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Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005

offsite link RTEs Sarah McInerney ? Fianna Fail?supporter? Anthony

offsite link Joe Duffy is dishonest and untrustworthy Anthony

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Promoting Human Rights in Ireland

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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

offsite link Ministries of Silly Charts Wed Mar 26, 2025 09:00 | Caroline Ffiske
Gender ideology is so obviously ludicrous that it has spawned hundreds of silly charts across the public and private sector to try to get itself taken seriously. Caroline Ffiske takes a look at some of the worst.
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offsite link The Irrelevance of Science and Statistics Wed Mar 26, 2025 07:00 | James Alexander
It is a sad reflection on our age that the line 'lies, damned lies and statistics' was forgotten, says Prof James Alexander. Good political sense can never be grounded on statistics, but only on history and criticism.
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offsite link News Round-Up Wed Mar 26, 2025 00:18 | Richard Eldred
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
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offsite link Publish or Be Damned Tue Mar 25, 2025 19:00 | John MacNab
Academic publishing is in crisis. Now a multi-billion dollar industry where researchers pay journals to publish their papers, the old guarantees of quality and accuracy have been stripped away, says John MacNab.
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offsite link NHS Hauls Nurse Over Coals for Calling 6ft Transgender Paedophile ?Mr? Tue Mar 25, 2025 17:00 | Will Jones
An NHS hospital is being sued after it hauled a popular nurse over the coals for calling a 6ft transgender paedophile "Mr" when discussing a catheter with a doctor ? despite him lunging at her and calling her a "n****".
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offsite link Western Europeans Deprived of Defense, by Thierry Meyssan Tue Mar 25, 2025 06:04 | en

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?125 Fri Mar 21, 2025 11:48 | en

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offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?124 Sat Mar 15, 2025 05:56 | en

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Shell and the Children of Lir

category mayo | environment | opinion/analysis author Tuesday December 20, 2011 09:16author by Kevin - Shell to sea Report this post to the editors

The tunnel boring machine(TBM) planned to tunnel under Sruwadducon Bay has been named ‘Fionnuala’ after one of the children of Lir. In the story the 4 children of Lir are turned into swans for 900 years by their jealous step-mother. They spend their last 300 years in the seas off North Mayo. ‘Fionnuala the TBM’ is 140 m long and weighs almost 500 tonnes.  It is painted with the Mayo colours and is to be transported to Erris for early next summer. Shell plan to bore a 4.5 m diameter 4.9 km tunnel up Sruwadducon bay. This is Shell’s gift to Sruwadducon - ‘bod nimhneach an ghaill dhaill’  (the poisonous penis of the bitter and the blind ).

Shell and the Children of Lir In the story of the children of Lir the 4 children Aodh, Fiachra, Conn and Fionnuala are stricken by their jealous step-mother Aoife and turned into swans. In some remorse for her terrible deed, she leaves them their human voices, to lament and sing of the terrible hardships of living on the sea.  900 years they are condemned to live as swans. 300 years on Lough Derravaragh, 300 years on the sea of Moyle and 300 years on the seas off Iorras Domhnann. Sruwadducon bay  (the bay of the Dog of Conn) is named after Conn one of the children of Lir, as the sea’s off Erris are where the children of Lir spent their last 300 years. They returned to human form before dying and are buried on the isle of Inis Gluaire.  The ground there is said to be sanctified. http://www.ireland-information.com/articles/thechildren...r.htm, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children_of_Lir According to Shell Oil’s Corrib Gas update 2011, The tunnel boring machine(TBM) planned to tunnel under Sruwadducon Bay has been named ‘Fionnuala’ in honour of the children of Lir http://shelltosea.com/content/corrib-tunnelling-machine...built ‘Fionnuala the Tunnel Boring Machine’ is 140 m long and weighs almost 500 tonnes.  It is painted with the Mayo colours and is to be transported to Erris for early next summer. Shell plan to bore a 4.5 m diameter 4.9 km tunnel up Sruwadducon bay, passing after behind the sand-dunes at Glengad and under farmers fields to reach the planned gas-pipe landfall site. This is Shell’s gift to Sruwadducon, a giant and poisonous phallus: ‘bod nimhneach an ghaill dhaill’  (the poisonous penis of the bitter and the blind ). Is this ancient and beautiful area where some of the first Celtic peoples settled to be excavated and treated like  mere ‘collateral trash’? Fionnuala if she were to come back would be appalled to see her good name adopted by a metal monster. The TBM is being constructed by 'Herrenknecht' close by the town of ‘Schwanau’ in Germany.  A Literal translation of Schwanau is ‘Swan of the little river’ , and the towns emblem is a swan. How insulting to the name and geist of their own town, that they should manufacture there such a machine. A swan to kill all other swans and drive them away. Last year 27 swans (a conference of swans) gathered on the water in Sruwadducon. They stayed together as the tide rose and fell for a day before flying out off the bay and to the sea.  Swans are also associated with the Irish struggle for freedom. It brings bad luck to those who kill them. Let us invoke the curse of Mannanan McLir ( a Celtic god of the sea) on Shell, may their hopes founder and be crushed by the Sea. In the Garden of Remembrance in Dublin, there is a statue of the Children of Lir spiralling upwards as swans to soar into the sky. They are a symbol of peoples desire for Freedom. Do we want to throw our freedom away and give it to Shell? Ní hé an Lá This is not the Day Ní hé an lá an lá an lá this is not the day Ní hé an lá a chailleach an airgid this is not the day, you old hag of money Ní hé an lá an lá an lá Ní hé an lá a chailleach an airgid Ní h-------é an lá a chailleach an airgid Ní hé an lá Ní hé an lá Ní hé an lá anois teacht an fharraige Ní h--------é an lá This is not the day anois teacht an fharraige here comes the sea Shame Mar a scríobh Padraig Pearse ‘Is mise Eire, mór mo náire, mo chlann féin, do dhíol a mháthair'. (‘I am Ireland, great is my shame, my own family, to sell their mother’) Shame on us all, if so, to throw away what is given by nature and exchange it for a handful of worthless coins. Written by a member of C.A.L.M Celtic Anarchist Love Monks

Word Document Children of Lir at Garden of Remembrance 0.05 Mb Word Document Spirit of place (the children of Lir) 0.03 Mb Word Document Unloveable Shell the goddess of Oil 0.06 Mb Word Document Legend of Manannan MacLir 0.08 Mb Word Document Shell and the Children of Lir 0.02 Mb Word Document Children of Lir at the Garden of Remembrance 0.05 Mb Word Document Spirit of Place (Children of Lir) 0.03 Mb Word Document Unloveable Shell the Goddess of Oil 0.06 Mb Word Document Legend of Manannan McLir 0.08 Mb

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