Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
Had Enough Yet? Come to the protest at the Dail re-opening - Weds Sept 14th
dublin |
anti-capitalism |
event notice
Thursday September 08, 2011 21:48
by Richard Boyd Barrett TD
(01) 618 3449 | 0872886646

People's Assembly Wed 14th Sept 1pm & 6pm @ Dail
Had Enough Yet - Come to the protest at the Dail re-opening - Called by the Enough! Campaign
New water charges/household tax; 25,000 public sector jobs cut; Pension age increased to 68; Special Needs Assistants (SNAs) cut; Bus cuts; 3rd level fees; Unemployed vilified while speculators walk free; Hospital wards closed; Welfare allowances cut while energy prices increasing

Protest leaflet for Sept 14th (side 1)
Enough is enough! The Fine Gael/Labour government came to power promising change from the disastrous policies of Fianna Fail and the Greens. They have betrayed those promises and are continuing the failed policy of bailing out banks, while crushing ordinary people with cut-backs and austerity.
Their brutal policies so far include:
- Plans to shut 24 hour A&E's in nine hospitals across the country.
- Caps on the numbers of Special Needs Assistants and Resource Hours in Schools
- Cuts to Fuel, Gas, Electricity and Telephone allowance for the most vulnerable
- Privatisation of social housing
- Raid on the pension reserve fund and personal pension savings
- Abolition of the JLC's and REA's, agreements which protect the pay and conditions of the lowest paid.
- The Universal Social Charge that Labour promised to change
- The introduction of a Household Charge and the coming Water Tax
- The sell-off of state assets.
Here in Ireland and across Europe, it is absolutely clear that these policies are not
working. Our government has been forced to borrow more than €100 billion at over 5% interest, to pay off the gambling debts of bankers and speculators. This means that billions that should be invested in jobs, schools, hospitals, vital infrastructure and enterprise is going down a black-hole.
Nearly half a million people with skills and ability who want to work and contribute the the development of our society are being forced to rot on the dole. Tens of thousands of other educated young people and workers are being forced to emigrate.
We Need People Power
From Egypt to Greece, from Spain to Portugal ordinary citizens and workers are taking to the streets and challenging the corrupt and privileged elites that have caused the current economic crisis.Here in Ireland we must do the same. We need a mass movement to resist the cuts to jobs, incomes and services.
On Wednesday Sept 14th the Dail will re-open after the summer-break. The government should be met with a sea of protest. The Enough campaign is calling for a day of protest with rallies at 1pm & 6pm outside the Dail.
If you are fed-up with unjust cut-backs, unemployment & continued bail-outs for the banks come along to one or other of the rallies or for the whole day if you can.
Bring friends, family, work or schoolmates.
Banner & flags welcome.

Protest leaflet for Sept 14th (side 2)