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international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Thursday March 30, 2006 05:26 by Ploughshares
Phil Pritchard & Toby Olditch had their appeal turned down in the House of Lords. Appeal matters arose out of their initial pre-trial hearing. Phil & Toby, who attended the trial of the Pit Stop Ploughshares last March in Dublin, acted to stop U.S. B-52 bombardment of Iraq from RAF Fairford. B52's dropped napalm, cluster bombs & fuel air explosives over Iraq. read full story / add a comment
international / racism & migration related issues / other press Wednesday March 29, 2006 21:05 by Tara-ist
"This matter is not closed. I will persist until Sinn Féin staff, those who have become instrumental in the movement toward peace and the implementation of the Good Friday Accords, are removed as well," Higgins said. read full story / add a comment
kerry / history and heritage / event notice Wednesday March 29, 2006 17:56 by Find mac Cumhaill
A commemoration to mark the 90th Anniversary of the death of The O' Rahilly, will take place at Ballylongford, Co. Kerry; on Sunday 23rd April 2006. The main speaker of the Commemoration will be Dereck Warfield of the 'Wolfe Tones'. All are invited read full story / add a comment
dublin / miscellaneous / event notice Wednesday March 29, 2006 16:41 by A
Talk on civil society rights and participation, with an emphasis on environmental issues and reference to Nicaragua. read full story / add a comment
dublin / arts and media / event notice Wednesday March 29, 2006 15:50 by Conor O'Higgins
The Ultimate Comment ( and friends are organising a public shamanic trance session in Dundrum shopping centre. read full story / add a comment
dublin / animal rights / event notice Wednesday March 29, 2006 15:02 by Laura Broxson
Hi, As most of you will already know The Body Shop are due to be taken over by French cosmetics giant L'Oreal (who test their products on animals), who in turn are part owned by one of the worlds most campaigned against companies Nestlé (who also carry out tests on animals). Although The Body Shop has had some what of a shady past in regards to its union related activities and claims of false advertising, it has remained in most peoples opinion the most ethical multinational around. Not anymore! See for more information. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Wednesday March 29, 2006 14:41 by Shannon
As an American, I am completely fed up with the "war on terror" going on in Iraq and the constant screw-ups along made along the way. Yesterday, I read that Ayad Allawi, Iraq's former interim learder has consented that Iraq is involved in a Civil War, yet the US Idiot cannot seem to figure that out. Now today, I brouse through The Guardian, and discover a story relating tales of terror detainees barred from trials in the US courts, and awaiting judgement on their right to a trial. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / other press Wednesday March 29, 2006 14:15 by cleaves
The people’s movement in LA, France, Thailand, China, Philippines, the South Americas etc., verifies a power dynamic outlined in an earlier paper: “…the erosion and final dissolution of power concentrated in specific locations is rapidly occurring today. The ultra-right/left authoritarian contractionism we witness today is symptomatic of its failure to harmoniously engage the greater (world) dynamic. The ‘greater’ the contractionism/antagonism the greater attraction it creates for precisely those forces and conditions that would equalise it [dispersion] in the broader world context.” read full story / add a comment
international / animal rights / other press Wednesday March 29, 2006 14:14 by pat c
Just to show that Islam isnt all doom gloom, heres a story which wont ruffle your feathers. When he heard he was going to be turned into soup a cockerel crowed "Allah". His owner then was too chicken to kill him. Theres an excerpt below and you can read the full story at the link. pat read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Wednesday March 29, 2006 13:30 by Mick
What are the causes? This is not scientific but I believe that a scientific study would probably identify these factors in order of significane. 1. Public ignorance and stupidity. 2. Speeding 3. Alcohol and drugs. 4. Poor driving tests and skills and lack of knowledge of the rules of the road. 5. Poor secondary roads. 6. Poor enforcement of road laws by police and lenient punishments for offenders. 7. Increased road usuge and congestion in urban areas. Most importantly - "What is the solution?" read full story / add a comment
national / health / disability issues / opinion/analysis Wednesday March 29, 2006 13:29 by Miriam Cotton
I don’t know the last time the Irish Examiner bothered to write about the subject of disability but it is a certainty that the issue is not a priority for the paper’s editors in the normal run of events and it has negligible coverage in its pages. For instance, if you compare its coverage of the subject of horseracing or business issues, disability trails well behind either despite its significance to huge numbers of people. read full story / add a comment
antrim / worker & community struggles and protests / news report Wednesday March 29, 2006 13:26 by non-payer
1pm Saturday 1st April outside Belfast City Hall read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Wednesday March 29, 2006 13:16 by Garrett Mullan
This week the NCCRI (National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism) launched a handbook on Seeking Advice and Redress Against Racism in Ireland. However there are wild discrepancies in recording of racism in Ireland as compared to Britain. Show Racism the Red Card has a report form on its website and is hoping to gather research to illustrate the true extent of racism in Ireland. read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Wednesday March 29, 2006 12:43 by Garrett Mullan
As the Setanta Cup completes the group stages, some managers speak their mind about this cross border competition. Northern Ireland manager Lawrie Sanchez said: "Football has the power to build bridges, promote respect and bring communities together. We believe supporters are the lifeblood of the game and that sectarianism and racism should have no place in football or society. The Setanta cup is going some way to building bridges" read full story / add a comment
dublin / housing / event notice Wednesday March 29, 2006 10:22 by Barry Finnegan
With deadly prizes, a brilliant raffle for lots of wee goodies, a bit of a laugh and good craic for a good cause. read full story / add a comment
national / animal rights / press release Wednesday March 29, 2006 01:17 by Spokesperson, Bernie Wright.
600 litters of dogs on average are advertised weekly in newspapers, periodicals and free adds papers here in Ireland. 400 DOGS FOR SALE adds appear on average in one free adds paper alone, many of these for up to nine different breeds, the majority of which are being raised on PUPPY FARMS here in Ireland. Other adds appear on notice boards everywhere with photos of cute pups, obviously a little money spinner for people who breed their animals at home.Many people who buy a pup do not realise they are causing untold misery for the pups mother who lives her life virtually 'in pup' and many report buying the saddest, sickest pup just to save it.In reality this easy money prompts the breeder to continue. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Wednesday March 29, 2006 00:48 by Coilín ÓhAiseadha
The Liberal-Conservative Danish government refuses to give the Socialist People’s Party access to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ registers of correspondence concerning the controversial cartoons of the Prophet, which provoked demonstrations and attacks on Danish embassies in the Middle East in January. The chairman of the Socialist People’s Party, Villy Søvndal, accuses the government of "deliberately trying to keep secret things they don’t want people to know about” - particularly further documentation for the fact that Muslim organisations and ambassadors warned the government in advance that things could turn nasty if it did not engage in diplomatic initiatives to distance itself from the cartoons. The government will now have to explain its stance in the Foreign Policy Committee. Please read my translation of a recent article from the website of the Danish daily paper, Politiken. read full story / add a comment
cork / environment / news report Tuesday March 28, 2006 19:41 by Mark C
Gay Byrne, it was announced today, has been appointed as the new chairman of the Road Safety Authority. Let’s see how a cynical and ‘benefit of the doubt’ approach could work to this “news”. read full story / add a comment
dublin / environment / event notice Tuesday March 28, 2006 19:01 by Ronan
Imagine 40% of Ireland unable to heat their homes, or petrol €5 a liter at the pump, and cheap air travel a thing of the past. The world as we know it is moving from an era of cheap abundant energy to an era of scare hard to get, expensive energy. Ireland is now the 7th most dependent oil economy in the world and with no security of supply what kind of future do we face? read full story / add a comment
international / worker & community struggles and protests / news report Tuesday March 28, 2006 18:17 by Dave Lordan
Red Tuesday in France and Britain read full story / add a comment |