changes have been made to THE PROFILE of failed ex Renovo Chief Fegusons CV in the last 3 weeks. Una Clifford and Donkey Keane are desperate to cover their own pathetic backs in relation to Fergus. Sources from within SFI have said that Clifford tapes all meetings now with staff and especially with Donkey Keane who she totally mistrusts after hearing on the Phoenix that Keanes brother Mark was shafted by Fottrell for the DG post last December. Gossip and secret meetings are now part of a normal day at Wilton Place.
Other internal sources are asking the friendship between Clifford and Liam Fitzgerald of Shire Holdings is a major concern and a possible conflict of interest. Sources say Clifford and Fitzgerald are close friends the problem for the Irish Taxpayer is Shire has direct interests in Renovo. What is going on it may only be out of office hours drinking but serious questions remain unanswered.
Donal Keane is unhappy with all the bad press at present and close associates are advising him to let Ferguson cover up his own shit.
It is becoming more evident now urgent changes are needed to protect the taxpayers of this country.
Legal Eagle.
Mark Ferguson the Director General - Why I believe it was a bad decision.
I believe Mr Ferguson was a very bad choice for the following reasons;
1. It appears to me that he is a massive failure and an incorrigible self seeker because the" Renovo" he created, his big claim to success, failed on all scores and was built on financial sand and while he enriched himself thousands of others were impoverished. Think now of Bankers and Property Speculators.
2. He appears to be focused on selfish gain Financially/reputationally(?) which blinds him to the consequences of his actions for the common good. (i.e. Researchers, Basic Science etc, employees and the taxpayer.
3. He appears to have cultivated an inner circle to support his skewed judgement and his volatile behaviour. Think of Enron et al.
4. He appears to have willingly sacrificed SFI's long term viability for short-term financial gain.
5. I am extremely uneasy about the part RENOVO - of which he and his wife Sharon O'Kane hold at least 12.5% voting rights and perhaps even more than 12.5% shareholding - plays in his position. I would have imagined this represents a huge conflict of interest.
6. The question is, is he fattening the calf "RENOVO" in order to sell it on and or seek other types of mergers and is this being done or even partially done AT THE EXPENSE OF THE IRISH TAXPAYER, IRISH SCIENCE AND REPUTATION.
7. Is SFI his holding seat while he sits and waits a possible huge windfall - How really interest is this man in the future of Science in Ireland and or in its reputation?
NO NO NO - replace this man immediately Too many questions hang over his appointment. This is not good for Ireland's future in science or for its reputation.
7. IS SFI is holding seat while he cenceivably
Symptoms in the running of the SFI would appear based on the posts to be similar to those pervasive throughout authorities in Ireland. Enda Kenny has recently been quoted as requiring that any venture or innovation should generate both jobs and profit in the short term. Innovation by its nature rarely yields results in the short term. The required result would appear based on appearance to be primarily fiscal, as is the case throughout the government and bank institutions, with creating jobs a reasonable vote generating by product. Perhaps these comments are cynical, however there are questions that require answers.
The appointment to lead the SFI of someone who has in business apparently failed is however at odds with the above perception. The reported active removal of high ranking scientists from the SFI would also be at odds with the above perception, though also with appointment of someone having the intention of making the SFI profitable. There is no speedy way of making profit through science. The active removal of the best brains from a science organisation can only delay any possible profit. References in the posts to 'snake oil' and audacious claims are related to the failings of Renovo and their presence in the posts indicative that these terms may with time relate also to future failings of the SFI. The removal of the best scientists would of course remove also any dissenters to 'snake oil' claims. Perhaps these possible results could be erroneous and the references herein are inaccurate, comments from those with authority in the SFI could clarify the questions arising.
The silencing of awkward questions by those unwilling to answer is a dangerous task that only qualifies the questions. Only an answer can qualify the actions that provoke the questions. Let those in authority within the SFI and those responsible for appointments answer the questions raised.
Today Irish Independent - article by Edel O'Connell, Ferguson insists he is here at SFI to make profit! In his arrogant tone, he declared words to effect he could make a lot more in the private sector but I wanted this job for one reason only to change science in Ireland and the research programmes attached to it. Ferguson also stated his wife Sharon O'Kane and himself have no problem whatsoever relating to drawing down Stg£12.7 m + other payments which include Stg£2 m to Sharon O'Kane and when you add in the bonuses - the total gets close to Stg£18 m (from a company that produced nothing other than trial failures). He also went on to say that he had sympathy for the 240 people who lost their jobs at Renovo in Manchester. His own words state 'Life goes on'.
During the interview you could interpret that he would not go into any depth. However the article states that company was floated i n 2006 on the London Stock Exchange and raised Stg78 million. It also raised Stg£100 million from the pharmaceutical company Shire. Other peoples' money backed the risks taken by Ferguson and Renovo. The ordinary people lost their jobs, the shareholders lost their total investment while he and his wife walked off with a sizeable amount together with having the benefit of salaries and perks for the years employed by this company.
Where is the Justice? Ireland now has the problem of what is the real story in relation to Renovo and Ferguson. Renovo still exists on lesser Stock Exchange with shares trading about 17p. Realistically these are now 'Penny Share' market potential and for those willing to take risks going forward, you can double your money eg 11p to 22p. Ferguson and his wife still own 14% of Renovo and there lies the conflict of interest. Sources inside SFI at the moment are telling outsiders that Donal Keane, the chief financial controller, is very uneasy with the negative headlines which Ferguson is attracting to SFI. Then again, Donal Keane has his own ghosts. He was the chief accountant on the administration board of Our Lady's Hospital, Drogheda, from 1993 to 1997 and we all know the scandals attached to that hospital without mentioning any names and the cover-ups. This will have to be addressed at Government level at some stage because this is extremely serious eg major conflicts of interest and the Irish taxpayers have a right to know the full story.
Phoenix Rising
Is Mr Ferguson attempting only now to come clean about Renovo and the staggering losses it generated in terms of funds (investors, taxes etc) and personnel? What a pity the board of SFI did not seek this information before they appointed him. His personal take is even greater than hitherto imagined!
However he still has not come clean on his present involvement in Renovo. He has not come clean about his and/or his family's exact shareholding in the company and/or about his/their voting rights. He has not come clean about Renovo's relationship, if any, with L'Oreal. He is not clear about any connections L'Oreal may have with research in Ireland which he oversees and funds courtesy of the Irish taxpayer. These are all very worrying and legitimate questions which need to be answered.
This man openly admits (albeit only after this site first outed him) that his private company failed massively. He speaks of his great difficulty in making staff redundant yet he has deliberately denuded and pushed aside SFI's smartest and best people. In effect, those with the expertise and knowledge that would be most helpful in making the rights decisions for Irish science and research. From what we have learned on this site, he and his management team have done so in a most appalling and unacceptable manner. Yet our Government has appointed this man to decide and oversee the spending of £100m+ of taxpayers money.
Mr. Ferguson - Do the honourable thing and resign. It could be said that you are in breach of many of the tenets of SFI's Conflict of Interest charter. This is a catastrophe for Irish science, research and its reputation, nationally and internationally
Is mise le meas
After reading Dick Alstrom's article yesterday in the Irish Times it is clear now that SFI has lost all credibility in the area of science and research in Ireland. Renovo is the monkey on Ferguson's back now and this monkey will not be bribed by a banana. Dick Alstrom is a highly respected in the world of science as a very level- headed journalist. His message yesterday was crystal clear SFI has completely lost its way and is embedded with cronyism and jobs for the boys and girls.
In the middle of all of this chief hatchet man Donal Keane who is the main instigitator of who gets terminated or promoted must be worried now because the legacy he left at Our Lady's Hospital Drogheda is catching up. Well done to Indymedia in bringing this cronyism to the fore and as we speak young graduates are expressing their disgust at what is going on internally at Wilton Place. 170 million is a lot of taxpayers money in the hands of a failed businessman like Ferguson, especially with a half million people unemployed.
Inside Knowledge.
Reading the FT on the 14 july last I came across a topic written by Jonathan Moules how failing Companies reinvent themselves on the Stock market . They look for private funding and people to invest if the opportunity is there to make money, Ferguson is blatantly using his position to attract investors back to Renovo in a very well constructed way. The trips to America paid for by the Irish Taxpayers is to create alternative funding for Renovo which ferguson and the wife Sharon o Kane still hold 15.per in stake holdings, This is illegal and one can say or ask the question internal trading at worst scenario,
Irish Taxpayers should take a deeper look at what is not happening in SFI and ask Why because this man walked away with 18 million in Manchester and what will he gain here on the backs of taxpayers who pays his trips for self gain,
This is a serious conflict of interest here,
Mark Ferguson and Sharon O'Kane still own a considerable part of the company they made and broke, Renovo. Now they are not directors, but they do own. After its collapse in terms of scar healing and everything else, it is now a different game: "Renovo eyes market with £30m war chest" as reported in lots of news media in May. There is lots of hanky panky going on now. Just look at all the "Transaction in own shares" notices that Renovo is logging. And Mark Ferguson can be found travelling to the US and elsewhere, sometimes with more SFI personnel in tow. He's there to tout the wares of Renovo, enjoying this profile that "working for the Irish govrenment" gives him, as the press releases put it. This is at SFI's expense and the Irish State's expense.
Forget about SFI's role in science and technology. See the recent Irish Times article on "Foundation has lost the confidence of research community". It is interesting to see just how much SFI's role and work have changed! SFI's Renovo work is gathering pace all the time now. If or when Renovo is sold off, Mr and Mrs Ferguson and O'Kane will make yet another financial killing. They will leave behind them this terrible misfortune for Irish research, and science, and engineering in the process.
I have been reading the various comments on SFI from the internet,The Irish Times, Irish Independent Phoenix, Belfast Telegraph etc. etc and it makes an astonishing read. Do the powers that be in Ireland not see what a terrible fiasco this is , right down from the Director General to the management team which by all accounts seem to have been hand - picked by him?
Are there not enough economists or mathematicans in Ireland to examine the share trading activity of this company ". Renovo", to consider Ferguson's and or his family's direct interests in this company, read the hype that he is putting out about himself and his activities in Ireland and see that this man is useing his position and power to rebuild the reputation of his failed company and possibly make another kill at shareholders and taxpayers cost? Maybe this is fine in a private company (if you have this kind of moral compass) but it is certainly not acceptable from one working in a semi state body. It beggars belief.
The part that his management team have to play in this is also hugely significant.. The spin that they are putting on his "good work" at SFI is very questionable. Have they too sold out the interst of Ireland's future ? These people should never again be allowed to hold a management position or a position of trust in the public service sector again. The whole situation is quite unbelievable.
Mark Tighe, a news journalist with the Sunday Times newspaper, here. Very interesting thread.
If there is anyone there who has information regarding issues at SFI which they think should be investigated then please contact me on [email protected]
..in today's Phoenix.
seems '..SFI is pushing ahead with its expensive legal action aimed at identifying those who have been posting comments about Ferguson and SFI on the Indymedia website...'.
Nice to be noticed. We must be doing something right.
Well said. We must be doing something right. The Phoenix today stated:
Ferguson made a complete jackass of himself in the Irish Indo
This guy is one arrogant ignorant individual who seems to think he has no legacy in Manchester (Renovo)
I say to Mark Tighe - go do your own work and dig, check out the people in Manchester some 245 or so.
Check all the old cronies on the Board of Directors of SFI, their pay packages.
This is not rocket science! Mark, it is SFI - Science Fiction in Ireland and it is costing all of us over £250 m a year
Well, get to it boys. Looking fwd to that article on Sunday Mr. Tighe
It is time now for the Board of Directors to come out now and make a full statement in relation to Renovo and Ferguson.
The Directors are keeping a stone silence one would have to ask does Ferguson have the support of the entire Board of Directors at present,
Donal Keane worked in the School of Art and Design in Dunlaoghre before landing the post of accounts manager at SFI. keane was well known for his rants
one was his deep contempt for Academics so what the fuck is he doing at SFI Apart from being Fergusons mouth piece and bully boy.
Una Clifford has many questions to address also, Graham Love known as pointed shoes is waiting to grab power he feels he got shafted by Travers last January.
A lot more to come out yet, in the meantime Clifford is talking to outside sources maybe she will spill the beans.
Renovo Observer.
The very first comment on this site is the word "cronyism". Enda Kenny has said he will break Quangos and cronyism! Could Eoin O'Driscoll and the Board of SFI clarify one question? Is Emer O'Driscoll, newly appointed PA to Mark Ferguson, the daughter or family member to Eoin? Did she get the post of PA under Mark Ferguson with open, legal and ethical standards? Was the position advertised publicly?
Another question. Does any member of the Board of SFI (and or family members) have shares in Renovo?
We need answers. It looks all too like that SFI is like a private company lead by Mark Ferguson and his cronies for vested interests.
The Bull McCabe
From a reliable source I have it that Mark Ferguson discussed recently with Max Royde and Jamie Brooke of Renovo to get one or other, or both, onto the SFI Board.
Are the SFI responsible Ministers going to go along with this?
This could be done by taking the Fianna Fail appointees off the SFI Board.
That is interesting news!
Public Servant
The news coming from the people who lost their jobs in Renovo, Manchester is quite serious.
Ferguson and some of the present shareholders meet up regularly to discuss a new way forward for the company. Share
prices are moving quietly in the last number of months and one needs to ask what exactly is going on? Ferguson and his
wife Sharon O'Kane no doubt have their millions in an offshore account, well out of reach of the Irish and English Revenue.
This man, Ferguson, should explain his position to the SFI Board and to Minister Sherlock. Travers and Fottrell who employed Ferguson
are looking for an exit out of this mountain of corruption. Again let us re-iterate the theme in these postings: Corruption, Cronyism, Conflicts of interest and not necessarily in this order.
Jersey Island Reporter
Reply to Jersey Island Reporter-Media at Sun Jul 29, 2012 14:06 ...
I think cover-ups ("aiding and abetting" that is) can also be added to your list.
"Dr O’Kane was the Chief Scientific Officer of Renovo Group PLC – one of the UK’s best known biotech companies – which she co-founded whilst Senior Research Fellow at the University of Manchester in 1998. She played a leading role in developing the biopharmaceutical product company to a publicly-listed company with a peak market capital of £400 million and 200 employees."
The above excerpt is from the University of Ulster address at: http://news.ulster.ac.uk/releases/2011/6154.html
Notice how there's no mention at all of the huge financial losses Dr O’Kane is associated with in the University of Ulster write up about her at the address just above.
Related Link:
Land of saints and scholars, - more like land of thieves and conmen! It could be argued that conmen and idiots are running the show at SFI. Are our public servants all too eager to please the boss even to the detriment of science and Ireland's scientific reputation? What sort of people are the management team at SFI who continue to support this charade of an organisation?
This Director General and his team continue to do untold damage to Ireland's reputation. They continue to ignore the very valid questions that have been posted on this site They continue to pour out spin and nonsense about the great achievements of this man and SFI's effort to support mathematics engineering and basic science in this country. We all know this is just a spin on the truth.
So while they waste our money on world travel in the name of Research and Science, we struggle on paying dearly for the hubris of some people in this state agency. Nice if you can get away with it!!
Keep going SFI - You do Ireland proud!
Bird's Eye.
There are some interesting comments on the track record of Mark Ferguson on the Interactive Investor site
Author "MUFC the best" writes on 9th Jan 2012 that Ferguson is off on another scam now at SFI.
Another "The Trader 2" writes on 26th May 2011 about the Renovo rip off by Ferguson and O'Kane.
Author "DR Slowly" writes on 25th March 2011 about pyschopathic behaviour of Ferguson.
Interesting above! Looking over sites over the week-end. Ferguson's name crops up on various blogs in relation to the millions he plundered from Renovo while 240 people were left on english welfare. It is hard to believe that this ape is allowed run an Irish Science Agency. The most serious question unanswered by Minister Sherlock is the exact salary that Ferguson draws down. It is now according ti inside sources i.e. Keane and Clifford approx. £300 annually. Where is the cap on his salary? Cronyism at large!!
The Jackal.
Recent lecture of Craig Venter on the genetic code at the Euroscience Open Forum 2012
See http://tinyurl.com/bwenqlz
Ferguson: "...youngest son of an excommunicated Mormon who drank too much, smoked too much and died at the age of 59,....lived in a home close to the train tracks....Venter enjoyed playing chicken with the trains."
Venter: "Thank you for a most novel introduction... I'll correct some of the errors along the way. My father was definitely not an alcoholic. It was coffee and cigarettes, not alcohol and cigarettes."
Questions and answers!
For public clarity, questions need to be answered.
Were SFI to appoint new directors who have vested interest in commercial organisations, perhaps even as directors of these organisations, what effect might this have?. For instance, the unlikely appointment of Renovo directors to the board of SFI. With such hypothetical circumstances it would perhaps be reasonable for some to assume a conflict of interest. Were those appointed to SFI stakeholders in Renovo what conflict might arise? The question has been raised as to what stake-holding Mark Ferguson has in Renovo. It has also been tabled that this may pose a conflict of interest. Were there appointed further Renovo stakeholders or directors to the board of SFI the weight of influence would rest with this unprofitable company. Furthermore, what is influencing the share value of Renovo?
Weighted influence of this kind would impact throughout the scientific community, particularly in Ireland. Decisions are being made on applications made to SFI for research funding by colleges and institutions in Ireland. On brief investigation it appears that funding through universities is invariably in part only with matching funding being sought through private investment. Decisions one would assume are based on merit, the viability of a proposed project weighted for both long and short term results with perhaps some reference to financial viability. One would assume there to be little reference to competition, the focus being apparently related to scientific research. What if those making these decisions were business and competitively orientated? This would be the case with anyone having a vested interest being appointed to make these decisions. Advanced information of both the projects and people involved in research would be available to these appointees. They would also have the power to influence decisions regarding the awarding of funding. Awarding funds to those who are being in part subsidised by those same directors could render the SFI awards as being of valuable commercial interest to the vested interest. It could also be possible to withdraw or refuse to award funding to potential competitors. Were the board members also to be directors of a scientifically orientated company, would any competing company be prepared to invest giving the apparent conflict of interest? Would their potential investment be futile in the absence of matching SFI funds? Would the awarding of SFI funds to competing projects be contrary to the intentions of appointed board members and their responsibility to their commercial companies shareholders? Would it be possible to reasonably avoid any conflict of interest? Directors are responsible to their company and shareholders. Board members of the SFI are responsible to the Irish people. Is it possible to exercise complete and conscientious impartiality to both? Is it impossible to be independent in such circumstances?
Is it reasonable to expect an answer to these questions? Such answers of course would only be needed in the 'unlikely' event that such appointment is being considered. Aside from the appointment of Mark Ferguson any future appointment to SFI of directors or stakeholders in Renovo may only be reasonable after these questions have been answered. The scientific ethics and fiscal impartiality of the SFI require re-enforcing through either being highlighted or corrected as and if required. Being a public funded authority, the SFI should make transparent any appointments being considered. The shareholders of the SFI are the Irish people.
“History shows that where ethics and economics come into conflict, victory is always with economics. Vested interests have never been known to have willingly divested themselves unless there was sufficient force to compel them”. B.R. Ambedkar.
Gale Vogel.
Reply to Reseacher:
And this is the man who, at taxpayers expense took out (or is taking out?) a court order to prevent people on this site making comments about his involvement in Renovo and SFI????
Not forgetting of course his side kick Una Clifford who also took (or is taking) a court action to prevent SFI,s so called "sensitive" material being leaked to the unsuspecting taxpayer. It's astonishing!
Reply to Gale Vogel:
It is a pity that the members of the Board at SFI. the D.G. Ferguson and his inner circle of so called directors do not have the ability to follow the logic you so coherently laid out. But then again is SFI representing vested interests or the Irish taxpayer?
SFI was established for the betterment of the Science and Maths students of this country what happened since 2001. Greed and a elite group took over with no legal authurity from the Irish taxpayers. Now we have Renovo Ferguson and the lick arses Keane being the most devious and a past from the hospital in Drogheda that is going public shortly. Donal Keanes friend was brought before the criminal courts yesterday and he must be worried of the Group in Drogheda who remember him with deep disgust in the 1990s,
How Keane is allowed terminate contracts in SFI is starting to raise questions with Clare Daly and others in the Dail. This idiot is toxic and has his own agenda now to oust Ferguson with the help of Graham Love another crocodile lusting for ,
This is making headlines on English papers next week thanks to Indymedia and others, Sherlock where are you please make a full statement and clear this scandal up or make some fucking statement. As Bruton said this is your shit along with ODriscoll, Travers and Fottrell, Lets not forger Bernie Cullina also who appointed Ferguson.
Rugby Player.
Last night I looked up John Travers inter alia directorships and of SFI. This man is unique because I thought Mary Davis, the Quango Queen, held the record but Travers definitely holds the title. Travers is highlighted throughout many semi-state boards and when you link in his connections which are bordering on a serious monopoly of power. He also borders on or sorry I should say he breaks every code that semi-state pretend to adhere to in relation to who gets on or should I say gets the nod for government advisory contracts. He had a serious connection with Mary Harney and her husband Geoghegan in the 80's, 90's and up to Harney's departure in 2011. Ferguson had the door opened for him by Travers and other cronies way before any interview was given for the post of SFI Director General. It is now well known within inner circles of SFI that Una Clifford is seeking legal advice if she becomes the main whistleblower and starts to tell the Irish taxpayer the full facts of the extent of what we can only call corruption.
The English papers have been tracking this, it is now known, from other blogs and as we speak, an investigative journal is in Dublin, trying to establish how Renovo Ferguson landed this plum job after leaving English taxpayers with the loss of Stg£16 m+. It has also come to the attention through Graham Love contacts in SFI that Donal Keane is planning with others to try and call an EGM to ask Ferguson to step down in the next few weeks. Maybe Keane is regaining some type of moral conscience also because he didn't become the accomplished tennis player that he is without the help of Dr. Drogheda (now facing the criminal courts). Keane privately has apologised to various people and victims of his horrendous behaviour as the accountant at the hospital in the mid-1990's. I ask Donal Keane today to apologise to the Irish taxpayer in relation to the waste of money within the public sector. This money should be going towards science and maths but sadly it is going to other interests which now is becoming the attention of various TD's at Leinster House.
If one googles in Mary Lou MacDonald's questions for June in the Dail relating to semi-state boards you will see the extent of cronyism and for that matter google in Travers. Graham Love is also very worried according to internal sources and may join Keane for the removal of Ferguson.
Charlie Chaplin
Science Foundation Ireland has lost the trust and confidence of a large proportion of the academic community and of the Public in general. Has the Board of SFI done a single thing to mitigate this absolute and complete loss of trust and confidence? Has it even attempted a damage limitation exercise? Has it such contempt for both communities?
It is bad enough that they sanctioned, what could be described as a totally unsuitable person for the position as Director General but they have compounded their folly by repeatedly ignoring calls from the public for an explanation of this debacle. Moreover they have steadfastly refused to answer many of the discerning and legitimate questions put to them by people on this site. This is an appalling and unacceptable situation. It show huge contempt for the academic community, the public and more importantly, in these terrible times, a huge contempt for the public purse. Shame shame shame.
Have the members of these Boards on State Agencies ever considered what they are paid from the public purse ? Maybe it is about time that they did so.
See: http://Debates.Oireachtas.ie/Dail/2012/06/13/00096.asp
Science Foundation Ireland was set up in the Ahern era by the old Haughey-ites. What a mix? It could be said that SFI was governed then largely by self - serving and greedy cronies and unfortunately it appears that it still is. The same old cronies, the same old fingers in the pie!
With a new political dawn we hoped for better things but alas we got only more of the same, cronyism and more cronyism. Some things never change in Ireland. All the while we have lost a whole generation whose skill and expertise will be used for the benefit of other nations. Those people in SFI who could have made a difference were pushed or are being pushed out. What are we left with? Conmen and idiots (of absolutely no standing,nationally or internationally) and the old "Codgers and Dodgers" who continue to do things with a nod and a wink. Nero fiddles while Rome burns. I despair.
Eleanor Tripp.
Former Provost of Trinity College, John Hegarty, and Bill Harris, ex Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) boss, are gone into consultancy business together via Moscow, which of course is where Conor Lenihan is now based. They are involved in Energy deals in an advisory capacity. These people take the secrets of research with them and one can only assume they use them to their advantage. Double dipping has become the order of the day. It is not one pension, but two, even three or more. Tax breaks ensured this.
Ferguson SFI is a wounded worried and egotistic man and he should be. He has few friends at Wilton Place. All he needs to do is ask Freeman, Keane, Clifford. Also another director based in the USA, is on a company board of Innovation with Bill (William Harris). This is most serious - a sitting director Newell of SFI and former Head, Harris?? There's the question of who used the research with a personal gain. Could we be so bold to suggest that there is a conflict of interest for SFI now?
Could you imagine what Ferguson will do when he appoints his new cronies like Max Royde to the SFI Board which given Max Royde's increasing shareholdings in Renovo is a most probable possibility.
We are being sold down the Swaaaaaaaney.
Pigeon Courier
Pigeon Courier
What a network you have outlined! Is SFI a private company serving the interests of a few? What about Science in Ireland, it's reputation, it's Research and more importantly the future of our young scientists? All of this in the hands of a few!!!
People have for too long piggy-backed on SFI and even now it is alleged, not without justification, that Ferguson and his crew are still doing it. And we are paying for it!! Not only that but our very best and brightest people who have served this country well are being forced out by this unscrupulous lot.
Minister Bruton you must intervene now. This country is being denuded by the very people, who are being paid above the odds, to serve it. Even the Board of SFI, it could be said, are not without taint. We must no longer endure this, nor can we afford the drain of our best people and of our resources. As sure as the taxpayers and investors of Manchester were bled dry so also will we. We must never forget that hubris is followed by nemesis. Do you Mr. Bruton also promise us that soft landing?
Mark Ferguson, D-G of SFI stated in the recent Irish Independent article that he is going to have SFI make a profit. Look at
His SFI company is comprised of Bill Harris who was the first D-G of SFI, and former Board members of SFI like Erich Bloch, Tyndall National Institute through its head, Alastair Glass, SFI Board member, Martina Newell-McGloughlin, and TCD through ex-Provost John Hegarty.
Martina Newell - McGloughlin was front runner to be D-G of SFI but she gallantly stepped aside to allow Mark Ferguson to front SFI.
From the ESOF session recently the SFI work is directed towards Russia, and in particular the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, where the Vice-President is ex-Minister Conor Lenihan.
Good for you Minister Sherlocl, to have nominated Conor Lenihan to this important post.
I look forward to the big SFI profits for all the taxpayers in Ireland! Its a great pity that the SFI jobs will all be in Russia.
Todays Sundats times Ferguson claims he is not just running SFI but he also is running a country, Who gave this loony the mandate to run the country,
Would some one with morals come out now in SFI and tell the truth ie bullying , the threats of Una Clifford towards staff with no legal right and the hidden agena of Ferguson and the Renovo company starting to take on a new form of life since he arrived at Wilton place.It has to be stopped or Taxpayers here will be fleeced as they are now by Ruth Freeman who has cost the Irish taxpayers at least 40.000 in travelling the world on behalf of Ferguson, For what and who is Freeman another lick arse promoted by Frank Gannon and Travers for their own agenda, Gannon was SFI chief and left last year after he promoted Graham Love AND Freeman two devious loyals to their own careers only. Freeman said once Clare Daly is a social nuisance well Ruth the road is getting rocky and even Keane said you are a little two faced social climber,
Fergusons plans must be stopped in destroying SFI for personal greed and power urgently. Where is Richard Bruton in all of this scandal.
Reading the Sunday Times yesrerday the threat seems to be stil Active that Ferguson will silence this site,
i got news for you Ferguson and especially Clifford it wont happen. we still have free speech in this country.
Renovo wont wash away and the scandal that goes with it is far from over and Ferguson boasts he and his wife made millions along with others. What about the 245 people who lost their jobs you gobshite ego idiot .
Profit is your goal well lets see what the Minister says of your outburst yesterday that you run the country.
This scandal of Renovo is just beginibng.
Ferguson D- G of Sfi, failed businessman, who robbed the British Taxpayer and who with his wife Sharon O' Kane ran off with 18million now tells us he is running our country.
He was put at the helm of SFI by self serving cronies (possibly in pursuit of their own and others interests) who forgot to tell him that this country is a democracy that elects its own Leader. In another democracy these cronies would be called TRAITORS.
One of the most brilliant minds of this country, who is uncorrupt and uncorruptible and of huge ability and acclaim nationally and internationally, has been sidelined at SFI - (possibly with the help of these cronies) - on the pretext that "The Irish taxpayer deserves no less" ! Its official, according to this report, absolute idiots are in charge of the show at SFI.
Most academics, Heads of Universities, Heads of Institutes, even some of those with their snouts in the trough of SFI (what would you expect?) stay silent.
Government Ministers who cannot or will not take charge of this madness. Their very silence breathes consent.
Would Enda Kenny please come off his bike and tell Ferguson WHO leads the country.
..Monday morning shit...
'..WHO leads the country..??
You mean Eirebase Shannon??
Well, if the Examiner is anyway reliable(Saturday) we are answerable(sans vote or veto) to the US Congress.
Peter King, Congressman responsible for Homeland Security, has warned there will be 'consequences'(send in the democratic drones..?) if Galway erects a memorial to one Che Guevara, late rebel against gringo dictation in the Monroe Doctrine designated US backyard of Latin America.
Its fine, of course, to erect one to Christy Columbus, racist dynasty-building conquistador responsible for opening the civilisations of the 'new world' to European imperial rapine...
Minor point of information...well, you did ask...but enough about historical management and housekeeping... back to the lucrative pseudification of science.
"Mark (Ferguson) has a deep interest in translating scientific research findings into successful commercial entities. He founded and funded (including a £13.5M state of the art building) the Manchester Biosciences Incubator, which has successfully mentored and housed a number of start up companies. Based on inventions and patents from his University research, Mark co –founded (with Dr Sharon O’Kane) Renovo, a biotechnology company developing novel pharmaceutical therapies to prevent scarring and accelerate wound healing. As CEO, since foundation, Mark built and led Renovo from 2 people to a peak staff of approx 200, and from being a small private start up to a listed public company. He was personally involved at every step of this evolution: hiring key staff and Directors, raising £32M of private International Venture Capital, pursuing commercial research and development including clinical trials of potential products , interacting with International Regulatory Authorities, licensing ( including negotiating a US $830M plus royalties deal for the lead drug ), liaising with major banks , analysts and investment funds including an IPO on the London Stock Exchange raising £67.5M, and restructuring Renovo in response to advanced clinical trial data and commercial opportunities."
The above excerpt is from: http://www.sfi.ie/about/organisation/sfi-directors/prof...uson/ ... and there is still no mention "at all, at all" (at the present time at least) on the www.sfi.ie page the above text has been copied from, which I'm inclined to assume is a Republic of Ireland Government web page of some kind, of any of the serious problems being mentioned during recent weeks in this Indymedia Article.
Is this kind of thing happening throughout the whole of the Republic of Ireland's main branches of Government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial), and all (or almost all) of our Government's several support bodies and agencies, I wonder?
It seems we might now have plenty of very nice "window dressing" on our Government's "shop-fronts": hiding numerous cesspits of extremely serious corruption and treasonous crime, which the general public cannot see?
Somehow, I have a very strong feeling -- which grows stronger by the day -- that this might well be the case?
Yesterday, using an e-mail, I put the following question to Prime Minister Enda Kenny TD, and to several other senior politicians and lawyers in the Republic of Ireland Government (which the e-mail in question was copied to):
"Why the 14 year delay connected with ratification of the international United Nations Aarhus Convention Agreement, which the Republic of Ireland signed in 1998? There were no such delays relating to the unconstitutional and unlawful ratification of the multi-billion Euro bank bailouts which completely ignored the legal right of the people of the Republic of Ireland to have the 'final' say on the matter, under the terms of Article 6.1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ireland (more on this can be viewed via http://tinyurl.com/9y2jvh2)."
The full text of yesterday's e-mail to Prime Minister Kenny TD (and a selection of his Government colleagues) can be viewed at:
Related Link:
I applaud William Finnerty for his constancy in exposing corruption in Ireland and particularly in his brilliant exposition of the goings on at Renovo.
We must now address the CV of Mark Ferguson which was organised by Minister Sherlock in relation to what the Irish taxpayer was not told. It is incredible that Ferguson was appointed as SFI chief and was/is proclaimed by Minister Sherlock as the find of the century.
Now we know that what was not writtten about is this man's disastrous legacy in relation to Renovo, Manchester, and the losses incurred by taxpayers, shareholders (private, institutional and others).
The minister and the SFI board of directors need to provide the full facts.
Ferguson D-G, SFI must be given great credit for the way he has portrayed and packaged himself. Given his boastful and narcisstic behaviour "Now I am running a country. That might make me sound like a megalomanic, but it is a logical progression" it would not be beyond doubt that small nougats of truth about this man's achievements have been blown out of reasonable preportions.
We have had this type of celebrity hype in Ireland many times before. A Taoiseach suggesting that he was an accountant, A government scientific advisor who bought a doctorate, doctors in our hospitals who faked their credentials, bankers speculators, the list goes on. And now we have Ferguson with his claims that we already know are suspect.
The point is what do we Irish do about it? Nothinh untill the whole thing blows up in our collective face.
Watch this space!
Why is it that the culture in Ireland is to laud the failed businessman as if is he /she who holds the secret of success.
Should we not instead look at those who have succeeded in their respective business/professions?
Maybe they have something to teach us!
Because the mythologisers of the corporate financial indoctrination that perpetuates the disinformation bizzards are paid off all down the line...from their editorial and university faculty chairs to the career guiding teachers focusing on egoistic selfhood; rewarded to manage the culture of competition uber alles, and the program has been learned well from the jesuitical parsers and analysts of nuance of just how to confuse and obfuscate their collective audiences from childhood into a streamed inability to 'rock the boat' or upset the authoritarian applecarts that already have them over economic barrels if they wish to retain any grip on survival in the their own countrieS of birth. Our way or the oceanic highway.
The plural 'countries' is the factor you omit. Its a global network, with skyscrapers of 'intellectual' experts selected and groomed to close off every avenue of critical thought and obscure all clarity with verbal and numerological camouflage.
Its NOT an Irish phenomenon...though we have been the laboratory for many of the techniques..thanks to our centuries of exposure to Roman and British pyramidic social control.
So long exposed we no longer feel our chains. The media are the mediators of this psychological incarceration, and its administrators themselves are so indoctrinated they think they think.
Aristocracies are 'natural'. But having evolved to the apex of the food chain of nature we are now consuming the ladder that sustains us and enabled our rise. We have created a computerised casino to manage our global household(economics is from the Greek for house management)and it has taken over and automated a system of rapacious resource extraction by means that are not only sub-human, but sub anything any natural animal would incline towards.
Business itself, and the self-serving blinkerdom incorporated in its paradigm, is the anti-rational problem.
But I recommend you get a second opinion. I may have left out a few factors.
The important point is the centrality of our media pulpeteers(no typo) in our disfunctional culture.
Denis O'Brien who pays no taxes in Ireland and still has a big influence in various vested interests in this country. Why? Because he is allowed to do it and the reason is simple, Kenny stood beside O'Brien at Wall Street when the Stock Exchange bells donged. This in itself was giving O'Brien total permission by this Government to fly over and buy into what he wants with his massive amount of millions made from a shadowy past.
Now we have Mark Ferguson, Renovo-SFI chief, who is here to collect data/information on behalf of the shareholders in Manchester, Ireland and afar, and is trying to rejuvenate the near failed Renovo company, in which he and his wife, Sharon O'Kane, hold a 15% stake at present.
I ask Bruton, Sherlock and the entire Cabinet now to stand down the Board of Directors at SFI and politely tell Ferguson to fuck off back to Renovo and to resume his study of crocodiles and genetics.
SFI should be run independently free of cronyism, corruption, nepotism, or for that matter any potential conflict of interest. At this stage, Ferguson is covered in the entire shit I have just mentioned.
I want to thank Indymedia for giving us all the right of free expression and Ferguson, Keane, Clifford, Travers, Fottrell, Love, Freeman - you will never silence the right of any Irish citizen to speak and express their views openly.
Don't forget we the taxpayers pay for the salaries, the pensions, the expenses and the other dubious perks of the people at Wilton Place.
Pertinent Flesh....you posed many questions and we are still seeking the answers. We need your help.
Thanks Opus - you summed it in one phase "our disfunctional culture". Too true, all other points are sound also.
It manifests itself superbly in SFI - the megalomaniacs who now say they run the country.
Cheked out the guy they sidelined (Sunday Times 05/08/12). Yeah, misfit alright - far too bright for the morons in there.
Cheers to failure is what I say. That way the Powers that Be Might Think, We Think, They Think.
Barry McSweeney was forced to stand down as Irish Government Chief Science Advisor in October 2005, having taken up the position in September 2004. This was due to the fraud of his PhD.
How long will it be before Mark Ferguson - Barry McSweeney mark II resigns?
Anyone claiming to run a country should also practice a level of diligence that has not been demonstrated with the recent SFI introduction of Dr. Craig Venter http://www.livestream.com/esof2012/video?clipId=pla_f1d...f4917 by Mark Ferguson. It appears from Dr. Venters response that he was indeed offended with that implicit in the introduction. One wonders what further implications of this were presented, if any behind the scenes at the conference and indeed even politically. It proves very difficult to find any quotes from leaders making similar claims to running countries. True leaders lead and in so doing realise that the running of any large organisation is a collective effort. No one person has ever run a country. The efforts required of leaders would also require a great level of care demonstrated to be lacking by comments made in the posts.
Leadership of the highest order requires that those being led are suitably qualified and expert in their respective fields. This is all the more important in any scientific organisation. The removal of those more qualified or more expert gives only an impression of power. To practice running a country in this manner is frightening.
“The megalomaniac differs from the narcissist by the fact that he wishes to be powerful rather than charming, and seeks to be feared rather than loved. To this type belong many lunatics.....”. Bertrand Russell.
Ferguson the SFI Chief and psychopath now runs the Country or so he says.
Is he trying now to publicly tell the Government that they are morons? He has told others this in private often enough. Those who we elected to run the Country are silent or simply cannot be bothered to disabuse him or us of the fact. We have been sold out to the Troika, and now what we have left, is being sold out to Ferguson and his crew on some vague pretext that they will create jobs.
Where will it all end?
Well said Gale. This is indeed a serious matter requiring urgent response from the Government. How have we got into such a mess?
Taxpayer - perhaps there are too many powerful vested interests surrounding this man! Could this be the reason the Government is so silent?
Seriously Concerned.
World acclaimed scientist, Craig Venter, was deeply insulted by Professor Mark Ferguson during the ESOF seminars which were hosted in Dublin last month.
Ferguson, when he introduced Professor Venter to the stage said, Venter's father drank himself to death and smoked heavy - it was a dysfunctional family. Venter corrected Ferguson but was badly shaken. Later that night, an advisor, allegedly from Sherlock's office made contact and sincerely apologised to Professor Venter. This is on site and can be proven beyond doubt.
This really embarrassed many people from the Colleges here and others from overseas.
Ferguson is becoming a major liability now. Time to go.
Irish immigrant.
Now that we have Mark Ferguson and his Cabinet running the Country what need have we of Taoiseasch and his Cabinet ? Think of how much money that would save? Indeed we can dispense with the whole Dail. Now wouldn't that go a long way in cutting public expenses?
Well said Ferguson, - good of you to let us know this, while the Government run for cover.
Last June Ferguson spent 3 weeks in America meeting up with potential investors to raise capital to relaunch Renovo Why, The other people who were there were Sharon O Kane and Ruth Freeman of SFI WHAT REALLY IS GOING ON. Ruth Freeman travelled on Irish Taxpayers money and now the question has to be asked is Freeman a shareholder in SFI if not Why was she in the company of Ferguson and wife in Boston, This is getting very disturbing and Free travel on taxpayers money in a Conflict of interest is bordering on a very thin line og professional misconduct by Freeman and her boss SFI and Renovo Boss Ferguson.
Shareholder Loser.
“We learn resignation not by our own suffering, but by the suffering of others”. William Somerset Maugham.
While this quote may be intended to relate to lessons we gain from people watching, it is too often in contemporary life that those who learn to actually resign do so due to the pressure bearing from those others who suffer. Those suffering do so too often because of the actions of those required to resign.
The unanswered question remains as to whether the cause of loss in these posts is the result of those causing the suffering.
“Time to go” Irish immigrant.
I went to school with Ferguson and then to Queens he will not be dictated to by anyone believe me. I have been reading this site for weeks now and I FULLY BACK MOST COMMENTS,but your problem is Ferguson will never back down it did not happen in Manchester and it wont happen here he has the full backing of Sherlock. Ferguson will try and tear this site to shreds and going to the High Court to silence his critics and believe me this man means business. Ferguson left Manchester in tatters for other people but he and the wife pocketed 18 million plus
Una Clifford said Ferguson is not in SFI FOR MONEY so why is he here.
Belfast and worried for Irish Taxpayers.
Ferguson Chief of SFI/RENOVO and now self acclaimed Leader of the Country squandered millions of British Taxpayers money, robbed most of Renovo's Investors of their livelihood, made a few hundred unemployed and with his missus Sharon O' Kane hopped over here with a cool 18million. That's what some here call success!!
When he came here, with the help of a few well placed FF cronies, did he declare his huge conflict of interests with Irish Research? Most probably not. Was it demanded of him by those who appointed him? Most probably not. Did he break his link with Renovo? Most definitely Not. RESULT : Irish Research is ripe for the picking. The question is : In whose interest?
He arrives here at the helm of SFI, cuts of the head of our very owm competant people and proclaims that HE runs the country. Now he is in the position, with taxpayers money and his very influential position to rebuild Renovo, attract a lot more investors, raise the shares of Renovo on the back of the results of Irish Researchers (Whose relevant projects he decides to fund) and makes another killing and possibly skips off again with more millions. This time leaving SFI bereft! We will loose not only our very best competant people, our hard built reputation but also our integrity and the future of our young scientists. When out low tax rate goes (as we know it will) what else will we have to attract foreign investment to our shores?
A familiar pattern to Manchester? Not quite. He never proclaimed to be running the Country there. Would he get away with it there? No way Jose. Will he get away with it here? LETS US WAIT AND SEE.
Concerned Citizen.
Concerned Citizen.
I have recently heard of a plan to boycott SFI programmes between October 2012 and March 2013 in order to substantiate Irish academia's reservations against SFI director Mark Ferguson. Has anybody got more information about this? Are there any details available as to which disciplines will be involved? Will it only affect new grant applications? Or will also existing grants be covered?
Any information on this will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Bad Researcher.
I have heard of sweating the assets but there is a very big difference between sweating the assets and stripping the assets. Now that Ireland has been stripped of its most valuable asset, the thousands of young people who have left this Island, lets hope that Ferguson knows the difference between the two By the looks of things he doesn't but we might get luck. However I wont be holding my breadth!!!!
Hi guys, been recommended to your site. Have known this guy Ferguson for years. Could hardly believe it is the same guy. Also hard to believe that anyone would employ a conman like him. Wow how the mighty have fallen! Conned this country for years with his so called research! The only worthwhile research this man ever did was on how to get rich while fleecing others. Gets lots of help with this from his investments company too.
Surrounds himself with like minded amoebas whose main job is to protect his ass. No doubt he promises them great innings too. Put a white coat on, mess around with a few test tubes and it is amazing what people will believe. I'm almost tempted to try it myself!
Manchester, Ex - Employee
You must have some information. The months October and March are quite relevant. Are you part of the boycott and how can we help?
Mediocre Researcher.
This man Ferguson is fattening his Golden Goose so that Renovo can plunder it again. There is nothing to Renovo, never was, there is no great research, never was. This time however he is doing it on the back of the Irish taxpayer and on the position of Trust they foolishly placed in him.
Those who are responsible for his appointment and those who continue to support him in this potential great rip - off should be severely censured.
Forget the spin and the manipulation of statistics that he gets his lackeys to spin for him. We saw a huge amount of that here. This man is all about spin and grab. It is quite remarkable that he can get so called officialdom to do it for him. But then again that makes it look authentic - doesn't it?
We have had the failed Bankers, Developers and Politicians who have plundered this country and brought it to its knees. Not content with that we now have to endure the humiliation of some idiots , acting on our behalf, who looked across the Irish pond to see if they could find another plunderer to further add to our woes. You could not make it up!!
Come to think of it, it was Ferguson who probably sought them out.. That seems to be the style of the Chief of SFI/Renovo . Find the fools he can hoodwink, make sure to get rid of those who could and would challenge him and keep close the morons who are too dim to see what he is up to. Mission so far accomplished, now for the plundering. Plunder he surely will, - even better I am told, than the plundering of the monasteries by his fellow countryman Henry V111. Now what better way to do this successfully than to declare himself running the country.
Has our Government lost their wits and or bottle?
Have our University/Institute Heads lost their obligation of responsibility and loyalty to the taxpayer who pays their salaries?
Do those Researchers who lead the very lucrative Research Programmes have any interest (outside their own inflated egos) in Science or Ireland's reputation or the future of our young scientists who are at present leaving this country in droves.?
Is there anybody left at SFI who has any sense of responsibility to the community? Do they not think that we have had enough of their spin and fantastic play on statistics?
Have any of the above mentioned done anything to remedy this dreadful situation? The whole mess is laughable if it did not bode such dreadful consequences.
Has anybody been watching the activity of Renovo shares lately.? This guy is on to a big scam again. Seems he is getting a lot of help from you lot there!
What I have heard is that quite a number of high-profile researchers in the Irish academia are very angry about how the new SFI programmes and criteria have been defined. According to these, it appears almost impossible for sound research in, say, non-applicable sciences to enjoy any funding under this directorship.
So, on top of all the valid points made in the above contributions, we seem to have a serious issue here with freedom of research.
Regarding the boycott, I have heard in the mean time that there is the plan to refrain from any new grant application with SFI from October 2012 till March 2013, inclusively. Research and administration on existing funding will not be touched as far as I am informed. The boycott is designed to form a pure networking action that avoids to expose any prominent figures to the public. To me, the best example to compare seems ANONYMOUS.
How to help:
1) Spread the few details of this plan as widely as possible.
2) Refrain from enriching the action by any further measure. Keep it slim.
We will see where we go. The more members of Irish academia follow, the higher will be the chances to see Ferguson recalled.
The meeting in America last June has being confirmed between Ferguson and other shareholders of Renovo. This is deeply worrying for the Irish Taxpayers and more importent where is Sean Sherlock now. Who would give Ferguson a failed idiot 270 million of taxpayers money in a fucking Recession, Keep watching the shares in Renovo very well planned some sources hidden is buying////
Academic concerned,
Ferguson and wife own 21 million shares in Renovo! There are at least 3 more in SFI who own shares in Renovo. Ruth Freeman has Asian contacts i.e markets. Major conflict of interest scenario. Gannon promoted lick arse Freeman and Donal Keane wants her out.
Labour are slowly starting to make enquiries re. Ferguson and Renovo. Sherlock is trying to find a scapegoat i.e Una Clifford, the woman who is famous for sending interesting emails with no legal authority. More to come..............
Manchester Researcher
Mark Ferguson's and Sharon O'Kane's ownership of a large number of shares in Renovo is a cause of major concern.
It is a direct conflict of interest with his position as DG of SFI. In the past few months there has been a lot of share buy- back by Ferguson's people in Renovo. This needs urgent investigation.
See WWW. Renovo.com
Ferguson must be very busy trying to pump share prices at Renovo. He is virtually locked in his hole at SFI with his coterie of hand picked aides trying to find a way out of the hole they have dug for themselves. With all the business of running the country, pumping up the share prices at Renovo, looking after career prospects for themselves and looking after the vested interests of the cronies who helped him there, they are far too busy to bother about public perception of SFI or what it is meant to be doing. They just leave that to the million dollar PR company that continues to pour out spin, lies and questionable statistics to keep the unsuspecting public fooled. In the meantime Ferguson and his team concentrates on how to pull off his second big scam.
Sources within the markets now have information of Ferguson and some Investors who went to America last June to further the interests of Renovo. Was this done through SF and at taxpayers expense??? Check out sites detailing information on Renovo on the sites at Reuters and Bloomberg. They will reveal the shady going on at Renovo. How can Directors of SFI be in America on a mission solely for the personal gain of Mark Ferguson and his coterie of fraudsters??
There are many more questions to be asked about this man and his activities. What is he doing representing this country? Indeed what is he doing running this country? We have it straight from the horse's mouth ".....now I run the country......"
Professor Patrick Cunningham is the Chief Goverment Scientific Advisor and he based at Wilton Place
Ferguson wants his post on Semptember 1 this wont happen and we hope the post is entwined into Enterprise . Ferguson during the ESOF Science seminar last month shouts in his loud tone with laughter Professor Cunningham is in the early stages of DEMENTIA . This was heard by Clifford. Freeman , Graham Love and others they all laughed. These bastards are devious and need to be faced down . As a Teacher and knowing Professor Cunningham a decent man who does not deserve this abuse by Ferguson who is still trading in Renovo shares
The Cabinet should seek a urgent meeting with the Board of SFI and ask for a total clear out of these corrupt bastards for the sake of our future in Science and above all integrity which is lost in these present .
P Brett
Mr. Brett
I have heard of this comment too. The man Mark Ferguson has no brake between his brain (if he has one) and his mouth. Neither does he have a brake between his brain and his actions! A very dangerous man to have in charge.
From the comments posted on the this site I an truly confused about what is going on at SFI. Has someone played a sick joke on this beleagured country by appointing a man like him? What are the relevant authorities doing about this terrible situation? The ugly comments that he has made about Professor Cunningham are dreadful expressions of contempt. This must not be tolerated.
Stories abound about corruption and ineptitude throughout Ireland recently. The complexity of this particular thread is a symptom of a society in decline. What link to the SFI has Kestrel Investment Partners? There appears an ever divisible trail of interest surrounding SFI's DG. Being uninitiated to the world of high level investment I wonder why investors would purchase shares immediately after a company like Renovo has voted to buy back shares. It's obvious, the apparent increase in value due to the demand generated by this vote in a company that is reported in this post as failing. Who makes money? Why would anyone writing about corruption and ineptitude in Ireland be concerned about foreign investors investing in foreign shares? The mere mention of Mark Ferguson in certain circles raises eyebrows and concerns, it would appear both in Britain and Ireland.
Is the blindness of our authorities deliberate? Where are our leaders? Are those truly ..”running a country” comprised of those apparently corrupt?
A question that now must be answered with particular reference to this post, what are our leaders doing?
A letter in the Irish Times today signed by many of the so called academic elites of College Research referred to the funding or the lack in relation to their own self-gain and motive. Only for this site and Brian Flannery who began this very serious argument which has opened up a can of worms across the entire research spectrum. These people today would not have come out. The only reason that this bunch of clowns have written today is that Indymedia and the people at grassroots shamed them out of their elite castles in the sky and their overpaid salaries which are as always financed by the Irish taxpayers.
The letter lacked one vital component. Not one critical comment in relation to Ferguson and the corruption at present within SFI at Wilton Place. It is a pity that this bunch of clowns today had not the balls to stand up and be counted and directly take on Ferguson.
Liam Delaney Galway
A propos posting by T Brett
Overheard in canteen at Wilton House:
Two senior SFI people from inner circle speaking about Ferguson's comment on a new secretary " We'll soon see if she is all fur coat and no knickers".... Other such degrading comments about female staff have emanated from the same quarters. What has been done about it?
One wonders if Ms. S O'Kane (who incidentally rides high on a C.V. remarkably similar to the great Mr. Ferguson) was of the " fur coat no knickers variety?????
Bug in the rug.
Mark Ferguson is damaged goods and the legacy of Failure in Manchester will not go away,
Where is the Board of SFI CAN THEY NOT COME OUT AND MAKE A cLARIFIED STATEMENT that Ferguson has their full backing,
Questions are mounting on Ferguson now and his credibility according to Graham Love and Una Clifford is in tatters
Clifford is talking to outside sources and will eventually tell all and name the inner elite of this scandal. Shares are still moving at Renovo and Ferguson is still holding secret meeting with potential investors, This needs to be adressed urgently,
Liam Delaney,
Where is the Board of SFI with all of these revealations?
Could we have a clear and full statement on the affairs of Ferguson and his wife, O'Kane and their company "Renovo" ?
How is blatant conflict of interest being handled?
How is taxpayer's money - £276 million per year being protected at SFI?
What have you to say to the Irish Taxpayer on whom this dreadful state of affairs has been inflicted?
We want answers and as impoverished citizens footing the extraordinary spend of this agency we need to be assured that the best interests of our people and especially of our young scientists are being served. At present we do not have that confidence.
With all the risk of repetition it is my belief that we need answers to the questions tabled in these posts. All the reports would indicate that Renovo has failed in the real world, however the share value has increased over the past year, http://www.lse.co.uk/shareprice.asp?shareprice=rnv. While we have indications of the extent of funding available through SFI, it is the taxpayers right to also have access to the means and protocol governing the awarding of these funds. For instance, do SFI have the power to allocate amounts directly without government controls? If so what is the amount that can be awarded without scrutiny? Who decides the recipients and what controls are in place to prevent errors? The future of Ireland's scientific reputation depends to a high degree on the SFI.
To the SFI. Please answer the questions and clarify the viability and legality of the means being adopted.
Please explain how the methods employed are to improve the service being provided by the SFI on behalf of the Irish people. On talking with researchers and previous recipients of SFI funds it would appear there to be unease with the current status and absence of funding for longer term projects.
There may be an opportunity for the SFI to answer some of these questions tomorrow evening at 18:00 on Newstalk. http://www.newstalk.ie/programmes/all/futureproof/ This program may also provide the chance for those seeking answers.
It is interesting that Mr. Ferguson of SFI will be on Newstalk radio, 18.00 - 19.00, tomorrow, Saturday. He will be telling about how SFI now excludes basic science, engineering and mathematics from its funding.
It figures... Mr. Ferguson made a disastrous mess of what he has done in business, while raking in the money for himself and his wife Ms. O'Kane. Ferguson and O'Kane have done rip - offs before and they are now running, with others of the same mindset, the SFI scam.
I sure hope the spotlight is put on Mr. Ferguson on the Newstalk airing. We need fundamental science, engineering and mathematics in Ireland. We do not need financial scams of the Ferguson/O'Kane sort.
Young Researcher.
Sources across Dublin today have been in touch with Newstalk (Futureproof) trying to change the format of tonight's programme at 6 pm which is in fact pre-recorded. It is not impossible to make contact with Mark Ferguson and have him answer serious questions in relation to the legacy (Renovo) he left behind (or has he) in Manchester. It is reported that Ferguson stated he paid for tonight's programme. This is one arrogant bulldog representing Science in Ireland and more importantly the Irish taxpayer is paying for tonight's programme. Again Ferguson is allowed make speeches and avoid the questions - the posse is not far behind now. It is also stated within SFI that senior staff want Ferguson out. Donal Keane/Love/Freeman are leading this group and are meeting next week with Minister Sherlock relating to their serious concerns about this man's biases in Research Science compatible with what we need in Ireland. It is also stated that Una Clifford has shredded all the evidence that links her to dodgy emails and contracts terminated during the month of June with her sole name on said documents. The shredder is alive and well at Wilton Place.
Peadar Postgrad maths
Last evening Mark Ferguson spoke for 10 mins on Newstalk and never a mention of any career failures, What really is going on in SFI AND WHO is doing the cover ups. Graham Love is tweeting like a duck on heroin yet Love wants Ferguson out The SFI Board of Directors have not answered one single question yet staff at SFI are threarened by Freeman and Donal Keane to keep their mouths shut. The strange thing is Keane, Love, and Freeman want Ferguson to step down
so what will it take now to force the Directors of SFI to tell Ferguson the game of bluff is over, Next month there is numerous questions being prepared in relation to Ferguson Renovo and SFI lets wait and see the fallout from this major Scandal and corruption. Una Clifford claims it is all legal Una I hope you can stand over your Bullshit because Keane wont back you up nor will any of the rest of the cowards,
Pat Mc Cabe
In regard to basic science and mathematics, and the need for immediate commercial impact, Mark Ferguson's message was well articulated.
Well well!
This is not what Helga Nowotny, President of the European Research Council, said in Dublin in July. It is not what Comissioner Maire Geoghegan has been saying either.
SFI no longer funds basic science or mathematics. Admit it Mr. Ferguson. SFI is just jobs for the boys and girls, and personal rip-off by the Mr.Ferguson set, and high-order cronyism by its Board.
Young Researcher.
Times of Recession make room for complete Madness and we had a prime example of it on Newstalk on Saturday evening at 18.00. SFI are completely out of touch with the Irish mindset. I can think of many more relevant topics to be discussed rather than what was put out by SFI for young listeners.
That man Ferguson (who claims that he runs the country!) should be simply silenced. He has nothing to offer Irish Science except destruction and mark my words this he will do if somebody does not intervene and fast!
I can't help wondering if any of the descriptions below fit one or more of the "complained of people" in this article?
"The serial bully:
is a convincing, practised liar and when called to account, will make up anything spontaneously to fit their needs at that moment
has a Jekyll and Hyde nature - is vile, vicious and vindictive in private, but innocent and charming in front of witnesses; no-one can (or wants to) believe this individual has a vindictive nature - only the current target of the serial bully's aggression sees both sides; whilst the Jekyll side is described as "charming" and convincing enough to deceive personnel, management and a tribunal, the Hyde side is frequently described as "evil"; Hyde is the real person, Jekyll is an act
excels at deception and should never be underestimated in their capacity to deceive
uses excessive charm and is always plausible and convincing when peers, superiors or others are present (charm can be used to deceive as well as to cover for lack of empathy)
is glib, shallow and superficial with plenty of fine words and lots of form - but there's no substance
is possessed of an exceptional verbal facility and will outmanoeuvre most people in verbal interaction, especially at times of conflict
is often described as smooth, slippery, slimy, ingratiating, fawning, toadying, obsequious, sycophantic
relies on mimicry, repetition and regurgitation to convince others that he or she is both a "normal" human being and a tough dynamic manager, as in extolling the virtues of the latest management fads and pouring forth the accompanying jargon
is unusually skilled in being able to anticipate what people want to hear and then saying it plausibly
cannot be trusted or relied upon ... "
The above excerpts, which are just some selected from a longer list, have been copied come from: http://www.bullyonline.org/workbully/serial.htm
Related Link:
Reply to W Finner
Well said W. I would say you are spot on there. Uncomfortable reading for some at SFI.
What is impact of mathematics - "Articulate it ! " he said.
Shift from basic science - "People won't like it"
SFI's policies - "Decided before I came"
While he was very outspoken about the shift towards impact and away from fundamental science and mathematics, he was very vague about his plans. He was quite dogmatic though! It is interesting that people like him always lay the blame on others for the consequences of their bad management, and very blinkered vision.
Young Researcher.
Frustration turns to anger as the questions remain unanswered and the piling of apparent ridicule continues. Last Saturday's Newstalk had an interesting feature on science in which the DG of SFI spoke perhaps openly. The man who “runs a country” on Saturday feigns helplessness in the face of government policy controlling SFI finance. Is the feigning false and does he really have more control as previously claimed? There appears to be blame levied on government policy for failings on promises made.
Is the policy to provide employment? Has anyone made promises to our esteemed though perhaps absent leaders to provide these jobs? Is there an absence of control within and of SFI in the absence of our apparent holidaying leaders?
Answers are increasingly needed.
I've been reading the posts on this for a while now and am surprised that no-one has written to answer any points, or to support the SFI in their actions. Gale and more has asked for answers, these can only be given by the sfi or those in the sfi. An invite has been given and should be answered. Why is no one answering.
Sfi uses our money and should suppoort our people and not Renovo or any other interests.
It is now becoming more apparent by the day that Ferguson's days are numbered in SFI. The conflict of interest is no longer debateable, it is actually a fact. This is now way above the Board's head and Sherlock is simply clueless to the fact that the Irish taxpayers have been fooled yet again by this chancer - Ferguson. Also include: his wife, Sharon O'Kane.
Let us put this simply: Fergie and Kane are own 21 million shares in Renovo (AIM) Fact. All you have to do is check out Renovo's shareholders and the facts are there.
This is now a national scandal and at this stage this inept government are trying to put their heads down so that the problem will just go away. Ferguson however has caused a major headache for the Government next month. It is alleged he has sought High Court proceedings to muzzle Indymedia website and also to try and track down personal IP addresses. I say to you Fergie, we have free speech in this country and people will stand up and face you down. One last question: Who will be paying the legal costs or is at present paying the legal cost for this High Court application?
Let the battle against cronyism and corruption begin.
Deep Insider
There is an article in today's Times Higher Education titled 'Research Intelligence - Cold shoulder for Ireland's pure science?
Fottrell, SFI director, came out in the article in a very weak vague way relating to the funding from SFI to research in Ireland. Fottrell along with Travers and the other Board members need to re evaluate their position urgently. Ferguson is a dead duck just like Bottler Reilly - they just have to go! It is ironic, one a doctor and one a dentist. How could a Government give 270 million to a failed idiot like dentist Ferguson. It would only happen in Ireland in the worst recession of our history. Sherlock should be the fall-guy but I believe Clifford, Keane, and Love, not forgetting Ruth Free-travel should worry. Taxpayers like me don't forget the multiple thousands these gobshites have wasted on their own egos and junket trips to America.
I say to Donal Keane today, you ran out of the hospital in Drogheda - you made it clear in Dun Laoghaire that you hate Academics and I am making it clear to you today Donal, your bullying days are over. Even your brother Mark in UCD is aware of this. This scandal will either be addressed under a special Oireachtas committee or Ferguson will be allowed go away quietly into the mist.
Brian Flannery
When the Board of SFI had an opportunity to introduce constructive reform at SFI, by the appointment of one of many eminently home grown Irish scientists/academics last January, they failed, and failed spectacularly. They did so because it is conceivable that some members of the selection panel and the Board of SFI doggedly pursued their own vested interests at the expense of SFI and the whole community of Irish taxpayers. It is to the eternal shame of the SFI Board that not one voice was raised against this.
The appointment of the interim CEO was also manipulated by the same vested interests. Instead of appointing one of the very obvious"best people" it was decided that the seat be kept "warm" by a nonentity in order that the way be made clear and indisputable for the appointment of an opportunist in the likeness of Ferguson. It is a matter of huge regret but an example of how cronyism and vested interests still hold sway in the public sector.
Mark Ferguson swindled the British taxpayer out of millions, swindled his investors out of millions, skipped off to Ireland with a cool 18million, held on to his considerable interest in Renovc and landed a plumb job in a State Agency in Ireland. It couldn't happen anywhere else!!!
Well done Ireland. You seem to think very highly of this conman. In this weeks issue of the Times Higher Education we are told that he has the full backing of that State Agency Board in spite of the fact that they are in full knowledge of Ferguson's shady past!! This is very disturbing. I certainly shall be lobbying my MP to have this man's CBE revoked as has been done before with other fraudsters.
British Taxpayer.
'..anywhere else.'??
Stow your racist drivel, BT.
You've just informed us it happened in Britain.
Go deal with St Anthony of BAe-Bi Face Blair's antics in the Middle East and North Africa, and his government's £1bn bribe to Saudi royalty for weapons deals before you fall off your moral high-horse.
Your wicket is sticky as your butcher's-apron flag. We are no longer your stepping stone to empire, get used to it. Nor have you added a micro-quantum to the information already posted.
To Opus:
Point taken Opus. You are correct. I guess I should say the fact that it happens elsewhere is no excuse for it happening in Ireland.
I stand corrected!!!
British Taxpayer.
hatchet buried.
All the concerns with respect to Mark Ferguson have been raised many times on this site but sometimes it takes constant repetition for a message to be driven home. Maybe if it is repeated often enough those responsible for creating this mess might be finally persuaded to do something about it before we have a complete brain drain out of this country. The idiot who maintains "the Irish Taxpayer deserves no less" is dead right. It is the no more of his sort that we deserve. Have we not already learned that it was the country's obsession with the commercialisation with just about everything that has brought us to our knees and these idiots at SFI are advocating more of it.
Citizens of any country dream of equitable approaches to challenges. Many see this as a right and are more likely to be critical of their own country more than others. Illness at home is always harder to bear. The increasingly rampant incidents of crony-ism and self interest of the SFI kind results in the ills noted in these many posts. These are the symptoms of an absence of any clear focus by our leaders. In fact the SFI débâcle has at its core a now removed corrupt government and a now absent government. The absence of leadership in Ireland may yet confirm SFIs DG claims of “running a country”. This may prove more potent a claim with the resignation of Professor Patrick Cunningham as chief scientific advisor to the apparent absent. http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/ireland/2012/0831/1....html .
Exasperated claims repetition is needed.
“It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.” Muhammad Ali.
We need now in Ireland to establish a belief system that affords the dignity lost back to the people. Without repetition this will not happen.
The Renovo shares are being bought back by an inner circle of present shareholders ie Ferguson, wife O'Kane and others at an option rate of 7-10p while shares in the open market are hovering at around .17p. They are held in 'Treasury' whatever this means? This is becoming a blatant attempt to cash in again for the kill when the timing is right!
In the meantime Ferguson spoke alongside Pat Rabbitte Friday 30th August about offshore oil rigging. What is really going on here? Ferguson took another Professors' notes and bluffed it.
Next Tuesday SFI hold a meeting fronted by Graham Love on new SFI Strategy (which is nothing for students). It is purely commercial and suits Ferguson's agenda.
Conflict of many interests. Posse is closing in fast.
Time to go back to Manchester Mr. Chancer Ferguson
Crazy Crocodile
Shareholders Henderson Kestrel (Brooke, Royde) hold their hand of cards very close to their chests! Buybacks is about bringing funding back to shareholders - Is this correct?
Can't pretend to know a lot about share buying and share buy back and Director's share options but I do understand enough to know that it looks like Mark Ferguson is on to another Manchester like scam.
You are right crazy croc. nobody seems to care about conflicts of interest anymore, especially the Board of Directors at SFI. Sure didn't Mr. Ferguson himself tell us that the board knew all about his interest in Renovo when they appointed him? It is a pity that they didn't inform the general public, whose taxes pay for the lot of them, that they knew all about his big rip-off at Manchester when they appointed him. Whose interest were they looking after??
I presume they also knew that he would concentrate on funding, with our money, only those areas he had a vested interest in, namely bio. and pharma. I presume they also knew that he would starve mathematics, engineering and basic science of necessary funding, given that it is these areas that our best interests lie in.
And yes they continue to support a man who puts his own interests first, who publicly insults our Government, our former Chief Scientific Advisor (no doubt they wii want to give him that job too) and eminent visiting scientist to this country. They have a lot to answer for!
It would appear to have been established that SFIs DG holds shares in Renovo. The Crazy Crocodile post notes a stake-holding in off shore oil drilling, by the SFI. Who has vested interest in any company interested in this drilling? Transparency is now needed in order to establish the true beneficiaries of our tax investment. These should of course be the tax payers and people of Ireland. Licences are being sold wholesale to various interests for oil research and exploration off the coast of Ireland. The resources noted have been likened to the North Sea and anyone with a vested interest in these licensed companies would stand to make vast profits, either through the early sale of increasing share values or with the discovery of vast areas of oil reserves.
If those with these interests hold positions of power in state or semi-state organisations, then they could orchestrate dealings to personal benefit. In order to avoid unnecessary resource waste related to vested interest, the highlighting and avoidance of any possible influence of vested interest needs to be controlled. This can only happen with honest disclosure. The questions repeatedly tabled in these posts need to be answered in order for this disclosure to be effective.
This meeting interrupted by Corrib supporters, upsetting Minister Pat Rabbitte's speech was a classic coup.
Sitting at that top table was Professor Mark Ferguson, Director-General SFI, who also through sources over the weekend, holds 30,000 shares in Shell through a company set up by Sharon O'Kane. Then he (Ferguson) goes on to give a speech on offshore oil. Donal Keane has stated he owns in excess of 50,000 shares, by way of a trust or vehicle set up by other former/current Renovo heads who made a cash killing before. Don't forget Ferguson made £18 million sterling out of Renovo along with O'Kane.
Meanwhile don't forget 250 people lost their jobs and some their family homes. Now this man has a deep interest in Ireland's natural resources and he heads up Science Foundation Ireland. This is a near indictable crime of pure Conflict of Interest at work.
Just received copy of Sunday Mail. Indymedia is doing a lot right these days. There is a two page spread with photos of Professor Mark Ferguson. Cronyism, power-play, breaking rules, conflicts of interest....all is included in the article. Shame on us in Ireland for being so gullible.
It was with absolute shock and outrage that I read the article on Mark Ferguson in today's "Mail on Sunday". How absolute STUPID can our leaders be. It could be argued that An Taoiseach Enda Kenny, has by his covert actions, has attempted to reward handsomely what could be termed a fraudster and conman, and in so doing, has brought shame on this country. How dare he critise Governments who have gone before him. He is even worse, with his Saint Enda like protestations to right the wrongs that have been inflicted on this nation.
Mark Ferguson espouses all the values and bad practice that has brought this country to ruin. Now he is being handsomely rewarded, it could be said, at the taxpayers expense, by an incompetant, mislead,deceitful and easily manipulated Enda Kenny. A Taoiseach, I might add , who Mark Ferguson treats with utter contempt. It's official then Mark Ferguson "runs the country". At first I thought Ferguson's claim was an insult , now I know better. Welcome to the Ireland of FOOLS, ROGUES and SELF SERVING MANDARINS. The country has gone to pot.
Reply to Citizen.
You are right to be shocked and outraged but do something about it....!!
Yes Kenny is manipulated by advisors and mandarins who have no knowledge or understanding of what is best for this country. A classic case of the blind leading the blind. However IT IS cronyism at its absolute worse.
You are also correct in asking how dare Kenny reward a complete failure and conman, at taxpayers expense, while he is at the same time preparing to deliver a savage budget on an already beleagured country. He is in effect asking the poor and vulnerable, along with the not so poor but equally beleagured, to pay for the greed and excesses of this conman with his over-inflated ego. A "star" - don't me me laugh. Prof. Tom Garvan was absolutely right - "The best brains in this country are being governed by fools". The question is what do we do with the fools who appoint or sanction their appointment?
WE URGENTLY NEED A CHANGE OF GOVERNMENT. To use their phrase we should not be a penny wise and a pound foolish. We are on the fast route to utter destruction.
Citizen 11.
Opportunism is the conscious taking of advantage of a situation or circumstances for personal gain. Something that we are all possibly guilty of to some degree. When faced with an opportunity we weigh the advantages and disadvantages and act accordingly. Many will include non-personal criteria in this weighted decision. With third party concerns absent from this decision, it is totally selfish opportunism. Personal gain if shared can be of benefit to many. Mark Ferguson was faced with a decision to accept an offer as DG of SFI last year. As implied by the attached article, the opportunity arose due to links with influential politicians. What links does Mark Ferguson have with Sean Sherlock? What influence does Sean Sherlock have with Enda Kenny? This also poses the question as to what control Enda Kenny has over his own actions. Is one who blindly accepts vested advice a leader or a fool? An opportunist who is not checked becomes naturally a “megalomaniac” who can in his own mind be “running a country”. The encouragement given is the fault of adversely poor leadership.
Anger only begins to express the emotion developing and confirmed by the attached article. The tax payers of Ireland should perhaps be furious at the implications inherent in this exposure. This fiasco goes to the top of government. Government however is not an apt term in this regard, nor might it be considered apt due to the general disregard afforded to the people of Ireland in recent times. The apparently illegal appointment of the current DG of SFI is a symptom of the crass and selfish 'governing' of this land by the deliberately inadequate. The bullying and blind siding evident in the letters attached to the article should be the subject of an investigation. More infuriating is that the evidence highlighted ignores much of what is posted on indymedia, infuriating not of the article but of the extent of the problem. The crony-ism and corruption, the disregard for people, apparent fabrication extend beyond the topics of the article and that posted here.
I am angry beyond healthy.
Here's the link to the Mail on Sunday article referred to above Didn't realize he is earning €190,000-a-year
The arrogance of Ferguson and the SFI clique around him is unbelievably detrimental to Irish Research and Irish Enterprise. First, he is imposed willy nilly by the Taoiseach and given an inflated salary and perks. Secondly, this arrogant ignoramous is put in charge of Irish Science, Mathematics, and Engineering. Thirdly, this is done in order to milk the assets of Irish Research - so Ferguson who is involved in a major financial and business scam with Renovo is put in charge.
We desperately need innovation and enterprise in all areas of life in Ireland. Instead we have the stifling, smoothering dead weight of this Government Agency that is corrupt through and through.
Science Enthusiast
What I have read on Indymedia and in yesterdays "Mail on Sunday" (2/9/2012) , The "Sunday Times" of two weeks ago and in other blogs reinforces my belief of the terrible injustices and corruption of our present Government. How dare they impose such stringent cuts on our poorest and most vulnerable in our society while at the same time surreptiously giving a huge salary and perks to an absolute power money hungry individual, Mark Ferguson, who is useing his position as DG of SFI to further his own agenda? This man has absolutely no interest in Science and Research in Ireland. His aim is simply to be in a position to milk this country for his own personal gain. Shame on the stupid and greedy people who put him there, no doubt there was something in it for them. Shame on the Taoiseach Enda Kenny (who never tires of telling us of the corruption and errors of the last Government!) who colluded with these public servants and mandarins to give him these huge perks at the expense of the Irish taxpayer.
Ferguson must be sent on his way immediately. He will do and has done untold damage to Irish Science and its reputation. He has been practically run out of Manchester only to be welcomed to the Land of Nods and Winks by Irish government -backed self interested cronies. In the interest of future generations (if there is a future for them) of Irish young people we must no longer tolerate this. The people must no fail where Governments have.
The documents that are out now in the name of Bruton, Sherlock and Brendan Howlin who opposed Ferguson and his package £190,000 salary, expenses (God alone knows how much since he started January this year), car, bonus, pension, free house, terms of contract if he leaves ahead of time.
Ferguson lied about his CV with the help of Bruton and Sherlock. Ferguson clearly is a failure. No mention of Renovo (publicly quoted company now AIM), 250 jobs losses, who still has significant patents, those who made a cash killing of £18 million sterling, yes Ferguson and his wife O'Kane.
Now Ferguson has just hosted the Energy conference beside Minister Pat Rabbitte and many international guest speakers relating to offshore oil. This man is toxic to what Ireland needs at this time and he should be told to get out.
Pat Hughes
This is with reference to the posting on "SFI Director General in the News again - The Energy Conference held 31st Aug.2012"
Just look at the messages on Indymedia under the heading of " Pat Rabbitte disrupted at energy conference".
The news that Mark Ferguson and Sharon O'Kane are involved as investors in Shell and therefore the Corrib Field Work is revealing, and not just for pocketing millions and leaving a trail of destruction!
SFI funding is being wasted. " SFI reports dismal 2012 results" as Finfacts reported in July.
But also SFI is not supporting what should be supported. What has SFI ever done in research in energy and natural resources? Why is it so pathetically little? My sources tell me that SFI was always very much against these areas of research.
We need an independent review right now of why SFI is failing basic science and research and failing the country so terribly.
This man Ferguson is not fit for the job.
Concerned Scientist.
Impact in SFI means pure cronyism. Funding and perks for the insider track boys and girls. Lots of researchers have left Ireland - driven out. Even a Nobel prize winner! Take the case of Richard Tol, Nobel prize winner for climate change who left back in January. Then there is UCD Nobel prize winner in Economics, James Heckman. He has prestigious European Research Council funding. What has SFI ever done for him though?
SFI's track record in company creation is pathetic. Even of those created how many survive and for how long? So much for impact. .It is all a very wasteful expensive mess.
Of today's SFI's Webinar:
No new thinking - The same old shibboleths trotted out.
SFI-speak with no substance.
Promises of favour to the same old cronies.
Far too much for far too little.
Interested ( but in no way encouraged ).
Bruton is responsible for the appointment of the Board of SFI. It is within his power also to make changes to this board. What connections does Sherlock have with the DG of SFI? Does Sherlock have any connection with Renovo? What conections does Bruton have? The current round of funds being sought of SFI is underway, with a powerpoint type presentation required to make the task of deciding quicker and simpler, but perhaps less informed. Those being funded include research institutions, colleges, universities and private enterprise. Additional funding can be found through matched funding investment by industry. Is it required of an applicant college to cite the source of their matched funding? Who decides and to what extent of funding might require additional controls?
Is it possible within the existing framework to establish vested interest in the application process? How?
The funds are the property of the Irish people and therefore the responsibility of our government to ensure these are used to the benefit of the Irish people. The protection of the Constitution and the Irish people is a promise made of those in Government and has failed in recent times through crony-ism and vested interest being ignored. This has cost this country, the social structure and health of this nation is in the hands of our leaders. Example needs to be provided to demonstrate without doubt that those making decisions and effecting appointments are doing so honourably. The questions posted here need to ba answered by those in authority. Bruton and Sherlock need to answer the questions, and preferably before the funding allocation of the SFI has been wasted to vested interest.
The Board of SFI have done this country some dis-service and they know it. It could be said that they have purposefully and deliberately mislead the Irish Taxpayer and (albeit, carelessly) the Irish Government. They have milked the system, getting renumerated handsomely for a few hours work which they have done carelessly or not at all. The consequences of the appointment of this conman Ferguson rests squarely on their shoulders.
They should now reseign "en masse" taking with them Ferguson and his inner circle of cronies who now form the management team at SFI. They have quite deliberately and artfully gotten rid of those who could do the job. The intonation of one of their own idiots "The Irish people deserve no less" should be taken to heart by them.
Do the Country one decent service of your stewardship - RESEIGN.
This is the month when all the little men come with bowl in hand from the campuses and stand humbled before a failed businessman and the words come out. Please Mr. Ferguson can I have some money for a project for some of my Phd students. I find this both alarming and disgusting. I put a question today to Hugh Brady, Provost, UCD and Mr. Prendergast Trinity College, who Ferguson claims are both personal friends to stand up now and either back this failure up or stand him down.
I also put a question today to all the academics also known as the elite of the social circle: come out now from your safe havens of high salaries, perks, pensions and speak on behalf of your students with some moral conviction and conscience otherwise, Science in Ireland is dead and gone .... it is with O'Leary in the grave.
I close by saying - Ferguson on top of his overpaid salary £195,000 has also received a free car, and house and £25,000 upfront for relocation. All this from the Irish people who are now on their knees due to the recession. Would real men now come forward please. We have already lost James Heckman and Richard Tol and too many more.
Oil Man
Is SFI stripping the assets of the Irish State?
We need to know:
1 Why has Mark Ferguson been on Renovo - related business in the U.S. while D-G of SFI?
2 We need to know all dealings between Mark Ferguson and other SFI personnel with Renovo and in particular with Max Royde,
. Jamie Brooke and David Blain.
3 What is the nature of Mark Ferguson's and John Travers relationship which goes back a long way.
4 There is a need for the public to see what are the business interests of all of the SFI Board members. These must be published
5 Some SFI Board Members are running companies out of SFI. See for example International Advisory Partners. Is private business
using SFI not a major conflict of interest?
SFI under D-G Mark Ferguson and the SFI Board under Pat Fottrell certainly seem to be milking the assets of the Irish State here.
Concerned Citizen.
Brian Flannery did well to highlight cronyism in the semi-state sector and he has deservedly received enormous support for it, judging from the response to it on this site.
Apart from all the other ills that has beset this country cronyism at State level is by far the most corrosive. Why? Because it ensures that this country will never be governed for the benefit of the people but to serve only the vested interests of a few.
Cronyism has helped in no small measure to bring this country to its knees. As long as it exists it is a major barrier to recovery and prosperity. This Government came to office on the promise to root out corruption and cronyism. So far it has not delivered on this promise. We are still waiting.
Are there any investigations being undertaken on corruption in Ireland currently? The posts would indicate that the next step is to reorganize the board of SFI thereby ensuring crony-ism is reduced. It has been suggested that the DG of SFI resign, who will replace him and would this result in a better service? Would this result in fairer decisions? The current reported requirements of the SFI from applicants has the appearance of being of low intensity and therefore could yield unfair results.
Is there any hidden criteria inherent in any of the current applications?
The Honorary degrees were given out yesterday. I was glad Denis Irwin, former Manchester footballer, received one.
I noticed in the audience, Mr. Cronyism Fottrell, Chairman of the Board of SFI, and alongside him the disgraced Renovo boss Crocodile Ferguson, now Mr Ego Head of SFI.
Bruton should disband the board: Newell-McGloughlin-USA, Pat McDonagh, Fottrell, Travers, Ferguson and the rest of the cronies on the board of corruption. Take them down Mr. Bruton. Have an Inquiry into this scandal.
Brian Flannery for Justice
Ireland, a country with little to declare, not even its genius, because that too is being wasted by those entrusted with its nurturing.. This country has lost just about everything in its obsession with commercialization. While acknowledging the place and importance of business and commerce in any State, nonetheless it is the business of Government to nurture, not strip, the assets of this country.
The reading of the SFI debacle on this site and elsewhere is depressing. A greedy power hungry ignoramus it seems, has been given the authority to decide on the direction and future and indeed on the survival of science, mathematics and engineering - indeed the very basis of this country's economic survival. What does he do and say? He decided that this not worth doing and instead concentrates SFI's funding (our money) into projects that fit his own personal agenda and business interests. He supported in this by a greedy and incompetent board of directors who care not one iota for the future prosperity and survival of this country - "as long as I'm alright Jack".
Minister Bruton, the buck stops with you. Stop this madness. Action, not the wearisome vacuous high sounding mantras from Government and SFI, - is what is needed. Mark Ferguson maybe "running the country" for now but will the elected Government stand idly by?
Mark Ferguson in today's Irish Mail on Sunday (9th Sept. 2012) blames yet again Enda Kenny for the debacle over his salary. As stated before he is the genius who blames everybody else when things go wrong. It will be interesting to find out who his next victim will be in the blame game. No doubt he will be well supported by some of his cronies on the Board of Directors. But then again they are all in it together it seems!
More on Mark Ferguson in today's ( 9th September) Irish Mail on Sunday: "Science Chief thought Enda Kenny had cleared cap-busting pay."
Minister Howlin was told by Taoiseach Kenny to pay Ferguson what he wanted. Minister Howlin agreed. The deal was being done while Ferguson and O'Kane arranged everything nicely with their pals Max Royde, Jamie Brooke and David Blain to run their company, Renovo.
All a nice deal for Ferguson to proceed to have O'Kane, Royde and others on the Board of SFI. Given what Ferguson says about the current SFI Board, he just can't wait to have all of his cronies fully take over SFI.
The dates are bizzare it seems now Ferguson got the post in early June organised by Travers and Fottrell, Yet other people had interviews in JULY and August. Something is rotten here.
More to come on this scandal yet
Reading the Mail yesterday Ferguson has put the entire Goverment Cabinet on the backfoot, He claims Enda Kenny knew what Travers and Fottrell had arranged before he took the Package on his terms, Ferguson has now made a laughing clown of Kenny Bruton and Sherlock who Ferguson dispises the most.
This scandal will have to be adressed at a Dail Committee at some time urgently I hope otherwise Bruton has left his balls on the mantlepiece, Taxpayers are the losers here.
We each are responsible for our own decisions and actions. The DG of SFI appears to be laying the blame for his massive income on our leaders despite there being evidence to the effect that he actively sought his income package. To what extent is he correct? The ministers were responsible for acting and responding to the request for breaking the wage ceiling, Ferguson was responsible for asking. The blame game as always diverts attention from the real problem and that is related to honour and performance. The posts here lay testament to the DG travelling in the interest of companies not officially connected with SFI, companies in which he holds shares. Who holds shares or has any interest in Renovo, Shell, etc? It also remains the responsibility of all of us to stand up and highlight the ills of society such that these can be corrected.
The brave decision to act of those highlighting the facts in this case should be lauded. Furthermore, action by our Government is urgently required if there is to be any improvement in our international standards. The international status of Irish colleges and universities last year were reduced significantly due to falling standards. This has resulted in there being added leaving certificate points for those siting higher level maths. This is a small and relatively meaningless measure. We need the highest level of our educational, research and scientific institutions to be restored. The current SFI focus is contrary to this need. Regardless of blame this needs to be corrected.
Graham Love SFI came a long way from his first job at the Mart in Ballymote Co Sligo and then MS iRELAND. Yesterday Love known as the Pointer wrote a piece on the Irish Times which literally attacked all Scientists and Researchers on this Island, Graham get a fucking grip and stop trying to please the boss Ferguson. You are clueless a laughing stock this morning even Donal Keane broke his balls laughing last night You want Fergusons Job sorry you cannot have Graham all in life. You went to Gonzales hated all contact sport yet tell all in the Terenure Inn you could have played scrum half for England.
Science needs real people it needs investment not your rants and personal attacks on Teachers across this country
Graham you held the post of DG for 6 weeks Travers shafted you get the fuck over it and grow up. Come out now and tell the truth of what really is going on at SFI, Please stop the rants on the Times you look silly and your words yesterday was bitter and nasty to the teaching fraternity.
Liam Kenny.
I worked for Ferguson for 7 years and got buttons after his wet dream fell apart. Ferguson and wife received 18 million stg Justice for the workers No, Ferguson is totally against trade unoins and sources tell us in Manchester he bullies staff in SFI who are members of a Trade union. How did this arrogant bastard land the job as Chief of Science in Ireland it is bizzare, I notice Graham Love on Twitter talking horseshit using spin to enhance the ego of Ferguson,
English papers are following the story on Ferguson and Renovo now so there is lots to come yet, The Irish Goverment have a problem and his name is Ferguson the Bluffer.
Manchester Observer.
OECD has established that as little as 4% of secondary school time is devoted to science in Ireland. The standards of both science and maths in Ireland is below the international levels for the average 15 year old. In a country that prides itself and even relies on the sciences in restoring the economy this is appalling. Funding into research in science in Ireland is vital in the current climate, more so perhaps than at any time in the past. Research funding in Ireland promotes an interest in science through the development of new and ground breaking technology. This in turn generates interest in the subject by our young, the very future of this country. Implied in this is the possibility that reduced or diverted funding will reduce further this already poor interest. The diversion of funding to commercial interest in favour of colleges will further generate an apathy that will have more leaving this land for greener pastures. The brain drain so maligned in the past is being encouraged. Comments from Michael Noonan stating this exodus to be a “free choice of lifestyle” is a demonstration of the blindness and practised ignorance of the reality by our leaders that has itself led to the SFI débâcle.
Our leaders and those who make decisions on our behalf need to wake up and smell the grass. It is becoming dank and damp, rotting under our very feet and those supported are rightly making a “free choice” to live. This forces them to seek life elsewhere. The "free choice" to feed ones family, to have reasonable education and health is expressed with an exodus. While the SFI issue is a symptom of the authorities ignorance or self interest, it could well be the straw on the camels back. Killing the credibility that this country has generated over many years through an excellent education system is the apparent current practice.
Demands for answers have not been met, demands however for reform need to be met if our future is to be anything other than a national indentured slavery.
Graham Love - action needed urgently!
What is SFI under Mark Ferguson doing for engineering in Ireland? - Nothing!
What is SFI doing for Mathematics? - Killing it.
What is SFI doing for fundamental science of any sort? - According to Ferguson and Love this has no longer anything to do with SFI's remit.
Draw your own conclusions!
A message for Government with special reference to SFI.
Words of Charles Koch CEO of Koch Industries Inc.
"Co-operation between business and Government is a destructive force because it weakens business and the economy while undermining our political system"
He also states " Rampant cronyism threatens the economic foundations of prosperity"
Examine the link between these two quotes with reference to SFI and we have a lot to worry about!
Can you explain to me Mr. Ferguson who phoned you in relation to Eimear O'Driscoll (appointed 3 months ago) as your new PA?
Did this post go through the proper procedures of semi-state recruitment ethics?
No. It did not.
My daughter and son are in Australia - they don't have Daddy Eoin - Forfas crony friend of yours, Mr. Ferguson......and Travers and Fottrell.
Una Clifford arranged all the papers. Are they legal Una? Answer: No
This is corruption
Concerned parent
With the demise of the Celtic Tiger the masks of civility and respectability dropped at SFI. The treatment of some of our colleagues by those in charge was unethical, savage and disgraceful, nothing short of white collar thuggery. Thanks to these people the brain drain at SFI is now almost complete. These very same people are now trying to convince the community that they are acting in the community's best interest, "The Irish taxpayer deserves no less". The disgrace of such blatant lies.
What these people are doing to the academic community is no less disgraceful. Behind the mask of offering to help in obtaining funding from SFI is the hidden threat support us or else...... What makes the academic community think that they are regarded with any more respect than those that SFI has already driven out? It is Ferguson's agenda or nothing. Forget Love's tweeting, he is simply Ferguson's tool.
It is still the same old story for the same old cronies. Forget SFI or even Science FICTION Ireland, welcome to ANIMAL FARM.
Fly on the wall (filled with utter disgust)
I've recently been informed that the C.V. presented by Mark Ferguson is highly creative. This 'jewel' that is of such high value to the Irish people is a charlatan. The effect this is having on our country is terrible, I know people who are leaving this country becouse the options are not there, highly educated people. Teh brain drain.
Ferguson needs ot be confronted, we need him to answer the questions, Sherlock needs to be confronted and he needs to answer the questions. Who do they think they are! Their income is the tax that we pay, their reponsibility is to us, the tax payers. Are they so conceited that they actually believe themselves above us to teh extent that they steel. Embezlement is theft, getting flights paid to attend to their own business is wrong. Giving grants to their friends or colleagues for the benefit of themselves is wrong. The lack of accountability is the wrong of our government.
I have been quietly reading the posts here and find it more frustrating each time I visit. I also find it annoying to read the papers, where is Enda Kenny. How can he support the high wage that Ferguson asked for. Every day I see prople suffering, trying to find money for food and trying to give hope
Donal Keane master bully in SFI recently told a female member of staff dont complain to Siptu you are wasting your fucking time. Keane is known to have a deep hatred of Trade unions but his past at Drogheda Hospital is catching up fast, Bully Keane knows who to harass like his fellow Cronie Una Clifford but the papers are coming and the truth always comes out from within. Ferguson is giving a bullshit lecture at Royal Irish Academy next week people will be watching,
The talk is on organisms and crocodiles what a waste of Taxpayers money,
In the meantime they are trying to cover up the appointment of Eimer O Driscoll and the disgraceful treatment of other good staff by Keane, Love and Clifford.
More to co me
Liam Kenny,
Over-emphasis on comercially oriented research (check out Helga Nowotny's morning interview on 13th Sept.2012) is getting nowhere. How could it?
I say - If SFI will not fund fundamental science, engineering and mathematics, then take the 150 million euro per year off SFI and give it to where it can really do benefit. Give it to our primary schools. Give this badly needed funding to where it will really benefit this country. And give that man Ferguson his marching orders. And let Love and the rest of Ferguson's cronies go and work for Renovo.
Reply to "Transparent" at Wed Sep 12, 2012 21:22 ...
We do indeed "have a lot to worry about!" in my opinion.
And, it is not just the citizens of the Republic of Ireland who have genuine cause to be seriously concerned (as I see things).
Bad though this whole situation is, relating to extremely serious socially destructive "cronyism" in the Republic of Ireland (described in this article), my lengthy research into such matters suggests that, in the fuller reality of the overall global situation, it is just one more symptom of a much more serious, deeper, and very much larger GLOBAL CORRUPTION problem, which I have earlier today attempted to outline in the following excerpt from an e-mail sent (earlier today) to the British Monarchy:
"All of my much more recent and lengthy research into global 'government crime' very strongly suggests that, by every kind of devious and surreptitious means imaginable, it is 'top-drawer', highly arrogant, and grossly corrupt members of the legal professions who are providing the essential legal 'keystones' for supporting 'government corruption, crime, and cover-ups' all around the world; and, that in such endeavours, they are working very closely with the 'bangsters' (or 'Money Power Psychopaths' as some see them): especially in connection with the treasonous and highly criminal matter of producing and sustaining unconstitutional 'law' (bogus and invalid 'law' that is), which supports the gigantic fraud-ridden 'bangster/legal-profession scams' such as 'fractional-reserve lending', 'derivatives gambling', and the like; and, not forgetting of course all the 'bank bailouts' associated with such global multi-quadrillion Euros swindles, plus the financing of unlawful 'regime change' wars in places such as Libya, and so on."
My research leaves me in very little doubt that, since the creation of the Bank of England in 1694 (by King William of Orange), the City of London has very likely played the lead role ever since in creating and sustaining the almighty war-ridden GLOBAL "money-supply" mess we have all now ended up in, as very briefly outlined in the paragraph just above; and, that Wall Street has long been playing 'second-fiddle' to the City of London's lead."
The full text of today's e-mail to the British Monarchy, which contains four (4) Internet hyperlink "information expansions" not available in the "plain text" version of the excerpt provided above, can be viewed at the following Internet location:
Related Link:
However unsuitable Mark Ferguson is as D-G of SFI (and I believe he is most unsuitable) nevertheless it appears that the rot at SFI goes much deeper.
How is it that a selection panel and the Board of SFI got it all so terribly wrong? There is clearly one individual or a vested interest group there pulling the strings. This constitutes a very serious betrayal of, and a grave injustice to, the Irish taxpayer who literally pours millions of their money into SFI in the mistaken belief that it is being used for the benefit of the Irish people. It is a serious mis-use of taxpayer's money and it could be argued that it is theft, pure and simple.
This outrage must not go unchallenged. It is the duty of the Government (indeed a duty that has been sorely neglected by Governments of the past) to address grave exploitation of it's people so this injustice must be redressed immediately and the perpetrators punished accordingly. Yesterday's Ireland is another country.
Reply to Taxpayer at Sat Sep 15, 2012 16:12 ...
I would agree with you 100% regarding your statement "This outrage must not go unchallenged", as would a great many others I suspect.
However, all of my research -- since mid 1998 -- strongly suggests that government outrages of this kind CANNOT be challenged in practice: at least not by any peaceful and lawful means that I know of, which are the only means that are of interest to me.
The very sad and extremely worrying fact of the matter is that our legal profession, and the legal professions of several other nations, will not allow government crime to be challenged through lawful means, as my own particular case has proved, over and over again: even though there is plenty of legislation already in place for such purposes.
This means the government can commit crime with impunity against the people it is meant to be serving, and that is exactly what our Government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) is doing.
"Impunity means the impossibility, de jure or de facto, of bringing the perpetrators of violations to account - whether in criminal, civil, administrative or disciplinary proceedings - since they are not subject to any inquiry that might lead to their being accused, arrested, tried and, if found guilty, sentenced to appropriate penalties, and to making reparations to their victims."
The United Nations excerpt just above is from the following Internet location:
Related Link:
A recent meeting at the National Toy Creche at Wilton Place - Graham Love:Love me proposed to track down the people who are posting on Indymedia. This man Love is a reject in the private sector and is known to boast he slept and conquered the Warren Beattie record of 470 notches. I say No to Love - the only notch you have is on your pink boxers!
This month Love the bio chemist reject is in charge of funding and is going all out through SFI spin and fake PR.
The Truth is: Science needs a positive road to get our students to be both creative and innovative.
Love is a chancer and power mad. He claims Ruthie is making eyes at him daily - maybe Graham you need to relax more ie according to the Bulldog minus the Balls Keane.
Bill Harris is no fan of Love and the bitterness goes back years. Frank Gannon has recently said in a pub in Beggars Bush that his biggest mistake was promoting that tweeting manic Love:Love me.
SFI needs to be brought in from the cold and made accountable to this State and its taxpayers and its citizens.
Freeman, Love, Keane, Vodka....!, Clifford and don't forget that failed, failed Alligator/Crocodile researcher Ferguson former Renovo (AIM) shares rising?
Reply to Brian Flannery - Justice at Sun Sep 16, 2012 14:12
Allowing for the general contents of this particular article, it certainly appears to me that your "SFI (Science Foundation Ireland) needs to be brought in from the cold and made accountable to this State and its taxpayers and its citizens" statement is fully justified.
However, from the viewpoint of the wellbeing of a potentially independent nation state, such as the Republic of Ireland for example, I believe that there are two branches of science which are even more important than chemistry and mathematics: and those are 1) political science, and 2) legal science.
Without a healthy pool of good quality politicians and lawyers, who appreciate the very rapidly growing and pressing need for constitutional law, and constitutional government, it's always going to be "government of the ruling elites, by the ruling elites, for the ruling elites": accompanied by all the inseparable cronyism, and all of the many associated social problems of cronyism (of one kind or another).
I would say the downfall of the Republic of Ireland -- which is (as I see things) an independent nation-state with enormous potential to do good for humanity as a whole, especially when, for example, account is taken of its estimated 5.4 trillion Euros worth of untapped oil and gas and resources (see at http://tinyurl.com/8vjutgw) -- as opposed to the vassal-state it now is (in reality), being run by the "local Republic of Ireland puppets of the bangsters" who pull their strings from well outside the Republic of Ireland jurisdiction, from places such as the City of London and Wall Street especially, is primarily connected with the way the three main branches of our Government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) are allowing treasonous violations of Bunreacht na hEireann (the supreme law of the Republic of Ireland): as required of them according to the demands of their "Bangster Masters".
I would suggest it is better for us all to think, first and foremost, along the following -- slightly modified -- version of your statement:
"The Government of the Republic of Ireland (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) needs to be brought in from the cold and made accountable to this State and its taxpayers and its citizens"; and, this requires the active presence of a "healthy pool of good quality politicians and lawyers" of the kind referred to above, who are well educated and competent in the fields of advanced political and legal science: to replace those we now have, and who only know about the crude, burnt-out and worn-out "corruption and cover-ups" kinds of law and politics which now has cronyism "feeding off itself" in ways which will undoubtedly -- if it is not halted and reversed pretty smartly -- bring the "roof down on top of us", as far as being a sovereign and independent nation state is concerned.
Yesterday, I sent another reminder to Republic of Ireland Chief Justice Susan Denham, which was copied to several of her legal profession colleagues, and which attempts to outline the crucially important, and socially destructive role, that "top drawer" -- but certainly not top-quality -- lawyers are playing in our national demise. A copy of the e-mail used can be viewed at:
Related Link:
I want to add to this SFI scandal that is ongoing on Indymedia.
First audits are rare in SFI and I know from internal sources that Ruth Freeman has cost the Irish taxpayers at least 25,000 euros in flights and hotels in the last 6 months. Why? Good Question. It could be that she used to leave Frank Gannon home when the boss got pissed in the 2008/09/10. Result: Ruth gets promoted. Again, no proper procedures. Just that good old fashioned semi-state Cronyism so particular to Ireland.
When does SFI become transparent, accountable and answerable to the taxpayer?
William Harris
Graham Love is now offering an olive branch to the community he not so very long ago, it could be argued, spurned and belittled. He was and still is the Director of Strategy and Communications. He hunts with the fox and runs with the hounds. He is the guy who the string ruller(s) made D-G of Sfi for 6 weeks(!) in order to keep the seat hot for Ferguson. Have a look at some of the remarks on the early part of this site which were made by Ferguson's supporters. They seem to be similar to those a Director of Communications would make!!
Now he is trying to beguile the Academic community with his suggestion that if "WE" pull together they might even get more money (our, the taxpayer's money) from Government! The stupidity and arrogance of the man. He learned well from his masters.
What people on this site are seeking is the future economic recovery of this country for the generations of young people who are departing these shores in droves. We care very little for the grand design of SFI to fund disproportianately the so called "STARS" of research. Absolute Rubbish. If they are so great let them find funding from Europe . In this country we need the funding for Maths, Engineering and Basic Science, areas of expertise that will help this country's economic recovery. The Academic Community must fight for their survival and for their part in rebuilding this country's economy, which was decimitated by the very same thought processes that currently reigns at SFI. They must not be beguiled by those who speak with a forked tongue.
When Crocodile Ferguson signed his contract to be Commander in Chief of Toyland, Section 16, clearly states, on the contract: any employee who has any other business interest especially shareholdings in another company must put it on his record before he even applies for the semi-state position. This is clearly a most serious matter now for non Minister Surecock and let us not forget the wimp, as Ferguson calls him, Bruton who lost a pile of sterling notes in property in the UK last week (wiped out). Ferguson at the moment is under pressure from his third wife - Shari O'Share Kane. She feels Indymedia has stripped them naked and her once well hung crocodile is now like a poodle suffering from piles.
This story and all the postings has caught the attention of every office in Dublin as we speak and rightly so. RTE at the moment are being silenced by the Rabbitte because he is trying to figure out how Fergie was allowed to talk about oil rigs and oceans last week at the Energy Conference. Rabbitte, it is believed from good sources, is furious at pointed dick grab me love and he wants answers as to how Ferguson managed to gate crash the event. As one senior staff member in Enterprise Ireland said at a meeting last week, having Ferguson in charge of science in Ireland is like asking Herod to babysit the nation.
Mr Bean
After Mark Ferguson's insulting comments about Engineering to anyone who will listen, now Mathematics is being treated with utter distain by Renovo-Ferguson and his cronies.
In response to the questions raised in these posts, it is possible for one to seek under the 'Freedom of information act' documents relating to the appointments made within state or semi-state organisations. In effect, this is information relating to that funded by the Irish tax payer. The following are legal based formats for controlling any potential conflict of interest state related appointments. These are needed for anyone considering taking up a position with SFI or similar organisations.
Extract from the SFI Code of Conduct. Policy, updated 01/03/2006.
2. Code of Business Conduct for SFI Employees
2.2 Integrity
• Do not use information obtained by your position within SFI for the purposes of dealing (either directly or indirectly) in shares, property or other commercial transactions;
• Do not use the Agency’s resources or reputation for personal gain;
• Avoid outside activities which conflict with or negatively impact on your role within SFI;
Each member of SFI staff should sign the following:
“I hereby confirm that having received this Code of Business Conduct, I have read and understood its contents and will comply fully with the provisions contained in this document including appendices. I understand that any breach of this Code of Business Conduct may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal”.
Please insert your name in block capitals below.
NB: It is important that this Declaration of Understanding is signed and returned as early as possible to Human Resources.
A. Ethics in Public Office Acts, 1995 and 2001
The Ethics in Public Office Act 1995 and 2001 (“the Acts”) introduced a set of statutory measures which underpin the principle that those who are participating in government and public service should not seek to gain personal advantage through their official positions. It requires disclosure, whenever necessary, of any matter which could give rise to a conflict of interest.
In SFI the Acts apply to all appointed Directors and all appointed positions (i.e. positions described by regulations made by the Minister). This includes SFI’s Board of Directors and all staff at Level E and above.
To comply with the provisions of the Acts, certain members of staff are required to complete a statement of interests each year. There are two types of forms to be completed which are explained below:
1. The statutory long form, which you should complete if you have interests to declare as specified in the Act
2. The short version which can be used for the purpose of a “nil” statement.
Please note that disclosure is required only if the interests could materially influence a Director or employee in the performance of their functions by reason of the fact that such performance could easily affect those interests and be of substantial benefit to them. If there are no such interests, a statement is not legally required. However, the Public Office Commission recommends that a “nil” statement should be provided in those circumstances.
Following legal advice received from the Attorney General’s Office, the Department of Finance has requested that all appointed Directors and staff at level E and above acknowledge that they have read and understood their obligations under the Acts. An acknowledgement slip is circulated with the statutory forms.
Guidelines on compliance with the provisions of the Acts are available, on request, from the Secretariat and External Relations Office.
B. Industrial Development (Science Foundation Ireland) Act 2003
Section 16 of this Act requires the Director General, members of the Board and Board sub-committees, members of staff and any consultants, advisers or other persons engaged by the Foundation to disclose any pecuniary or other “beneficial” interest in, or material to, any matter that falls to be considered by the Board, or a sub-committee of the Board.
A “beneficial” interest includes membership in a company or other body, or in a business partnership, by the person, as well as his or her parent, spouse, sibling, partner or child.
Where a potential conflict is disclosed, that person must take no part in consideration of the matter and refrain from influencing, or seeking to influence, a decision in relation to the matter. Where the matter is being considered by the Board or a Board sub-committee, that individual must withdraw from the meeting for so long as the matter is being discussed or considered, and refrain from voting on the matter.
To comply with this provision of the legislation, a staff member must complete the ‘Conflicts of Interests Statement’ in the appendices of the Conflicts of Interests policy as soon as they become aware that they have a potential conflict of interest. This statement should be returned to the Director, Secretariat and External Relations, to be held on file.
C. Confidentiality
Part 2, Section 17(1), subsection 17(1)(c) of the Industrial Development (Science Foundation Ireland) Act 2003 applies to all employees of SFI and states that a person shall not disclose any information obtained while performing duties as a member of any Board, Committee, or as a member of staff of, or adviser/consultant to Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), without the consent of the Board, committee or other body established under this Act. In addition to the penalties listed in the Act for contravention of this provision, any such disclosure may be deemed misconduct under the terms of the Early Termination and Notice Clause of this contract.
Staff members must strictly preserve the confidentiality of any information related to the affairs of any company dealing with Forfas, IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland or Science Foundation Ireland and may not make use of any such information for the purpose of any dealing (direct or indirect) in shares, property or otherwise”.
To comply with this provision of the legislation staff members must ensure that a signed confidentiality statement is held on their HR file.
For specific guidelines on situations in which a conflict of interest may arise, please refer to the Conflicts of Interest Policy.
Science Foundation Ireland
Conflicts of Interests Policy for Staff Members
The Foundation relies on voluntary disclosure of potential conflicts of interests by its staff members to ensure the integrity of its decision-making processes.
Individuals covered by this policy, therefore, have a duty to disclose all potential conflicts of interests that arise in the course of performance of their duties for the Foundation, as well as to comply with the specific requirements of the policy.
The objectives of the policy are:
1. To protect the Foundation against conflicts of interests that may be detrimental to its activities, by ensuring that individuals covered by the policy make decisions free from any external influences, either personal or fiduciary.
Prior to the establishment of SFI, the following clause was included in Forfás appointments.
Clause 16. Confidentiality. … Staff members must strictly preserve the confidentiality of any information coming to their knowledge relating to the affairs of any company dealing with Forfás, IDA Ireland or Enterprise Ireland and may not make use of any such information for the purpose of any dealings (direct or indirect) in shares, property or otherwise.
~This agreement is governed by Irish Law.
This forms the basis for clear and transparent answers. There is no need for vested spin and avoidance of issues, nor is there need to claim complications and offer long and serial explanations.
Gale Vogel.
Editor: Uploaded the pdfs to here in case they disappear off SFI