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international / crime and justice Monday June 24, 2013 - 22:59 by Sam Malone
On Thursday 20/6/13 a number of Protestors attended the Dail in Kildare Street to repeat their claims of widespread criminal wrongdoing and corruption within the Garda Siochana (police) and Legal System in Ireland. The Protestors met with members of the Dail (Parliament) who promised to do something about the shocking stories they heard. In addition many lay people enquired as to the reason for the protest and were largely shocked by the stories told. ... read full story / add a comment
international / education Monday June 17, 2013 - 16:34 by Laurence Cox
A scholarship covering full course fees for the Maynooth MA in Community Education, Equality and Social Activism, awarded on the basis of practitioner excellence in community education, action for equality and / or social movements. ... read full story / add a comment
international / summit mobilisations Thursday June 13, 2013 - 21:08 by Mark Covell
It has been almost twelve years since the Genoa G8 2001 summit demonstrations descended into a Dantes hell for both sides. Amnesty itself has said of Genoa that there was ‘the biggest suspension of democratic rights in a western country since WW2’. My Name is Mark Covell and I was almost killed during the Diaz school raid. ... read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression Wednesday June 12, 2013 - 20:15 by Saoirse
As an Irish Republican Alternative to the G8 Summit Republican Sinn Féin will be holding an Anti-Imperialist Forum in the Conway Mill on June 13, 14 and 15. ... read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression Saturday June 08, 2013 - 20:32 by 1916 society Dublin
Séan Hueston 1916 society Dublin statement: ... read full story / add a comment
armagh / rights, freedoms and repression Friday June 07, 2013 - 11:34 by Turing
Community resolve forces Orange retreat 06/06/13 Plans by the Orange Order to hold a controversial “prayer meeting” in a public park surrounded by nationalist homes in Portadown have been abandoned following a successful campaign by the local community. The park is located between the nationalist Obins Street and Garvaghy Road areas of the town from which Orange marches have been prohibited entering for many years. Orange marches through Obins Street have been banned since 1986 and, in 1998, marches were also banned from the Garvaghy Road. Those marches led to virtual curfews being placed on the local community, resulted in widespread resistance, and ultimately led to the murders of at least twelve people by unionist paramilitaries. In May, the unionist-dominated Craigavon Council granted permission for the Orange Order to hold a “prayer meeting” which was due to take place this Saturday evening (June 8th). Nationalists were only too aware of how the Orange Order abused a church service at Drumcree to wreak violence against the minority community in Portadown. ... read full story / add a comment
national / worker & community struggles and protests Wednesday May 29, 2013 - 17:27 by Joe Higgins
Explaining his decision to vote against the Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Bill which Minister Howlin introduced as a big stick for the unions whose memberships reject the Haddington Road sell out Joe Higgins TD said: “This bill essentially affords the government as an employer an amount of power over certain public sector employees that no other employer enjoys in law. It is a throwback to the days of William Martin Murphy. “Regardless of the rotten ‘yes’ stand of some union leaders with regard to the Haddington Road Agreement it is a scandal that they and ICTU are either silent on the passing of this oppressive legislation or worse that they use it as a means of scaring their members to voting ‘yes’ to this re-hash of Croke Park 2. “I support the efforts of the No 2 Croke Park 2 campaign in helping co-ordinate the rank and file opposition to this pay deal and to this draconian bill that has been rushed through the Dáil. ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Wednesday May 29, 2013 - 15:31 by Turing
Dear Friends, We are writing to you in these most difficult and challenging times as regards BNP's planned march from Woolwich to Lewisham Islamic Centre on Saturday, 1 June 2013. As you will be aware, the aim and purpose of the march to conclude in our Borough and outside our Centre is to create discord, division and disunity amongst the people of the of this great Borough. This is not just an attack on Islam, it is an attack on community cohesion, diversity and everything we all stand for. We are one Borough and we are the majority and we must not allow these fringe expressions of hatred incited by groups such as the BNP and EDL start to flourish on our doorstep. ... read full story / add a comment
national / gender and sexuality Monday May 27, 2013 - 21:01 by Turing
After hearing the comments from the Minister for health we urge you to help us continue to fight this very important cause. Here is a template we ask you to send to as many TD'S SENATORS AND COUNSELORS. Not just in your own area but to them all I will post all their addresses also. Again Thank you so much for your support if we all pull together we can make this happen.... Please can you share this and encourage your friends to do so as well. ... read full story / add a comment
national / bin tax / household tax / water tax Monday May 27, 2013 - 20:00 by Turing
The CAHWT today responded to a claim by Revenue spokesperson, Vivienne Dempsey, that payment of the property tax is "inevitable". CAHWT spokesperson, Ruth Coppinger, said : "There is nothing inevitable about paying the property tax. People can and will choose to take part in a boycott as a way of exerting political pressure on the government. Hundreds of thousands are likely to take part in an organised boycott of this unjust bondholder tax. Many have simply decided they have no more to give." ... read full story / add a comment
international / arts and media Thursday May 23, 2013 - 12:34 by Return Fire
Our new zine Return Fire is now available. It's a diverse mix with liberatory aims, which we hope to be informative and inspiring for anyone who decides to make their life a weapon against the dominant order. ... read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism Thursday May 23, 2013 - 10:44 by Eugene Mc Cartan
Building the people’s resistance and presenting an alternative direction for all our people, north and south—beginning the difficult but necessary re-conquest of Ireland for and by its people—is the task that the National Executive Committee and all the party have set themselves as we begin to prepare for our 25th National Congress in 2014. ... read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism Wednesday May 22, 2013 - 11:58 by Turing
Anarchists Condemn G8 Scaremongering - press release Date: Wed, 2013-05-22 09:37 In response to yesterday’s Irish News (Mon 20 May 2013) front page article, “Police to Occupy hundreds of vacant premises in Belfast during G8”, the Workers Solidarity Movement condemned security forces scaremongering in the media. A spokesperson for the All-Ireland anarchist organisation said: “These kind of absurd and over-the-top scare stories are aimed not so much at intimidating anarchists, but the concerned citizens, trade unionists and others wanting to show their opposition to the offensive waste of money on this pointless G8 charade. ... read full story / add a comment
international / worker & community struggles and protests Monday May 13, 2013 - 20:10 by Turing
Press statement: Joe Higgins TD Joe Higgins TD seeks topical issue debate tomorrow in Dáil on Bus Eireann strike Challenge Minister Varadkar on his desire to engineer privatisation of company Despite possibility of talks there is no basis to call of strike until cuts in pay and conditions are rescinded Following on from his previous statement of support for the striking Bus Eireann workers and his subsequent visits to the picket lines in Broadstone and Busaras Joe Higgins TD has today submitted a request to the Ceann Comhairle for a topical issue debate to be held in the Dáil tomorrow on the dispute: "I want an opportunity tomorrow to put directly to Minister Varadkar the points that the workers on the picket line made to me about this dispute. It is undeniable that Minister Varadkar supports the wholesale privatisation of Bus Eireann and is willing to use his position in government to help engineer that end. I want to put to him directly points that were made to me about the levels of six figure executive pay in the firm, recent pay hikes these top brass have obtained and the €70 million that has been banked by CIE. It has been raised with me and party colleagues by some of the workers that the government want the company to financially sink as a prelude to selling it off. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Friday May 10, 2013 - 02:42 by Republican Sinn Féin Galway
With the release of the survey by the National Youth Council of Ireland stating that over 300,000 Irish people have been forced to emigrate from the state in the last four years we should stand back and take stock of what is once again happening in this country. ... read full story / add a comment
national / worker & community struggles and protests Thursday May 09, 2013 - 15:10 by Turing
9 May 2013 Press statement: Joe Higgins TD Supreme Court ruling on Registered Employment Agreements poses need for organising drive by union movement as first step in protection of conditions Commenting on today's Supreme Court ruling that Registered Employment Agreements are unconstitutional Joe Higgins TD said: "The striking down by the Supreme Court of the REAs will be seen by employers and sub contractors as a signal for a savage attack on the wages and conditions of workers. The trade union movement should immediately declare that any such attacks will be met by all out action and must now go on the offensive to ensure that wages and conditions provided for by the REAs remain intact. "Today's ruling is further proof that the judiciary in the final analysis contains an inherent bias against the interests of working people. Employers have allies in the top echelons of the state who are prepared to strike down the legal underpining of conditions in the private sector that exceed the statutory minimum wage. ... read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression Wednesday May 08, 2013 - 11:32 by dublin1916society
Formation of Dublin's first 1916 society ... read full story / add a comment
national / gender and sexuality Wednesday May 01, 2013 - 15:46 by Turing
Press Release from Action On X Abortion Bill will deter despairing women and put lives at risk Expert Group recommendations ignored Chilling factor must go – decriminalise abortion Action on X today welcomed the publication of the government's draft Bill on abortion, but regard it as having many shortcomings. Spokesperson Sinead Kennedy said: “The proposal to make a despairing, suicidal woman or girl go through at least three, and possibly six examinations in order to end an unwanted pregnancy shows a callous disregard for women's lives. Faced with the possibility of refusal by one or more doctors and an onerous appeals procedure, a woman is likely to go overseas. Those who are too poor or too ill to travel are likely to become more despairing, increasing the risk to their lives.” ... read full story / add a comment
national / gender and sexuality Saturday April 27, 2013 - 20:14 by Turing
Galway Pro-Choice condemns the passing of three motions at today's Fianna Fail Ard Fheis which oppose suicide being included as a ground for abortion under proposed X Case legislation. In particular, we condemn the decision of the Galway East Comhairle Dáil Ceantair of Fianna Fáil to propose one of these motions which would continue to place women’s lives in danger. Orlaith Reidy of Galway Pro Choice said: “The motions presented to the Ard Fheis reveal a fundamental disregard for women's health. As Dr. Peadar O'Grady of Doctors for Choice has outlined, denying women the right to choose is a key cause of suicidality among pregnant women, and maternal deaths have markedly declined in countries where abortion is available.” ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism Tuesday April 16, 2013 - 11:14 by Turing
On Sunday April 14, Bolivarian candidate Nicolas Maduro won the Venezuelan presidential election by a narrow margin. With 99.12% of the votes counted, there was a 78.71% turn out, with Maduro receiving 7,505,378 votes (50.66%), and Capriles 7,270,403 votes (49.07%). Opposition candidate Capriles declared that he does not recognise the result and demanded an audit of 100% of the vote. On Monday April 15 Capriles made a speech, which was broadcast live by all private TV stations as well as CNN Spanish. In it he refused to recognise the election results and called for mobilisations to demand a full manual recount of the vote. These included a national pots and pans banging protest on Monday at 8 pm, marches on the regional offices of the National Electoral Council (CNE) on Tuesday 16, as well as a march on the CNE in Caracas on Wednesday 17. At the same time both the Organisation of American States president Insulza and the United States declared that they were also in favour of a full recount. The Spanish government added its voice to the chorus and said they did not recognise the results of the elections. ... read full story / add a comment |