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How to Get Involved in the Indymedia Ireland Internet CollectiveIndymedia is run by a collective of volunteers. New people are always welcome. This document describes the process that people should follow if they are interested in joining the collective. We always want new people to get involved in helping to run Indymedia. If you're interested in volunteering, the requirements are simple. Members need to agree to work within the rules of the collective and to participate in at least one of our working groups. If you are interested in joining, the process is described below. 1. Go to the membership application formYou should fill in the following information:
2. Join the required mailing lists.All of the aspects of running are organised on our publicly archived maling lists. The following requirements apply to all members.
3. Participate in the work of a working groupEach working group has its own training and apprenticeship system. The working group will explain to the candidate member how they can contribute to the group's goals while serving their apprenticeship and will assist the candidate in acquiring whatever skills are required to partake in the group's work.4. Ask the working group to propose your full membership4. Once a candidate has fulfilled their apprenticeship, they can be proposed as a member on the general list and, if they are accepted by a collective decision, they become full members with full voting rights, equal to everybody else.. |
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