International - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
A fatal Democracy and tales about it !
This history and the conclusion, which I have come to is based up on my activity and hard work, in which I had been engaged for more than seven years. I have been elected in a NGO and spent my precious time for nothing. This tiny and unpopular NGO has opened my eyes widely and changed my view for what is going on in this world.
I have worked in a Refugee's NGO honestly and became a victim of the UNHCR. I have assisted my compatriots honestly, because I decided to respect the words of our GOD, but being honest in our time is worthless. Every one of us should cheat each other and must work hard to do money on the grief of weak people. I may face the worst thing in my life in the nearer future, because of the UNHCR and its allies. Corruption exceeds the maximum stage in a town called Odessa, which is located in Ukraine. This has found a very good circumstance for the UNHCR officials to do what they want.
In fact the UNHCR officials accuse me as if I am a lair, but even though all our compatriots afraid because of poverty and harassment, and will not give their witness, I have a lot of VIDEO materials, which shows how refugees protested how much they have been treated badly, how corruption has grown deep in the society and how refugees have became its victim and so on. In addition to this you can see my post here :-
Even though I have such an amount of evidence in my hands I can't protect myself, because it is difficult to get a free-press in the country. Now I came to this decision:
People organized under a non-governmental organization to promote a good life; to found a good futurity for their children; to build a strong community; to counteract and get a solution if a danger will appear against members of this community and so on. This is considered as the fundamental law of the United Nations. This is also the basic law of any community. In my opinion, some authorized persons of a country mightn’t be willing to fulfill their obligation due to corruption and formation of criminal structures. So that is why the law of that country and the UNO allow people to organize under a NGO and fight against these kinds of illegal actions.
I am sorry to inform you this, but all the above mentioned good principles are a collection of empty words. The reality is closer to this:
• People, who attempted to be organized under a non-governmental organization, will bring difficulty for the society and for themselves.
• A community, which attempted to be organized and bring a safe life for their children, will dig-out a serious problem for them.
• A community, which has got the courage to be organized and solve its problem himself, will be made very vulnerable.
• A community, which has got the desire to counteract a danger, which is exerted against a member or the whole collective, will never get a solution. In the contrary the hazard will be made more and more complicated, so lastly they will start to regret that they have organized for bad. They will accuse those, who have organized them.
Not long ago, I was having a faith and was a follower of the principles of Democracy and Human rights.
The principles of Democracy are the basic and necessary rules for human being, but in our time they have become more harmful than useful. More over, the rules of democracy have become a good instrument for corrupted individuals and organs to harass innocent citizens. How?
Try to complain the violence of your right (in a written or any other way to higher authorities) . Doing this you will perform a very big mistake. Those, who have violated your rights will get a possibility to know about your complain and your life will be changed in to a nightmare. So, because you believed the achievements of Democracy and tried to apply it in practice your life will be dismissed. Now I came to the conclusion, that Democracy is a good device for corrupter, criminal authorities and bureaucrats than a simple poor citizen like me. I am sure that in the beginning, when human being started to use these principles; the real application of these good instruments was another, but now people of the world are suffering from them than to get a use. Democracy has became a bad instrument for us and a good instrument for our rulers. Our rulers use Democracy to identify who shouts a lot (loudly) and will not be ruled as the system wants and who are those, who are very silent.
This is what I have observed during my service in an a NGO. Now I have convinced myself very well that there are national and international laws, which are written on the fundamental laws of a given country or UNO. But these laws only serve to make people think as if they are safe and have a better protection, People can read and wonder about the talent of those, who have worked-out these laws and no more.
I am one of the victims of these precious principles and don't know how to solve my problems.
Here I will provide you 2 You Tube films. One in English and the other in French.
I can be reached by the Mail address:-- mailto:[email protected]
Caption: Video Id: Cg0fb9Lq8oE Type: Youtube Video
In English
Caption: Video Id: nRyUM_zSED0 Type: Youtube Video
In French