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national / eu / press release Tuesday September 29, 2009 15:01 by Barry McColgan
Barry McColgan National Organiser Ógra Shinn Féin Your vote is void, please vote again. This effectively is the message being sent out by the incumbent Dublin Government as citizens across the 26 Counties are being asked to go to the polls again on Friday 2nd October to be good ‘wee’ Europeans and deliver the ‘right’ vote this time around on the Lisbon Treaty. read full story / add a comment ![]()
dublin / eu / opinion/analysis Monday September 28, 2009 18:20 by Terawrizt
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New anti-Lisbon treaty music video i have released in aid of the No campaign. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Sunday September 27, 2009 19:46 by Edward Horgan
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This weekend, Shannon airport was almost deserted of civilian air traffic. However, its transformation into a WARPORT is no longer just a slogan, it comes close to reality. On Saturday the usual OMNI Air US troop-carrying planes were joined by a Hercules C130 probably transporting munitions to the US wars on Afghanistan, Pakistan or Iraq. An oil-tanker was docked at the Shannon airport Jetty delivering aviation fuel to fuel the aircraft including the warplanes. On Sunday Top-Oil oil company was refuelling another Hercules C130 in the centre of the airport. An Irish Army patrol performed security duties, instead of arresting the potential war criminals. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / feature Saturday September 26, 2009 11:16 by Fionuala Cregan
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While a self selected group of world leaders congregate behind a sea of security and police controls in downtown Pittsburgh, up in the Hill District a different kind of movement is beginning to be built. read full story / add a comment
national / worker & community struggles and protests / press release Wednesday September 23, 2009 14:51 by Darragh O'Connor
30th Septmeber, 1pm, Parnell Square, Dublin - Thousands of Community workers, activists and ordinary people will protest against the current round of cuts and those proposed in McCarthy's "Bord Snip Nua" report. read full story / add a comment
dublin / eu / event notice Wednesday September 23, 2009 13:38 by Socialist Party
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Joe Higgins MEP debates the Lisbon Treaty read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice / news report Tuesday September 22, 2009 04:04 by iosaf
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Back when Michael Jackson died a military-industrial-corporate coup d'etat began in Honduras with collusion of a section of the Pentagon, pharmaceutical corporations, Honduran judges & transnational lobbies. The coup resulted in the exile of the legitimate Honduran president, flown out of his state in his pyjamas to Costa Rica, whose leader would later try without success to broker a 7 point agreement. The usurpation of Zelaya took on greater significance as geopolitical balances changed in the Latin American hemisphere. President Zelaya has now returned to the capital of his country with 4 others & is in residence in the Brazilian diplomatic compound as an honoured guest afforded not only ferrero rocher whenever he wants but also the more meaningful political and military protection of Latin America's pre-eminent power, Brazil. Hugo Chavez has described how Zelaya and his team had passed through Honduras, incognito, braving their lives to take up their present position in Brazil's legation. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / other press Monday September 21, 2009 22:48 by Ger Kelly
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Jim Corr is using a selective quote from an article by Giscard d'Estaing to give a completely false impression of what he actually said read full story / add a comment
galway / environment / event notice Sunday September 20, 2009 23:26 by Liamo
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All are welcome to attend a free screning of 'The Age of Stupid' at 8pm, AM 150, Arts Millenium Building, NUIG. read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / miscellaneous / press release Sunday September 20, 2009 13:04 by Paul Ryan
Video Update about new african charity read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Saturday September 19, 2009 14:53 by David L (text) and Adele J King (photos)
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Today, Saturday 19th September, activists from the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) organised a flash mob in Dublin city centre as part of the international campaign of boycott against Israel. The action was targeted against Dead Sea Spa, an Israeli cosmetics firm which has a stall in Jervis Centre in Dublin. The protest coincided with an international day of action against Israeli cosmetics companies, many of whom are based in illegal West Bank Settlements. read full story / add a comment
dublin / worker & community struggles and protests / news report Friday September 18, 2009 21:49 by Paula Geraghty
Coke Workers picket outside Coca Cola HQ on Baggot Street Dublin. read full story / add a comment
national / eu / other press Thursday September 17, 2009 16:11 by IT reader
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Sinn Féin has been canvassing around the country in support of a No vote in the upcoming Lisbon Treaty. Even the Pro-Treaty Irish Times has been forced to report that reaction has generally been positive towards the party. Mary Lou McDonald has been especially effective as a canvasser, since people trust her knowledge of Europe and the EU. Of course, as journalists are noting, people in Ireland are very knowledgeable themselves on the Treaty. The fact that the Yes side are steadfastly refusing to discuss the text, instead trying to turn this into a referendum on the country's membership of the EU, speaks volumes to most people. read full story / add a comment
national / education / press release Thursday September 17, 2009 10:07 by Republican Student
On Saturday, 29th of August, members of Sinn Féin’s college cumainn from all across Ireland gathered in the Party’s Ard Oifig, Baile Átha Cliath in order to plan and build for the coming college year. The day was a mix of teambuilding, presentations and workshops intended to help forge a common identity as college cumainn, build relationships and exchange ideas which would better equip republican students in each campus. Workshops on Education, Finance, Public relations, Campaigns and Recruitment were run on a collective basis by those present – sharing views and ideas across Ireland from Universities, ITs and Colleges. The Uladh Colleges Comhairle Ceantair gave a presentation to the university cumainn from the other three provinces on the model which they have developed during the last year – showing the advantages of efficient communication between third level campuses and the pooling of resources in a particular geographic area. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / other press Tuesday September 15, 2009 11:38 by SavedByFerrets
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Baxter have secured an immunity from liability from the Irish government in the event that their rushed to market swine flu vaccine has "unforseen" problems. Essentially If your kids die or get sick as a direct result of taking their vaccine then tough luck read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday September 14, 2009 16:45 by Allen Meagher
The campaign to save Community Development Projects from cuts has gone from 0-60mph in the space of a week. read full story / add a comment
international / eu / news report Monday September 14, 2009 14:29 by DSF
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Speaking during a Sinn Féin canvass in Dublin city centre today Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams yesterday urged voters to reject the Lisbon Treaty '”in order to build a Fairer Ireland and a Better Europe”. Membersof the party distributed leaflets in Dublin city centre asking people to reflect on why they were being asked to vote again. Responses varied, with most people saying they were going to vote the same way they did last year. However a worrying number of people were confused by the government's campaign on the treaty, and were unclear on the status of the so-called guarantees. read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / news report Saturday September 12, 2009 15:52 by IshtarCelt
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One of the original protagonists of the Cuban revolution, Juan Almeida Bosque, has died of heart failure at the age of 82, according to state media. Almeida was one of several vice-presidents in the Council of State under Raul Castro. He was the only black commander in the Cuban leadership. From a poor Havana neighbourhood, Almeida was in the group of guerrillas led by Fidel Castro which eventually seized power in Cuba in 1959. read full story / add a comment
national / animal rights / news report Thursday September 10, 2009 22:54 by ARAN
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Kicking off a visual demonstration outside Harold’s cross stadium and working our way with the help of local activists in Northern Ireland down through Cork city, campaigners and supporters of Animal Rights Action Network held peaceful protests and tabling events to highlight the cruel greyhound racing industry in Ireland. During a week of action from August 24 to 30 we worked hard to get the facts out to the general public about the cruelty and exploitation of greyhounds in the racing industry. Over the week and during the month of September ARAN will be working hard to raise awareness of the Irish campaign to abolish cruel greyhound racing and to educate people about the horrors of what gentle greyhounds endure before, during and after their racing lives. read full story / add a comment
tipperary / animal rights / news report Thursday September 10, 2009 20:24 by Bernie Wright
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An allegation that the offices of the Sporting Press in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, which describes itself as the “official organ of the Irish Coursing Club (ICC), has been raided within the past few days by the Garda Fraud Squad has been leaked by Coursing supporters. This allegation is contained on an Internet chat forum called the “Greyhound Knowledge Forum”. In the course of an exchange of views and comments by forum members, mainly in relation to Minister John Gormley’s upcoming decision on whether to grant a hare-netting license to the ICC, a person calling himself “Vinny Grennan” refers specifically to the presence of the Fraud Squad in the Sporting Press offices in Clonmel. read full story / add a comment |